blob: 5459ddbaac8ffedfe80e1cc2fced58c00238222c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.upgrades;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException;
import org.apache.ambari.server.actionmanager.HostRoleStatus;
import org.apache.ambari.server.agent.CommandReport;
import org.apache.ambari.server.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.AmbariManagementController;
import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.ConfigurationRequest;
import org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.AbstractServerAction;
import org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.ServerAction;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Cluster;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Clusters;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Config;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ConfigHelper;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ConfigMergeHelper;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ConfigMergeHelper.ThreeWayValue;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.DesiredConfig;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.PropertyInfo;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.StackId;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.stack.upgrade.ConfigUpgradeChangeDefinition.ConfigurationKeyValue;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.stack.upgrade.ConfigUpgradeChangeDefinition.Masked;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.stack.upgrade.ConfigUpgradeChangeDefinition.Replace;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.stack.upgrade.ConfigUpgradeChangeDefinition.Transfer;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.stack.upgrade.ConfigureTask;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.stack.upgrade.PropertyKeyState;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.stack.upgrade.TransferOperation;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The {@link ConfigureAction} is used to alter a configuration property during
* an upgrade. It will only produce a new configuration if an actual change is
* occuring. For some configure tasks, the value is already at the desired
* property or the conditions of the task are not met. In these cases, a new
* configuration will not be created. This task can perform any of the following
* actions in a single declaration:
* <ul>
* <li>Copy a configuration to a new property key, optionally setting a default
* if the original property did not exist</li>
* <li>Copy a configuration to a new property key from one configuration type to
* another, optionally setting a default if the original property did not exist</li>
* <li>Rename a configuration, optionally setting a default if the original
* property did not exist</li>
* <li>Delete a configuration property</li>
* <li>Set a configuration property</li>
* <li>Conditionally set a configuration property based on another configuration
* property value</li>
* </ul>
public class ConfigureAction extends AbstractServerAction {
private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigureAction.class);
* Used to lookup the cluster.
private Clusters m_clusters;
* Used to update the configuration properties.
private AmbariManagementController m_controller;
* Used to assist in the creation of a {@link ConfigurationRequest} to update
* configuration values.
private ConfigHelper m_configHelper;
* The Ambari configuration.
private Configuration m_configuration;
* Used to lookup stack properties which are the configuration properties that
* are defined on the stack.
private Provider<AmbariMetaInfo> m_ambariMetaInfo;
private ConfigMergeHelper m_mergeHelper;
* Gson
private Gson m_gson;
* Aside from the normal execution, this method performs the following logic, with
* the stack values set in the table below:
* <p>
* <table>
* <tr>
* <th>Upgrade Path</th>
* <th>direction</th>
* <th>Stack Actual</th>
* <th>Stack Desired</th>
* <th>Config Stack</th>
* <th>Action</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>2.2.x -> 2.2.y</td>
* <td>upgrade or downgrade</td>
* <td>2.2</td>
* <td>2.2</td>
* <td>2.2</td>
* <td>if value has changed, create a new config object with new value</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>2.2 -> 2.3</td>
* <td>upgrade</td>
* <td>2.2</td>
