blob: 167f4780fa2c66c8cbd4eaba6f2cd43b74915fa3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {AfterViewInit, OnChanges, SimpleChanges, ViewChild, ElementRef, Input} from '@angular/core';
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import * as d3sc from 'd3-scale-chromatic';
import {
GraphPositionOptions, GraphMarginOptions, GraphTooltipInfo, LegendItem, GraphEventData
} from '@app/classes/graph';
import {HomogeneousObject} from '@app/classes/object';
import {ServiceInjector} from '@app/classes/service-injector';
import {UtilsService} from '@app/services/utils.service';
export class GraphComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnChanges {
constructor() {
this.utils = ServiceInjector.injector.get(UtilsService);
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.graphContainer = this.graphContainerRef.nativeElement;
this.tooltip = this.tooltipRef.nativeElement; =;
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
const dataChange =;
if (dataChange && dataChange.currentValue && !this.utils.isEmptyObject(dataChange.currentValue)
&& (!dataChange.previousValue || this.utils.isEmptyObject(dataChange.previousValue))
&& this.utils.isEmptyObject(this.labels)) {
data: HomogeneousObject<HomogeneousObject<number>> = {};
svgId: string = 'graph-svg';
margin: GraphMarginOptions = {
top: 5,
right: 50,
bottom: 30,
left: 50
width: number;
height: number = 150;
tickPadding: number = 10;
colors: HomogeneousObject<string> = {};
labels: HomogeneousObject<string> = {};
* Indicates whether the graph represents dependency on time
* @type {boolean}
isTimeGraph: boolean = false;
* Indicates whether X axis direction is right to left
* @type {boolean}
reverseXRange: boolean = false;
* Indicates whether Y axis direction is top to bottom
* @type {boolean}
reverseYRange: boolean = false;
* Indicates whether X axis ticks with fractional values should be displayed on chart (if any)
* @type {boolean}
allowFractionalXTicks: boolean = true;
* Indicates whether Y axis ticks with fractional values should be displayed on chart (if any)
* @type {boolean}
allowFractionalYTicks: boolean = true;
* Indicated whether Y values equal to 0 should be skipped in tooltip
* @type {boolean}
skipZeroValuesInTooltip: boolean = true;
graphContainerRef: ElementRef;
@ViewChild('tooltip', {
read: ElementRef
tooltipRef: ElementRef;
protected utils: UtilsService;
protected graphContainer: HTMLElement;
private tooltip: HTMLElement;
protected host;
protected svg;
protected xScale;
protected yScale;
protected xAxis;
protected yAxis;
* Ordered array of color strings for data representation
* @type {string[]}
protected orderedColors: string[];
* This property is to hold the data of the bar where the mouse is over.
protected tooltipInfo: GraphTooltipInfo | {} = {};
* This is the computed position of the tooltip relative to the @graphContainer which is the container of the graph.
* It is set when the mousemoving over the figures in the @handleRectMouseMove method.
private tooltipPosition: GraphPositionOptions;
* This property indicates if the tooltip should be positioned on the left side of the cursor or not.
* It should be true when the tooltip is out from the window.
* @type {boolean}
private tooltipOnTheLeft: boolean = false;
* This will return the information about the used levels and the connected colors and labels.
* The goal is to provide an easy property to the template to display the legend of the levels.
* @returns {LegendItem[]}
get legendItems(): LegendItem[] {
return Object.keys(this.labels).map((key: string) => Object.assign({}, {
label: this.labels[key],
color: this.colors[key]
protected createGraph(): void {
if ( && !this.utils.isEmptyObject(this.labels)) {
* Method that sets default labels map object based on data if no custom one is specified
protected setDefaultLabels() {
const data =,
keys = Object.keys(data),
labels = keys.reduce((keys: HomogeneousObject<string>, dataKey: string): HomogeneousObject<string> => {
const newKeys = Object.keys(data[dataKey]),
newKeysObj = newKeys.reduce((subKeys: HomogeneousObject<string>, key: string): HomogeneousObject<string> => {
return Object.assign(subKeys, {
[key]: key
}, {});
return Object.assign(keys, newKeysObj);
}, {});
this.labels = labels;
protected setup(): void {
const margin = this.margin;
if (this.utils.isEmptyObject(this.colors)) {
// set default color scheme for different values if no custom colors specified
const keys = Object.keys(this.labels),
keysCount = keys.length,
specterLength = keysCount > 2 ? keysCount : 3; // length of minimal available spectral scheme is 3
let colorsArray;
if (keysCount > 2) {
colorsArray = Array.from(d3sc.schemeSpectral[keysCount]);
} else {
const minimalColorScheme = Array.from(d3sc.schemeSpectral[specterLength]);
colorsArray = minimalColorScheme.slice(0, keysCount);
this.orderedColors = colorsArray;
this.colors = keys.reduce((currentObject: HomogeneousObject<string>, currentKey: string, index: number) => {
return Object.assign(currentObject, {
[currentKey]: colorsArray[index]
}, {});
} else {
const keysWithColors = this.colors,
keys = Object.keys(keysWithColors);
this.orderedColors = keys.reduce((array: string[], key: string): string[] => [...array, keysWithColors[key]], []);
if (!this.width) {
this.width = this.graphContainer.clientWidth - margin.left - margin.right;
const xScale = this.isTimeGraph ? d3.scaleTime() : d3.scaleLinear();
const yScale = d3.scaleLinear();
const xScaleWithRange = this.reverseXRange ? xScale.range([this.width, 0]) : xScale.range([0, this.width]);
const yScaleWithRange = this.reverseYRange ? yScale.range([0, this.height]) : yScale.range([this.height, 0]);
this.xScale = xScaleWithRange;
this.yScale = yScaleWithRange;
protected buildSVG(): void {
const margin = this.margin;'');
this.svg ='svg').attr('id', this.svgId).attr('width', this.graphContainer.clientWidth)
.attr('height', this.height + + margin.bottom).append('g')
.attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left},${})`);
protected populate(): void {}
* Set the domain values for the x scale regarding the given data.
