blob: 9a7cd5511448320ea88fc470449ee3fe6e46eabe [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# build dependencies should be fixed - including all transitive dependencies. This way we can ensure
# reproducibility of the build and make sure that any future releases of any dependencies will not
# break the build of released airflow sources in the future.
# The dependencies can be automatically upgraded by running:
# pre-commit run --hook-stage manual update-build-dependencies --all-files
requires = [
"tomli==2.0.1; python_version < '3.11'",
build-backend = ""
name = "apache-airflow"
dynamic = ["version"]
description = "Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines"
readme = { file = "generated/", content-type = "text/markdown" }
license-files.globs = ["LICENSE", "3rd-party-licenses/*.txt"]
requires-python = "~=3.8"
authors = [
{ name = "Apache Software Foundation", email = "" },
maintainers = [
{ name = "Apache Software Foundation", email="" },
keywords = [ "airflow", "orchestration", "workflow", "dag", "pipelines", "automation", "data" ]
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
"Environment :: Console",
"Environment :: Web Environment",
"Framework :: Apache Airflow",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"Intended Audience :: System Administrators",
"License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
"Topic :: System :: Monitoring",
dependencies = [
# Alembic is important to handle our migrations in predictable and performant way. It is developed
# together with SQLAlchemy. Our experience with Alembic is that it very stable in minor version
# The 1.13.0 of alembic marked some migration code as SQLAlchemy 2+ only so we limit it to 1.13.1
"alembic>=1.13.1, <2.0",
# Colorlog 6.x merges TTYColoredFormatter into ColoredFormatter, breaking backwards compatibility with 4.x
# Update CustomTTYColoredFormatter to remove
"colorlog>=4.0.2, <5.0",
# `airflow/www/extensions/init_views` imports `connexion.decorators.validation.RequestBodyValidator`
# connexion v3 has refactored the entire module to middleware, see: /spec-first/connexion/issues/1525
# Specifically, RequestBodyValidator was removed in: /spec-first/connexion/pull/1595
# The usage was added in #30596, seemingly only to override and improve the default error message.
# Either revert that change or find another way, preferably without using connexion internals.
# This limit can be removed after is fixed
# Flask-Session 0.6 add new arguments into the SqlAlchemySessionInterface constructor as well as
# all parameters now are mandatory which make AirflowDatabaseSessionInterface incopatible with this version.
# Flask 2.3 is scheduled to introduce a number of deprecation removals - some of them might be breaking
# for our dependencies - notably `_app_ctx_stack` and `_request_ctx_stack` removals.
# We should remove the limitation after 2.3 is released and our dependencies are updated to handle it
# Requests 3 if it will be released, will be heavily breaking.
# We use some deprecated features of sqlalchemy 2.0 and we should replace them before we can upgrade
# See for details of deprecated features
# you can set environment variable SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20=1 to show all deprecation warnings.
