blob: 03e989ddf248a76f57ab9174c2c54ad15c938672 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This file only for variables and mixins!
* Health status(service/host/host component health)icon colors
@health-status-red: #EF6162;
@health-status-blue: #0000ff;
@health-status-green: #1EB475;
@health-status-yellow: #FFD13D;
@health-status-orange: #e98a41;
@maintenance-black: #000;
@maintenance-grey: #999999;
@gray-text: #666;
@dark-gray: #333;
* Health status(service/host/host component health)icon colors ends
@space-s: 5px;
@space-m: 10px;
@space-l: 20px;
@green: #69BE28;
@blue: #0572ff;
@gray-blue: #80A0B9;
@navigation-navy: #323544;
@spinner-default-width: 36px;
@spinner-default-height: 36px;
@spinner-small-width: 30px;
@spinner-small-height: 30px;
@restart-indicator-color: #FDB82F;
@border-color: #EBECF1;
@top-nav-bg-color-from: #555;
@top-nav-bg-color-to: #333;
@top-nav-brand-color: #999;
@top-nav-ops-count-color: #fff;
@top-nav-ops-count-bg-color: #c3c3c3;
@top-nav-menu-active-text-color: #333;
@top-nav-menu-active-bg-color: #fff;
@top-nav-menu-text-color: #c3c3c3;
@top-nav-menu-text-hover-color: #fff;
@top-nav-menu-dropdown-border-color: #c3c3c3;
@top-nav-menu-dropdown-bg-color: #fff;
@top-nav-menu-dropdown-text-color: #333;
@top-nav-menu-views-menu-color: #1491c1;
@bootstrap-success: #5cb85c;
@bootstrap-info: #5bc0de;
@bootstrap-warning: #f0ad4e;
@bootstrap-danger: #d9534f;
@bootstrap-primary: #337ab7;
@-webkit-keyframes orangePulse {
from { background-color: @restart-indicator-color; }
50% { background-color: #fd910e; }
to { background-color: @restart-indicator-color; }
@-moz-keyframes orangePulse {
from { background-color: @restart-indicator-color; }
50% { background-color: #fd910e; }
to { background-color: @restart-indicator-color; }
@keyframes orangePulse {
0% { background-color: @restart-indicator-color; }
50% { background-color: #fd910e; }
100% { background-color: @restart-indicator-color; }
@-webkit-keyframes bluePulse {
from { background-color: #118fff; }
50% { background-color: #006DCC; }
to { background-color: #118fff; }
@-moz-keyframes bluePulse {
from { background-color: #118fff; }
50% { background-color: #006DCC; }
to { background-color: #118fff; }
@keyframes bluePulse {
0% { background-color: #118fff; }
50% { background-color: #006DCC; }
100% { background-color: #118fff; }
@-webkit-keyframes bluePulseInner {
from { color: #118fff; }
50% { color: #006DCC; }
to { color: #118fff; }
@-moz-keyframes bluePulseInner {
from { color: #118fff; }
50% { color: #006DCC; }
to { color: #118fff; }
@keyframes bluePulseInner {
0% { color: #118fff; }
50% { color: #006DCC; }
100% { color: #118fff; }
@-webkit-keyframes redPulse {
from { background-color: #ff3333; }
50% { background-color: #ff0000; }
to { background-color: #ff3333; }
@-moz-keyframes redPulse {
from { background-color: #ff3333; }
50% { background-color: #ff0000; }
to { background-color: #ff3333; }
@keyframes redPulse {
0% { background-color: #ff3333; }
50% { background-color: #ff0000; }
100% { background-color: #ff3333; }
.gradient(@color: #FAFAFA, @start: #FFFFFF, @stop: #F2F2F2) {
background: @color;
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, @start), color-stop(1, @stop));
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, @start, @stop);
background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top, @start 0%, @stop 100%);
filter: @start, endColorstr= @stop, GradientType=0); // for IE9-
.pulse(@name) {
text-shadow: none;
-webkit-animation-name: @name;
-webkit-animation-duration: 1s;
-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
-moz-animation-name: @name;
-moz-animation-duration: 1s;
-moz-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-name: @name;
animation-duration: 1s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
.infoPulse() {
background-color: #006DCC;
.infoPulseInner() {
.warnPulse() {
background-color: @health-status-orange;
.dangerPulse() {
background-color: @health-status-red;
@footer-height: 100px;
@side-navigation-width: 230px;
@default-font-size: 14px;
@smaller-font-size: 12px;
@default-button-height: 34px;
@default-line-height: 1.3em;
@default-line-height-calculated: @default-font-size * unit(@default-line-height);
@default-paragraph-margin-bottom: 10px;
* Modal popup properties
// modal body content padding
@modal-body-padding: 15px;
// modal header height
@modal-header-height: 57px;
// modal footer height
@modal-footer-height: 75px;
// default modal top margin
@modal-dialog-margin-top-default: 10px;
// modal top margin for wide screen
@modal-dialog-margin-top-wide-screen: 30px;
.ellipsis-overflow {
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.ellipsis-overflow-nowrap {
white-space: nowrap;
@dashboard-widget-height: 157px;
* Top navbar styles
@navbar-header-vertical-padding: 19px;
@navbar-header-padding-right: 15px;
@navbar-header-padding-left: 0;
@navbar-header-font-size: 20px;
* Table styles
@table-color: @gray-text;
@table-font-size: 13px;
@table-hover-background-color: #E7F6FC;
@table-hover-border-color: #A7DFF2;
@table-margin-bottom: 20px;
@table-footer-color: #999;
@table-footer-border: 2px solid #EEE;
@table-cell-padding: 8px;
* Checkbox styles
@checkbox-color: #1491C1;
@checkbox-size: 10px;
@checkbox-border-radius: 2px;
@checkbox-top: 4px;