blob: 7f3b2a5a6fc556f4463d7aefe769592db97af2a3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
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import logging
import re
import time
from collections import namedtuple
logger = logging.getLogger()
# create a named tuple to return both the concrete URI and SSL flag
AlertUri = namedtuple('AlertUri', 'uri is_ssl_enabled')
class BaseAlert(object):
# will force a kinit even if klist says there are valid tickets (4 hour default)
HA_NAMESERVICE_PARAM = "{{ha-nameservice}}"
HA_ALIAS_PARAM = "{{alias}}"
def __init__(self, alert_meta, alert_source_meta, config):
self.alert_meta = alert_meta
self.alert_source_meta = alert_source_meta
self.cluster_name = ''
self.host_name = ''
self.config = config
def interval(self):
""" gets the defined interval this check should run """
if not self.alert_meta.has_key('interval'):
return 1
interval = self.alert_meta['interval']
return 1 if interval < 1 else interval
def is_enabled(self):
gets whether the definition is enabled
return self.alert_meta['enabled']
def get_name(self):
gets the unique name of the alert definition
return self.alert_meta['name']
def get_uuid(self):
gets the unique has of the alert definition
return self.alert_meta['uuid']
def set_helpers(self, collector, cluster_configuration):
sets helper objects for alerts without having to use them in a constructor
self.collector = collector
self.cluster_configuration = cluster_configuration
def set_cluster(self, cluster_name, host_name):
""" sets cluster information for the alert """
self.cluster_name = cluster_name
self.host_name = host_name
def _get_alert_meta_value_safely(self, meta_key):
safe way to get a value when outputting result json. will not throw an exception
if self.alert_meta.has_key(meta_key):
return self.alert_meta[meta_key]
return None
def collect(self):
""" method used for collection. defers to _collect() """
res = (BaseAlert.RESULT_UNKNOWN, [])
res_base_text = None
res = self._collect()
result_state = res[0]
reporting_state = result_state.lower()
# it's possible that the alert definition doesn't have reporting; safely
# check for it and fallback to default text if it doesn't exist
if ('reporting' in self.alert_source_meta) and \
(reporting_state in self.alert_source_meta['reporting']) and \
('text' in self.alert_source_meta['reporting'][reporting_state]):
res_base_text = self.alert_source_meta['reporting'][reporting_state]['text']
if res_base_text is None:
res_base_text = self._get_reporting_text(result_state)
except Exception as exception:
message = "[Alert][{0}] Unable to execute alert. {1}".format(
self.get_name(), str(exception))
# print the exception if in DEBUG, otherwise just log the warning
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
res = (BaseAlert.RESULT_UNKNOWN, [str(exception)])
res_base_text = "{0}"
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug("[Alert][{0}] result = {1}".format(self.get_name(), str(res)))
data = {}
data['name'] = self._get_alert_meta_value_safely('name')
data['label'] = self._get_alert_meta_value_safely('label')
data['uuid'] = self._get_alert_meta_value_safely('uuid')
data['cluster'] = self.cluster_name
data['service'] = self._get_alert_meta_value_safely('serviceName')
data['component'] = self._get_alert_meta_value_safely('componentName')
data['timestamp'] = long(time.time() * 1000)
data['enabled'] = self._get_alert_meta_value_safely('enabled')
data['state'] = res[0]
# * is the splat operator, which flattens a collection into positional arguments
# flatten the array and then try formatting it
data['text'] = res_base_text.format(*res[1])
except ValueError, value_error:
logger.warn("[Alert][{0}] - {1}".format(self.get_name(), str(value_error)))
# if there is a ValueError, it's probably because the text doesn't match the type of
# positional arguemtns (ie {0:d} with a float)
res_base_text = res_base_text.replace("d}", "s}")
data_as_strings = map(str, res[1])
data['text'] = res_base_text.format(*data_as_strings)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug("[Alert][{0}] text = {1}".format(self.get_name(), data['text']))
except Exception, exception:
logger.exception("[Alert][{0}] - The alert's data is not properly formatted".format(self.get_name()))
# if there's a problem with getting the data returned from collect() then mark this
# alert as UNKNOWN
data['state'] = self.RESULT_UNKNOWN
data['text'] = "There is a problem with the alert definition: {0}".format(str(exception))
# put the alert into the collector so it can be collected on the next run
self.collector.put(self.cluster_name, data)
def _get_configuration_value(self, key):
Gets the value of the specified configuration key from the cache. The key
should be of the form {{foo-bar/baz}}. If the key given is not a lookup key
and is instead a constant, such as "foo" or "5", then the constant is
If the key contains more than 1 parameter to lookup, then each match is
looked up and replaced.
If the value does not exist in the configs, then return None to indicate
that this key could not be found.
