blob: 21eb18f78de08679a6480467d8c6619adbd0a473 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.ambari.logsearch.doc;
public class DocConstants {
public class CommonDescriptions {
public static final String X_AXIS_D = "The column which can be value for x-axis in graph formation";
public static final String Y_AXIS_D = "The column which can be value for y-axis in graph formation";
public static final String STACK_BY_D = "The graph property for stacking the plot";
public static final String EXCLUDE_QUERY_D = "Exclude the values in query result e.g.: [{message:*timeout*}]";
public static final String INCLUDE_QUERY_D = "Include the values in query result e.g.: [{message:*exception*}]";
public static final String MUST_BE_D = "Include the components, comma separated values";
public static final String MUST_NOT_D = "Exclude the components, comma separated values";
public static final String FROM_D = "Date range param, start date";
public static final String TO_D = "Date range param, end date";
public static final String START_TIME_D = "Date range param which is suportted from browser url";
public static final String END_TIME_D = "Date range param which is supported from browser url";
public static final String START_INDEX_D = "Start index of the queried result";
public static final String SORT_TYPE_D = "Type of sorting (osc, desc)";
public static final String SORT_BY_D = "Sorting the results based on this field";
public static final String PAGE_D = "Number of pages for the results";
public static final String PAGE_SIZE_D = "Page size of the results";
public static final String UNIT_D = "Aggregate the data with time gap as unit i.e 1MINUTE";
public static final String QUERY_D = "not required";
public static final String I_MESSAGE_D = "Include query which will query against message column";
public static final String E_MESSAGE_D = "Exclude query which will query against message column";
public static final String IS_LAST_PAGE_D = "Show last page (true/false)";
public static final String FIELD_D = "Get values for particular field";
public static final String FORMAT_D = "File Export format, can be 'txt' or 'json'";
public static final String TOP = "Number that defines how many top element you would like to see.";
public static final String USER_D = "Filter for users (comma separated list)";
public static final String LOG_ID_D = "Id of the log component";
public static final String SHIPPER_CONFIG_D = "Input config json for logfeeder shipper";
public static final String TEST_ENTRY_D = "Log sample for testing";
public class AuditOperationDescriptions {
public static final String GET_AUDIT_CLUSTERS_OD = "Get all of the clusters for audit logs";
public static final String GET_AUDIT_SCHEMA_FIELD_LIST_OD = "Get list of schema fields in audit collection";
public static final String GET_AUDIT_LOGS_OD = "Get the list of logs details";
public static final String PURGE_AUDIT_LOGS_OD = "Purge service logs based by criteria";
public static final String GET_AUDIT_COMPONENTS_OD = "Get the list of audit components currently active or having data in Solr";
public static final String GET_AUDIT_LINE_GRAPH_DATA_OD = "Get the data required for line graph";
public static final String GET_TOP_AUDIT_RESOURCES_OD = "Get the top audit resource count (grouped by type)";
public static final String EXPORT_USER_TALBE_TO_TEXT_FILE_OD = "Export the tables shown on Audit tab";
public static final String GET_SERVICE_LOAD_OD = "The graph for showing the top users accessing the services";
public class ServiceDescriptions {
public static final String LEVEL_D = "filter for log level";
public static final String BUNDLE_ID = "filter for host";
public static final String CLUSTER_D = "filter for clusters (comma separated list)";
public static final String FILE_NAME_D = "File name filter which is supported from browser url";
public static final String HOST_NAME_D = "Host name filter which is supported from browser url";
public static final String COMPONENT_NAME_D = "Component name filter which is supported from browser url";
public static final String FIND_D = "Finding particular text on subsequent pages in case of table view with pagination";
public static final String ID_D = "Log id value for traversing to that particular record with that log id";
public static final String KEYWORD_TYPE_D = "Serching the find param value in previous or next in paginated table";
public static final String TOKEN_D = "unique number used along with FIND_D. The request can be canceled using this token";
