blob: 5fa9ec47968deb78399b97cb65156ce04ac16411 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import tempfile
__all__ = ["Script"]
import re
import os
import sys
import logging
import platform
import inspect
import tarfile
from optparse import OptionParser
import resource_management
from ambari_commons import OSCheck, OSConst
from ambari_commons.constants import UPGRADE_TYPE_NON_ROLLING
from ambari_commons.constants import UPGRADE_TYPE_ROLLING
from ambari_commons.constants import UPGRADE_TYPE_HOST_ORDERED
from import reconfigure_urllib2_opener
from ambari_commons.os_family_impl import OsFamilyFuncImpl, OsFamilyImpl
from resource_management.libraries.resources import XmlConfig
from resource_management.libraries.resources import PropertiesFile
from resource_management.core import sudo
from resource_management.core.resources import File, Directory
from resource_management.core.source import InlineTemplate
from resource_management.core.environment import Environment
from resource_management.core.logger import Logger
from resource_management.core.exceptions import Fail, ClientComponentHasNoStatus, ComponentIsNotRunning
from resource_management.core.resources.packaging import Package
from resource_management.libraries.functions.version_select_util import get_component_version
from resource_management.libraries.functions.version import compare_versions
from resource_management.libraries.functions.version import format_stack_version
from resource_management.libraries.functions import stack_tools
from resource_management.libraries.functions.constants import Direction
from resource_management.libraries.functions import packages_analyzer
from resource_management.libraries.script.config_dictionary import ConfigDictionary, UnknownConfiguration
from resource_management.core.resources.system import Execute
from contextlib import closing
from resource_management.libraries.functions.stack_features import check_stack_feature
from resource_management.libraries.functions.constants import StackFeature
from resource_management.libraries.functions.show_logs import show_logs
from resource_management.libraries.functions.fcntl_based_process_lock import FcntlBasedProcessLock
import ambari_simplejson as json # simplejson is much faster comparing to Python 2.6 json module and has the same functions set.
if OSCheck.is_windows_family():
from resource_management.libraries.functions.install_windows_msi import install_windows_msi
from resource_management.libraries.functions.reload_windows_env import reload_windows_env
from resource_management.libraries.functions.zip_archive import archive_dir
from resource_management.libraries.resources import Msi
from resource_management.libraries.functions.tar_archive import archive_dir
<JSON_CONFIG> path to command json file. Ex: /var/lib/ambari-agent/data/command-2.json
<BASEDIR> path to service metadata dir. Ex: /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/HDFS/
<STROUTPUT> path to file with structured command output (file will be created). Ex:/tmp/my.txt
<LOGGING_LEVEL> log level for stdout. Ex:DEBUG,INFO
<TMP_DIR> temporary directory for executable scripts. Ex: /var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp
[PROTOCOL] optional protocol to use during https connections. Ex: see python ssl.PROTOCOL_<PROTO> variables, default PROTOCOL_TLSv1
_PASSWORD_MAP = {"/configurations/cluster-env/":"/configurations/cluster-env/hadoop.user.password"}
STACK_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER = "${stack_version}"
OUT_FILES_MASK = "*.out"
AGENT_TASKS_LOG_FILE = "/var/log/ambari-agent/agent_tasks.log"
def get_path_from_configuration(name, configuration):
subdicts = filter(None, name.split('/'))
for x in subdicts:
if x in configuration:
configuration = configuration[x]
return None
return configuration
def get_config_lock_file():
return os.path.join(Script.get_tmp_dir(), "link_configs_lock_file")
class LockedConfigureMeta(type):
This metaclass ensures that Script.configure() is invoked with a fcntl-based process lock
if necessary (when Ambari Agent is configured to execute tasks concurrently) for all subclasses.
def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):
if 'configure' in classdict:
original_configure = classdict['configure']
def locking_configure(obj, *args, **kw):
# local import to avoid circular dependency (default imports Script)
from resource_management.libraries.functions.default import default
parallel_execution_enabled = int(default("/agentConfigParams/agent/parallel_execution", 0)) == 1
lock = FcntlBasedProcessLock(get_config_lock_file(), skip_fcntl_failures = True, enabled = parallel_execution_enabled)
with lock:
original_configure(obj, *args, **kw)
classdict['configure'] = locking_configure
return type.__new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict)
class Script(object):
__metaclass__ = LockedConfigureMeta
instance = None
Executes a command for custom service. stdout and stderr are written to
tmpoutfile and to tmperrfile respectively.
