blob: 16e2cfc227d2041264be1a73e5f36a91655b7bc2 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<configuration supports_final="true">
Note: This file includes only those configs which are supposed to have different value from the parent tez/tez-site.
It inherits the other required configs from tez/tez-site.
The inheritance logic in order to get tez_hive2/tez-site goes like this :
1. We read the tez/tez-site which includes the stack defaults and Stack Advisor recommended values.
2. We take the read tez/tez-site (step 1), and on top of it apply the tez-interactive-site to get tez_hive2/tez-site.
Therefore, any config defined here will override the config value read from tez/tez-site (step 1).
<description>Fraction (0-1) of the available memory which can be used to
retain shuffled data</description>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>
<description>This property determines the maximum size of a shuffle segment
which can be fetched to memory. Fraction (0-1) of shuffle memory
(after applying tez.runtime.shuffle.fetch.buffer.percent)</description>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>
<display-name>TEZ Lib URIs</display-name>
<description>Comma-delimited list of the location of the Tez libraries which will be localized for DAGs.
Specifying a single .tar.gz or .tgz assumes that a compressed version of the tez libs is being used. This is uncompressed into a tezlibs directory when running containers, and tezlibs/;tezlibs/lib/ are added to the classpath (after . and .*).
If multiple files are specified - files are localized as regular files, contents of directories are localized as regular files (non-recursive).
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="false"/>
<description>The amount of memory to be used by the AppMaster</description>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>
<description>The size of the sort buffer when output needs to be sorted</description>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>
<description>The size of the buffer when output does not require to be sorted</description>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="false"/>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>