blob: 9ed040af64c2b641a57c6341a667201380eb87a7 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Various listeners for using with connections.
import logging
import sys
import threading
import time
from ambari_stomp.backward import monotonic
from ambari_stomp.constants import *
import ambari_stomp.exception as exception
import ambari_stomp.utils as utils
log = logging.getLogger('')
class Publisher(object):
Simply a registry of listeners.
def set_listener(self, name, listener):
Set a named listener to use with this connection. See :py:class:`stomp.listener.ConnectionListener`
:param str name: the name of the listener
:param ConnectionListener listener: the listener object
def remove_listener(self, name):
Remove a listener.
:param str name: the name of the listener to remove
def get_listener(self, name):
Return the named listener.
:param str name: the listener to return
:rtype: ConnectionListener
return None
class ConnectionListener(object):
This class should be used as a base class for objects registered
using Connection.set_listener().
def on_connecting(self, host_and_port):
Called by the STOMP connection once a TCP/IP connection to the
STOMP server has been established or re-established. Note that
at this point, no connection has been established on the STOMP
protocol level. For this, you need to invoke the "connect"
method on the connection.
:param (str,int) host_and_port: a tuple containing the host name and port number to which the connection
has been established.
def on_connected(self, headers, body):
Called by the STOMP connection when a CONNECTED frame is
received (after a connection has been established or
:param dict headers: a dictionary containing all headers sent by the server as key/value pairs.
:param body: the frame's payload. This is usually empty for CONNECTED frames.
def on_disconnected(self):
Called by the STOMP connection when a TCP/IP connection to the
STOMP server has been lost. No messages should be sent via
the connection until it has been reestablished.
def on_heartbeat_timeout(self):
Called by the STOMP connection when a heartbeat message has not been
received beyond the specified period.
def on_before_message(self, headers, body):
Called by the STOMP connection before a message is returned to the client app. Returns a tuple
containing the headers and body (so that implementing listeners can pre-process the content).
:param dict headers: the message headers
:param body: the message body
return headers, body
def on_message(self, headers, body):
Called by the STOMP connection when a MESSAGE frame is received.
:param dict headers: a dictionary containing all headers sent by the server as key/value pairs.
:param body: the frame's payload - the message body.
def on_receipt(self, headers, body):
Called by the STOMP connection when a RECEIPT frame is
received, sent by the server if requested by the client using
the 'receipt' header.
:param dict headers: a dictionary containing all headers sent by the server as key/value pairs.
:param body: the frame's payload. This is usually empty for RECEIPT frames.
def on_error(self, headers, body):
Called by the STOMP connection when an ERROR frame is received.
:param dict headers: a dictionary containing all headers sent by the server as key/value pairs.
:param body: the frame's payload - usually a detailed error description.
def on_send(self, frame):
Called by the STOMP connection when it is in the process of sending a message
:param Frame frame: the frame to be sent
def on_heartbeat(self):
Called on receipt of a heartbeat.
class HeartbeatListener(ConnectionListener):
Listener used to handle STOMP heartbeating.
def __init__(self, heartbeats):
self.running = False
self.heartbeats = heartbeats
self.received_heartbeat = None
self.heartbeat_thread = None
self.next_outbound_heartbeat = None
def on_connected(self, headers, body):
Once the connection is established, and 'heart-beat' is found in the headers, we calculate the real
heartbeat numbers (based on what the server sent and what was specified by the client) - if the heartbeats
are not 0, we start up the heartbeat loop accordingly.
:param dict headers: headers in the connection message
:param body: the message body
if 'heart-beat' in headers:
self.heartbeats = utils.calculate_heartbeats(
headers['heart-beat'].replace(' ', '').split(','), self.heartbeats)
if self.heartbeats != (0, 0):
self.send_sleep = self.heartbeats[0] / 1000
# receive gets an additional grace of 50%
self.receive_sleep = (self.heartbeats[1] / 1000) * 1.5
# Give grace of receiving the first heartbeat
self.received_heartbeat = monotonic() + self.receive_sleep
self.running = True
if self.heartbeat_thread is None:
self.heartbeat_thread = utils.default_create_thread(
self.__heartbeat_loop) = "StompHeartbeat%s" % \
getattr(self.heartbeat_thread, "name", "Thread")
def on_disconnected(self):
self.running = False
def on_message(self, headers, body):
Reset the last received time whenever a message is received.
:param dict headers: headers in the message
:param body: the message content
# reset the heartbeat for any received message
def on_receipt(self, *_):
Reset the last received time whenever a receipt is received.
def on_error(self, *_):
Reset the last received time whenever an error is received.
def on_heartbeat(self):
Reset the last received time whenever a heartbeat message is received.
def on_send(self, frame):
Add the heartbeat header to the frame when connecting, and bump
next outbound heartbeat timestamp.
