blob: f4a6bcc4fa5b823ba127a285d98bb2aa35611d67 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
include_once '../util/Logger.php';
include_once "../conf/";
include_once "../orchestrator/HMC.php";
include_once '../util/clusterState.php';
include_once "uninstallCleanup.php";
include_once "deployPostProcess.php";
include_once "uninstallCleanup.php";
include_once "restoreDeployedStatePostProcess.php";
$dbPath = $GLOBALS["DB_PATH"];
$clusterName = $_GET['clusterName'];
$txnId = $_GET['txnId'];
$deployUser = isset($_GET['deployUser']) ? $_GET['deployUser'] : 'root';
$logger = new HMCLogger("TxnProgress");
$map = array(
"HMC::deployHDP" => array (
"HMC::deployNodes" => array (
"HMC::uninstallHDP" => array (
"HMC::startAllServices" => array (
"HMC::stopAllServices" => array (
"HMC::startServices" => array (
"HMC::stopServices" => array (
"HMC::reconfigureServices" => array (
$dbAccessor = new HMCDBAccessor($GLOBALS["DB_PATH"]);
function fetchTxnProgress( $txnId )
global $dbPath;
global $clusterName;
$hmc = new HMC($dbPath, $clusterName);
$progress = $hmc->getProgress($txnId);
return $progress;
function sortProgressStatesByRank( $first, $second )
if( $first['rank'] == $second['rank'] )
return 0;
return ($first['rank'] < $second['rank']) ? -1 : 1;
$progress = fetchTxnProgress($txnId);
// TODO XXX Check for $progress['result'] and $progress['error'] here, before proceeding.
/* Tack on some additional state to make life on the frontend easier. */
$progress['encounteredError'] = false;
/* Marker to keep track of whether at least one subTxn has been kicked off. */
$atLeastOneSubTxnInProgress = false;
/* Sort the subTxns array inside $progress by rank, and then remove all notion
* of rank from the sorted array we're going to return.
usort( $progress['subTxns'], 'sortProgressStatesByRank' );
foreach( $progress['subTxns'] as &$progressSubTxn )
unset( $progressSubTxn['rank'] );
/* Any one subTxn failing means we want the frontend to bail. */
if( $progressSubTxn['progress'] == 'FAILED' )
$progress['encounteredError'] = true;
/* We need to make sure at least one subTxn is not pending before
* sending a progress report back to the frontend - if not, the
* progress states aren't yet finalized and will change across
* invocations to this webservice, so we prefer to wait before
* showing anything.
if( $progressSubTxn['progress'] != 'PENDING' )
$atLeastOneSubTxnInProgress = true;
$lastTxnIndex = -1;
if ($atLeastOneSubTxnInProgress) {
$lastTxnIndex = count($progress['subTxns']) - 1;
/* If at least one subTxn isn't in progress, signal to the frontend that
* there's nothing worthy for it to process yet.
if (!$atLeastOneSubTxnInProgress) {
$progress['subTxns'] = null;
$doPostProcess = TRUE;
$clusterStateResponse = $dbAccessor->getClusterState($clusterName);
$logger->log_debug("Got cluster state: ".json_encode($clusterStateResponse));
if ($clusterStateResponse['result'] != 0) {
print json_encode($clusterStateResponse);
// if state is not set, should not proceed to post process.
// setting post process to false allows returning appropriate txn data
// without post processing.
$clusterState = null;
if (!isset($clusterStateResponse['state'])) {
$doPostProcess = FALSE;
// create an empty cluster state
$clusterState = array();
} else {
$clusterState = json_decode($clusterStateResponse['state'], true);
$logger->log_debug("Current cluster state, " . print_r($clusterState, true));
/* check for matching txn id. if present check if it is same
* if not return with all data for txn id requested for and
* do nothing for post process
* setting post process to false allows returning appropriate txn data
* without post processing.
if (array_key_exists('context', $clusterState)) {
$clusterContext = $clusterState['context'];
if (!array_key_exists('txnId', $clusterContext) || !isset($clusterContext['txnId']) || ($clusterContext["txnId"] != $txnId)) {
$logger->log_debug("TxnId does not exist ".
array_key_exists("txnId", $clusterContext) .