* <td>2.3: set before action is executed</td>
* <td>2.3: set before action is executed</td>
* <td>new configs are already created; just update with new properties</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>2.3 -> 2.2</td>
* <td>downgrade</td>
* <td>2.2</td>
* <td>2.2: set before action is executed</td>
* <td>2.2</td>
* <td>configs are already managed, results are the same as 2.2.x -> 2.2.y</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* </p>
* {@inheritDoc}
public CommandReport execute(
ConcurrentMap<String, Object> requestSharedDataContext)
throws AmbariException, InterruptedException {
Map<String,String> commandParameters = getCommandParameters();
if( null == commandParameters || commandParameters.isEmpty() ){
return createCommandReport(0, HostRoleStatus.FAILED, "{}", "",
"Unable to change configuration values without command parameters");
String clusterName = commandParameters.get("clusterName");
Cluster cluster = m_clusters.getCluster(clusterName);
// such as hdfs-site or hbase-env
String configType = commandParameters.get(ConfigureTask.PARAMETER_CONFIG_TYPE);
// extract transfers
List<ConfigurationKeyValue> keyValuePairs = Collections.emptyList();
String keyValuePairJson = commandParameters.get(ConfigureTask.PARAMETER_KEY_VALUE_PAIRS);
if (null != keyValuePairJson) {
keyValuePairs = m_gson.fromJson(
keyValuePairJson, new TypeToken<List<ConfigurationKeyValue>>(){}.getType());
keyValuePairs = getAllowedSets(cluster, configType, keyValuePairs);
// extract transfers
List<Transfer> transfers = Collections.emptyList();
String transferJson = commandParameters.get(ConfigureTask.PARAMETER_TRANSFERS);
if (null != transferJson) {
transfers = m_gson.fromJson(
transferJson, new TypeToken<List<Transfer>>(){}.getType());
transfers = getAllowedTransfers(cluster, configType, transfers);
// extract replacements
List<Replace> replacements = Collections.emptyList();
String replaceJson = commandParameters.get(ConfigureTask.PARAMETER_REPLACEMENTS);
if (null != replaceJson) {
replacements = m_gson.fromJson(
replaceJson, new TypeToken<List<Replace>>(){}.getType());
replacements = getAllowedReplacements(cluster, configType, replacements);
// if there is nothing to do, then skip the task
if (keyValuePairs.isEmpty() && transfers.isEmpty() && replacements.isEmpty()) {
String message = "cluster={0}, type={1}, transfers={2}, replacements={3}, configurations={4}";
message = MessageFormat.format(message, clusterName, configType, transfers, replacements,
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(
"Skipping this configuration task since none of the conditions were met and there are no transfers or replacements").append("\n");
return createCommandReport(0, HostRoleStatus.COMPLETED, "{}", buffer.toString(), "");
// if only 1 of the required properties was null and no transfer properties,
// then something went wrong
if (null == clusterName || null == configType
|| (keyValuePairs.isEmpty() && transfers.isEmpty() && replacements.isEmpty())) {
String message = "cluster={0}, type={1}, transfers={2}, replacements={3}, configurations={4}";
message = MessageFormat.format(message, clusterName, configType, transfers, replacements, keyValuePairs);
return createCommandReport(0, HostRoleStatus.FAILED, "{}", "", message);
Map<String, DesiredConfig> desiredConfigs = cluster.getDesiredConfigs();
DesiredConfig desiredConfig = desiredConfigs.get(configType);
if (desiredConfig == null) {
throw new AmbariException("Could not find desired config type with name " + configType);
Config config = cluster.getConfig(configType, desiredConfig.getTag());
if (config == null) {
throw new AmbariException("Could not find config type with name " + configType);
StackId currentStack = cluster.getCurrentStackVersion();
StackId targetStack = cluster.getDesiredStackVersion();
StackId configStack = config.getStackId();
// !!! initial reference values
Map<String, String> base = config.getProperties();
Map<String, String> newValues = new HashMap<String, String>(base);
boolean changedValues = false;
// !!! do transfers first before setting defined values
StringBuilder outputBuffer = new StringBuilder(250);
for (Transfer transfer : transfers) {
switch (transfer.operation) {
case COPY:
String valueToCopy = null;
if( null == transfer.fromType ) {
// copying from current configuration
valueToCopy = base.get(transfer.fromKey);
