| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| |
| ''' |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| distributed with this work for additional information |
| regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| ''' |
| |
| import socket |
| import time |
| import sys |
| import logging |
| import os |
| from ambari_commons import subprocess32 |
| |
| from ambari_commons import OSCheck, OSConst |
| from ambari_commons.os_family_impl import OsFamilyFuncImpl, OsFamilyImpl |
| from ambari_commons.os_utils import get_ambari_repo_file_full_name |
| |
| if OSCheck.is_windows_family(): |
| import urllib2 |
| |
| from ambari_commons.exceptions import FatalException |
| from ambari_commons.os_utils import run_os_command |
| |
| |
| |
| INSTALL_DRIVE = os.path.splitdrive(__file__.replace('/', os.sep))[0] |
| AMBARI_INSTALL_ROOT = os.path.join(INSTALL_DRIVE, os.sep, "ambari") |
| AMBARI_AGENT_INSTALL_SYMLINK = os.path.join(AMBARI_INSTALL_ROOT, "ambari-agent") |
| |
| def _ret_init(ret): |
| if not ret: |
| ret = {'exitstatus': 0, 'log': ('', '')} |
| return ret |
| |
| def _ret_append_stdout(ret, stdout): |
| temp_stdout = ret['log'][0] |
| temp_stderr = ret['log'][1] |
| if stdout: |
| if temp_stdout: |
| temp_stdout += os.linesep |
| temp_stdout += stdout |
| ret['log'] = (temp_stdout, temp_stderr) |
| |
| def _ret_append_stderr(ret, stderr): |
| temp_stdout = ret['log'][0] |
| temp_stderr = ret['log'][1] |
| if stderr: |
| if temp_stderr: |
| temp_stderr += os.linesep |
| temp_stderr += stderr |
| ret['log'] = (temp_stdout, temp_stderr) |
| |
| def _ret_merge(ret, retcode, stdout, stderr): |
| ret['exitstatus'] = retcode |
| temp_stdout = ret['log'][0] |
| temp_stderr = ret['log'][1] |
| if stdout: |
| if temp_stdout: |
| temp_stdout += os.linesep |
| temp_stdout += stdout |
| if stderr: |
| if temp_stderr: |
| temp_stderr += os.linesep |
| temp_stderr += stderr |
| ret['log'] = (temp_stdout, temp_stderr) |
| return ret |
| |
| def _ret_merge2(ret, ret2): |
| return _ret_merge(ret, ret2['exitstatus'], ret['log'][0], ret['log'][1]) |
| |
| |
| @OsFamilyFuncImpl(OSConst.WINSRV_FAMILY) |
| def execOsCommand(osCommand, tries=1, try_sleep=0, ret=None, cwd=None): |
| ret = _ret_init(ret) |
| |
| for i in range(0, tries): |
| if i > 0: |
| time.sleep(try_sleep) |
| _ret_append_stderr(ret, "Retrying " + str(osCommand)) |
| |
| retcode, stdout, stderr = run_os_command(osCommand, cwd=cwd) |
| _ret_merge(ret, retcode, stdout, stderr) |
| if retcode == 0: |
| break |
| |
| return ret |
| |
| @OsFamilyFuncImpl(OsFamilyImpl.DEFAULT) |
| def execOsCommand(osCommand, tries=1, try_sleep=0, ret=None, cwd=None): |
| ret = _ret_init(ret) |
| |
| for i in range(0, tries): |
| if i>0: |
| time.sleep(try_sleep) |
| |
| osStat = subprocess32.Popen(osCommand, stdout=subprocess32.PIPE, cwd=cwd) |
| log = osStat.communicate(0) |
| ret = {"exitstatus": osStat.returncode, "log": log} |
| |
| if ret['exitstatus'] == 0: |
| break |
| |
| return ret |
| |
| def installAgent(projectVersion, ret=None): |
| """ Run install and make sure the agent install alright """ |
| # The command doesn't work with file mask ambari-agent*.rpm, so rename it on agent host |
| if OSCheck.is_suse_family(): |
| Command = ["zypper", "--no-gpg-checks", "install", "-y", "ambari-agent-" + projectVersion] |
| elif OSCheck.is_ubuntu_family(): |
| # add * to end of version in case of some test releases |
| Command = ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "--allow-unauthenticated", "ambari-agent=" + projectVersion + "*"] |
| elif OSCheck.is_windows_family(): |
| packageParams = "/AmbariRoot:" + AMBARI_INSTALL_ROOT |
| Command = ["cmd", "/c", "choco", "install", "-y", "ambari-agent", "--version=" + projectVersion, "--params=\"" + packageParams + "\""] |
| else: |
