blob: a67e16e76401f47ad1b5b531570dd132b6e2a929 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import logging
import os
import ambari_simplejson as json
import sys
from ambari_commons import shell
import threading
from FileCache import FileCache
from AgentException import AgentException
from PythonExecutor import PythonExecutor
from PythonReflectiveExecutor import PythonReflectiveExecutor
from resource_management.libraries.functions.log_process_information import log_process_information
from resource_management.core.utils import PasswordString
import subprocess
import Constants
import hostname
logger = logging.getLogger()
class CustomServiceOrchestrator():
Executes a command for custom service. stdout and stderr are written to
tmpoutfile and to tmperrfile respectively.
COMMAND_TYPE = "commandType"
HOSTS_LIST_KEY = "all_hosts"
PING_PORTS_KEY = "all_ping_ports"
RACKS_KEY = "all_racks"
IPV4_ADDRESSES_KEY = "all_ipv4_ips"
AMBARI_SERVER_HOST = "ambari_server_host"
AMBARI_SERVER_PORT = "ambari_server_port"
AMBARI_SERVER_USE_SSL = "ambari_server_use_ssl"
REFLECTIVELY_RUN_COMMANDS = FREQUENT_COMMANDS # -- commands which run a lot and often (this increases their speed)
# Path where hadoop credential JARS will be available
DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL_SHELL_LIB_PATH = '/var/lib/ambari-agent/cred/lib'
DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL_CONF_DIR = '/var/lib/ambari-agent/cred/conf'
# The property name used by the hadoop credential provider
# Property name for credential store class path
def __init__(self, config, controller):
self.config = config
self.tmp_dir = config.get('agent', 'prefix')
self.force_https_protocol = config.get_force_https_protocol()
self.exec_tmp_dir = Constants.AGENT_TMP_DIR
self.file_cache = FileCache(config)
self.status_commands_stdout = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,
self.status_commands_stderr = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,
self.public_fqdn = hostname.public_hostname(config)
# cache reset will be called on every agent registration
# Construct the hadoop credential lib JARs path
self.credential_shell_lib_path = os.path.join(config.get('security', 'credential_lib_dir',
self.credential_conf_dir = config.get('security', 'credential_conf_dir', self.DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL_CONF_DIR)
self.credential_shell_cmd = config.get('security', 'credential_shell_cmd', self.DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL_SHELL_CMD)
# Clean up old status command files if any
except OSError:
pass # Ignore fail
self.commands_in_progress_lock = threading.RLock()
self.commands_in_progress = {}
def map_task_to_process(self, task_id, processId):
with self.commands_in_progress_lock:
logger.debug('Maps taskId=%s to pid=%s' % (task_id, processId))
self.commands_in_progress[task_id] = processId
def cancel_command(self, task_id, reason):
with self.commands_in_progress_lock:
if task_id in self.commands_in_progress.keys():
pid = self.commands_in_progress.get(task_id)
self.commands_in_progress[task_id] = reason"Canceling command with taskId = {tid}, " \
"reason - {reason} . Killing process {pid}"
.format(tid=str(task_id), reason=reason, pid=pid))
logger.warn("Unable to find process associated with taskId = %s" % task_id)
def get_py_executor(self, forced_command_name):
Wrapper for unit testing
if forced_command_name in self.REFLECTIVELY_RUN_COMMANDS:
return PythonReflectiveExecutor(self.tmp_dir, self.config)
return PythonExecutor(self.tmp_dir, self.config)
def getProviderDirectory(self, service_name):
Gets the path to the service conf folder where the JCEKS file will be created.
:param service_name: Name of the service, for example, HIVE
:return: lower case path to the service conf folder
# The stack definition scripts of the service can move the
# JCEKS file around to where it wants, which is usually
# /etc/<service_name>/conf
conf_dir = os.path.join(self.credential_conf_dir, service_name.lower())
return conf_dir
def getConfigTypeCredentials(self, commandJson):
Gets the affected config types for the service in this command
with the password aliases and values.
"config-type1" : {
"config-type2" : {
"config-type1" : {
"config-type2" : {
If password_key_name is the same as password_value_name, then password_key_name is the password alias itself.
The value it points to is the password value.
If password_key_name is not the same as the password_value_name, then password_key_name points to the alias.