Script instances share configuration as a class parameter and therefore
different Script instances can not be used from different threads at
the same time within a single python process
Accepted command line arguments mapping:
1 command type (START/STOP/...)
2 path to command json file
3 path to service metadata dir (Directory "package" inside service directory)
4 path to file with structured command output (file will be created)
config = None
stack_version_from_distro_select = None
structuredOut = {}
command_data_file = ""
basedir = ""
stroutfile = ""
logging_level = ""
# Class variable
tmp_dir = ""
force_https_protocol = "PROTOCOL_TLSv1"
def load_structured_out(self):
Script.structuredOut = {}
if os.path.exists(self.stroutfile):
if os.path.getsize(self.stroutfile) > 0:
with open(self.stroutfile, 'r') as fp:
Script.structuredOut = json.load(fp)
except Exception:
errMsg = 'Unable to read structured output from ' + self.stroutfile
# version is only set in a specific way and should not be carried
if "version" in Script.structuredOut:
del Script.structuredOut["version"]
# reset security issues and errors found on previous runs
if "securityIssuesFound" in Script.structuredOut:
del Script.structuredOut["securityIssuesFound"]
if "securityStateErrorInfo" in Script.structuredOut:
del Script.structuredOut["securityStateErrorInfo"]
def put_structured_out(self, sout):
with open(self.stroutfile, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(Script.structuredOut, fp)
except IOError, err:
Script.structuredOut.update({"errMsg" : "Unable to write to " + self.stroutfile})
def get_component_name(self):
To be overridden by subclasses.
Returns a string with the component name used in selecting the version.
def get_config_dir_during_stack_upgrade(self, env, base_dir, conf_select_name):
Because this gets called during a Rolling Upgrade, the new configs have already been saved, so we must be
careful to only call configure() on the directory with the new version.
If valid, returns the config directory to save configs to, otherwise, return None
import params
required_attributes = ["stack_name", "stack_root", "version"]
for attribute in required_attributes:
if not hasattr(params, attribute):
raise Fail("Failed in function 'stack_upgrade_save_new_config' because params was missing variable %s." % attribute)"stack_upgrade_save_new_config(): Checking if can write new client configs to new config version folder.")
if check_stack_feature(StackFeature.CONFIG_VERSIONING, params.version):
# Even though hdp-select has not yet been called, write new configs to the new config directory.
config_path = os.path.join(params.stack_root, params.version, conf_select_name, "conf")
return os.path.realpath(config_path)
return None
def save_component_version_to_structured_out(self):
:param stack_name: One of HDP, HDPWIN, PHD, BIGTOP.
:return: Append the version number to the structured out.
stack_name = Script.get_stack_name()
component_name = self.get_component_name()
if component_name and stack_name:
component_version = get_component_version(stack_name, component_name)
if component_version:
self.put_structured_out({"version": component_version})
# if repository_version_id is passed, pass it back with the version
from resource_management.libraries.functions.default import default
repo_version_id = default("/hostLevelParams/repository_version_id", None)
if repo_version_id:
self.put_structured_out({"repository_version_id": repo_version_id})
def should_expose_component_version(self, command_name):
Analyzes config and given command to determine if stack version should be written
to structured out. Currently only HDP stack versions >= 2.2 are supported.