} else {
// copying from another configuration
Config other = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(transfer.fromType);
if (null != other){
Map<String, String> otherValues = other.getProperties();
if (otherValues.containsKey(transfer.fromKey)){
valueToCopy = otherValues.get(transfer.fromKey);
// if the value is null use the default if it exists
if (StringUtils.isBlank(valueToCopy) && !StringUtils.isBlank(transfer.defaultValue)) {
valueToCopy = transfer.defaultValue;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(valueToCopy)) {
// possibly coerce the value on copy
if (transfer.coerceTo != null) {
switch (transfer.coerceTo) {
case YAML_ARRAY: {
// turn c6401,c6402 into ['c6401',c6402']
String[] splitValues = StringUtils.split(valueToCopy, ',');
List<String> quotedValues = new ArrayList<String>(splitValues.length);
for (String splitValue : splitValues) {
quotedValues.add("'" + StringUtils.trim(splitValue) + "'");
valueToCopy = "[" + StringUtils.join(quotedValues, ',') + "]";
// at this point we know that we have a changed value
changedValues = true;
newValues.put(transfer.toKey, valueToCopy);
// append standard output
outputBuffer.append(MessageFormat.format("Created {0}/{1} = \"{2}\"\n", configType,
transfer.toKey, mask(transfer, valueToCopy)));
case MOVE:
// if the value existed previously, then update the maps with the new
// key; otherwise if there is a default value specified, set the new
// key with the default
if (newValues.containsKey(transfer.fromKey)) {
newValues.put(transfer.toKey, newValues.remove(transfer.fromKey));
changedValues = true;
// append standard output
outputBuffer.append(MessageFormat.format("Renamed {0}/{1} to {2}/{3}\n", configType,
transfer.fromKey, configType, transfer.toKey));
} else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(transfer.defaultValue)) {
newValues.put(transfer.toKey, transfer.defaultValue);
changedValues = true;
// append standard output
"Created {0}/{1} with default value \"{2}\"\n",
configType, transfer.toKey, mask(transfer, transfer.defaultValue)));
case DELETE:
if ("*".equals(transfer.deleteKey)) {
// append standard output
outputBuffer.append(MessageFormat.format("Deleted all keys from {0}\n", configType));
for (String keeper : transfer.keepKeys) {
if (base.containsKey(keeper) && base.get(keeper) != null) {
newValues.put(keeper, base.get(keeper));
// append standard output
outputBuffer.append(MessageFormat.format("Preserved {0}/{1} after delete\n",
configType, keeper));
// !!! with preserved edits, find the values that are different from
// the stack-defined and keep them - also keep values that exist in
// the config but not on the stack
if (transfer.preserveEdits) {
List<String> edited = findValuesToPreserve(clusterName, config);
for (String changed : edited) {
newValues.put(changed, base.get(changed));
// append standard output
outputBuffer.append(MessageFormat.format("Preserved {0}/{1} after delete\n",
configType, changed));
changedValues = true;
} else {
changedValues = true;
// append standard output
outputBuffer.append(MessageFormat.format("Deleted {0}/{1}\n", configType,
// set all key/value pairs
if (null != keyValuePairs && !keyValuePairs.isEmpty()) {
for (ConfigurationKeyValue keyValuePair : keyValuePairs) {
String key = keyValuePair.key;
String value = keyValuePair.value;
if (null != key) {
String oldValue = base.get(key);
// !!! values are not changing, so make this a no-op
if (null != oldValue && value.equals(oldValue)) {
if (currentStack.equals(targetStack) && !changedValues) {
"{0}/{1} for cluster {2} would not change, skipping setting", configType, key,
// continue because this property is not changing
// !!! only put a key/value into this map of new configurations if
// there was a key, otherwise this will put something like null=null
// into the configs which will cause NPEs after upgrade - this is a
// byproduct of the configure being able to take a list of transfers
// without a key/value to set
newValues.put(key, value);
final String message;
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
message = MessageFormat.format("{0}/{1} changed to an empty value", configType, key);
} else {
message = MessageFormat.format("{0}/{1} changed to \"{2}\"\n", configType, key,
mask(keyValuePair, value));
// !!! string replacements happen only on the new values.