| Command = ["yum", "-y", "install", "--nogpgcheck", "ambari-agent-" + projectVersion] |
| return execOsCommand(Command, tries=3, try_sleep=10, ret=ret) |
| |
| |
| @OsFamilyFuncImpl(OSConst.WINSRV_FAMILY) |
| def configureAgent(server_hostname, user_run_as, ret=None): |
| #Customize ambari-agent.ini & register the Ambari Agent service |
| agentSetupCmd = ["cmd", "/c", "ambari-agent.cmd", "setup", "--hostname=" + server_hostname] |
| return execOsCommand(agentSetupCmd, tries=3, try_sleep=10, cwd=AMBARI_AGENT_INSTALL_SYMLINK, ret=ret) |
| |
| @OsFamilyFuncImpl(OsFamilyImpl.DEFAULT) |
| def configureAgent(server_hostname, user_run_as, ret=None): |
| """ Configure the agent so that it has all the configs knobs properly installed """ |
| osCommand = ["sed", "-i.bak", "s/hostname=localhost/hostname=" + server_hostname + |
| "/g", "/etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini"] |
| ret = execOsCommand(osCommand, ret=ret) |
| if ret['exitstatus'] != 0: |
| return ret |
| osCommand = ["sed", "-i.bak", "s/run_as_user=.*$/run_as_user=" + user_run_as + |
| "/g", "/etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini"] |
| ret = execOsCommand(osCommand, ret=ret) |
| return ret |
| |
| @OsFamilyFuncImpl(OSConst.WINSRV_FAMILY) |
| def runAgent(passPhrase, expected_hostname, user_run_as, verbose, ret=None): |
| ret = _ret_init(ret) |
| |
| #Invoke ambari-agent restart as a child process |
| agentRestartCmd = ["cmd", "/c", "ambari-agent.cmd", "restart"] |
| return execOsCommand(agentRestartCmd, tries=3, try_sleep=10, cwd=AMBARI_AGENT_INSTALL_SYMLINK, ret=ret) |
| |
| @OsFamilyFuncImpl(OsFamilyImpl.DEFAULT) |
| def runAgent(passPhrase, expected_hostname, user_run_as, verbose, ret=None): |
| os.environ[AMBARI_PASSPHRASE_VAR] = passPhrase |
| vo = "" |
| if verbose: |
| vo = " -v" |
| cmd = ['su', user_run_as, '-l', '-c', '/usr/sbin/ambari-agent restart --expected-hostname=%1s %2s' % (expected_hostname, vo)] |
| log = "" |
| p = subprocess32.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess32.PIPE) |
| p.communicate() |
| agent_retcode = p.returncode |
| for i in range(3): |
| time.sleep(1) |
| ret = execOsCommand(["tail", "-20", "/var/log/ambari-agent/ambari-agent.log"], ret=ret) |
| if (0 == ret['exitstatus']): |
| try: |
| log = ret['log'] |
| except Exception: |
| log = "Log not found" |
| print log |
| break |
| return {"exitstatus": agent_retcode, "log": log} |
| |
| @OsFamilyFuncImpl(OSConst.WINSRV_FAMILY) |
| def checkVerbose(): |
| verbose = False |
| if os.path.exists(AMBARI_AGENT_INSTALL_SYMLINK): |
| agentStatusCmd = ["cmd", "/c", "ambari-agent.cmd", "status"] |
| ret = execOsCommand(agentStatusCmd, tries=3, try_sleep=10, cwd=AMBARI_AGENT_INSTALL_SYMLINK) |
| if ret["exitstatus"] == 0 and ret["log"][0].find("running") != -1: |
| verbose = True |
| return verbose |
| |
| @OsFamilyFuncImpl(OsFamilyImpl.DEFAULT) |
| def checkVerbose(): |
| verbose = False |
| cmds = ["bash", "-c", "ps aux | grep 'AmbariAgent.py' | grep ' \-v'"] |
| cmdl = ["bash", "-c", "ps aux | grep 'AmbariAgent.py' | grep ' \--verbose'"] |
| if execOsCommand(cmds)["exitstatus"] == 0 or execOsCommand(cmdl)["exitstatus"] == 0: |
| verbose = True |
| return verbose |
| |
| @OsFamilyFuncImpl(OSConst.WINSRV_FAMILY) |
| def getOptimalVersion(initialProjectVersion): |
| optimalVersion = initialProjectVersion |
| ret = findNearestAgentPackageVersion(optimalVersion) |
| if ret["exitstatus"] == 0 and ret["log"][0].strip() != "" and initialProjectVersion \ |
| and ret["log"][0].strip().startswith(initialProjectVersion): |
| optimalVersion = ret["log"][0].strip() |
| retcode = 0 |
| else: |
| ret = getAvailableAgentPackageVersions() |
| retcode = 1 |
| optimalVersion = ret["log"] |
| |
| return {"exitstatus": retcode, "log": optimalVersion} |
| |
