blob: 78102c2a3a66f7b4a16b095323b0550ed7a7ed74 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# flake8: noqa
# Disable Flake8 because of all the sphinx imports
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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"""Nice formatted include for examples"""
from os import path
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from six import text_type
from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.directives.code import LiteralIncludeReader
from sphinx.locale import _
from sphinx.pycode import ModuleAnalyzer
from sphinx.util import logging
from sphinx.util import parselinenos
from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective
from sphinx.util.nodes import set_source_info
import sphinx_airflow_theme # pylint: disable=unused-import
airflow_theme_is_available = True
except ImportError:
airflow_theme_is_available = False
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ExampleHeader(nodes.reference, nodes.FixedTextElement): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
Header for examples.
class ExampleInclude(SphinxDirective):
Like ``.. literalinclude:: ``, but it does not support caption option.
Adds a header with a reference to the full source code
Based on:
has_content = False
required_arguments = 1
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = True
option_spec = {
"dedent": int,
"linenos": directives.flag,
"lineno-start": int,
"lineno-match": directives.flag,
"tab-width": int,
"language": directives.unchanged_required,
"encoding": directives.encoding,
"pyobject": directives.unchanged_required,
"lines": directives.unchanged_required,
"start-after": directives.unchanged_required,
"end-before": directives.unchanged_required,
"start-at": directives.unchanged_required,
"end-at": directives.unchanged_required,
"prepend": directives.unchanged_required,
"append": directives.unchanged_required,
"emphasize-lines": directives.unchanged_required,
"class": directives.class_option,
"name": directives.unchanged,
"diff": directives.unchanged_required,
def run(self):
document = self.state.document
if not document.settings.file_insertion_enabled:
return [document.reporter.warning("File insertion disabled", line=self.lineno)]
# convert options['diff'] to absolute a_path
if "diff" in self.options:
_, a_path = self.env.relfn2path(self.options["diff"])
self.options["diff"] = a_path
location = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(self.lineno)
rel_filename, filename = self.env.relfn2path(self.arguments[0])
reader = LiteralIncludeReader(filename, self.options, self.config)
text, lines =
retnode = nodes.literal_block(text, text, source=filename)
set_source_info(self, retnode)
if self.options.get("diff"): # if diff is set, set udiff
retnode["language"] = "udiff"
elif "language" in self.options:
retnode["language"] = self.options["language"]
retnode["linenos"] = (
"linenos" in self.options or "lineno-start" in self.options or "lineno-match" in self.options
retnode["classes"] += self.options.get("class", [])
extra_args = retnode["highlight_args"] = {}
if "emphasize-lines" in self.options:
hl_lines = parselinenos(self.options["emphasize-lines"], lines)
if any(i >= lines for i in hl_lines):
"line number spec is out of range(1-%d): %r", lines, self.options["emphasize-lines"]
extra_args["hl_lines"] = [x + 1 for x in hl_lines if x < lines]
extra_args["linenostart"] = reader.lineno_start
container_node = nodes.container("", literal_block=True, classes=["example-block-wrapper"])
container_node += ExampleHeader(filename=filename)
container_node += retnode
retnode = container_node
return [retnode]
except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
return [document.reporter.warning(text_type(exc), line=self.lineno)]
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def register_source(app, env, modname):
Registers source code.
:param app: application
:param env: environment of the plugin
:param modname: name of the module to load
:return: True if the code is registered successfully, False otherwise
entry = env._viewcode_modules.get(modname, None) # type: ignore
if entry is False:
print("[%s] Entry is false for " % modname)
return False
code_tags = app.emit_firstresult("viewcode-find-source", modname)
if code_tags is None:
# noinspection PyBroadException
analyzer = ModuleAnalyzer.for_module(modname)
except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except"Module \"%s\" could not be loaded. Full source will not be available. \"%s\"",
modname, ex)
env._viewcode_modules[modname] = False # type: ignore
return False
if not isinstance(analyzer.code, text_type):
code = analyzer.code.decode(analyzer.encoding)
code = analyzer.code
tags = analyzer.tags
code, tags = code_tags
if entry is None or entry[0] != code:
entry = code, tags, {}, ""
env._viewcode_modules[modname] = entry # type: ignore
return True
def create_node(env, relative_path, show_button):
Creates documentation node for example include.
:param env: environment of the documentation
:param relative_path: path of the code
:param show_button: whether to show "view code" button
:return paragraph with the node
pagename = "_modules/" + relative_path[:-3]
header_classes = ["example-header"]
if show_button:
header_classes += ["example-header--with-button"]
paragraph = nodes.paragraph(relative_path, classes=header_classes)
paragraph += nodes.inline("", relative_path, classes=["example-title"])
if show_button:
pending_ref = addnodes.pending_xref(
classes=["example-header-button viewcode-button"],
pending_ref += nodes.inline("", _("View Source"))
paragraph += pending_ref
return paragraph
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def doctree_read(app, doctree):
Reads documentation tree for the application and register sources in the generated documentation.
:param app: application
:param doctree: documentation tree
:return None
env = app.builder.env
if not hasattr(env, "_viewcode_modules"):
env._viewcode_modules = {} # type: ignore
if == "singlehtml":
for objnode in doctree.traverse(ExampleHeader):
filepath = objnode.get("filename")
relative_path = path.relpath(
filepath, path.commonprefix([app.config.exampleinclude_sourceroot, filepath])
modname = relative_path.replace("/", ".")[:-3]
show_button = register_source(app, env, modname)
onlynode = create_node(env, relative_path, show_button)
def setup(app):
Sets the plugin up and returns configuration of the plugin.
:param app: application.
:return json description of the configuration that is needed by the plugin.
directives.register_directive("exampleinclude", ExampleInclude)
app.connect("doctree-read", doctree_read)
app.add_config_value("exampleinclude_sourceroot", None, "env")
if not airflow_theme_is_available:
# Sphinx airflow theme has its own styles.
return {"version": "builtin", "parallel_read_safe": False, "parallel_write_safe": False}