for (Replace replacement : replacements) {
// the key might exist but might be null, so we need to check this
// condition when replacing a part of the value
String toReplace = newValues.get(replacement.key);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(toReplace)) {
if (!toReplace.contains(replacement.find)) {
outputBuffer.append(MessageFormat.format("String \"{0}\" was not found in {1}/{2}\n",
replacement.find, configType, replacement.key));
} else {
String replaced = StringUtils.replace(toReplace, replacement.find, replacement.replaceWith);
newValues.put(replacement.key, replaced);
MessageFormat.format("Replaced {0}/{1} containing \"{2}\" with \"{3}\"", configType,
replacement.key, replacement.find, replacement.replaceWith));
} else {
"Skipping replacement for {0}/{1} because it does not exist or is empty.",
configType, replacement.key));
// !!! check to see if we're going to a new stack and double check the
// configs are for the target. Then simply update the new properties instead
// of creating a whole new history record since it was already done
if (!targetStack.equals(currentStack) && targetStack.equals(configStack)) {
return createCommandReport(0, HostRoleStatus.COMPLETED, "{}", outputBuffer.toString(), "");
// !!! values are different and within the same stack. create a new
// config and service config version
String serviceVersionNote = "Stack Upgrade";
String auditName = getExecutionCommand().getRoleParams().get(ServerAction.ACTION_USER_NAME);
if (auditName == null) {
auditName = m_configuration.getAnonymousAuditName();
m_configHelper.createConfigType(cluster, m_controller, configType,
newValues, auditName, serviceVersionNote);
String message = "Finished updating configuration ''{0}''";
message = MessageFormat.format(message, configType);
return createCommandReport(0, HostRoleStatus.COMPLETED, "{}", message, "");
* Finds the values that should be preserved during a delete. This includes:
* <ul>
* <li>Properties that existed on the stack but were changed to a different
* value</li>
* <li>Properties that do not exist on the stack</li>
* </ul>
* @param clusterName
* the cluster name
* @param config
* the config with the tag to find conflicts
* @return the list of changed property keys
* @throws AmbariException
private List<String> findValuesToPreserve(String clusterName, Config config)
throws AmbariException {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
Map<String, Map<String, ThreeWayValue>> conflicts =
m_mergeHelper.getConflicts(clusterName, config.getStackId());
Map<String, ThreeWayValue> conflictMap = conflicts.get(config.getType());
// process the conflicts, if any, and add them to the list
if (null != conflictMap && !conflictMap.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, ThreeWayValue> entry : conflictMap.entrySet()) {
ThreeWayValue twv = entry.getValue();
if (null == twv.oldStackValue) {
} else if (null != twv.savedValue && !twv.oldStackValue.equals(twv.savedValue)) {
String configType = config.getType();
Cluster cluster = m_clusters.getCluster(clusterName);
StackId oldStack = cluster.getCurrentStackVersion();
// iterate over all properties for every cluster service; if the property
// has the correct config type (ie oozie-site or hdfs-site) then add it to
// the list of original stack propertiess
Set<String> stackPropertiesForType = new HashSet<String>(50);
for (String serviceName : cluster.getServices().keySet()) {
Set<PropertyInfo> serviceProperties = m_ambariMetaInfo.get().getServiceProperties(
oldStack.getStackName(), oldStack.getStackVersion(), serviceName);
for (PropertyInfo property : serviceProperties) {
String type = ConfigHelper.fileNameToConfigType(property.getFilename());
if (type.equals(configType)) {
// now iterate over all stack properties, adding them to the list if they
// match
Set<PropertyInfo> stackProperties = m_ambariMetaInfo.get().getStackProperties(
for (PropertyInfo property : stackProperties) {
String type = ConfigHelper.fileNameToConfigType(property.getFilename());
if (type.equals(configType)) {
// see if any keys exist in the old config but not the the original stack
// for this config type; that means they were added and should be preserved
Map<String, String> base = config.getProperties();
Set<String> baseKeys = base.keySet();
for( String baseKey : baseKeys ){
if (!stackPropertiesForType.contains(baseKey)) {