public static final String SOURCE_LOG_ID_D = "fetch the record set having that log Id";
public static final String NUMBER_ROWS_D = "Getting rows after particular log entry - used in 'Preview' option";
public static final String SCROLL_TYPE_D = "Used in 'Preview' feature for getting records 'after' or 'before'";
public static final String UTC_OFFSET_D = "timezone offset";
public static final String HOST_PARAMS_D = "filter for hosts";
public class ServiceOperationDescriptions {
public static final String GET_SERVICE_CLUSTERS_OD = "Get all of the clusters for service logs";
public static final String SEARCH_LOGS_OD = "Searching logs entry";
public static final String PURGE_LOGS_OD = "Purge service logs based by criteria";
public static final String GET_HOSTS_OD = "Get the list of service hosts currently active or having data in Solr";
public static final String GET_COMPONENTS_OD = "Get the list of service components currently active or having data in Solr";
public static final String GET_AGGREGATED_INFO_OD = "not required";
public static final String GET_LOG_LEVELS_COUNT_OD = "Get Log levels with their counts";
public static final String GET_COMPONENTS_COUNT_OD = "Get components with their counts";
public static final String GET_HOSTS_COUNT_OD = "Get hosts with their counts";
public static final String GET_TREE_EXTENSION_OD = "Get host and compoenets hierarchy with log counts";
public static final String GET_HISTOGRAM_DATA_OD = "Get data for histogram";
public static final String EXPORT_TO_TEXT_FILE_OD = "Export the table data in file";
public static final String GET_COMPONENT_LIST_WITH_LEVEL_COUNT_OD = "Get components with log level distribution count";
public static final String GET_ANY_GRAPH_COUNT_DATA_OD = "Get the data generic enough to use for graph plots (yAzis is always count)";
public static final String GET_HOST_LIST_BY_COMPONENT_OD = "Get host list of components";
public static final String GET_SERVICE_LOGS_SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME_OD = "Get service logs schema fields";
public static final String GET_AFTER_BEFORE_LOGS_OD = "Preview feature data";
public static final String REQUEST_CANCEL = "Cancel an ongoing solr request";
public static final String GET_HOST_LOGFILES_OD = "Get the log files of the components of a host";
public class PublicOperationDescriptions {
public static final String GET_FEATURES_LIST = "Get features list.";
public static final String GET_APP_DETAILS_OD = "Get application details.";
public static final String GET_AUTH_DETAILS_OD = "Get authentication details.";
public static final String GET_ALL_PROPERTIES_INFO_OD = "List all available properties for Log Search and Log Feeder";
public static final String GET_LOGSEARCH_PROPERTIES_INFO_OD = "List all available properties for Log Search property file (e.g:";
public static final String GET_ALL_SHIPPER_CONFIG_INFO_OD = "List all available shipper configuration element";
public class MetadataDescriptions {
public static final String NAME_D = "Name identifier of the metadata";
public static final String TYPE_D = "Type of the metadata";
public static final String USER_NAME_D = "User name of the metadata";
public class MetadataOperationDescriptions {
public static final String SAVE_METADATA_OD = "Save metadata";
public static final String DELETE_METADATA_OD = "Delete metadata";
public static final String GET_METADATA_OD = "Get metadata";
public class ShipperConfigOperationDescriptions {
public static final String GET_SERVICE_NAMES_OD = "Get service names";
public static final String GET_SHIPPER_CONFIG_OD = "Get shipper config";
public static final String SET_SHIPPER_CONFIG_OD = "Set shipper config";
public static final String TEST_SHIPPER_CONFIG_OD = "Test shipper config";
public static final String GET_LOG_LEVEL_FILTER_OD = "Get log level filter";
public static final String UPDATE_LOG_LEVEL_FILTER_OD = "Update log level filter";
public class StatusOperationDescriptions {
public static final String STATUS_OD = "Get statuses for collections (not health state - show true if something already done)";
public static final String SERVICE_LOGS_STATUS_OD = "Get statuses for service log collection (not health state - show true if something already done)";
public static final String AUDIT_LOGS_STATUS_OD = "Get statuses for collections (not health state - show true if something already done)";
public static final String METADATA_STATUS_OD = "Get statuses for metadata collection (not health state - show true if something already done)";