This should turn {{hdfs-site/value}}/whatever/{{hdfs-site/value2}}
:return: the resolved value or None if any of the placeholder parameters
does not exist in the configs
if key is None:
return None
# parse {{foo-bar/baz}}/whatever/{{foobar-site/blah}}
# into
# ['foo-bar/baz', 'foobar-site/blah']
placeholder_keys = re.findall("{{(\S+?)}}", key)
# if none found, then return the original
if placeholder_keys is None or len(placeholder_keys) == 0:
return key
# for every match, get its configuration value and replace it in the key
resolved_key = key
for placeholder_key in placeholder_keys:
value = self.cluster_configuration.get_configuration_value(
self.cluster_name, placeholder_key)
# if any of the placeholder keys is missing from the configuration, then
# return None as per the contract of this function
if value is None:
return None
# it's possible that a dictionary was request (ie {{hdfs-site}} instead
# of {{hdfs-site/foo}} - in which case, we should just return the
# dictionary as is
if isinstance(value, dict):
return value
# {{foo-bar/baz}}/whatever -> http://server/whatever
resolved_key = resolved_key.replace("{{%s}}" % placeholder_key, value)
return resolved_key
def _lookup_uri_property_keys(self, uri_structure):
Loads the configuration lookup keys that the URI structure needs. This
will return a named tuple that contains the keys needed to lookup
parameterized URI values from the cached configuration.
The URI structure looks something like:
"http": foo,
"https": bar,
if uri_structure is None:
return None
http_key = None
https_key = None
https_property_key = None
https_property_value_key = None
default_port = None
kerberos_keytab = None
kerberos_principal = None
ha_nameservice = None
ha_alias_key = None
ha_http_pattern = None
ha_https_pattern = None
if 'http' in uri_structure:
http_key = uri_structure['http']
if 'https' in uri_structure:
https_key = uri_structure['https']
if 'https_property' in uri_structure:
https_property_key = uri_structure['https_property']
if 'https_property_value' in uri_structure:
https_property_value_key = uri_structure['https_property_value']
if 'default_port' in uri_structure:
default_port = uri_structure['default_port']
if 'kerberos_keytab' in uri_structure:
kerberos_keytab = uri_structure['kerberos_keytab']
if 'kerberos_principal' in uri_structure:
kerberos_principal = uri_structure['kerberos_principal']
if 'high_availability' in uri_structure:
ha = uri_structure['high_availability']
if 'nameservice' in ha:
ha_nameservice = ha['nameservice']
if 'alias_key' in ha:
ha_alias_key = ha['alias_key']
if 'http_pattern' in ha:
ha_http_pattern = ha['http_pattern']
if 'https_pattern' in ha:
ha_https_pattern = ha['https_pattern']
AlertUriLookupKeys = namedtuple('AlertUriLookupKeys',
'http https https_property https_property_value default_port '
'kerberos_keytab kerberos_principal '
'ha_nameservice ha_alias_key ha_http_pattern ha_https_pattern')
alert_uri_lookup_keys = AlertUriLookupKeys(http=http_key, https=https_key,
https_property_value=https_property_value_key, default_port=default_port,
kerberos_keytab=kerberos_keytab, kerberos_principal=kerberos_principal,
ha_nameservice=ha_nameservice, ha_alias_key=ha_alias_key,
ha_http_pattern=ha_http_pattern, ha_https_pattern=ha_https_pattern
return alert_uri_lookup_keys
def _get_uri_from_structure(self, alert_uri_lookup_keys):
Gets the URI to use by examining the URI structure from the definition.
This will return a named tuple that has the uri and the SSL flag. The
URI structure looks something like:
"http": foo,
"https": bar,
if alert_uri_lookup_keys is None:
return None
http_uri = None
https_uri = None
# first thing is first; if there are HA keys then try to dynamically build
# the property which is used to get the actual value of the uri
# (ie dfs.namenode.http-address.c1ha.nn2)
if alert_uri_lookup_keys.ha_nameservice is not None or alert_uri_lookup_keys.ha_alias_key is not None:
alert_uri = self._get_uri_from_ha_structure(alert_uri_lookup_keys)
if alert_uri is not None:
return alert_uri
# attempt to parse and parameterize the various URIs; properties that
# do not exist int he lookup map are returned as None
if alert_uri_lookup_keys.http is not None:
http_uri = self._get_configuration_value(alert_uri_lookup_keys.http)
if alert_uri_lookup_keys.https is not None:
https_uri = self._get_configuration_value(alert_uri_lookup_keys.https)
# without a URI, there's no way to create the structure we need - return
# the default port if specified, otherwise throw an exception
if http_uri is None and https_uri is None:
if alert_uri_lookup_keys.default_port is not None:
alert_uri = AlertUri(uri=alert_uri_lookup_keys.default_port, is_ssl_enabled=False)
return alert_uri
raise Exception("Could not determine result. Either the http or https URI must be specified.")
# start out assuming plaintext
uri = http_uri
is_ssl_enabled = False
if https_uri is not None:
# https without http implies SSL, otherwise look it up based on the properties
if http_uri is None:
is_ssl_enabled = True
uri = https_uri
elif self._check_uri_ssl_property(alert_uri_lookup_keys):
is_ssl_enabled = True
uri = https_uri
alert_uri = AlertUri(uri=uri, is_ssl_enabled=is_ssl_enabled)
return alert_uri
def _get_uri_from_ha_structure(self, alert_uri_lookup_keys):
Attempts to parse the HA URI structure in order to build a dynamic key
that represents the correct host URI to check.
