blob: 789a3d01f01093b67ee939eb0c6e38090c2d5c58 [file] [log] [blame]
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from ambari_commons import shell
from .generic_manager import GenericManagerProperties, GenericManager
from .zypper_parser import ZypperParser
from resource_management.core.logger import Logger
import re
class ZypperManagerProperties(GenericManagerProperties):
Class to keep all Package-manager depended properties
locked_output = "System management is locked by the application"
repo_error = "Failure when receiving data from the peer"
repo_manager_bin = "/usr/bin/zypper"
pkg_manager_bin = "/bin/rpm"
repo_update_cmd = [repo_manager_bin, "clean"]
available_packages_cmd = [repo_manager_bin, "--no-gpg-checks", "search", "--uninstalled-only", "--details"]
installed_packages_cmd = [repo_manager_bin, "--no-gpg-checks", "search", "--installed-only", "--details"]
all_packages_cmd = [repo_manager_bin, "--no-gpg-checks", "search", "--details"]
repo_definition_location = "/etc/zypp/repos.d"
install_cmd = {
True: [repo_manager_bin, "install", "--auto-agree-with-licenses", "--no-confirm"],
False: [repo_manager_bin, "--quiet", "install", "--auto-agree-with-licenses", "--no-confirm"]
remove_cmd = {
True: [repo_manager_bin, "remove", "--no-confirm"],
False: [repo_manager_bin, "--quiet", "remove", "--no-confirm"]
verify_dependency_cmd = [repo_manager_bin, "--quiet", "--non-interactive", "verify", "--dry-run"]
list_active_repos_cmd = ['/usr/bin/zypper', 'repos']
installed_package_version_command = [pkg_manager_bin, "-q", "--queryformat", "%{version}-%{release}\n"]
class ZypperManager(GenericManager):
def properties(self):
return ZypperManagerProperties
def get_available_packages_in_repos(self, repos):
Gets all (both installed and available) packages that are available at given repositories.
:type repos resource_management.libraries.functions.repository_util.CommandRepository
:return: installed and available packages from these repositories
available_packages = []
repo_ids = [repository.repo_id for repository in repos.items]
# zypper cant tell from which repository were installed package, as repo r matching by pkg_name
# as result repository would be matched if it contains package with same meta info
if repos.feat.scoped:"Looking for matching packages in the following repositories: {0}".format(", ".join(repo_ids)))
for repo in repo_ids:
else:"Packages will be queried using all available repositories on the system.")
return [package[0] for package in available_packages]
def installed_packages(self, pkg_names=None, repo_filter=None):
Returning list of the installed packages with possibility to filter them by name
:type pkg_names list|set
:type repo_filter str|None
:rtype list[list,]
packages = []
cmd = list(
if repo_filter:
cmd.extend(["--repo=" + repo_filter])
with shell.process_executor(cmd, error_callback=self._executor_error_handler) as output:
for pkg in ZypperParser.packages_reader(output):
if pkg_names and not pkg[0] in pkg_names:
return packages
def available_packages(self, pkg_names=None, repo_filter=None):
Returning list of the available packages with possibility to filter them by name
:type pkg_names list|set
:type repo_filter str|None
:rtype list[list,]
packages = []
cmd = list(
if repo_filter:
cmd.extend(["--repo=" + repo_filter])
with shell.process_executor(cmd, error_callback=self._executor_error_handler) as output:
for pkg in ZypperParser.packages_reader(output):
if pkg_names and not pkg[0] in pkg_names:
return packages
def all_packages(self, pkg_names=None, repo_filter=None):
Returning list of the all packages with possibility to filter them by name
:type pkg_names list|set
:type repo_filter str|None
:rtype list[list,]
packages = []
cmd = list(
if repo_filter:
cmd.extend(["--repo=" + repo_filter])
with shell.process_executor(cmd, error_callback=self._executor_error_handler) as output:
for pkg in ZypperParser.packages_reader(output):
if pkg_names and not pkg[0] in pkg_names:
return packages
def verify_dependencies(self):