| @OsFamilyFuncImpl(OsFamilyImpl.DEFAULT) |
| def getOptimalVersion(initialProjectVersion): |
| optimalVersion = initialProjectVersion |
| ret = findNearestAgentPackageVersion(optimalVersion) |
| if ret["exitstatus"] == 0 and ret["log"][0].strip() != "" \ |
| and ret["log"][0].strip() == initialProjectVersion: |
| optimalVersion = ret["log"][0].strip() |
| retcode = 0 |
| else: |
| ret = getAvailableAgentPackageVersions() |
| retcode = 1 |
| optimalVersion = ret["log"] |
| |
| return {"exitstatus": retcode, "log": optimalVersion} |
| |
| |
| def findNearestAgentPackageVersion(projectVersion): |
| if projectVersion == "": |
| projectVersion = " " |
| if OSCheck.is_suse_family(): |
| Command = ["bash", "-c", "zypper --no-gpg-checks --non-interactive -q search -s --match-exact ambari-agent | grep '" + projectVersion + |
| "' | cut -d '|' -f 4 | head -n1 | sed -e 's/-\w[^:]*//1' "] |
| elif OSCheck.is_windows_family(): |
| listPackagesCommand = ["cmd", "/c", "choco list ambari-agent --pre --all | findstr " + projectVersion + " > agentPackages.list"] |
| execOsCommand(listPackagesCommand) |
| Command = ["cmd", "/c", "powershell", "get-content agentPackages.list | select-object -last 1 | foreach-object {$_ -replace 'ambari-agent ', ''}"] |
| elif OSCheck.is_ubuntu_family(): |
| if projectVersion == " ": |
| Command = ["bash", "-c", "apt-cache -q show ambari-agent |grep 'Version\:'|cut -d ' ' -f 2|tr -d '\\n'|sed -s 's/[-|~][A-Za-z0-9]*//'"] |
| else: |
| Command = ["bash", "-c", "apt-cache -q show ambari-agent |grep 'Version\:'|cut -d ' ' -f 2|grep '" + |
| projectVersion + "'|tr -d '\\n'|sed -s 's/[-|~][A-Za-z0-9]*//'"] |
| else: |
| Command = ["bash", "-c", "yum -q list all ambari-agent | grep '" + projectVersion + |
| "' | sed -re 's/\s+/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | head -n1 | sed -e 's/-\w[^:]*//1' "] |
| return execOsCommand(Command) |
| |
| def isAgentPackageAlreadyInstalled(projectVersion): |
| if OSCheck.is_ubuntu_family(): |
| Command = ["bash", "-c", "dpkg-query -W -f='${Status} ${Version}\n' ambari-agent | grep -v deinstall | grep " + projectVersion] |
| elif OSCheck.is_windows_family(): |
| Command = ["cmd", "/c", "choco list ambari-agent --local-only | findstr ambari-agent | findstr " + projectVersion] |
| else: |
| Command = ["bash", "-c", "rpm -qa | grep ambari-agent-"+projectVersion] |
| ret = execOsCommand(Command) |
| res = False |
| if ret["exitstatus"] == 0 and ret["log"][0].strip() != "": |
| res = True |
| return res |
| |
| def getAvailableAgentPackageVersions(): |
| if OSCheck.is_suse_family(): |
| Command = ["bash", "-c", |
| "zypper --no-gpg-checks --non-interactive -q search -s --match-exact ambari-agent | grep ambari-agent | sed -re 's/\s+/ /g' | cut -d '|' -f 4 | tr '\\n' ', ' | sed -s 's/[-|~][A-Za-z0-9]*//g'"] |
| elif OSCheck.is_windows_family(): |
| Command = ["cmd", "/c", "choco list ambari-agent --pre --all | findstr ambari-agent"] |
| elif OSCheck.is_ubuntu_family(): |
| Command = ["bash", "-c", |
| "apt-cache -q show ambari-agent|grep 'Version\:'|cut -d ' ' -f 2| tr '\\n' ', '|sed -s 's/[-|~][A-Za-z0-9]*//g'"] |
| else: |
| Command = ["bash", "-c", |
| "yum -q list all ambari-agent | grep -E '^ambari-agent' | sed -re 's/\s+/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | tr '\\n' ', ' | sed -s 's/[-|~][A-Za-z0-9]*//g'"] |
| return execOsCommand(Command) |
| |
| def checkServerReachability(host, port): |
| ret = {} |
| s = socket.socket() |
| try: |
| s.connect((host, port)) |
| ret = {"exitstatus": 0, "log": ""} |
| except Exception: |
| ret["exitstatus"] = 1 |
| ret["log"] = "Host registration aborted. Ambari Agent host cannot reach Ambari Server '" +\ |
| host+":"+str(port) + "'. " +\ |
| "Please check the network connectivity between the Ambari Agent host and the Ambari Server" |
