blob: 00c837a9d8ac8969ea63bb008535e707403e49c1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ambari.server.agent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.ambari.annotations.Experimental;
import org.apache.ambari.annotations.ExperimentalFeature;
import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.RepoDefinitionEntity;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.RepositoryInfo;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.stack.RepoTag;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
* Wraps the information required to create repositories from a command. This was added
* as a top level command object.
public class CommandRepository {
private List<Repository> m_repositories = new ArrayList<>();
private String m_repoVersion;
private long m_repoVersionId;
private String m_stackName;
private String m_repoFileName;
private final CommandRepositoryFeature feature = new CommandRepositoryFeature();
* Provides {@link CommandRepository} feature
* @return {@link CommandRepositoryFeature}
public CommandRepositoryFeature getFeature(){
return feature;
* {@code true} if Ambari believes that this repository has reported back it's
* version after distribution.
private boolean m_resolved;
* @param version the repo version
public void setRepositoryVersion(String version) {
m_repoVersion = version;
* @param id the repository id
public void setRepositoryVersionId(long id) {
m_repoVersionId = id;
* @param name the stack name
public void setStackName(String name) {
m_stackName = name;
* @param repositories the repositories if sourced from the stack instead of the repo_version.
public void setRepositories(Collection<RepositoryInfo> repositories) {
m_repositories = new ArrayList<>();
for (RepositoryInfo info : repositories) {
m_repositories.add(new Repository(info));
* @param osType the OS type for the repositories
* @param repositories the repository entities that should be processed into a file
public void setRepositories(String osType, Collection<RepoDefinitionEntity> repositories) {
m_repositories = new ArrayList<>();
for (RepoDefinitionEntity entity : repositories) {
m_repositories.add(new Repository(osType, entity));
* @return the repositories that the command should process into a file.
public Collection<Repository> getRepositories() {
return m_repositories;
* Sets a uniqueness on the repo ids.
* @param suffix the repo id suffix
public void setUniqueSuffix(String suffix) {
for (Repository repo : m_repositories) {
repo.m_repoId = repo.m_repoId + suffix;
* Sets fields for non-managed
public void setNonManaged() {
for (Repository repo : m_repositories) {
repo.m_baseUrl = null;
repo.m_mirrorsList = null;
repo.m_ambariManaged = false;
public long getRepoVersionId() {
return m_repoVersionId;
* Gets whether this repository has had its version resolved.
* @param resolved
* {@code true} to mark this repository as being resolved.
public void setResolved(boolean resolved) {
m_resolved = resolved;
* Update repository id to be consistent with old format
* @param repoVersion
@Experimental(feature= ExperimentalFeature.PATCH_UPGRADES)
public void setLegacyRepoId(String repoVersion){
for (Repository repo : m_repositories) {
repo.m_repoId = String.format("%s-%s", repo.getRepoName(), repoVersion);
* Sets filename for the repo
* @param stackName name of the stack
* @param repoVersion repository version
@Experimental(feature= ExperimentalFeature.PATCH_UPGRADES)
public void setLegacyRepoFileName(String stackName, String repoVersion) {
this.m_repoFileName = String.format("%s-%s", stackName, repoVersion);
* Sets filename for the repo
* @param stackName name of the stack
* @param repoVersionId repository version id
public void setRepoFileName(String stackName, Long repoVersionId) {
this.m_repoFileName = String.format("ambari-%s-%s", stackName.toLowerCase(), repoVersionId.toString());
* Minimal information about repository feature
public static class CommandRepositoryFeature {
* Repository is pre-installed on the host
private Boolean m_isPreInstalled = false;
* Indicates if any operation with the packages should be scoped to this repository only.
* Currently affecting: getting available packages from the repository
private boolean m_isScoped = true;
public void setIsScoped(boolean isScoped){
this.m_isScoped = isScoped;
public void setPreInstalled(String isPreInstalled) {
this.m_isPreInstalled = isPreInstalled.equalsIgnoreCase("true");
* Minimal information required to generate repo files on the agent. These are copies
* of the repository objects from repo versions that can be changed for URL overrides, etc.
public static class Repository {
private String m_baseUrl;
private String m_repoId;
private boolean m_ambariManaged = true;
private final String m_repoName;
private final String m_distribution;
private final String m_components;
private String m_mirrorsList;
@Experimental(feature = ExperimentalFeature.CUSTOM_SERVICE_REPOS,
comment = "Remove logic for handling custom service repos after enabling multi-mpack cluster deployment")
private List<String> m_applicableServices;
private Set<RepoTag> m_tags;
private transient String m_osType;
private Repository(RepositoryInfo info) {
m_baseUrl = info.getBaseUrl();
m_osType = info.getOsType();
m_repoId = info.getRepoId();
m_repoName = info.getRepoName();
m_distribution = info.getDistribution();
m_components = info.getComponents();
m_mirrorsList = info.getMirrorsList();
m_applicableServices = info.getApplicableServices();
m_tags = info.getTags();
private Repository(String osType, RepoDefinitionEntity entity) {
m_baseUrl = entity.getBaseUrl();
m_repoId = entity.getRepoID();
m_repoName = entity.getRepoName();
m_distribution = entity.getDistribution();
m_components = entity.getComponents();
m_mirrorsList = entity.getMirrors();
m_applicableServices = entity.getApplicableServices();
m_osType = osType;
m_tags = entity.getTags();
public void setRepoId(String repoId){
m_repoId = repoId;
public void setBaseUrl(String url) {
m_baseUrl = url;
public String getRepoName() {
return m_repoName;
public String getRepoId() {
return m_repoId;
public String getBaseUrl() {
return m_baseUrl;
public boolean isAmbariManaged() {
return m_ambariManaged;
@Experimental(feature = ExperimentalFeature.CUSTOM_SERVICE_REPOS,
comment = "Remove logic for handling custom service repos after enabling multi-mpack cluster deployment")
public void setApplicableServices(List<String> applicableServices) {
m_applicableServices = applicableServices;
@Experimental(feature = ExperimentalFeature.CUSTOM_SERVICE_REPOS,
comment = "Remove logic for handling custom service repos after enabling multi-mpack cluster deployment")
public List<String> getApplicableServices() {
return m_applicableServices;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(null)
.append("os", m_osType)
.append("name", m_repoName)
.append("distribution", m_distribution)
.append("components", m_components)
.append("id", m_repoId)
.append("baseUrl", m_baseUrl)
.append("applicableServices", (m_applicableServices != null? StringUtils.join(m_applicableServices, ",") : ""))
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
CommandRepository that = (CommandRepository) o;
return m_repoVersionId == that.m_repoVersionId;
public int hashCode() {
return (int) (m_repoVersionId ^ (m_repoVersionId >>> 32));