blob: d9cf68a0bb009b69a3af960e51c8ec95b1b9a9ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
include_once '../util/Logger.php';
include_once '../conf/';
include_once 'localDirs.php';
include_once "../util/lock.php";
include_once '../util/clusterState.php';
include_once '../db/HMCDBAccessor.php';
include_once "./uninstall/stages.php";
include_once 'commandUtils.php';
include_once "../util/HMCTxnUtils.php";
$logger = new HMCLogger("uninstallCleanup");
$dbAccessor = new HMCDBAccessor($GLOBALS["DB_PATH"]);
// this function will launch the stages in the background
// and poll for completion.
// upon completion, does the nodesActionProgress piece to update
// status of the completed state
function deBootStrap ($clusterName, $deployUser, $txnId, $progressInfo)
global $logger, $dbAccessor, $stagesInfo;
$txnStatus = !($progressInfo['encounteredError']);
// do not go ahead with the cleanup.
// Update the state of the cluster.
if (!$txnStatus) {
$state = "UNINSTALLED";
$displayName = "Uninstall failed";
$context = array (
'status' => $txnStatus,
'txnId' => $txnId
$retval = updateClusterState($clusterName, $state, $displayName, $context);
return $retval;
/////// launch the stages in the background.
$stagesFile = "./uninstall/stages.php";
$logger->log_info("ClusterName: $clusterName\n");
$logger->log_info("Deploy User: $deployUser\n");
$status = "";
$createTxResult = HMCTxnUtils::createNewTransaction($dbAccessor, $clusterName, $status);
if ($createTxResult == FALSE) {
$msg = "SETUP: Failed to create new transaction in background: $createTxResult\n";
return array("result" => 1, "error" => "$msg");
$rootTxnId = $createTxResult;
$logger->log_info("Root Txn Id = $rootTxnId\n");
$cmd = $GLOBALS["PHP_EXEC_PATH"] . " " . "../util/sequentialScriptRunner.php";
// $cmd = $GLOBALS["PHP_EXEC_PATH"] . " " . "./addNodes/addNodesOrchestrator.php";
$hostsFile = getHostsFilePath($clusterName);
$args = "$clusterName $deployUser $rootTxnId $hostsFile $stagesFile";
$execBackgroundResult = HMCTxnUtils::execBackgroundProcess($dbAccessor, $clusterName, $rootTxnId, $cmd, $args, "");
if ($execBackgroundResult == FALSE) {
$msg = "Failed to execute addNodesOrchestrator in background: $execBackgroundResult\n";
return array("result" => 1, "error" => "$msg");
/////// done launching stages
/////// now monitor the stages
$allDone = false;
while ($allDone == false) {
// use the txn id for finding the status to pass back to the user
// the orchestrator txn id could potentially return an error because
// there is a potential race condition before the orchestrator txnId has
// been committed to the db by the backgrounded process.
$dbHandle = new HMCDBAccessor($GLOBALS["DB_PATH"]);
$orchestratorTxnId = $dbHandle->getAllSubTransactionsInfo(
$clusterName, $rootTxnId);
if ($orchestratorTxnId['result'] != 0) { // encountered error
$logger->log_error("Empty orchestrator txn id " .
// Check if this should return error FIXME
// $jsonOutput['encounteredError'] = true;
return (array('result' => 1, 'error' => $orchestratorTxnId['error']));
// as soon as DB is read, sleep for 2 seconds because we want to
// avoid continuous polling of the db
//$logger->log_error(" ==== subTxns info is " . json_encode($orchestratorTxnId));
$keys = array_keys($orchestratorTxnId['subTxns']);
if (count($keys) == 0) {
$logger->log_debug("No keys found in orchestrator's child transactions");
$firstKey = $keys[0];
if ($firstKey == '') {
$allSubTxns = $dbHandle->getAllSubTransactionsInfo(
$clusterName, $firstKey);
// the all sub txn ids could potentially return an error because
// there is a potential race condition before the orchestrator's subTxnId has
// been committed to the db by the backgrounded process.
if ($allSubTxns['result'] != 0) {
$logger->log_error("Empty orchestrator txn id " .
return ($jsonOutput);
$logger->log_debug("allsubtxn count is ".json_encode(count($allSubTxns['subTxns'])));
$logger->log_debug("stages count is ".json_encode(count($stagesInfo)));
$logger->log_debug("subtxns ".json_encode($allSubTxns));
// allDone must be set once the processes launched have completed running
if ((count($allSubTxns['subTxns']) == count($stagesInfo))) {
$lastTxn = end($allSubTxns['subTxns']);
if (($lastTxn['opStatus'] == "SUCCESS")) {
$allDone = true;
$result = 0;
$error = "";
} else if (($lastTxn['opStatus'] == "FAILED") ||
($lastTxn['opStatus'] == "TOTALFAILURE")) {
$allDone = true;
$error = json_encode($lastTxn['state']);
$result = 1;
/////// done monitoring return back to the uninstall
if ($result != 0) {
return array('result' => $result, 'error' => $error);
// need to cleanup db for this cluster
$clusterStateResponse = $dbAccessor->getClusterState($clusterName);
if ($clusterStateResponse['result'] != 0) {
LockRelease(HMC_CLUSTER_STATE_LOCK_FILE_SUFFIX); return $clusterStateResponse;
$clusterState = json_decode($clusterStateResponse['state'], true);
// set cluster state to not configured
$state = "NOT_CONFIGURED";
$displayName = "Uninstall succeeded";
$retval = updateClusterState($clusterName, $state, $displayName, $clusterState['context']);
return $retval;