* @param formattedData
protected setXScaleDomain(formattedData?: any): void {}
* Set the domain for the y scale regarding the given data.
* @param formattedData
protected setYScaleDomain(formattedData?: any): void {}
* It draws the svg representation of the x axis. The goal is to set the ticks here, add the axis to the svg element
* and set the position of the axis.
* @param {number} ticksCount - optional parameter which sets number of ticks explicitly
protected drawXAxis(ticksCount?: number): void {
const axis = d3.axisBottom(this.xScale).tickFormat(this.xAxisTickFormatter).tickPadding(this.tickPadding);
if (ticksCount) {
this.xAxis = axis;
this.svg.append('g').attr('class', 'axis axis-x').attr('transform', `translate(0,${this.height})`).call(this.xAxis);
* It draws the svg representation of the y axis. The goal is to set the ticks here, add the axis to the svg element
* and set the position of the axis.
* @param {number} ticksCount - optional parameter which sets number of ticks explicitly
protected drawYAxis(ticksCount?: number): void {
const axis = d3.axisLeft(this.yScale).tickFormat(this.yAxisTickFormatter).tickPadding(this.tickPadding);
if (ticksCount) {
this.yAxis = axis;
this.svg.append('g').attr('class', 'axis axis-y').call(this.yAxis).append('text');
* Function that formats the labels for X axis ticks.
* Returns simple toString() conversion as default, can be overridden in ancestors.
* undefined value is returned for ticks to be skipped.
* @param tick
* @param {number} index
* @returns {string|undefined}
protected xAxisTickFormatter = (tick: any, index: number): string | undefined => {
if (this.allowFractionalXTicks) {
return tick.toString();
} else {
return Number.isInteger(tick) ? tick.toFixed(0) : undefined;
* Function that formats the labels for Y axis ticks.
* Returns simple toString() conversion as default, can be overridden in ancestors.
* undefined value is returned for ticks to be skipped.
* @param tick
* @param {number} index
* @returns {string|undefined}
protected yAxisTickFormatter = (tick: any, index: number): string | undefined => {
if (this.allowFractionalYTicks) {
return tick.toString();
} else {
return Number.isInteger(tick) ? tick.toFixed(0) : undefined;
* The goal is to handle the mouse over event on the svg elements so that we can populate the tooltip info object
* and set the initial position of the tooltip. So we call the corresponding methods.
* @param {GraphEventData} d The data for the currently "selected" figure
* @param {number} index The index of the current element in the selection
* @param elements The selection of the elements
protected handleMouseOver = (d: GraphEventData, index: number, elements: HTMLElement[]): void => {
* The goal is to handle the movement of the mouse over the svg elements, so that we can set the position of
* the tooltip by calling the @setTooltipPosition method.
protected handleMouseMove = (): void => {
* The goal is to reset the tooltipInfo object so that the tooltip will be hidden.
protected handleMouseOut = (): void => {
this.tooltipInfo = {};
* The goal is set the tooltip
* @param {GraphEventData} d
protected setTooltipDataFromChartData(d: GraphEventData): void {
const {tick,} =,
levelColors = this.colors;
let tooltipKeys = Object.keys(levelColors);
if (this.skipZeroValuesInTooltip) {
tooltipKeys = tooltipKeys.filter((key: string): boolean => data[key] > 0)
this.tooltipInfo = {
data: string): object => Object.assign({}, {
color: this.colors[key],
label: this.labels[key],
value: data[key]
title: tick
* The goal of this function is to set the tooltip position regarding the d3.mouse event relative to the @graphContainer.
* Only if we have @tooltipInfo
protected setTooltipPosition(): void {
if (this.tooltipInfo.hasOwnProperty('data')) {
const tooltip = this.tooltip,
relativeMousePosition = d3.mouse(this.graphContainer),
absoluteMousePosition = d3.mouse(document.body),
absoluteMouseLeft = absoluteMousePosition[0],
top = relativeMousePosition[1] - (tooltip.offsetHeight / 2),
tooltipWidth = tooltip.offsetWidth,
windowSize = window.innerWidth;
let left = relativeMousePosition[0];
if (absoluteMouseLeft + tooltipWidth > windowSize) {
left = relativeMousePosition[0] - (tooltipWidth + 25);
this.tooltipOnTheLeft = left < relativeMousePosition[0];
this.tooltipPosition = {left, top};