The value is pointed to by password_value_name.
For example:
"oozie-site" : {"oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.password" : "oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.password"},
"admin-properties" {"db_user":"db_password", "ranger.jpa.jdbc.credential.alias:ranger-admin-site" : "db_password"}
"oozie-site" : {"oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.password" : "MyOozieJdbcPassword"},
"admin-properties" {"rangerdba" : "MyRangerDbaPassword", "rangeradmin":"MyRangerDbaPassword"},
:param commandJson:
configtype_credentials = {}
if 'configuration_credentials' in commandJson:
for config_type, password_properties in commandJson['configuration_credentials'].items():
if config_type in commandJson['configurations']:
value_names = []
config = commandJson['configurations'][config_type]
credentials = {}
for key_name, value_name in password_properties.items():
if key_name == value_name:
if value_name in config:
# password name is the alias
credentials[key_name] = config[value_name]
value_names.append(value_name) # Gather the value_name for deletion
keyname_keyconfig = key_name.split(':')
key_name = keyname_keyconfig[0]
# if the key is in another configuration (cross reference),
# get the value of the key from that configuration
if (len(keyname_keyconfig) > 1):
if keyname_keyconfig[1] not in commandJson['configurations']:
key_config = commandJson['configurations'][keyname_keyconfig[1]]
key_config = config
if key_name in key_config and value_name in config:
# password name points to the alias
credentials[key_config[key_name]] = config[value_name]
value_names.append(value_name) # Gather the value_name for deletion
if len(credentials) > 0:
configtype_credentials[config_type] = credentials"Identifying config {0} for CS: ".format(config_type))
for value_name in value_names:
# Remove the clear text password
config.pop(value_name, None)
return configtype_credentials
def generateJceks(self, commandJson):
Generates the JCEKS file with passwords for the service specified in commandJson
:param commandJson: command JSON
:return: An exit value from the external process that generated the JCEKS file. None if
there are no passwords in the JSON.
cmd_result = None
roleCommand = None
if 'roleCommand' in commandJson:
roleCommand = commandJson['roleCommand']
task_id = None
if 'taskId' in commandJson:
task_id = commandJson['taskId']'Generating the JCEKS file: roleCommand={0} and taskId = {1}'.format(roleCommand, task_id))
# Set up the variables for the external command to generate a JCEKS file
java_home = commandJson['hostLevelParams']['java_home']
java_bin = '{java_home}/bin/java'.format(java_home=java_home)
cs_lib_path = self.credential_shell_lib_path
serviceName = commandJson['serviceName']
# Gather the password values and remove them from the configuration
configtype_credentials = self.getConfigTypeCredentials(commandJson)
# CS is enabled but no config property is available for this command
if len(configtype_credentials) == 0:"Credential store is enabled but no property are found that can be encrypted.")
commandJson['credentialStoreEnabled'] = "false"
for config_type, credentials in configtype_credentials.items():
config = commandJson['configurations'][config_type]
file_path = os.path.join(self.getProviderDirectory(serviceName), "{0}.jceks".format(config_type))
if os.path.exists(file_path):
provider_path = 'jceks://file{file_path}'.format(file_path=file_path)'provider_path={0}'.format(provider_path))
for alias, pwd in credentials.items():
protected_pwd = PasswordString(pwd)
# Generate the JCEKS file
cmd = (java_bin, '-cp', cs_lib_path, self.credential_shell_cmd, 'create',
alias, '-value', protected_pwd, '-provider', provider_path)
cmd_result ='cmd_result = {0}'.format(cmd_result))
os.chmod(file_path, 0644) # group and others should have read access so that the service user can read
# Add JCEKS provider path instead
config[self.CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_PROPERTY_NAME] = provider_path
config[self.CREDENTIAL_STORE_CLASS_PATH_NAME] = cs_lib_path
return cmd_result
def runCommand(self, command, tmpoutfile, tmperrfile, forced_command_name=None,
override_output_files=True, retry=False):
forced_command_name may be specified manually. In this case, value, defined at
command json, is ignored.