:param command_name: command name
:return: True or False
from resource_management.libraries.functions.default import default
stack_version_unformatted = str(default("/hostLevelParams/stack_version", ""))
stack_version_formatted = format_stack_version(stack_version_unformatted)
if stack_version_formatted and check_stack_feature(StackFeature.ROLLING_UPGRADE, stack_version_formatted):
if command_name.lower() == "status":
request_version = default("/commandParams/request_version", None)
if request_version is not None:
return True
# Populate version only on base commands
return command_name.lower() == "start" or command_name.lower() == "install" or command_name.lower() == "restart"
return False
def execute(self):
Sets up logging;
Parses command parameters and executes method relevant to command type
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-o", "--out-files-logging", dest="log_out_files", action="store_true",
help="use this option to enable outputting *.out files of the service pre-start")
(self.options, args) = parser.parse_args()
self.log_out_files = self.options.log_out_files
# parse arguments
if len(args) < 6:
print "Script expects at least 6 arguments"
print USAGE.format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) # print to stdout
self.command_name = str.lower(sys.argv[1])
self.command_data_file = sys.argv[2]
self.basedir = sys.argv[3]
self.stroutfile = sys.argv[4]
self.logging_level = sys.argv[5]
Script.tmp_dir = sys.argv[6]
# optional script argument for forcing https protocol
if len(sys.argv) >= 8:
Script.force_https_protocol = sys.argv[7]
logging_level_str = logging._levelNames[self.logging_level]
Logger.initialize_logger(__name__, logging_level=logging_level_str)
# on windows we need to reload some of env variables manually because there is no default paths for configs(like
# /etc/something/conf on linux. When this env vars created by one of the Script execution, they can not be updated
# in agent, so other Script executions will not be able to access to new env variables
if OSCheck.is_windows_family():
with open(self.command_data_file) as f:
Script.config = ConfigDictionary(json.load(f))
# load passwords here(used on windows to impersonate different users)
Script.passwords = {}
for k, v in _PASSWORD_MAP.iteritems():
if get_path_from_configuration(k, Script.config) and get_path_from_configuration(v, Script.config):
Script.passwords[get_path_from_configuration(k, Script.config)] = get_path_from_configuration(v, Script.config)
except IOError:
Logger.logger.exception("Can not read json file with command parameters: ")
# Run class method depending on a command type
method = self.choose_method_to_execute(self.command_name)
with Environment(self.basedir, tmp_dir=Script.tmp_dir) as env:
env.config.download_path = Script.tmp_dir
if self.command_name == "start" and not self.is_hook():
if self.command_name == "start" and not self.is_hook():
except Fail as ex:
if self.should_expose_component_version(self.command_name):
def is_hook(self):
from resource_management.libraries.script.hook import Hook
return (Hook in self.__class__.__bases__)
def get_log_folder(self):
return ""
def get_user(self):
return ""
def get_pid_files(self):
return []
def pre_start(self):
if self.log_out_files:
log_folder = self.get_log_folder()
user = self.get_user()
if log_folder == "":
Logger.logger.warn("Log folder for current script is not defined")
if user == "":
Logger.logger.warn("User for current script is not defined")
show_logs(log_folder, user, lines_count=COUNT_OF_LAST_LINES_OF_OUT_FILES_LOGGED, mask=OUT_FILES_MASK)
def post_start(self):
pid_files = self.get_pid_files()
if pid_files == []:
Logger.logger.warning("Pid files for current script are not defined")
pids = []
for pid_file in pid_files:
if not sudo.path_exists(pid_file):
raise Fail("Pid file {0} doesn't exist after starting of the component.".format(pid_file))
pids.append(sudo.read_file(pid_file).strip())"Component has started with pid(s): {0}".format(', '.join(pids)))
def choose_method_to_execute(self, command_name):
Returns a callable object that should be executed for a given command.
self_methods = dir(self)
if not command_name in self_methods:
raise Fail("Script '{0}' has no method '{1}'".format(sys.argv[0], command_name))
method = getattr(self, command_name)
return method
def get_stack_version_before_packages_installed(self):
This works in a lazy way (calculates the version first time and stores it).
If you need to recalculate the version explicitly set:
Script.stack_version_from_distro_select = None
before the call. However takes a bit of time, so better to avoid.