# The issue tracking it is
# We should remove this dependency when Providers are limited to Airflow 2.7+
# as we replaced the usage of unicodecsv with csv in Airflow 2.7
# See
# We should also remove "licenses/LICENSE-unicodecsv.txt" file when we remove this dependency
# The Universal Pathlib provides Pathlib-like interface for FSSPEC
# In 0.1. *It was not very well defined for extension, so the way how we use it for 0.1.*
# so we used a lot of private methods and attributes that were not defined in the interface
# an they are broken with version 0.2.0 which is much better suited for extension and supports
# Python 3.12. We should limit it, unti we migrate to 0.2.0
# See:
# This is prerequistite to make Airflow compatible with Python 3.12
# Tracked in
# Werkzug 3 breaks Flask-Login 0.6.2, also connexion needs to be updated to >= 3.0
# we should remove this limitation when FAB supports Flask 2.3 and we migrate connexion to 3+
# Here manually managed extras start
# Those extras are manually managed and should be updated when needed
# START OF core extras
# This required for AWS deferrable operators.
# There is conflict between boto3 and aiobotocore dependency botocore.
# TODO: We can remove it once boto3 and aiobotocore both have compatible botocore version or
# boto3 have native aync support and we move away from aio aiobotocore
aiobotocore = [
async = [
cgroups = [
# Cgroupspy 0.2.2 added Python 3.10 compatibility
deprecated-api = [
github-enterprise = [
google-auth = [
graphviz = [
kerberos = [
ldap = [
leveldb = [
otel = [
pandas = [
# In pandas 2.2 minimal version of the sqlalchemy is 2.0
# However Airflow not fully supports it yet:
# In addition FAB also limit sqlalchemy to < 2.0
password = [
pydantic = [
rabbitmq = [
s3fs = [
# This is required for support of S3 file system which uses aiobotocore
# which can have a conflict with boto3 as mentioned in aiobotocore extra
saml = [
# This is required for support of SAML which might be used by some providers (e.g. Amazon)
sentry = [
# Sentry SDK 1.33 is broken when greenlets are installed and fails to import
# See
statsd = [
virtualenv = [
# END OF core extras
# START OF Apache no provider extras
apache-atlas = [
apache-webhdfs = [
# END OF Apache no provider extras
all-core = [
# START OF devel extras
devel-debuggers = [
devel-devscripts = [
devel-duckdb = [
# Mypy 0.900 and above ships only with stubs from stdlib so if we need other stubs, we need to install them
# manually as `types-*`. See
# for details. We want to install them explicitly because we want to eventually move to
# mypyd which does not support installing the types dynamically with --install-types
devel-mypy = [
# TODO: upgrade to newer versions of MyPy continuously as they are released
# Make sure to upgrade the mypy version in update-common-sql-api-stubs in .pre-commit-config.yaml
# when you upgrade it here !!!!
devel-sentry = [
devel-static-checks = [
devel-tests = [
# Temporary upper limmit to <8, not all dependencies at that moment ready to use 8.0
# Internal meta-task for track
# END OF devel extras
# START OF doc extras
doc = [
# click 8.1.4 and 8.1.5 generate mypy errors due to typing issue in the upstream package:
# Docutils 0.17.0 converts generated <div class="section"> into <section> and breaks our doc formatting
# By adding a lot of whitespace separation. This limit can be lifted when we update our doc to handle
# <section> tags for sections
# sphinx-autoapi fails with astroid 3.0, see:
# This was fixed in sphinx-autoapi 3.0, however it has requirement sphinx>=6.1, but we stuck on 5.x
# Currently we are using sphinx 5 but we need to migrate to Sphinx 7
doc-gen = [
# END OF doc extras
# START OF bundle extras
all-dbs = [
devel = [
devel-all-dbs = [
devel-ci = [
devel-hadoop = [
# END OF bundle extras
# The whole section can be removed in Airflow 3.0 as those old aliases are deprecated in 2.* series
# START OF deprecated extras
atlas = [
aws = [
azure = [
cassandra = [
# Empty alias extra just for backward compatibility with Airflow 1.10
crypto = [
druid = [
gcp = [
gcp_api = [
hdfs = [
hive = [
kubernetes = [
mssql = [
pinot = [
s3 = [
spark = [
webhdfs = [
winrm = [
# END OF deprecated extras
# The whole section below is automatically generated by `update-providers-dependencies` pre-commit based
# on `provider.yaml` files present in the `providers` subdirectories. The `provider.yaml` files are
# A single source of truth for provider dependencies,
# If you want to modify these - modify the corresponding provider.yaml instead.
airbyte = [ # source: airflow/providers/airbyte/provider.yaml
alibaba = [ # source: airflow/providers/alibaba/provider.yaml
