blob: 1cb95ff963e5a9fe76ed129f4f5c83c52411f27d [file] [log] [blame]
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import os
import re
from resource_management.core.logger import Logger
from resource_management.core.exceptions import Fail
from resource_management.core.resources.system import Execute
from resource_management.core import shell
from resource_management.libraries.functions import format
from resource_management.libraries.functions import stack_select
from resource_management.libraries.functions import StackFeature
from resource_management.libraries.functions.stack_features import check_stack_feature
from resource_management.libraries.functions.version import format_stack_version
def deregister():
Runs the "hive --service hiveserver2 --deregister <version>" command to
de-provision the server in preparation for an upgrade. This will contact
ZooKeeper to remove the server so that clients that attempt to connect
will be directed to other servers automatically. Once all
clients have drained, the server will shutdown automatically.
However, since Ambari does not support Hive Server rolling upgrades due to the port change
affecting Hive Clients not using the ZK discovery service, the daemon might be forcefully
killed before it has been deregistered and drained.
This function will obtain the Kerberos ticket if security is enabled.
import params'HiveServer2 executing "deregister" command to complete upgrade...')
if params.security_enabled:
kinit_command=format("{kinit_path_local} -kt {smoke_user_keytab} {smokeuser_principal}; ")
# calculate the current hive server version
current_hiveserver_version = _get_current_hiveserver_version()
if current_hiveserver_version is None:
raise Fail('Unable to determine the current HiveServer2 version to deregister.')
# deregister
hive_execute_path = params.execute_path
# If upgrading, the upgrade-target hive binary should be used to call the --deregister command.
# If downgrading, the downgrade-source hive binary should be used to call the --deregister command.
# By now <stack-selector-tool> has been called to set 'current' to target-stack
if params.downgrade_from_version is not None:
hive_execute_path = _get_hive_execute_path(params.downgrade_from_version)
command = format('hive --config {hive_server_conf_dir} --service hiveserver2 --deregister ' + current_hiveserver_version)
Execute(command, user=params.hive_user, path=hive_execute_path, tries=1 )
def _get_hive_execute_path(stack_version_formatted):
Returns the exact execute path to use for the given stack-version.
This method does not return the "current" path
:param stack_version_formatted: Exact stack-version to use in the new path
:return: Hive execute path for the exact stack-version
import params
hive_execute_path = params.execute_path
formatted_stack_version = format_stack_version(stack_version_formatted)
if formatted_stack_version and check_stack_feature(StackFeature.ROLLING_UPGRADE, formatted_stack_version):
# hive_bin
new_hive_bin = format('{stack_root}/{stack_version_formatted}/hive/bin')
if (os.pathsep + params.hive_bin) in hive_execute_path:
hive_execute_path = hive_execute_path.replace(os.pathsep + params.hive_bin, os.pathsep + new_hive_bin)
# hadoop_bin_dir
new_hadoop_bin = stack_select.get_hadoop_dir_for_stack_version("bin", stack_version_formatted)
old_hadoop_bin = params.hadoop_bin_dir
if new_hadoop_bin and len(new_hadoop_bin) > 0 and (os.pathsep + old_hadoop_bin) in hive_execute_path:
hive_execute_path = hive_execute_path.replace(os.pathsep + old_hadoop_bin, os.pathsep + new_hadoop_bin)
return hive_execute_path
def _get_current_hiveserver_version():
Runs "hive --version" and parses the result in order
to obtain the current version of hive.
:return: the hiveserver2 version, returned by "hive --version"
import params
# When downgrading the source version should be the version we are downgrading from
source_version = params.version_for_stack_feature_checks
if params.downgrade_from_version is not None:
source_version = params.downgrade_from_version
hive_execute_path = _get_hive_execute_path(source_version)
version_hive_bin = params.hive_bin
formatted_source_version = format_stack_version(source_version)
if formatted_source_version and check_stack_feature(StackFeature.ROLLING_UPGRADE, formatted_source_version):
version_hive_bin = format('{stack_root}/{source_version}/hive/bin')
command = format('{version_hive_bin}/hive --version')
return_code, output =, user=params.hive_user, path=hive_execute_path)
except Exception, e:
raise Fail('Unable to execute hive --version command to retrieve the hiveserver2 version.')
if return_code != 0:
raise Fail('Unable to determine the current HiveServer2 version because of a non-zero return code of {0}'.format(str(return_code)))
match ='^(Hive) ([0-9]+.[0-9]+.\S+)', output, re.MULTILINE)
if match:
current_hive_server_version =
return current_hive_server_version
raise Fail('The extracted hiveserver2 version "{0}" does not matching any known pattern'.format(output))