blob: d5b245aa14c87a8933c7dd8ce2ebab94c29b304f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
class HMCTxnUtils {
private static $logger = NULL;
public static function init() {
if (self::$logger == NULL) {
self::$logger = new HMCLogger("HMCTxnUtils");
* Get current time in microsecs as int
public static function getCurrentTimeInMicroSecs() {
$f = microtime(TRUE);
return intval(round($f , 3)*1000);
public static function createNewTransaction($dbHandle, $clusterName,
$statusInfo) {
$statusStr = json_encode($statusInfo);
$newTxn = $dbHandle->createNewTransaction($clusterName, $statusStr, "");
if ($newTxn === FALSE || $newTxn["result"] != 0) {
self::$logger->log_error("Failed to create new txn"
. ", cluster=" . $clusterName
. ", error=" . $newTxn["error"]);
return FALSE;
$txnId = $newTxn["txnId"];
self::$logger->log_debug("Created a new transaction"
. ", cluster=" . $clusterName
. ", txnId=" . $txnId);
return $txnId;
* Execute command in a background process
* @param resource $dbHandle HMCDBAccessor resource
* @param string $clusterName
* @param int $txnId
* @param string $command
* @param string $args args as a string
* @param string $logFile file to log to - optional - default /dev/null
* @return pid of running process on success
* @return FALSE on failure
public static function execBackgroundProcess($dbHandle, $clusterName, $txnId,
$command, $args, $logFile) {
$GLOBALS["BACKGROUND_EXECUTOR_PATH"] = "/var/lib/HMC/BackgroundExecutor.php";
if (!isset($GLOBALS["PHP_EXEC_PATH"])) {
$GLOBALS["PHP_EXEC_PATH"] = "/usr/bin/php";
. " -t \"" . $txnId . "\""
. " -c \"" . $command . "\"";
if (isset($args) && $args != "") {
$execCommand .= " -a \"" . $args . "\"";
$logDir = "/tmp";
if (isset($GLOBALS["HMC_LOG_DIR"])) {
$logDir = $GLOBALS["HMC_LOG_DIR"];
if (!isset($logFile) || $logFile == "") {
$logFile = $logDir."/hmc.txn.".$txnId.".log";
$execCommand .= " -l \"" . $logFile . "\"";
self::$logger->log_info("Trying to background a new process"
. ", cluster=" . $clusterName
. ", txnId=" . $txnId
. ", command=" . $command
. ", args=" . $args
. ", logFile=" . $logFile
. ", execCommand=" . $execCommand);
$errCode = 0;
$errMsg = "";
$childPid = -1;
$handle = popen($execCommand, "r");
if ($handle === FALSE || !is_resource($handle)) {
$errMsg = "Could not get valid handle from popen";
self::$logger->log_error("Error executing background call"
. ", command=" . $command
. ", txnId=" . $txnId
, ", error=" . $errMsg);
return FALSE;
else {
// get child pid
$output = "";
do {
$data = fread($handle, 256);
$output .= $data;
self::$logger->log_info("Output from process"
. ", command=" . $command
. ", txnId=" . $txnId
. ", output=" . $output);
$match = array();
$count = preg_match("/Background Child Process PID:(\d+)/",
$output, $match);
if ($count > 0) {
$childPid = intval($match[1]);
self::$logger->log_info("Found child pid"
. ", command=" . $command
. ", txnId=" . $txnId
. ", output=" . $output
. ", pid=" . $childPid);
if (strpos($output,"Done with parent") !== FALSE) {
self::$logger->log_error("Background process ended without pid"
. ", command=" . $command
. ", txnId=" . $txnId);
return FALSE;
} while(!feof($handle));
if ($childPid > 0) {
// update child pid into db
$pidInfo = array();
$pidInfo["mainParentPid"] = $childPid;
$result = $dbHandle->updateTransactionPidInfo($clusterName, $txnId,
if ($result === FALSE || $result["result"] != 0) {
self::$logger->log_error("Could not update pid info into DB"
. ", command=" . $command
. ", txnId=" . $txnId);
return FALSE;
return $childPid;
self::$logger->log_error("Invalid pid found for background process"
. ", command=" . $command
. ", txnId=" . $txnId);
return FALSE;
public static function checkTxnProcessStatus($pidInfo) {
if (!isset($pidInfo["mainParentPid"])) {
return FALSE;
$pid = intval($pidInfo["mainParentPid"]);
$command = "ps -p $pid | grep $pid | grep -v grep | wc -l";
$output = array();
$errCode = 0;
$lastLine = exec($command, $output, $errCode);
if ($errCode != 0) {
return FALSE;
$matchCount = intval($lastLine);
return ($matchCount > 0);