amazon = [ # source: airflow/providers/amazon/provider.yaml
# Devel dependencies for the amazon provider
apache-beam = [ # source: airflow/providers/apache/beam/provider.yaml
"apache-beam>=2.53.0;python_version != \"3.12\"",
"pyarrow>=14.0.1;python_version != \"3.12\"",
apache-cassandra = [ # source: airflow/providers/apache/cassandra/provider.yaml
apache-drill = [ # source: airflow/providers/apache/drill/provider.yaml
apache-druid = [ # source: airflow/providers/apache/druid/provider.yaml
apache-flink = [ # source: airflow/providers/apache/flink/provider.yaml
apache-hdfs = [ # source: airflow/providers/apache/hdfs/provider.yaml
apache-hive = [ # source: airflow/providers/apache/hive/provider.yaml
apache-impala = [ # source: airflow/providers/apache/impala/provider.yaml
apache-kafka = [ # source: airflow/providers/apache/kafka/provider.yaml
apache-kylin = [ # source: airflow/providers/apache/kylin/provider.yaml
apache-livy = [ # source: airflow/providers/apache/livy/provider.yaml
apache-pig = [] # source: airflow/providers/apache/pig/provider.yaml
apache-pinot = [ # source: airflow/providers/apache/pinot/provider.yaml
apache-spark = [ # source: airflow/providers/apache/spark/provider.yaml
apprise = [ # source: airflow/providers/apprise/provider.yaml
arangodb = [ # source: airflow/providers/arangodb/provider.yaml
asana = [ # source: airflow/providers/asana/provider.yaml
atlassian-jira = [ # source: airflow/providers/atlassian/jira/provider.yaml
celery = [ # source: airflow/providers/celery/provider.yaml
cloudant = [ # source: airflow/providers/cloudant/provider.yaml
cncf-kubernetes = [ # source: airflow/providers/cncf/kubernetes/provider.yaml
cohere = [ # source: airflow/providers/cohere/provider.yaml
common-io = [] # source: airflow/providers/common/io/provider.yaml
common-sql = [ # source: airflow/providers/common/sql/provider.yaml
databricks = [ # source: airflow/providers/databricks/provider.yaml
"aiohttp>=3.9.2, <4",
"databricks-sql-connector>=2.0.0, <3.0.0, !=2.9.0",
# Devel dependencies for the databricks provider
datadog = [ # source: airflow/providers/datadog/provider.yaml
dbt-cloud = [ # source: airflow/providers/dbt/cloud/provider.yaml
dingding = [ # source: airflow/providers/dingding/provider.yaml
discord = [ # source: airflow/providers/discord/provider.yaml
docker = [ # source: airflow/providers/docker/provider.yaml
elasticsearch = [ # source: airflow/providers/elasticsearch/provider.yaml
exasol = [ # source: airflow/providers/exasol/provider.yaml
fab = [ # source: airflow/providers/fab/provider.yaml
facebook = [ # source: airflow/providers/facebook/provider.yaml
ftp = [] # source: airflow/providers/ftp/provider.yaml
github = [ # source: airflow/providers/github/provider.yaml
google = [ # source: airflow/providers/google/provider.yaml
grpc = [ # source: airflow/providers/grpc/provider.yaml
"google-auth>=1.0.0, <3.0.0",
hashicorp = [ # source: airflow/providers/hashicorp/provider.yaml
http = [ # source: airflow/providers/http/provider.yaml
imap = [] # source: airflow/providers/imap/provider.yaml
influxdb = [ # source: airflow/providers/influxdb/provider.yaml
jdbc = [ # source: airflow/providers/jdbc/provider.yaml
jenkins = [ # source: airflow/providers/jenkins/provider.yaml
microsoft-azure = [ # source: airflow/providers/microsoft/azure/provider.yaml
# Devel dependencies for the provider
microsoft-mssql = [ # source: airflow/providers/microsoft/mssql/provider.yaml
microsoft-psrp = [ # source: airflow/providers/microsoft/psrp/provider.yaml
microsoft-winrm = [ # source: airflow/providers/microsoft/winrm/provider.yaml
mongo = [ # source: airflow/providers/mongo/provider.yaml
# Devel dependencies for the mongo provider
mysql = [ # source: airflow/providers/mysql/provider.yaml
neo4j = [ # source: airflow/providers/neo4j/provider.yaml
odbc = [ # source: airflow/providers/odbc/provider.yaml
openai = [ # source: airflow/providers/openai/provider.yaml
openfaas = [] # source: airflow/providers/openfaas/provider.yaml
openlineage = [ # source: airflow/providers/openlineage/provider.yaml
opensearch = [ # source: airflow/providers/opensearch/provider.yaml
opsgenie = [ # source: airflow/providers/opsgenie/provider.yaml
oracle = [ # source: airflow/providers/oracle/provider.yaml
pagerduty = [ # source: airflow/providers/pagerduty/provider.yaml
papermill = [ # source: airflow/providers/papermill/provider.yaml
"ipykernel;python_version != \"3.12\"",
"papermill[all]>=2.4.0;python_version != \"3.12\"",
"scrapbook[all];python_version != \"3.12\"",
pgvector = [ # source: airflow/providers/pgvector/provider.yaml
pinecone = [ # source: airflow/providers/pinecone/provider.yaml