:param alert_uri_lookup_keys:
:return: the AlertUri named tuple if there is a valid HA URL, otherwise None
if alert_uri_lookup_keys is None:
return None
logger.debug("[Alert][{0}] HA URI structure detected in definition, attempting to lookup dynamic HA properties".format(self.get_name()))
ha_nameservice = self._get_configuration_value(alert_uri_lookup_keys.ha_nameservice)
ha_alias_key = alert_uri_lookup_keys.ha_alias_key
ha_http_pattern = alert_uri_lookup_keys.ha_http_pattern
ha_https_pattern = alert_uri_lookup_keys.ha_https_pattern
# if HA alias key is not defined then it's not HA environment
if ha_alias_key is None:
return None
if alert_uri_lookup_keys.ha_nameservice is not None:
# if there is a HA nameservice defined, but it can not be evaluated then it's not HA environment
if ha_nameservice is None:
return None
# convert dfs.ha.namenodes.{{ha-nameservice}} into dfs.ha.namenodes.c1ha
ha_alias_key = ha_alias_key.replace(self.HA_NAMESERVICE_PARAM, ha_nameservice)
ha_nameservice_alias = self._get_configuration_value(ha_alias_key)
if ha_nameservice_alias is None:
logger.warning("[Alert][{0}] HA nameservice value is present but there are no aliases for {1}".format(
self.get_name(), ha_alias_key))
return None
ha_nameservice_alias = self._get_configuration_value(ha_alias_key)
# if HA nameservice is not defined then the fact that the HA alias_key could not be evaluated shows that it's not HA environment
if ha_nameservice_alias is None:
return None
# determine which pattern to use (http or https)
ha_pattern = ha_http_pattern
is_ssl_enabled = self._check_uri_ssl_property(alert_uri_lookup_keys)
if is_ssl_enabled:
ha_pattern = ha_https_pattern
# no pattern found
if ha_pattern is None:
logger.warning("[Alert][{0}] There is no matching http(s) pattern for the HA URI".format(
return None
if self.HA_NAMESERVICE_PARAM in ha_pattern and ha_nameservice is None:
logger.warning("[Alert][{0}] An HA URI pattern of {1} was detected, but there is no nameservice key".format(
self.get_name(), ha_pattern))
return None
# convert dfs.namenode.http-address.{{ha-nameservice}}.{{alias}} into
# dfs.namenode.http-address.c1ha.{{alias}}
if ha_nameservice is not None:
ha_pattern = ha_pattern.replace(self.HA_NAMESERVICE_PARAM, ha_nameservice)
# for each alias, grab it and check to see if this host matches
for alias in ha_nameservice_alias.split(','):
# convert dfs.namenode.http-address.c1ha.{{alias}} into
# dfs.namenode.http-address.c1ha.nn1
key = ha_pattern.replace(self.HA_ALIAS_PARAM, alias.strip())
# get the host for dfs.namenode.http-address.c1ha.nn1 and see if it's
# this host
value = self._get_configuration_value(key)
if value is not None and self.host_name in value:
return AlertUri(uri=value, is_ssl_enabled=is_ssl_enabled)
return None
def _check_uri_ssl_property(self, alert_uri_lookup_keys):
Gets whether the SSL property and value on the URI indicate an SSL
:param alert_uri_lookup_keys:
:return: True if the SSL check property and value are defined and match
otherwise False
https_property = None
https_property_value = None
if alert_uri_lookup_keys.https_property is not None:
https_property = self._get_configuration_value(alert_uri_lookup_keys.https_property)
if alert_uri_lookup_keys.https_property_value is not None:
https_property_value = self._get_configuration_value(alert_uri_lookup_keys.https_property_value)
if https_property is None:
return False
return https_property == https_property_value
def _collect(self):
Low level function to collect alert data. The result is a tuple as:
res[0] = the result code
res[1] = the list of arguments supplied to the reporting text for the result code
#TODO: After implementation uncomment /src/test/python/ambari_agent/
# and /src/test/python/ambari_agent/
raise NotImplementedError
def _get_reporting_text(self, state):
Gets the default reporting text to use when the alert definition does not
contain any. Subclasses can override this to return specific text.
:param state: the state of the alert in uppercase (such as OK, WARNING, etc)
:return: the parameterized text
return '{0}'
See RFC3986, Appendix B
Tested on the following cases:
Returns None if only a port is passed in
def get_host_from_url(uri):
if uri is None:
return None
# if not a string, return None
if not isinstance(uri, basestring):
return None
# RFC3986, Appendix B
parts = re.findall('^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?', uri)
# index of parts
# scheme = 1
# authority = 3
# path = 4
# query = 6
# fragment = 8
host_and_port = uri
if 0 == len(parts[0][1]):
host_and_port = parts[0][4]
elif 0 == len(parts[0][2]):
host_and_port = parts[0][1]
elif parts[0][2].startswith("//"):
host_and_port = parts[0][3]
if -1 == host_and_port.find(':'):
if host_and_port.isdigit():
return None
return host_and_port
return host_and_port.split(':')[0]