:return: stack version including the build number. e.g.:
# preferred way is to get the actual selected version of current component
component_name = self.get_component_name()
if not Script.stack_version_from_distro_select and component_name:
from resource_management.libraries.functions import stack_select
Script.stack_version_from_distro_select = stack_select.get_stack_version_before_install(component_name)
# If <stack-selector-tool> has not yet been done (situations like first install),
# we can use <stack-selector-tool> version itself.
# Wildcards cause a lot of troubles with installing packages, if the version contains wildcards we should try to specify it.
if not Script.stack_version_from_distro_select or '*' in Script.stack_version_from_distro_select:
# FIXME: this method is not reliable to get stack-selector-version
# as if there are multiple versions installed with different <stack-selector-tool>, we won't detect the older one (if needed).
Script.stack_version_from_distro_select = packages_analyzer.getInstalledPackageVersion(
return Script.stack_version_from_distro_select
def format_package_name(self, name):
from resource_management.libraries.functions.default import default
This function replaces ${stack_version} placeholder into actual version. If the package
version is passed from the server, use that as an absolute truth.
# two different command types put things in different objects. WHY.
# package_version is the form W_X_Y_Z_nnnn
package_version = default("roleParams/package_version", None)
if not package_version:
package_version = default("hostLevelParams/package_version", None)
package_delimiter = '-' if OSCheck.is_ubuntu_family() else '_'
# The cluster effective version comes down when the version is known after the initial
# install. In that case we should not be guessing which version when invoking INSTALL, but
# use the supplied version to build the package_version
effective_version = default("commandParams/version", None)
role_command = default("roleCommand", None)
if (package_version is None or '*' in package_version) \
and effective_version is not None and 'INSTALL' == role_command:
package_version = effective_version.replace('.', package_delimiter).replace('-', package_delimiter)"Version {0} was provided as effective cluster version. Using package version {1}".format(effective_version, package_version))
if package_version:
stack_version_package_formatted = package_version
if OSCheck.is_ubuntu_family():
stack_version_package_formatted = package_version.replace('_', package_delimiter)
# Wildcards cause a lot of troubles with installing packages, if the version contains wildcards we try to specify it.
if not package_version or '*' in package_version:
stack_version_package_formatted = self.get_stack_version_before_packages_installed().replace('.', package_delimiter).replace('-', package_delimiter) if STACK_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER in name else name
package_name = name.replace(STACK_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER, stack_version_package_formatted)
return package_name
def get_config():
HACK. Uses static field to store configuration. This is a workaround for
"circular dependency" issue when importing file and passing to
it a configuration instance.
return Script.config
def get_password(user):
return Script.passwords[user]
def get_tmp_dir():
HACK. Uses static field to avoid "circular dependency" issue when
return Script.tmp_dir
def get_force_https_protocol():
return Script.force_https_protocol
def get_component_from_role(role_directory_map, default_role):
Gets the <stack-root>/current/<component> component given an Ambari role,
:return: the component name, such as hbase-master
from resource_management.libraries.functions.default import default
command_role = default("/role", default_role)
if command_role in role_directory_map:
return role_directory_map[command_role]
return role_directory_map[default_role]
def get_stack_name():
Gets the name of the stack from hostLevelParams/stack_name.
:return: a stack name or None
from resource_management.libraries.functions.default import default
return default("/hostLevelParams/stack_name", "HDP")
def get_stack_root():
Get the stack-specific install root directory
:return: stack_root
from resource_management.libraries.functions.default import default
stack_name = Script.get_stack_name()
return default("/configurations/cluster-env/stack_root", "/usr/{0}".format(stack_name.lower()))
def get_stack_version():
Gets the normalized version of the stack in the form #.#.#.# if it is
present on the configurations sent.