postgres = [ # source: airflow/providers/postgres/provider.yaml
presto = [ # source: airflow/providers/presto/provider.yaml
qdrant = [ # source: airflow/providers/qdrant/provider.yaml
redis = [ # source: airflow/providers/redis/provider.yaml
salesforce = [ # source: airflow/providers/salesforce/provider.yaml
samba = [ # source: airflow/providers/samba/provider.yaml
segment = [ # source: airflow/providers/segment/provider.yaml
sendgrid = [ # source: airflow/providers/sendgrid/provider.yaml
sftp = [ # source: airflow/providers/sftp/provider.yaml
singularity = [ # source: airflow/providers/singularity/provider.yaml
slack = [ # source: airflow/providers/slack/provider.yaml
smtp = [] # source: airflow/providers/smtp/provider.yaml
snowflake = [ # source: airflow/providers/snowflake/provider.yaml
sqlite = [ # source: airflow/providers/sqlite/provider.yaml
ssh = [ # source: airflow/providers/ssh/provider.yaml
tableau = [ # source: airflow/providers/tableau/provider.yaml
tabular = [ # source: airflow/providers/tabular/provider.yaml
# Devel dependencies for the tabular provider
telegram = [ # source: airflow/providers/telegram/provider.yaml
teradata = [ # source: airflow/providers/teradata/provider.yaml
trino = [ # source: airflow/providers/trino/provider.yaml
vertica = [ # source: airflow/providers/vertica/provider.yaml
weaviate = [ # source: airflow/providers/weaviate/provider.yaml
yandex = [ # source: airflow/providers/yandex/provider.yaml
zendesk = [ # source: airflow/providers/zendesk/provider.yaml
all = [
# core extras
# Apache no provider extras
# Provider extras
devel-all = [
# Apache no provider extras
# Include all provider deps
# The rest of the pyproject.toml file should be manually maintained
airflow = "airflow.__main__:main"
"Bug Tracker" = ""
Documentation = ""
Downloads = ""
Homepage = ""
"Release Notes" = ""
"Slack Chat" = ""
"Source Code" = ""
Twitter = ""
YouTube = ""
python = "3.8"
platforms = ["linux", "macos"]
description = "Default environment with Python 3.8 for maximum compatibility"
features = ["devel"]
python = "3.8"
platforms = ["linux", "macos"]
description = "Environment with Python 3.8. No devel installed."
features = []
python = "3.9"
platforms = ["linux", "macos"]
description = "Environment with Python 3.9. No devel installed."
features = []
python = "3.10"
platforms = ["linux", "macos"]
description = "Environment with Python 3.10. No devel installed."
features = []
python = "3.11"
platforms = ["linux", "macos"]
description = "Environment with Python 3.11. No devel installed"
features = []
path = "airflow/"
path = "./"
path = "./"
path = "./"
include = [
exclude = [
artifacts = [
include = [
exclude = [
artifacts = [
## black settings ##
line-length = 110
target-version = ['py38', 'py39', 'py310', 'py311']
## ruff settings ##
target-version = "py38"
line-length = 110
extend-exclude = [
# The files generated by stubgen aren't 100% valid syntax it turns out, and we don't ship them, so we can
# ignore them in ruff
namespace-packages = ["airflow/providers"]
typing-modules = ["airflow.typing_compat"]
extend-select = [
# Enable entire ruff rule section
"I", # Missing required import (auto-fixable)
"UP", # Pyupgrade
"ISC", # Checks for implicit literal string concatenation (auto-fixable)
"TCH", # Rules around TYPE_CHECKING blocks
"G", # flake8-logging-format rules
"LOG", # flake8-logging rules, most of them autofixable
"PT", # flake8-pytest-style rules
# Per rule enables
"RUF100", # Unused noqa (auto-fixable)
# We ignore more pydocstyle than we enable, so be more selective at what we enable
# We add modules that do not follow the rule `Missing docstring in magic method`
# into the `tool.ruff.per-file-ignores`, and should remove it from that list as soon as it follows.
# See:
"TID251", # Specific modules or module members that may not be imported or accessed
"TID253", # Ban certain modules from being imported at module level
"PGH004", # Use specific rule codes when using noqa
"B006", # Checks for uses of mutable objects as function argument defaults.
ignore = [
"G004", # Logging statement uses f-string (not fixed yet)
"TCH003", # Do not move imports from stdlib to TYPE_CHECKING block
"PT004", # Fixture does not return anything, add leading underscore
"PT005", # Fixture returns a value, remove leading underscore
"PT006", # Wrong type of names in @pytest.mark.parametrize
"PT007", # Wrong type of values in @pytest.mark.parametrize
"PT008", # Use return_value= instead of patching with lambda
"PT011", # pytest.raises() is too broad, set the match parameter
"PT012", # [controversial rule] pytest.raises() block should contain a single simple statement.
