blob: ef144bbbbeb8765704dac992113c26c95eb8a5df [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import logging
import time
import urllib2
import ssl
from functools import wraps
from urllib2 import HTTPError
from tempfile import gettempdir
from alerts.base_alert import BaseAlert
from collections import namedtuple
from resource_management.libraries.functions.get_port_from_url import get_port_from_url
from resource_management.libraries.functions.get_path_from_url import get_path_from_url
from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import curl_krb_request
from ambari_commons import OSCheck
from ambari_commons.inet_utils import resolve_address, ensure_ssl_using_protocol
from ambari_agent import Constants
from ambari_agent.AmbariConfig import AmbariConfig
# hashlib is supplied as of Python 2.5 as the replacement interface for md5
# and other secure hashes. In 2.6, md5 is deprecated. Import hashlib if
# available, avoiding a deprecation warning under 2.6. Import md5 otherwise,
# preserving 2.4 compatibility.
import hashlib
_md5 = hashlib.md5
except ImportError:
import md5
_md5 =
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# default timeout
WebResponse = namedtuple('WebResponse', 'status_code time_millis error_msg')
class WebAlert(BaseAlert):
def __init__(self, alert_meta, alert_source_meta, config):
super(WebAlert, self).__init__(alert_meta, alert_source_meta, config)
# extract any lookup keys from the URI structure
self.uri_property_keys = None
if 'uri' in alert_source_meta:
uri = alert_source_meta['uri']
self.uri_property_keys = self._lookup_uri_property_keys(uri)
if 'connection_timeout' in uri:
connection_timeout = uri['connection_timeout']
# python uses 5.0, CURL uses "5"
self.connection_timeout = float(connection_timeout)
self.curl_connection_timeout = int(connection_timeout)
# will force a kinit even if klist says there are valid tickets (4 hour default)
self.kinit_timeout = long(config.get('agent', 'alert_kinit_timeout', BaseAlert._DEFAULT_KINIT_TIMEOUT))
def _collect(self):
if self.uri_property_keys is None:
raise Exception("Could not determine result. URL(s) were not defined.")
# use the URI lookup keys to get a final URI value to query
alert_uri = self._get_uri_from_structure(self.uri_property_keys)
logger.debug("[Alert][{0}] Calculated web URI to be {1} (ssl={2})".format(
self.get_name(), alert_uri.uri, str(alert_uri.is_ssl_enabled)))
url = self._build_web_query(alert_uri)
# substitute in url with actual fqdn
url = url.replace('', self.host_name)
web_response = self._make_web_request(url)
status_code = web_response.status_code
time_seconds = web_response.time_millis / 1000
error_message = web_response.error_msg
if status_code == 0:
return (self.RESULT_CRITICAL, [status_code, url, time_seconds, error_message])
# anything that's less than 400 is OK
if status_code < 400:
return (self.RESULT_OK, [status_code, url, time_seconds])
# everything else is WARNING
return (self.RESULT_WARNING, [status_code, url, time_seconds, error_message])
def _build_web_query(self, alert_uri):
Builds a URL out of the URI structure. If the URI is already a URL of
the form http[s]:// then this will return the URI as the URL; otherwise,
it will build the URL from the URI structure's elements
# shortcut if the supplied URI starts with the information needed
string_uri = str(alert_uri.uri)
if string_uri.startswith('http://') or string_uri.startswith('https://'):
return alert_uri.uri
uri_path = None
if string_uri and string_uri != str(None):
uri_path = get_path_from_url(string_uri)
# start building the URL manually
host = BaseAlert.get_host_from_url(alert_uri.uri)
if host is None:
host = self.host_name
# maybe slightly realistic
port = 80
if alert_uri.is_ssl_enabled is True:
port = 443
# extract the port
port = int(get_port_from_url(alert_uri.uri))
scheme = 'http'
if alert_uri.is_ssl_enabled is True:
scheme = 'https'
if OSCheck.is_windows_family():
# on windows is invalid address to connect but on linux it resolved to
host = resolve_address(host)
if uri_path:
return "{0}://{1}:{2}/{3}".format(scheme, host, str(port), uri_path)
return "{0}://{1}:{2}".format(scheme, host, str(port))
def _make_web_request(self, url):
Makes an http(s) request to a web resource and returns the http code. If
there was an error making the request, return 0 for the status code.
error_msg = None
response_code = 0
kerberos_keytab = None
kerberos_principal = None
if self.uri_property_keys.kerberos_principal is not None:
kerberos_principal = self._get_configuration_value(
if kerberos_principal is not None:
# substitute _HOST in kerberos principal with actual fqdn
kerberos_principal = kerberos_principal.replace('_HOST', self.host_name)
if self.uri_property_keys.kerberos_keytab is not None:
kerberos_keytab = self._get_configuration_value(self.uri_property_keys.kerberos_keytab)
security_enabled = self._get_configuration_value('{{cluster-env/security_enabled}}')
if kerberos_principal is not None and kerberos_keytab is not None \
and security_enabled is not None and security_enabled.lower() == "true":
# Create the kerberos credentials cache (ccache) file and set it in the environment to use
# when executing curl. Use the md5 hash of the combination of the principal and keytab file
# to generate a (relatively) unique cache filename so that we can use it as needed.
tmp_dir = Constants.AGENT_TMP_DIR
if tmp_dir is None:
tmp_dir = gettempdir()
# Get the configured Kerberos executables search paths, if any
kerberos_executable_search_paths = self._get_configuration_value('{{kerberos-env/executable_search_paths}}')
smokeuser = self._get_configuration_value('{{cluster-env/smokeuser}}')
response_code, error_msg, time_millis = curl_krb_request(tmp_dir, kerberos_keytab, kerberos_principal, url,
"web_alert", kerberos_executable_search_paths, True, self.get_name(), smokeuser,
connection_timeout=self.curl_connection_timeout, kinit_timer_ms = self.kinit_timeout)
# kerberos is not involved; use urllib2
response_code, time_millis, error_msg = self._make_web_request_urllib(url)
return WebResponse(status_code=response_code, time_millis=time_millis,
except Exception, exception:
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.exception("[Alert][{0}] Unable to make a web request.".format(self.get_name()))
return WebResponse(status_code=0, time_millis=0, error_msg=str(exception))
def _make_web_request_urllib(self, url):
Make a web request using urllib2. This function does not handle exceptions.
:param url: the URL to request
:return: a tuple of the response code and the total time in ms
response = None
error_message = None
start_time = time.time()
response = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=self.connection_timeout)
response_code = response.getcode()
time_millis = time.time() - start_time
return response_code, time_millis, error_message
except HTTPError, httpError:
time_millis = time.time() - start_time
error_message = str(httpError)
return httpError.code, time_millis, error_message
if response is not None:
except Exception, exception:
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.exception("[Alert][{0}] Unable to close socket connection".format(self.get_name()))
def _get_reporting_text(self, state):
Gets the default reporting text to use when the alert definition does not
contain any.
:param state: the state of the alert in uppercase (such as OK, WARNING, etc)
:return: the parameterized text
if state == self.RESULT_CRITICAL:
return 'Connection failed to {1}'
return 'HTTP {0} response in {2:.4f} seconds'