:return: a normalized stack version or None
config = Script.get_config()
if 'hostLevelParams' not in config or 'stack_version' not in config['hostLevelParams']:
return None
stack_version_unformatted = str(config['hostLevelParams']['stack_version'])
if stack_version_unformatted is None or stack_version_unformatted == '':
return None
return format_stack_version(stack_version_unformatted)
def in_stack_upgrade():
from resource_management.libraries.functions.default import default
upgrade_direction = default("/commandParams/upgrade_direction", None)
return upgrade_direction is not None and upgrade_direction in [Direction.UPGRADE, Direction.DOWNGRADE]
def is_stack_greater(stack_version_formatted, compare_to_version):
Gets whether the provided stack_version_formatted (normalized)
is greater than the specified stack version
:param stack_version_formatted: the version of stack to compare
:param compare_to_version: the version of stack to compare to
:return: True if the command's stack is greater than the specified version
if stack_version_formatted is None or stack_version_formatted == "":
return False
return compare_versions(stack_version_formatted, compare_to_version) > 0
def is_stack_greater_or_equal(compare_to_version):
Gets whether the hostLevelParams/stack_version, after being normalized,
is greater than or equal to the specified stack version
:param compare_to_version: the version to compare to
:return: True if the command's stack is greater than or equal the specified version
return Script.is_stack_greater_or_equal_to(Script.get_stack_version(), compare_to_version)
def is_stack_greater_or_equal_to(stack_version_formatted, compare_to_version):
Gets whether the provided stack_version_formatted (normalized)
is greater than or equal to the specified stack version
:param stack_version_formatted: the version of stack to compare
:param compare_to_version: the version of stack to compare to
:return: True if the command's stack is greater than or equal to the specified version
if stack_version_formatted is None or stack_version_formatted == "":
return False
return compare_versions(stack_version_formatted, compare_to_version) >= 0
def is_stack_less_than(compare_to_version):
Gets whether the hostLevelParams/stack_version, after being normalized,
is less than the specified stack version
:param compare_to_version: the version to compare to
:return: True if the command's stack is less than the specified version
stack_version_formatted = Script.get_stack_version()
if stack_version_formatted is None:
return False
return compare_versions(stack_version_formatted, compare_to_version) < 0
def install(self, env):
Default implementation of install command is to install all packages
from a list, received from the server.
Feel free to override install() method with your implementation. It
usually makes sense to call install_packages() manually in this case
def install_packages(self, env):
List of packages that are required< by service is received from the server
as a command parameter. The method installs all packages
from this list
exclude_packages - list of regexes (possibly raw strings as well), the
packages which match the regex won't be installed.
NOTE: regexes don't have Python syntax, but simple package regexes which support only * and .* and ?
config = self.get_config()
if 'host_sys_prepped' in config['hostLevelParams']:
# do not install anything on sys-prepped host
if config['hostLevelParams']['host_sys_prepped'] == True:"Node has all packages pre-installed. Skipping.")
package_list_str = config['hostLevelParams']['package_list']
agent_stack_retry_on_unavailability = bool(config['hostLevelParams']['agent_stack_retry_on_unavailability'])
agent_stack_retry_count = int(config['hostLevelParams']['agent_stack_retry_count'])
if isinstance(package_list_str, basestring) and len(package_list_str) > 0:
package_list = json.loads(package_list_str)
for package in package_list:
if self.check_package_condition(package):
name = self.format_package_name(package['name'])
# HACK: On Windows, only install ambari-metrics packages using Choco Package Installer
# TODO: Update this once choco packages for hadoop are created. This is because, service metainfo.xml support
# <osFamily>any<osFamily> which would cause installation failure on Windows.
if OSCheck.is_windows_family():
if "ambari-metrics" in name:
except KeyError:
pass # No reason to worry
if OSCheck.is_windows_family():
#TODO hacky install of windows msi, remove it or move to old(2.1) stack definition when component based install will be implemented
hadoop_user = config["configurations"]["cluster-env"][""]
config["hostLevelParams"]["agentCacheDir"], ["hdp-", "", ""],
hadoop_user, self.get_password(hadoop_user),
def check_package_condition(self, package):
condition = package['condition']
if not condition:
return True
return self.should_install_package(package)
def should_install_package(self, package):
from resource_management.libraries.functions import package_conditions
condition = package['condition']
chooser_method = getattr(package_conditions, condition)
except AttributeError:
name = package['name']
raise Fail("Condition with name '{0}', when installing package {1}. Please check".format(condition, name))
return chooser_method()
def matches_any_regexp(string, regexp_list):
for regex in regexp_list:
# we cannot use here Python regex, since * will create some troubles matching plaintext names.
package_regex = '^' + re.escape(regex).replace('\\.\\*','.*').replace("\\?", ".").replace("\\*", ".*") + '$'
if re.match(package_regex, string):
return True
return False
def fail_with_error(message):
Prints error message and exits with non-zero exit code
print("Error: " + message)
sys.stderr.write("Error: " + message)
def start(self, env, upgrade_type=None):
To be overridden by subclasses
self.fail_with_error("start method isn't implemented")
def stop(self, env, upgrade_type=None):
To be overridden by subclasses
self.fail_with_error("stop method isn't implemented")
# TODO, remove after all services have switched to pre_upgrade_restart
def pre_rolling_restart(self, env):
To be overridden by subclasses
def disable_security(self, env):
To be overridden by subclasses if a custom action is required upon dekerberization (e.g. removing zk ACLs)
def restart(self, env):
Default implementation of restart command is to call stop and start methods
Feel free to override restart() method with your implementation.
For client components we call install
config = self.get_config()
componentCategory = None
componentCategory = config['roleParams']['component_category']
except KeyError:
upgrade_type_command_param = ""
direction = None
if config is not None:
command_params = config["commandParams"] if "commandParams" in config else None
if command_params is not None:
upgrade_type_command_param = command_params["upgrade_type"] if "upgrade_type" in command_params else ""
direction = command_params["upgrade_direction"] if "upgrade_direction" in command_params else None
upgrade_type = Script.get_upgrade_type(upgrade_type_command_param)
is_stack_upgrade = upgrade_type is not None
# need this before actually executing so that failures still report upgrade info
if is_stack_upgrade:
upgrade_info = {"upgrade_type": upgrade_type_command_param}
if direction is not None:
upgrade_info["direction"] = direction.upper()
if componentCategory and componentCategory.strip().lower() == 'CLIENT'.lower():
if is_stack_upgrade:
# Remain backward compatible with the rest of the services that haven't switched to using
# the pre_upgrade_restart method. Once done. remove the else-block.
if "pre_upgrade_restart" in dir(self):
self.pre_upgrade_restart(env, upgrade_type=upgrade_type)
# To remain backward compatible with older stacks, only pass upgrade_type if available.
# TODO, remove checking the argspec for "upgrade_type" once all of the services support that optional param.
if "upgrade_type" in inspect.getargspec(self.stop).args:
self.stop(env, upgrade_type=upgrade_type)
if is_stack_upgrade:
self.stop(env, rolling_restart=(upgrade_type == UPGRADE_TYPE_ROLLING))
if is_stack_upgrade:
# Remain backward compatible with the rest of the services that haven't switched to using
# the pre_upgrade_restart method. Once done. remove the else-block.
if "pre_upgrade_restart" in dir(self):
self.pre_upgrade_restart(env, upgrade_type=upgrade_type)
service_name = config['serviceName'] if config is not None and 'serviceName' in config else None
#TODO Once the logic for pid is available from Ranger and Ranger KMS code, will remove the below if block.
services_to_skip = ['RANGER', 'RANGER_KMS']
if service_name in services_to_skip:'Temporarily skipping status check for {0} service only.'.format(service_name))
elif is_stack_upgrade:'Skipping status check for {0} service during upgrade'.format(service_name))
raise Fail("Stop command finished but process keep running.")