"PT015", # assertion always fails, replace with
"PT018", # assertion should be broken down into multiple parts
"PT019", # fixture without value is injected as parameter, use @pytest.mark.usefixtures instead
unfixable = [
# PT022 replace empty `yield` to empty `return`. Might be fixed with a combination of PLR1711
# In addition, it can't do anything with invalid typing annotations, protected by mypy.
docstring-code-format = true
required-imports = ["from __future__ import annotations"]
combine-as-imports = true
"airflow/" = ["F401"]
"airflow/models/" = ["F401", "TCH004"]
"airflow/models/" = ["F401"]
# The is needed because adding __future__.annotations breaks runtime checks that are
# needed for the test to work
"tests/decorators/" = ["I002"]
# The Pydantic representations of SqlAlchemy Models are not parsed well with Pydantic
# when __future__.annotations is used so we need to skip them from upgrading
# Pydantic also require models to be imported during execution
"airflow/serialization/pydantic/*.py" = ["I002", "UP007", "TCH001"]
# Ignore pydoc style from these
"*.pyi" = ["D"]
"scripts/*" = ["D"]
"docs/*" = ["D"]
"provider_packages/*" = ["D"]
"*/example_dags/*" = ["D"]
"chart/*" = ["D"]
"dev/*" = ["D"]
# In addition ignore top level imports, e.g. pandas, numpy in tests
"dev/perf/*" = ["TID253"]
"dev/breeze/tests/*" = ["TID253"]
"tests/*" = ["D", "TID253"]
"docker_tests/*" = ["D", "TID253"]
"kubernetes_tests/*" = ["D", "TID253"]
"helm_tests/*" = ["D", "TID253"]
# All of the modules which have an extra license header (i.e. that we copy from another project) need to
# ignore E402 -- module level import not at top level
"scripts/ci/pre_commit/*.py" = ["E402"]
"airflow/api/auth/backend/" = ["E402"]
"airflow/security/" = ["E402"]
"airflow/security/" = ["E402"]
"tests/providers/elasticsearch/log/elasticmock/" = ["E402"]
"tests/providers/elasticsearch/log/elasticmock/utilities/" = ["E402"]
"tests/providers/openai/hooks/" = ["E402"]
"tests/providers/openai/operators/" = ["E402"]
"tests/providers/qdrant/hooks/" = ["E402"]
"tests/providers/qdrant/operators/" = ["E402"]
# All the modules which do not follow D105 yet, please remove as soon as it becomes compatible
"airflow/callbacks/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/cli/commands/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/datasets/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/decorators/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/decorators/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/executors/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/io/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/io/store/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/kubernetes/pre_7_4_0_compatibility/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/metrics/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/metrics/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/sensors/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/sensors/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/timetables/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/triggers/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/utils/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/utils/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/utils/log/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/utils/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/utils/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/utils/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/utils/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/utils/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/utils/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/utils/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/utils/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/apache/hive/hooks/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/cncf/kubernetes/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/cncf/kubernetes/utils/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/databricks/hooks/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/databricks/hooks/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/databricks/operators/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/elasticsearch/log/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/fab/auth_manager/models/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/ftp/hooks/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/google/cloud/links/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/imap/hooks/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/microsoft/psrp/hooks/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/mongo/hooks/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/samba/hooks/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/smtp/hooks/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/ssh/hooks/" = ["D105"]
"airflow/providers/tableau/hooks/" = ["D105"]
# Ban certain modules from being imported at module level, instead requiring
# that they're imported lazily (e.g., within a function definition).
banned-module-level-imports = ["numpy", "pandas"]
# Direct import from the airflow package modules and constraints
"airflow.AirflowException".msg = "Use airflow.exceptions.AirflowException instead."
"airflow.Dataset".msg = "Use airflow.datasets.Dataset instead."
"airflow.PY36".msg = "Use sys.version_info >= (3, 6) instead."