script_type = command['commandParams']['script_type']
script = command['commandParams']['script']
timeout = int(command['commandParams']['command_timeout'])
if 'hostLevelParams' in command and 'jdk_location' in command['hostLevelParams']:
server_url_prefix = command['hostLevelParams']['jdk_location']
server_url_prefix = command['commandParams']['jdk_location']
# Status commands have no taskId nor roleCommand
task_id = command['taskId'] if 'taskId' in command else 'status'
command_name = command['roleCommand'] if 'roleCommand' in command else None
if forced_command_name is not None: # If not supplied as an argument
command_name = forced_command_name
if command_name == self.CUSTOM_ACTION_COMMAND:
base_dir = self.file_cache.get_custom_actions_base_dir(server_url_prefix)
script_tuple = (os.path.join(base_dir, 'scripts', script), base_dir)
hook_dir = None
if command_name == self.CUSTOM_COMMAND_COMMAND:
command_name = command['hostLevelParams']['custom_command']
# forces a hash challenge on the directories to keep them updated, even
# if the return type is not used
hook_dir = self.file_cache.get_hook_base_dir(command, server_url_prefix)
base_dir = self.file_cache.get_service_base_dir(command, server_url_prefix)
self.file_cache.get_custom_resources_subdir(command, server_url_prefix)
script_path = self.resolve_script_path(base_dir, script)
script_tuple = (script_path, base_dir)
tmpstrucoutfile = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,
# We don't support anything else yet
if script_type.upper() != self.SCRIPT_TYPE_PYTHON:
message = "Unknown script type {0}".format(script_type)
raise AgentException(message)
# Execute command using proper interpreter
handle = None
if command.has_key('__handle'):
handle = command['__handle']
handle.on_background_command_started = self.map_task_to_process
del command['__handle']
# If command contains credentialStoreEnabled, then
# generate the JCEKS file for the configurations.
credentialStoreEnabled = False
if 'credentialStoreEnabled' in command:
credentialStoreEnabled = (command['credentialStoreEnabled'] == "true")
if credentialStoreEnabled == True:
if 'commandBeingRetried' not in command or command['commandBeingRetried'] != "true":
else:"Skipping generation of jceks files as this is a retry of the command")
json_path = self.dump_command_to_json(command, retry)
pre_hook_tuple = self.resolve_hook_script_path(hook_dir,
self.PRE_HOOK_PREFIX, command_name, script_type)
post_hook_tuple = self.resolve_hook_script_path(hook_dir,
self.POST_HOOK_PREFIX, command_name, script_type)
py_file_list = [pre_hook_tuple, script_tuple, post_hook_tuple]
# filter None values
filtered_py_file_list = [i for i in py_file_list if i]
logger_level = logging.getLevelName(logger.level)
# Executing hooks and script
ret = None
from ActionQueue import ActionQueue
if command.has_key('commandType') and command['commandType'] == ActionQueue.BACKGROUND_EXECUTION_COMMAND and len(filtered_py_file_list) > 1:
raise AgentException("Background commands are supported without hooks only")
python_executor = self.get_py_executor(forced_command_name)
backup_log_files = not command_name in self.DONT_BACKUP_LOGS_FOR_COMMANDS
log_out_files = self.config.get("logging","log_out_files", default="0") != "0"
for py_file, current_base_dir in filtered_py_file_list:
log_info_on_failure = not command_name in self.DONT_DEBUG_FAILURES_FOR_COMMANDS
script_params = [command_name, json_path, current_base_dir, tmpstrucoutfile, logger_level, self.exec_tmp_dir,
if log_out_files:
ret = python_executor.run_file(py_file, script_params,
tmpoutfile, tmperrfile, timeout,
tmpstrucoutfile, self.map_task_to_process,
task_id, override_output_files, backup_log_files = backup_log_files,
handle = handle, log_info_on_failure=log_info_on_failure)
# Next run_file() invocations should always append to current output
override_output_files = False
if ret['exitcode'] != 0:
if not ret: # Something went wrong
raise AgentException("No script has been executed")
# if canceled and not background command
if handle is None:
cancel_reason = self.command_canceled_reason(task_id)
if cancel_reason is not None:
ret['stdout'] += cancel_reason
ret['stderr'] += cancel_reason
with open(tmpoutfile, "a") as f:
with open(tmperrfile, "a") as f:
except Exception, e: # We do not want to let agent fail completely
exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
message = "Caught an exception while executing "\
"custom service command: {0}: {1}; {2}".format(exc_type, exc_obj, str(e))
ret = {
'stdout' : message,
'stderr' : message,
'structuredOut' : '{}',
'exitcode': 1,
return ret
def command_canceled_reason(self, task_id):
with self.commands_in_progress_lock:
if self.commands_in_progress.has_key(task_id):#Background command do not push in this collection (TODO)
logger.debug('Pop with taskId %s' % task_id)
pid = self.commands_in_progress.pop(task_id)
if not isinstance(pid, int):
reason = pid
if reason:
return "\nCommand aborted. Reason: '{0}'".format(reason)
return "\nCommand aborted."