except ComponentIsNotRunning as e:
pass # expected
except ClientComponentHasNoStatus as e:
pass # expected
# To remain backward compatible with older stacks, only pass upgrade_type if available.
# TODO, remove checking the argspec for "upgrade_type" once all of the services support that optional param.
if "upgrade_type" in inspect.getargspec(self.start).args:
self.start(env, upgrade_type=upgrade_type)
if is_stack_upgrade:
self.start(env, rolling_restart=(upgrade_type == UPGRADE_TYPE_ROLLING))
if is_stack_upgrade:
# Remain backward compatible with the rest of the services that haven't switched to using
# the post_upgrade_restart method. Once done. remove the else-block.
if "post_upgrade_restart" in dir(self):
self.post_upgrade_restart(env, upgrade_type=upgrade_type)
if self.should_expose_component_version("restart"):
# TODO, remove after all services have switched to post_upgrade_restart
def post_rolling_restart(self, env):
To be overridden by subclasses
def configure(self, env, upgrade_type=None, config_dir=None):
To be overridden by subclasses
:param upgrade_type: only valid during RU/EU, otherwise will be None
:param config_dir: for some clients during RU, the location to save configs to, otherwise None
self.fail_with_error('configure method isn\'t implemented')
def security_status(self, env):
To be overridden by subclasses to provide the current security state of the component.
Implementations are required to set the "securityState" property of the structured out data set
to one of the following values:
UNSECURED - If the component is not configured for any security protocol such as
SECURED_KERBEROS - If the component is configured for Kerberos
UNKNOWN - If the security state cannot be determined
ERROR - If the component is supposed to be secured, but there are issues with the
configuration. For example, if the component is configured for Kerberos
but the configured principal and keytab file fail to kinit
self.put_structured_out({"securityState": "UNKNOWN"})
def generate_configs_get_template_file_content(self, filename, dicts):
config = self.get_config()
content = ''
for dict in dicts.split(','):
if dict.strip() in config['configurations']:
content += config['configurations'][dict.strip()]['content']
except Fail:
# 'content' section not available in the component client configuration
return content
def generate_configs_get_xml_file_content(self, filename, dict):
config = self.get_config()
return {'configurations':config['configurations'][dict],
def generate_configs_get_xml_file_dict(self, filename, dict):
config = self.get_config()
return config['configurations'][dict]
def generate_configs(self, env):
Generates config files and stores them as an archive in tmp_dir
based on xml_configs_list and env_configs_list from commandParams
import params
config = self.get_config()
xml_configs_list = config['commandParams']['xml_configs_list']
env_configs_list = config['commandParams']['env_configs_list']
properties_configs_list = config['commandParams']['properties_configs_list']
Directory(self.get_tmp_dir(), create_parents = True)
conf_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.get_tmp_dir())
os.chmod(conf_tmp_dir, 0700)
output_filename = os.path.join(self.get_tmp_dir(), config['commandParams']['output_file'])
for file_dict in xml_configs_list:
for filename, dict in file_dict.iteritems():
**self.generate_configs_get_xml_file_content(filename, dict)
for file_dict in env_configs_list:
for filename,dicts in file_dict.iteritems():
File(os.path.join(conf_tmp_dir, filename),
content=InlineTemplate(self.generate_configs_get_template_file_content(filename, dicts)))
for file_dict in properties_configs_list:
for filename, dict in file_dict.iteritems():
PropertiesFile(os.path.join(conf_tmp_dir, filename),
properties=self.generate_configs_get_xml_file_dict(filename, dict)
with closing(, "w:gz")) as tar:
os.chmod(output_filename, 0600)
tar.add(conf_tmp_dir, arcname=os.path.basename("."))
Directory(conf_tmp_dir, action="delete")
def get_instance():
if Script.instance is None:
from resource_management.libraries.functions.default import default
use_proxy = default("/agentConfigParams/agent/use_system_proxy_settings", True)
if not use_proxy:
Script.instance = Script()
return Script.instance
def get_upgrade_type(upgrade_type_command_param):
upgrade_type = None
if upgrade_type_command_param.lower() == "rolling_upgrade":
elif upgrade_type_command_param.lower() == "nonrolling_upgrade":
elif upgrade_type_command_param.lower() == "host_ordered_upgrade":
return upgrade_type
def __init__(self):
if Script.instance is not None:
raise Fail("An instantiation already exists! Use, get_instance() method.")