"airflow.PY37".msg = "Use sys.version_info >= (3, 7) instead."
"airflow.PY38".msg = "Use sys.version_info >= (3, 8) instead."
"airflow.PY39".msg = "Use sys.version_info >= (3, 9) instead."
"airflow.PY310".msg = "Use sys.version_info >= (3, 10) instead."
"airflow.PY311".msg = "Use sys.version_info >= (3, 11) instead."
"airflow.PY312".msg = "Use sys.version_info >= (3, 12) instead."
# Deprecated imports
"airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperatorLink".msg = "Use airflow.models.baseoperatorlink.BaseOperatorLink"
# Deprecated in Python 3.11, Pending Removal in Python 3.15:
# Deprecation warning in Python 3.11 also recommends using locale.getencoding but it available in Python 3.11
"locale.getdefaultlocale".msg = "Use locale.setlocale() and locale.getlocale() instead."
# Deprecated in Python 3.12:
"datetime.datetime.utcnow".msg = "Use airflow.utils.timezone.utcnow or"
"datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp".msg = "Use airflow.utils.timezone.from_timestamp or datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)"
# Deprecated in Python 3.12:
"typing.Hashable".msg = "Use"
"typing.Sized".msg = "Use"
# Uses deprecated in Python 3.12 `datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp`
"pendulum.from_timestamp".msg = "Use airflow.utils.timezone.from_timestamp"
# Flask deprecations, worthwhile to keep it until we migrate to Flask 3.0+
"flask._app_ctx_stack".msg = "Deprecated in Flask 2.2, removed in Flask 3.0"
"flask._request_ctx_stack".msg = "Deprecated in Flask 2.2, removed in Flask 3.0"
"flask.escape".msg = "Use markupsafe.escape instead. Deprecated in Flask 2.3, removed in Flask 3.0"
"flask.Markup".msg = "Use markupsafe.Markup instead. Deprecated in Flask 2.3, removed in Flask 3.0"
"flask.signals_available".msg = "Signals are always available. Deprecated in Flask 2.3, removed in Flask 3.0"
# Use root logger by a mistake / IDE autosuggestion
# If for some reason root logger required it could obtained by logging.getLogger("root")
"logging.debug".msg = "Instantiate new `logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)` and use it instead of root logger"
"".msg = "Instantiate new `logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)` and use it instead of root logger"
"logging.warning".msg = "Instantiate new `logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)` and use it instead of root logger"
"logging.error".msg = "Instantiate new `logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)` and use it instead of root logger"
"logging.exception".msg = "Instantiate new `logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)` and use it instead of root logger"
"logging.fatal".msg = "Instantiate new `logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)` and use it instead of root logger"
"logging.critical".msg = "Instantiate new `logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)` and use it instead of root logger"
"logging.log".msg = "Instantiate new `logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)` and use it instead of root logger"
# Some specific cases
"unittest.TestCase".msg = "Use pytest compatible classes"
exempt-modules = ["typing", "typing_extensions"]
mark-parentheses = false
fixture-parentheses = false
## pytest settings ##
# * Disable `flaky` plugin for pytest. This plugin conflicts with `rerunfailures` because provide same marker.
# * Disable `nose` builtin plugin for pytest. This feature deprecated in 7.2 and will be removed in pytest>=8
# * And we focus on use native pytest capabilities rather than adopt another frameworks.
addopts = "-rasl --verbosity=2 -p no:flaky -p no:nose --asyncio-mode=strict"
norecursedirs = [
log_level = "INFO"
filterwarnings = [
python_files = [
testpaths = [
## settings ##
branch = true
relative_files = true
source = ["airflow"]
omit = [
skip_empty = true
exclude_also = [
"def __repr__",
"raise AssertionError",
"raise NotImplementedError",
"if __name__ == .__main__.:",
"if (typing(_extensions)?\\.)?TYPE_CHECKING:"
## mypy settings ##
ignore_missing_imports = true
no_implicit_optional = true
warn_redundant_casts = true
warn_unused_ignores = false
plugins = [
pretty = true
show_error_codes = true
disable_error_code = [
disable_error_code = [
ignore_errors = true
module= [
no_implicit_optional = false
# Beam has some old type annotations, and they introduced an error recently with bad signature of
# a function. This is captured in
# and we should remove this exclusion when it is fixed.
ignore_errors = true