return None
def requestComponentStatus(self, command):
Component status is determined by exit code, returned by runCommand().
Exit code 0 means that component is running and any other exit code means that
component is not running
override_output_files=True # by default, we override status command output
if logger.level == logging.DEBUG:
override_output_files = False
res = self.runCommand(command, self.status_commands_stdout,
self.status_commands_stderr, self.COMMAND_NAME_STATUS,
return res
def requestComponentSecurityState(self, command):
Determines the current security state of the component
A command will be issued to trigger the security_status check and the result of this check will
returned to the caller. If the component lifecycle script has no security_status method the
check will return non zero exit code and "UNKNOWN" will be returned.
override_output_files=True # by default, we override status command output
if logger.level == logging.DEBUG:
override_output_files = False
security_check_res = self.runCommand(command, self.status_commands_stdout,
self.status_commands_stderr, self.COMMAND_NAME_SECURITY_STATUS,
result = 'UNKNOWN'
if security_check_res is None:
logger.warn("The return value of the security_status check was empty, the security status is unknown")
elif 'exitcode' not in security_check_res:
logger.warn("Missing 'exitcode' value from the security_status check result, the security status is unknown")
elif security_check_res['exitcode'] != 0:
logger.debug("The 'exitcode' value from the security_status check result indicated the check routine failed to properly execute, the security status is unknown")
elif 'structuredOut' not in security_check_res:
logger.warn("Missing 'structuredOut' value from the security_status check result, the security status is unknown")
elif 'securityState' not in security_check_res['structuredOut']:
logger.warn("Missing 'securityState' value from the security_status check structuredOut data set, the security status is unknown")
result = security_check_res['structuredOut']['securityState']
return result
def resolve_script_path(self, base_dir, script):
Encapsulates logic of script location determination.
path = os.path.join(base_dir, script)
if not os.path.exists(path):
message = "Script {0} does not exist".format(path)
raise AgentException(message)
return path
def resolve_hook_script_path(self, stack_hooks_dir, prefix, command_name, script_type):
Returns a tuple(path to hook script, hook base dir) according to string prefix
and command name. If script does not exist, returns None
if not stack_hooks_dir:
return None
hook_dir = "{0}-{1}".format(prefix, command_name)
hook_base_dir = os.path.join(stack_hooks_dir, hook_dir)
hook_script_path = os.path.join(hook_base_dir, "scripts", "")
if not os.path.isfile(hook_script_path):
logger.debug("Hook script {0} not found, skipping".format(hook_script_path))
return None
return hook_script_path, hook_base_dir
def dump_command_to_json(self, command, retry=False):
Converts command to json file and returns file path
# Perform few modifications to stay compatible with the way in which
public_fqdn = self.public_fqdn
command['public_hostname'] = public_fqdn
# Add cache dir to make it visible for commands
command["hostLevelParams"]["agentCacheDir"] = self.config.get('agent', 'cache_dir')
command["agentConfigParams"] = {
"agent": {
"parallel_execution": self.config.get_parallel_exec_option(),
"use_system_proxy_settings": self.config.use_system_proxy_setting()
# Now, dump the json file
command_type = command['commandType']
from ActionQueue import ActionQueue # To avoid cyclic dependency
if command_type == ActionQueue.STATUS_COMMAND:
# These files are frequently created, that's why we don't
# store them all, but only the latest one
file_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "status_command.json")
