blob: ac7ddd499d3804e74b220b0f3894699873146340 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import optparse
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
class VersionBuilder:
Used to build a version definition file
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
if os.path.exists(filename):
tree = ET.ElementTree()
root = tree.getroot()
attribs = {}
attribs['xmlns:xsi'] = ""
attribs['xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation'] = "version_definition.xsd"
root = ET.Element("repository-version", attribs)
ET.SubElement(root, "release")
ET.SubElement(root, "manifest")
ET.SubElement(root, "available-services")
ET.SubElement(root, "repository-info")
self.root_element = root
def persist(self):
Saves the XML file
p = subprocess.Popen(['xmllint', '--format', '--output', self.filename, '-'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate(input=ET.tostring(self.root_element))
def finalize(self, xsd_file):
Validates the XML file against the XSD
args = ['xmllint', '--noout', '--load-trace', '--schema', xsd_file, self.filename]
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(stderr)
if len(stdout) > 0:
if len(stderr) > 0:
def set_release(self, type=None, stack=None, version=None, build=None, notes=None, display=None,
Create elements of the 'release' parent
release_element = self.root_element.find("./release")
if release_element is None:
raise Exception("Element 'release' is not found")
if type:
update_simple(release_element, "type", type)
if stack:
update_simple(release_element, "stack-id", stack)
if version:
update_simple(release_element, "version", version)
if build:
update_simple(release_element, "build", build)
if compatible:
update_simple(release_element, "compatible-with", compatible)
if notes:
update_simple(release_element, "release-notes", notes)
if display:
update_simple(release_element, "display", display)
def set_os(self, os_family, package_version=None):
repo_parent = self.root_element.find("./repository-info")
if repo_parent is None:
raise Exception("'repository-info' element is not found")
os_element = self.findByAttributeValue(repo_parent, "./os", "family", os_family)
if os_element is None:
os_element = ET.SubElement(repo_parent, 'os')
os_element.set('family', os_family)
if package_version:
pv_element = os_element.find("package-version")
if pv_element is None:
pv_element = ET.SubElement(os_element, "package-version")
pv_element.text = package_version
def add_manifest(self, id, service_name, version, version_id=None, release_version=None):
Add a manifest service. A manifest lists all services in a repo, whether they are to be
upgraded or not.
manifest_element = self.root_element.find("./manifest")
if manifest_element is None:
raise Exception("Element 'manifest' is not found")
service_element = self.findByAttributeValue(manifest_element, "./service", "id", id)
if service_element is None:
service_element = ET.SubElement(manifest_element, "service")
service_element.set('id', id)
service_element.set('name', service_name)
service_element.set('version', version)
if version_id:
service_element.set('version-id', version_id)
if release_version:
service_element.set('release-version', release_version)
def add_available(self, manifest_id, available_components=None):
Adds services available to upgrade for patches
manifest_element = self.root_element.find("./manifest")
if manifest_element is None:
raise Exception("'manifest' element is not found")
service_element = self.findByAttributeValue(manifest_element, "./service", "id", manifest_id)
if service_element is None:
raise Exception("Cannot add an available service for {0}; it's not on the manifest".format(manifest_id))
available_element = self.root_element.find("./available-services")
if available_element is None:
raise Exception("'available-services' is not found")
service_element = self.findByAttributeValue(available_element, "./service", "idref", manifest_id)
if service_element is not None:
service_element = ET.SubElement(available_element, "service")
service_element.set('idref', manifest_id)
if available_components:
components = available_components.split(',')
for component in components:
e = ET.SubElement(service_element, 'component')
e.text = component
def add_repo(self, os_family, repo_id, repo_name, base_url, unique, tags):
Adds a repository
repo_parent = self.root_element.find("./repository-info")
if repo_parent is None:
raise Exception("'repository-info' element is not found")
os_element = self.findByAttributeValue(repo_parent, "./os", "family", os_family)
if os_element is None:
os_element = ET.SubElement(repo_parent, 'os')
os_element.set('family', os_family)
if self.useNewSyntax():
repo_element = os_element.find("./repo/[reponame='{0}']".format(repo_name))
repo_element = self.findByValue(os_element, "./repo/reponame", repo_name)
if repo_element is not None:
repo_element = ET.SubElement(os_element, 'repo')
e = ET.SubElement(repo_element, 'baseurl')
e.text = base_url
e = ET.SubElement(repo_element, 'repoid')
e.text = repo_id
e = ET.SubElement(repo_element, 'reponame')
e.text = repo_name
if unique is not None:
e = ET.SubElement(repo_element, 'unique')
e.text = unique
if tags is not None:
e = ET.SubElement(repo_element, 'tags')
tag_names = tags.split(',')
for tag in tag_names:
t = ET.SubElement(e, 'tag')
t.text = tag
def _check_xmllint(self):
Verifies utility xmllint is available
p = subprocess.Popen(['xmllint', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("xmllint command does not appear to be available")
raise Exception("xmllint command does not appear to be available")
def findByAttributeValue(self, root, element, attribute, value):
if self.useNewSyntax():
return root.find("./{0}[@{1}='{2}']".format(element, attribute, value))
for node in root.findall("{0}".format(element)):
if node.attrib[attribute] == value:
return node
return None;
def findByValue(self, root, element, value):
for node in root.findall("{0}".format(element)):
if node.text == value:
return node
return None
def useNewSyntax(self):
#Python2.7 and newer shipps with ElementTree that supports a different syntax for XPath queries
if major > 3 :
return True
elif major == 2:
return (minor > 6)
return False;
def update_simple(parent, name, value):
Helper method to either update or create the element
element = parent.find('./' + name)
if element is None:
element = ET.SubElement(parent, name)