" or not set " .!isset($clusterContext["txnId"]) ." or does not match " .
($clusterContext["txnId"] != $txnId));
$doPostProcess = FALSE;
if ($progress['processRunning'] == FALSE) {
$logger->log_trace("Checking cluster state for post process state");
$context = $clusterState['context'];
if (isset($context['isInPostProcess'])) {
$doPostProcess = FALSE;
$logger->log_trace("Post process already done before in another call");
if ($context['isInPostProcess'] == TRUE) {
$logger->log_trace("Post process still in progress in another call");
$progress['processRunning'] = TRUE;
} else {
$logger->log_trace("Post process completed in another call");
$progress['processRunning'] = FALSE;
if (!isset($context['postProcessSuccessful'])
|| $context['postProcessSuccessful'] == FALSE) {
$progress['encounteredError'] = TRUE;
if ($lastTxnIndex >= 0) {
$progress['subTxns'][$lastTxnIndex]["progress"] = "FAILED";
if ((($progress['processRunning'] == FALSE) || ($progress['encounteredError'] == TRUE))
&& $doPostProcess) {
// get the transaction status info from db
$retval = $dbAccessor->getTransactionStatusInfo($clusterName, $txnId);
if ($retval["result"] != 0) {
$progress['encounteredError'] = TRUE;
if ($lastTxnIndex >= 0) {
$progress['subTxns'][$lastTxnIndex]["progress"] = "FAILED";
} else {
if (isset($retval['statusInfo'])) {
$statusInfo = json_decode($retval['statusInfo'], true);
$logger->log_debug("Status info function ".$statusInfo['function']);
$logger->log_debug("Running post process functions");
// run the next script from the map
// supports multiple post process functions
foreach ($map[$statusInfo['function']] as $postProcessFunc) {
$logger->log_debug("Post process function is ".$postProcessFunc);
// setting cluster state to denote in post process
$clusterState['context']['isInPostProcess'] = TRUE;
$logger->log_trace("Starting post process function");
updateClusterState($clusterName, $clusterState['state'],
$clusterState['displayName'], $clusterState['context']);
$retval = $postProcessFunc($clusterName, $deployUser, $txnId, $progress);
// setting cluster state to denote post process completed
$logger->log_trace("Finished post process function");
$clusterStateResponse = $dbAccessor->getClusterState($clusterName);
if ($clusterStateResponse['result'] != 0) {
print json_encode($clusterStateResponse);
$clusterState = json_decode($clusterStateResponse['state'], true);
$clusterState['context']['isInPostProcess'] = FALSE;
$clusterState['context']['postProcessSuccessful'] = ($retval["result"] == 0);
updateClusterState($clusterName, $clusterState['state'],
$clusterState['displayName'], $clusterState['context']);
$clusterStateResponse = $dbAccessor->getClusterState($clusterName);
$logger->log_trace("STATE AFTER UPDATE: ".json_encode($clusterStateResponse));
if ($retval["result"] != 0) {
$progress['encounteredError'] = TRUE;
if ($lastTxnIndex >= 0) {
$progress['subTxns'][$lastTxnIndex]["progress"] = "FAILED";
// if the post process failed stop from calling
// further post process functions.
/* Clean up some more remnants that we don't need on the frontend. */
unset( $progress['result'] );
unset( $progress['error'] );
/* Create the output data... */
$jsonOutput = array(
'clusterName' => $clusterName,
'txnId' => $txnId,
'progress' => $progress );
if ($deployUser != null) {
$jsonOutput['deployUser'] = $deployUser;
/* ...and spit it out. */
header("Content-type: application/json");
print (json_encode($jsonOutput));