Verify that we have no dependency issues in package manager. Dependency issues could appear because of aborted or terminated
package installation process or invalid packages state after manual modification of packages list on the host
:return True if no dependency issues found, False if dependency issue present
:rtype bool
r = shell.subprocess_executor(
pattern = re.compile("\d+ new package(s)? to install")
if r.code or (r.out and
err_msg = Logger.filter_text("Failed to verify package dependencies. Execution of '{0}' returned {1}. {2}".format(, r.code, r.out))
return False
return True
def install_package(self, name, context):
Install package
:type name str
:type context
:raise ValueError if name is empty
if not name:
raise ValueError("Installation command was executed with no package name")
elif context.is_upgrade or context.use_repos or not self._check_existence(name):
cmd =[context.log_output]
if context.use_repos:
active_base_repos = self.get_active_base_repos()
if 'base' in context.use_repos:
# Remove 'base' from use_repos list
use_repos = filter(lambda x: x != 'base', context.use_repos)
use_repos_options = []
for repo in sorted(context.use_repos):
use_repos_options = use_repos_options + ['--repo', repo]
cmd = cmd + use_repos_options
cmd = cmd + [name]"Installing package {0} ('{1}')".format(name, shell.string_cmd_from_args_list(cmd)))
shell.repository_manager_executor(cmd,, context)
else:"Skipping installation of existing package {0}".format(name))
def upgrade_package(self, name, context):
Install package
:type name str
:type context
:raise ValueError if name is empty
context.is_upgrade = True
return self.install_package(name, context)
def remove_package(self, name, context, ignore_dependencies=False):
Remove package
:type name str
:type context
:type ignore_dependencies bool
:raise ValueError if name is empty
if not name:
raise ValueError("Installation command were executed with no package name passed")
elif self._check_existence(name):
cmd =[context.log_output] + [name]"Removing package {0} ('{1}')".format(name, shell.string_cmd_from_args_list(cmd)))
shell.repository_manager_executor(cmd,, context)
else:"Skipping removal of non-existing package {0}".format(name))
def get_active_base_repos(self):
enabled_repos = []
with shell.process_executor(, error_callback=self._executor_error_handler) as output:
for _, repo_name, repo_enabled, _ in ZypperParser.repo_list_reader(output):
if repo_enabled and repo_name.startswith("SUSE-"):
if repo_enabled and ("OSS" in repo_name) or ("OpenSuse" in repo_name):
return enabled_repos
def rpm_check_package_available(self, name):
import rpm # this is faster then calling 'rpm'-binary externally.
ts = rpm.TransactionSet()
packages = ts.dbMatch()
name_regex = re.escape(name).replace("\\?", ".").replace("\\*", ".*") + '$'
regex = re.compile(name_regex)
for package in packages:
if regex.match(package['name']):
return True
return False
def get_installed_package_version(self, package_name):
version = None
cmd = list( + [package_name]
result = shell.subprocess_executor(cmd)
if result.code == 0:
version = result.out.strip().partition(".el")[0]
except IndexError:
return version
def _check_existence(self, name):
For regexp names:
If only part of packages were installed during early canceling.
Let's say:
1. install hbase_2_3_*
2. Only hbase_2_3_1234 is installed, but is not hbase_2_3_1234_regionserver yet.
3. We cancel the zypper
In that case this is bug of packages we require.
And hbase_2_3_*_regionserver should be added to metainfo.xml.
Checking existence should never fail in such a case for hbase_2_3_*, otherwise it
gonna break things like removing packages and some other things.
Note: this method SHOULD NOT use zypper. Because a lot of issues we have, when customer have
zypper in inconsistant state (locked, used, having invalid repo). Once packages are installed
we should not rely on that.
if not name:
raise ValueError("Package name can't be empty")
return self.rpm_check_package_available(name)