task_id = command['taskId']
if 'clusterHostInfo' in command and command['clusterHostInfo'] and not retry:
command['clusterHostInfo'] = self.decompressClusterHostInfo(command['clusterHostInfo'])
file_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "command-{0}.json".format(task_id))
if command_type == ActionQueue.AUTO_EXECUTION_COMMAND:
file_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "auto_command-{0}.json".format(task_id))
# Json may contain passwords, that's why we need proper permissions
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
with os.fdopen(, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT,
0600), 'w') as f:
content = json.dumps(command, sort_keys = False, indent = 4)
return file_path
def decompressClusterHostInfo(self, clusterHostInfo):
info = clusterHostInfo.copy()
#Pop info not related to host roles
hostsList = info.pop(self.HOSTS_LIST_KEY)
pingPorts = info.pop(self.PING_PORTS_KEY)
racks = info.pop(self.RACKS_KEY)
ipv4_addresses = info.pop(self.IPV4_ADDRESSES_KEY)
ambariServerHost = info.pop(self.AMBARI_SERVER_HOST)
ambariServerPort = info.pop(self.AMBARI_SERVER_PORT)
ambariServerUseSsl = info.pop(self.AMBARI_SERVER_USE_SSL)
decompressedMap = {}
for k,v in info.items():
# Convert from 1-3,5,6-8 to [1,2,3,5,6,7,8]
indexes = self.convertRangeToList(v)
# Convert from [1,2,3,5,6,7,8] to [host1,host2,host3...]
decompressedMap[k] = [hostsList[i] for i in indexes]
#Convert from ['1:0-2,4', '42:3,5-7'] to [1,1,1,42,1,42,42,42]
pingPorts = self.convertMappedRangeToList(pingPorts)
racks = self.convertMappedRangeToList(racks)
ipv4_addresses = self.convertMappedRangeToList(ipv4_addresses)
#Convert all elements to str
pingPorts = map(str, pingPorts)
#Add ping ports to result
decompressedMap[self.PING_PORTS_KEY] = pingPorts
#Add hosts list to result
decompressedMap[self.HOSTS_LIST_KEY] = hostsList
#Add racks list to result
decompressedMap[self.RACKS_KEY] = racks
#Add ips list to result
decompressedMap[self.IPV4_ADDRESSES_KEY] = ipv4_addresses
#Add ambari-server properties to result
decompressedMap[self.AMBARI_SERVER_HOST] = ambariServerHost
decompressedMap[self.AMBARI_SERVER_PORT] = ambariServerPort
decompressedMap[self.AMBARI_SERVER_USE_SSL] = ambariServerUseSsl
return decompressedMap
# Converts from 1-3,5,6-8 to [1,2,3,5,6,7,8]
def convertRangeToList(self, list):
resultList = []
for i in list:
ranges = i.split(',')
for r in ranges:
rangeBounds = r.split('-')
if len(rangeBounds) == 2:
if not rangeBounds[0] or not rangeBounds[1]:
raise AgentException("Broken data in given range, expected - ""m-n"" or ""m"", got : " + str(r))
resultList.extend(range(int(rangeBounds[0]), int(rangeBounds[1]) + 1))
elif len(rangeBounds) == 1:
raise AgentException("Broken data in given range, expected - ""m-n"" or ""m"", got : " + str(r))
return resultList
#Converts from ['1:0-2,4', '42:3,5-7'] to [1,1,1,42,1,42,42,42]
def convertMappedRangeToList(self, list):
resultDict = {}
for i in list:
valueToRanges = i.split(":")
if len(valueToRanges) <> 2:
raise AgentException("Broken data in given value to range, expected format - ""value:m-n"", got - " + str(i))
value = valueToRanges[0]
rangesToken = valueToRanges[1]
for r in rangesToken.split(','):
rangeIndexes = r.split('-')
if len(rangeIndexes) == 2:
if not rangeIndexes[0] or not rangeIndexes[1]:
raise AgentException("Broken data in given value to range, expected format - ""value:m-n"", got - " + str(r))
start = int(rangeIndexes[0])
end = int(rangeIndexes[1])
for k in range(start, end + 1):
resultDict[k] = value if not value.isdigit() else int(value)
elif len(rangeIndexes) == 1:
index = int(rangeIndexes[0])
resultDict[index] = value if not value.isdigit() else int(value)
resultList = dict(sorted(resultDict.items())).values()
return resultList