return result;
private static String mask(Masked mask, String value) {
if (mask.mask) {
return StringUtils.repeat("*", value.length());
return value;
private List<Replace> getAllowedReplacements(Cluster cluster, String configType, List<Replace> replacements){
List<Replace> allowedReplacements= new ArrayList<>();
for(Replace replacement: replacements){
if(isOperationAllowed(cluster, configType, replacement.key,
replacement.ifKey, replacement.ifType, replacement.ifValue, replacement.ifKeyState))
return allowedReplacements;
private List<ConfigurationKeyValue> getAllowedSets(Cluster cluster, String configType, List<ConfigurationKeyValue> sets){
List<ConfigurationKeyValue> allowedSets = new ArrayList<>();
for(ConfigurationKeyValue configurationKeyValue: sets){
if(isOperationAllowed(cluster, configType, configurationKeyValue.key,
configurationKeyValue.ifKey, configurationKeyValue.ifType, configurationKeyValue.ifValue, configurationKeyValue.ifKeyState))
return allowedSets;
private List<Transfer> getAllowedTransfers(Cluster cluster, String configType, List<Transfer> transfers){
List<Transfer> allowedTransfers = new ArrayList<>();
for (Transfer transfer : transfers) {
String key = "";
if(transfer.operation == TransferOperation.DELETE)
key = transfer.deleteKey;
key = transfer.fromKey;
if(isOperationAllowed(cluster, configType, key,
transfer.ifKey, transfer.ifType, transfer.ifValue, transfer.ifKeyState))
return allowedTransfers;
private boolean isOperationAllowed(Cluster cluster, String configType, String targetPropertyKey,
String ifKey, String ifType, String ifValue, PropertyKeyState ifKeyState){
boolean isAllowed = true;
boolean ifKeyIsNotBlank = StringUtils.isNotBlank(ifKey);
boolean ifTypeIsNotBlank = StringUtils.isNotBlank(ifType);
if (ifKeyIsNotBlank && ifTypeIsNotBlank && ifKeyState == PropertyKeyState.ABSENT) {
boolean keyPresent = getDesiredConfigurationKeyPresence(cluster, ifType, ifKey);
if (keyPresent) {"Skipping property operation for {}/{} as the key {} for {} is present",
configType, targetPropertyKey, ifKey, ifType);
isAllowed = false;
} else if (ifKeyIsNotBlank && ifTypeIsNotBlank && ifValue == null &&
ifKeyState == PropertyKeyState.PRESENT) {
boolean keyPresent = getDesiredConfigurationKeyPresence(cluster, ifType, ifKey);
if (!keyPresent) {"Skipping property operation for {}/{} as the key {} for {} is not present",
configType, targetPropertyKey, ifKey, ifType);
isAllowed = false;
} else if (ifKeyIsNotBlank && ifTypeIsNotBlank && ifValue != null) {
String ifConfigType = ifType;
String checkValue = getDesiredConfigurationValue(cluster, ifConfigType, ifKey);
if (!ifValue.toLowerCase().equals(StringUtils.lowerCase(checkValue))) {
// skip adding"Skipping property operation for {}/{} as the value {} for {}/{} is not equal to {}",
configType, targetPropertyKey, checkValue, ifConfigType, ifKey, ifValue);
isAllowed = false;
return isAllowed;
* Gets the property presence state
* @param cluster
* the cluster (not {@code null}).
* @param configType
* the configuration type (ie hdfs-site) (not {@code null}).
* @param propertyKey
* the key to retrieve (not {@code null}).
* @return {@code true} if property key exists or {@code false} if not.
private boolean getDesiredConfigurationKeyPresence(Cluster cluster,
String configType, String propertyKey) {
Map<String, DesiredConfig> desiredConfigs = cluster.getDesiredConfigs();
DesiredConfig desiredConfig = desiredConfigs.get(configType);
if (null == desiredConfig) {
return false;
Config config = cluster.getConfig(configType, desiredConfig.getTag());
if (null == config) {
return false;
return config.getProperties().containsKey(propertyKey);
* Gets the value of the specified cluster property.
* @param cluster
* the cluster (not {@code null}).
* @param configType
* the configuration type (ie hdfs-site) (not {@code null}).
* @param propertyKey
* the key to retrieve (not {@code null}).
* @return the value or {@code null} if it does not exist.
private String getDesiredConfigurationValue(Cluster cluster,
String configType, String propertyKey) {
Map<String, DesiredConfig> desiredConfigs = cluster.getDesiredConfigs();
DesiredConfig desiredConfig = desiredConfigs.get(configType);
if (null == desiredConfig) {
return null;
Config config = cluster.getConfig(configType, desiredConfig.getTag());
if (null == config) {
return null;
return config.getProperties().get(propertyKey);