:param Frame frame: the Frame object
if frame.cmd == CMD_CONNECT or frame.cmd == CMD_STOMP:
if self.heartbeats != (0, 0):
frame.headers[HDR_HEARTBEAT] = '%s,%s' % self.heartbeats
if self.next_outbound_heartbeat is not None:
self.next_outbound_heartbeat = monotonic() + self.send_sleep
def __update_heartbeat(self):
# Honour any grace that has been already included
if self.received_heartbeat is None:
now = monotonic()
if now > self.received_heartbeat:
self.received_heartbeat = now
def __heartbeat_loop(self):
Main loop for sending (and monitoring received) heartbeats.
now = monotonic()
# Setup the initial due time for the outbound heartbeat
if self.send_sleep != 0:
self.next_outbound_heartbeat = now + self.send_sleep
while self.running:
now = monotonic()
next_events = []
if self.next_outbound_heartbeat is not None:
next_events.append(self.next_outbound_heartbeat - now)
if self.receive_sleep != 0:
t = self.received_heartbeat + self.receive_sleep - now
if t > 0:
sleep_time = min(next_events)
if sleep_time > 0:
now = monotonic()
if not self.transport.is_connected():
if self.send_sleep != 0 and now > self.next_outbound_heartbeat:
log.debug("Sending a heartbeat message at %s", now)
self.transport.transmit(utils.Frame(None, {}, None))
except exception.NotConnectedException:
log.debug("Lost connection, unable to send heartbeat")
except Exception:
_, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
log.debug("Unable to send heartbeat, due to: %s", e)
if self.receive_sleep != 0:
diff_receive = now - self.received_heartbeat
if diff_receive > self.receive_sleep:
# heartbeat timeout
log.warning("Heartbeat timeout: diff_receive=%s, time=%s, lastrec=%s",
diff_receive, now, self.received_heartbeat)
for listener in self.transport.listeners.values():
self.heartbeat_thread = None
class WaitingListener(ConnectionListener):
A listener which waits for a specific receipt to arrive.
def __init__(self, receipt):
:param str receipt:
self.condition = threading.Condition()
self.receipt = receipt
self.received = False
def on_receipt(self, headers, body):
If the receipt id can be found in the headers, then notify the waiting thread.
:param dict headers: headers in the message
:param body: the message content
if 'receipt-id' in headers and headers['receipt-id'] == self.receipt:
with self.condition:
self.received = True
def wait_on_receipt(self):
Wait until we receive a message receipt.
with self.condition:
while not self.received:
self.received = False
class StatsListener(ConnectionListener):
A connection listener for recording statistics on messages sent and received.
def __init__(self):
# The number of errors received
self.errors = 0
# The number of connections established
self.connections = 0
# The number of disconnections
self.disconnects = 0
# The number of messages received
self.messages = 0
# The number of messages sent
self.messages_sent = 0
# The number of heartbeat timeouts
self.heartbeat_timeouts = 0
# The number of heartbeats
self.heartbeat_count = 0
def on_disconnected(self):
Increment the disconnect count. See :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_disconnected`
self.disconnects += 1"disconnected (x %s)", self.disconnects)
def on_error(self, headers, body):
Increment the error count. See :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_error`
:param dict headers: headers in the message
:param body: the message content
""""received an error %s [%s]", body, headers)
self.errors += 1
def on_connecting(self, host_and_port):
Increment the connection count. See :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_connecting`
:param (str,int) host_and_port: the host and port as a tuple
""""connecting %s %s (x %s)", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1], self.connections)
self.connections += 1
def on_message(self, headers, body):
Increment the message received count. See :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_message`
:param dict headers: headers in the message
:param body: the message content
self.messages += 1
def on_send(self, frame):
Increment the send count. See :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_send`
:param Frame frame:
self.messages_sent += 1
def on_heartbeat_timeout(self):
Increment the heartbeat timeout. See :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_heartbeat_timeout`
log.debug("received heartbeat timeout")
self.heartbeat_timeouts += 1
def on_heartbeat(self):
Increment the heartbeat count. See :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_heartbeat`
self.heartbeat_count += 1
def __str__(self):
Return a string containing the current statistics (messages sent and received,
errors, etc)
return '''Connections: %s
Messages sent: %s
Messages received: %s
Heartbeats received: %s
Errors: %s''' % (self.connections, self.messages_sent, self.messages, self.heartbeat_count, self.errors)
class PrintingListener(ConnectionListener):
def on_connecting(self, host_and_port):
:param (str,int) host_and_port:
print('on_connecting %s %s' % host_and_port)
def on_connected(self, headers, body):
:param dict headers:
:param body:
print('on_connected %s %s' % (headers, body))
def on_disconnected(self):
def on_heartbeat_timeout(self):
def on_before_message(self, headers, body):
:param dict headers:
:param body:
print('on_before_message %s %s' % (headers, body))
return headers, body
def on_message(self, headers, body):
:param dict headers:
:param body:
print('on_message %s %s' % (headers, body))
def on_receipt(self, headers, body):
:param dict headers:
:param body:
print('on_receipt %s %s' % (headers, body))
def on_error(self, headers, body):
:param dict headers:
:param body:
print('on_error %s %s' % (headers, body))
def on_send(self, frame):
:param Frame frame:
print('on_send %s %s %s' % (frame.cmd, frame.headers, frame.body))
def on_heartbeat(self):
class TestListener(StatsListener, WaitingListener):
Implementation of StatsListener and WaitingListener. Useful for testing.
def __init__(self, receipt=None):
:param str receipt:
WaitingListener.__init__(self, receipt)
self.message_list = []
self.message_condition = threading.Condition()
self.message_received = False
self.heartbeat_condition = threading.Condition()
self.heartbeat_received = False
def on_message(self, headers, message):
:param dict headers:
:param message:
StatsListener.on_message(self, headers, message)
self.message_list.append((headers, message))
with self.message_condition:
self.message_received = True
def wait_for_message(self):
with self.message_condition:
while not self.message_received:
self.message_received = False
def get_latest_message(self):
return self.message_list[-1]
def on_heartbeat(self):
with self.heartbeat_condition:
self.heartbeat_received = True
def wait_for_heartbeat(self):
with self.heartbeat_condition:
while not self.heartbeat_received:
self.heartbeat_received = False