blob: 945a2224325354588322189db3218a22bf48b0b5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
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import imp
import logging
import os
import re
from alerts.base_alert import BaseAlert
from resource_management.core.environment import Environment
from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import KERBEROS_KINIT_TIMER_PARAMETER
from ambari_agent import Constants
logger = logging.getLogger("ambari_alerts")
class ScriptAlert(BaseAlert):
def __init__(self, alert_meta, alert_source_meta, config):
""" ScriptAlert reporting structure is output from the script itself """
alert_source_meta['reporting'] = {
'ok': { 'text': '{0}' },
'warning': { 'text': '{0}' },
'critical': { 'text': '{0}' },
'unknown': { 'text': '{0}' }
super(ScriptAlert, self).__init__(alert_meta, alert_source_meta, config)
self.path = None
self.stacks_dir = None
self.common_services_dir = None
self.host_scripts_dir = None
self.extensions_dir = None
self.path_to_script = None
self.parameters = {}
# will force a kinit even if klist says there are valid tickets (4 hour default)
self.kinit_timeout = long(config.get('agent', 'alert_kinit_timeout', BaseAlert._DEFAULT_KINIT_TIMEOUT))
if 'path' in alert_source_meta:
self.path = alert_source_meta['path']
if 'common_services_directory' in alert_source_meta:
self.common_services_dir = alert_source_meta['common_services_directory']
if 'stacks_directory' in alert_source_meta:
self.stacks_dir = alert_source_meta['stacks_directory']
if 'host_scripts_directory' in alert_source_meta:
self.host_scripts_dir = alert_source_meta['host_scripts_directory']
if 'extensions_directory' in alert_source_meta:
self.extensions_dir = alert_source_meta['extensions_directory']
# convert a list of script parameters, like timeouts, into a dictionary
# so the the scripts can easily lookup the data
if 'parameters' in alert_source_meta:
parameters = alert_source_meta['parameters']
for parameter in parameters:
if 'name' not in parameter or 'value' not in parameter:
# create the dictionary value
parameter_name = parameter['name']
parameter_value = parameter['value']
self.parameters[parameter_name] = parameter_value
# pass in some basic parameters to the scripts
self.parameters[KERBEROS_KINIT_TIMER_PARAMETER] = self.kinit_timeout
def _collect(self):
cmd_module = self._load_source()
if cmd_module is not None:
configurations = {}
tokens = cmd_module.get_tokens()
if tokens is not None:
# for each token, if there is a value, store in; otherwise don't store
# a key with a value of None
for token in tokens:
value = self._get_configuration_value(token)
if value is not None:
configurations[token] = value
except AttributeError:
# it's OK if the module doesn't have get_tokens() ; no tokens will
# be passed in so hopefully the script doesn't need any
logger.debug("The script {0} does not have a get_tokens() function".format(str(cmd_module)))
# try to get basedir for scripts
# it's needed for server side scripts to properly use resource management
matchObj = re.match( r'((.*)services(.*)package)', self.path_to_script)
if matchObj:
basedir =
with Environment(basedir, tmp_dir=Constants.AGENT_TMP_DIR, logger=logging.getLogger('ambari_alerts')) as env:
result = cmd_module.execute(configurations, self.parameters, self.host_name)
result = cmd_module.execute(configurations, self.parameters, self.host_name)
loggerMsg = "[Alert][{0}] Failed with result {2}: {3}".format(
self.get_name(), self.path_to_script, result[0], result[1])
if result[0] == self.RESULT_CRITICAL:
elif result[0] == self.RESULT_WARNING or result[0] == self.RESULT_UNKNOWN:
return result
return (self.RESULT_UNKNOWN, ["Unable to execute script {0}".format(self.path)])
def _load_source(self):
if self.path is None and self.stack_path is None and self.host_scripts_dir is None:
raise Exception("The attribute 'path' must be specified")
paths = self.path.split('/')
self.path_to_script = self.path
# if the path doesn't exist and stacks dir is defined, try that
if not os.path.exists(self.path_to_script) and self.stacks_dir is not None:
self.path_to_script = os.path.join(self.stacks_dir, *paths)
# if the path doesn't exist and common services dir is defined, try that
if not os.path.exists(self.path_to_script) and self.common_services_dir is not None:
self.path_to_script = os.path.join(self.common_services_dir, *paths)
# if the path doesn't exist and the host script dir is defined, try that
if not os.path.exists(self.path_to_script) and self.host_scripts_dir is not None:
self.path_to_script = os.path.join(self.host_scripts_dir, *paths)
# if the path doesn't exist and the extensions dir is defined, try that
if not os.path.exists(self.path_to_script) and self.extensions_dir is not None:
self.path_to_script = os.path.join(self.extensions_dir, *paths)
# if the path can't be evaluated, throw exception
if not os.path.exists(self.path_to_script) or not os.path.isfile(self.path_to_script):
raise Exception(
"Unable to find '{0}' as an absolute path or part of {1} or {2}".format(self.path,
self.stacks_dir, self.host_scripts_dir))
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug("[Alert][{0}] Executing script check {1}".format(
self.get_name(), self.path_to_script))
if (not self.path_to_script.endswith('.py')):
logger.error("[Alert][{0}] Unable to execute script {1}".format(
self.get_name(), self.path_to_script))
return None
return imp.load_source(self._get_alert_meta_value_safely('name'), self.path_to_script)
def _get_reporting_text(self, state):
Always returns {0} since the result of the script alert is a rendered string.
This will ensure that the base class takes the result string and just uses
it directly.
:param state: the state of the alert in uppercase (such as OK, WARNING, etc)
:return: the parameterized text
return '{0}'