| return ret |
| |
| # Command line syntax help |
| # IsOptional Index Description |
| # 0 Expected host name |
| # 1 Password |
| # 2 Host name |
| # 3 User to run agent as |
| # X 4 Project Version (Ambari) |
| # X 5 Server port |
| def parseArguments(argv=None): |
| if argv is None: # make sure that arguments was passed |
| return {"exitstatus": 2, "log": "No arguments were passed"} |
| args = argv[1:] # shift path to script |
| if len(args) < 3: |
| return {"exitstatus": 1, "log": "Not all required arguments were passed"} |
| |
| expected_hostname = args[0] |
| passPhrase = args[1] |
| hostname = args[2] |
| user_run_as = args[3] |
| projectVersion = "" |
| server_port = 8080 |
| |
| if len(args) > 4: |
| projectVersion = args[4] |
| |
| if len(args) > 5: |
| try: |
| server_port = int(args[5]) |
| except (Exception): |
| server_port = 8080 |
| |
| parsed_args = (expected_hostname, passPhrase, hostname, user_run_as, projectVersion, server_port) |
| return {"exitstatus": 0, "log": "", "parsed_args": parsed_args} |
| |
| def run_setup(argv=None): |
| # Parse passed arguments |
| retcode = parseArguments(argv) |
| if (retcode["exitstatus"] != 0): |
| return retcode |
| |
| (expected_hostname, passPhrase, hostname, user_run_as, projectVersion, server_port) = retcode["parsed_args"] |
| |
| retcode = checkServerReachability(hostname, server_port) |
| if (retcode["exitstatus"] != 0): |
| return retcode |
| |
| if projectVersion == "null" or projectVersion == "{ambariVersion}" or projectVersion == "": |
| retcode = getOptimalVersion("") |
| else: |
| retcode = getOptimalVersion(projectVersion) |
| |
| if retcode["exitstatus"] == 0 and retcode["log"] != None and retcode["log"] != "" and retcode["log"][0].strip() != "": |
| availableProjectVersion = retcode["log"].strip() |
| if not isAgentPackageAlreadyInstalled(availableProjectVersion): |
| # Verify that the ambari repo file is available before trying to install ambari-agent |
| ambari_repo_file = get_ambari_repo_file_full_name() |
| if os.path.exists(ambari_repo_file): |
| retcode = installAgent(availableProjectVersion) |
| if (not retcode["exitstatus"] == 0): |
| return retcode |
| else: |
| return {"exitstatus": 2, "log": "Ambari repo file not found: {0}".format(ambari_repo_file)} |
| pass |
| elif retcode["exitstatus"] == 1: |
| if retcode["log"] != None and retcode["log"] != "" and retcode["log"][0].strip() != "": |
| return {"exitstatus": 1, "log": "Desired version ("+projectVersion+") of ambari-agent package" |
| " is not available." |
| " Repository has following " |
| "versions of ambari-agent:"+retcode["log"][0].strip()} |
| else: |
| # We are here because ambari-agent is not installed and version cannot be obtained from the repo file |
| logmessage = "Desired version ("+projectVersion+") of ambari-agent package is not available." |
| ambari_repo_file = get_ambari_repo_file_full_name() |
| if not os.path.exists(ambari_repo_file): |
| logmessage = logmessage + " " + "Ambari repo file not found: {0}".format(ambari_repo_file) |
| return {"exitstatus": retcode["exitstatus"], "log": logmessage} |
| pass |
| else: |
| return retcode |
| |
| retcode = configureAgent(hostname, user_run_as) |
| if retcode['exitstatus'] != 0: |
| return retcode |
| return runAgent(passPhrase, expected_hostname, user_run_as, verbose) |
| |
| def main(argv=None): |
| #Check --verbose option if agent already running |
| global verbose |
| verbose = checkVerbose() |
| if verbose: |
| exitcode = run_setup(argv) |
| else: |
| try: |
| exitcode = run_setup(argv) |
| except Exception, e: |
| exitcode = {"exitstatus": -1, "log": str(e)} |
| return exitcode |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) |
| ret = main(sys.argv) |
| retcode = ret["exitstatus"] |
| print ret["log"] |
| sys.exit(retcode) |