blob: e3c45688f79db966a89204d4f33f76de16765e87 [file] [log] [blame]
Generate Allura sitemap xml files.
This takes a while to run on a prod-sized data set. There are a couple of
things that would make it faster, if we need/want to.
1. Monkeypatch forgetracker.model.ticket.Globals.bin_count to skip the
refresh (Solr search) and just return zero for everything, since we don't
need bin counts for the sitemap.
2. Use multiprocessing to distribute the offsets to n subprocesses.
import os, sys
from datetime import datetime
from jinja2 import Template
import pylons, webob
from pylons import tmpl_context as c
from allura import model as M
from allura.lib import security, utils
from ming.orm import session, ThreadLocalORMSession
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="">
{% for sitemap in sitemaps -%}
<loc>{{ sitemap }}</loc>
<lastmod>{{ now }}</lastmod>
{%- endfor %}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
{% for loc in locs -%}
<loc>{{ loc }}</loc>
<lastmod>{{ now }}</lastmod>
{% endfor %}
def main(options, args):
# This script will indirectly call app.sidebar_menu() for every app in
# every project. Some of the sidebar_menu methods expect the
# pylons.request threadlocal object to be present. So, we're faking it.
# The fact that this isn't a 'real' request doesn't matter for the
# purposes of the sitemap.
output_path = options.output_dir
if os.path.exists(output_path):
sys.exit('Error: %s directory already exists.' % output_path)
except OSError, e:
sys.exit("Error: Couldn't create %s:\n%s" % (output_path, e))
now = datetime.utcnow().date()
sitemap_content_template = Template(SITEMAP_TEMPLATE)
def write_sitemap(urls, file_no):
sitemap_content = sitemap_content_template.render(dict(
now=now, locs=urls))
with open(os.path.join(output_path, 'sitemap-%d.xml' % file_no), 'w') as f:
creds = security.Credentials.get()
locs = []
file_count = 0
# write sitemap files, MAX_SITEMAP_URLS per file
for chunk in utils.chunked_find(M.Project):
for p in chunk:
c.project = p
locs += [BASE_URL + s.url if s.url[0] == '/' else s.url
for s in p.sitemap(excluded_tools=['git', 'hg', 'svn'])]
except Exception, e:
print "Error creating sitemap for project '%s': %s" %\
(p.shortname, e)
if len(locs) >= options.urls_per_file:
write_sitemap(locs[:options.urls_per_file], file_count)
del locs[:options.urls_per_file]
file_count += 1
while locs:
write_sitemap(locs[:options.urls_per_file], file_count)
del locs[:options.urls_per_file]
file_count += 1
# write sitemap index file
if file_count:
sitemap_index_vars = dict(
sitemaps = [
'%s/allura_sitemap/sitemap-%d.xml' % (BASE_URL, n)
for n in range(file_count)])
sitemap_index_content = Template(INDEX_TEMPLATE).render(sitemap_index_vars)
with open(os.path.join(output_path, 'sitemap.xml'), 'w') as f:
def parse_options():
def validate(option, opt_str, value, parser):
parser.values.urls_per_file = min(value, MAX_SITEMAP_URLS)
from optparse import OptionParser
optparser = OptionParser(
usage='allurapaste script /var/local/config/production.ini '
'-- %prog [OPTIONS]')
optparser.add_option('-o', '--output-dir', dest='output_dir',
help='Output directory (absolute path).'
'[default: %default]')
optparser.add_option('-u', '--urls-per-file', dest='urls_per_file',
default=10000, type='int',
help='Number of URLs per sitemap file. '
'[default: %default, max: ' +
str(MAX_SITEMAP_URLS) + ']',
action='callback', callback=validate)
options, args = optparser.parse_args()
return options, args
if __name__ == '__main__':
options, args = parse_options()
main(options, args)