element.text = value
element.text = value
def process_release(vb, options):
Create elements of the 'release' parent
if options.release_type:
if options.release_stack:
if options.release_version:
if options.release_build:
if options.release_compatible:
if options.release_notes:
if options.release_display:
if options.release_package_version:
def process_manifest(vb, options):
Creates the manifest element
if not options.manifest:
vb.add_manifest(options.manifest_id, options.manifest_service, options.manifest_version, options.manifest_version_id,
def process_available(vb, options):
Processes available service elements
if not options.available:
vb.add_available(options.manifest_id, options.available_components)
def process_os(vb, options):
if not options.os:
vb.set_os(options.os_family, options.os_package_version)
def process_repo(vb, options):
Processes repository options. This method doesn't update or create individual elements, it
creates the entire repo structure
if not options.repo:
vb.add_repo(options.repo_os, options.repo_id, options.repo_name, options.repo_url,
options.unique, options.repo_tags)
def validate_manifest(parser, options):
Validates manifest options from the command line
if not options.manifest:
template = "When specifying --manifest, {0} is also required"
if not options.manifest_id:
if not options.manifest_service:
if not options.manifest_version:
def validate_available(parser, options):
Validates available service options from the command line
if not options.available:
if not options.manifest_id:
parser.error("When specifying --available, --manifest-id is also required")
def validate_os(parser, options):
if not options.os:
if not options.os_family:
parser.error("When specifying --os, --os-family is also required")
def validate_repo(parser, options):
Validates repo options from the command line
if not options.repo:
template = "When specifying --repo, {0} is also required"
if not options.repo_os:
if not options.repo_url:
if not options.repo_id:
if not options.repo_name:
def main(argv):
parser = optparse.OptionParser(
epilog="OS utility 'xmllint' is required for this tool to function. It handles pretty-printing and XSD validation.")
parser.add_option('--file', dest='filename',
help="The output XML file")
parser.add_option('--finalize', action='store_true', dest='finalize',
help="Finalize and validate the XML file")
parser.add_option('--xsd', dest='xsd_file',
help="The XSD location when finalizing")
parser.add_option('--release-type', type='choice', choices=['STANDARD', 'PATCH', 'MAINT'], dest='release_type' ,
help="Indicate the release type: i.e. STANDARD, PATCH, MAINT")
parser.add_option('--release-stack', dest='release_stack',
help="The stack id: e.g. HDP-2.4")
parser.add_option('--release-version', dest='release_version',
help="The release version without build number: e.g.")
parser.add_option('--release-build', dest='release_build',
help="The release build number: e.g. 1234")
parser.add_option('--release-compatible', dest='release_compatible',
help="Regular Expression string to identify version compatibility for patches: e.g. 2.4.1.[0-9]")
parser.add_option('--release-notes', dest='release_notes',
help="A http link to the documentation notes")
parser.add_option('--release-display', dest='release_display',
help="The display name for this release")
parser.add_option('--release-package-version', dest='release_package_version',
help="Identifier to use when installing packages, generally a part of the package name")
parser.add_option('--manifest', action='store_true', dest='manifest',
help="Add a manifest service with other options: --manifest-id, --manifest-service, --manifest-version, --manifest-version-id, --manifest-release-version")
parser.add_option('--manifest-id', dest='manifest_id',
help="Unique ID for a service in a manifest. Required when specifying --manifest and --available")
parser.add_option('--manifest-service', dest='manifest_service')
parser.add_option('--manifest-version', dest='manifest_version')
parser.add_option('--manifest-version-id', dest='manifest_version_id')
parser.add_option('--manifest-release-version', dest='manifest_release_version')
parser.add_option('--available', action='store_true', dest='available',
help="Add an available service with other options: --manifest-id, --available-components --service-release-version")
parser.add_option('--available-components', dest='available_components',
help="A CSV of service components that are intended to be upgraded via patch. \
Omitting this implies the entire service should be upgraded")
parser.add_option('--os', action='store_true', dest='os', help="Add OS data with options --os-family, --os-package-version")
parser.add_option('--os-family', dest='os_family', help="The operating system: i.e redhat7, debian7, ubuntu12, ubuntu14, suse11, suse12")
parser.add_option('--os-package-version', dest='os_package_version',
help="The package version to use for the OS")
parser.add_option('--repo', action='store_true', dest='repo',
help="Add repository data with options: --repo-os, --repo-url, --repo-id, --repo-name, --repo-unique")
parser.add_option('--repo-os', dest='repo_os',
help="The operating system type: i.e. redhat6, redhat7, debian7, ubuntu12, ubuntu14, ubuntu16, suse11, suse12")
parser.add_option('--repo-url', dest='repo_url',
help="The base url for the repository data")
parser.add_option('--repo-unique', dest='unique', type='choice', choices=['true', 'false'],
help="Indicates base url should be unique")
parser.add_option('--repo-id', dest='repo_id', help="The ID of the repo")
parser.add_option('--repo-name', dest='repo_name', help="The name of the repo")
parser.add_option('--repo-tags', dest='repo_tags', help="The CSV tags for the repo")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# validate_filename
if not options.filename:
parser.error("--file option is required")
# validate_finalize
if options.finalize and not options.xsd_file:
parser.error("Must supply XSD (--xsd) when finalizing")
validate_manifest(parser, options)
validate_available(parser, options)
validate_os(parser, options)
validate_repo(parser, options)
vb = VersionBuilder(options.filename)
process_release(vb, options)
process_manifest(vb, options)
process_available(vb, options)
process_os(vb, options)
process_repo(vb, options)
# save file
if options.finalize:
if __name__ == "__main__":