blob: f9e2ac29f310655e852b832b8c1c87afd67954cd [file] [log] [blame]
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Updating the Airflow Helm Chart
The following documents any backwards-incompatible changes in the Airflow Helm chart and
assists users migrating to a new version.
.. I'm glad you want to write a new note. Remember that this note is intended for users.
Make sure it contains the following information:
.. - [ ] Previous behaviors
- [ ] New behaviors
- [ ] If possible, a simple example of how to migrate. This may include a simple code example.
- [ ] If possible, the benefit for the user after migration e.g. "we want to make these changes to unify class names."
- [ ] If possible, the reason for the change, which adds more context to that interested, e.g. reference for Airflow Improvement Proposal.
.. More tips can be found in the guide:
Airflow Helm Chart 1.1.0
Default Airflow version is updated to ``2.1.2``
The default Airflow version that is installed with the Chart is now ``2.1.2``, previously it was ``2.0.2``.
Helm 2 no longer supported
This chart has dropped support for `Helm 2 as it has been deprecated <>`__ and no longer receiving security updates since November 2020.
``webserver.extraNetworkPolicies`` and ``flower.extraNetworkPolicies`` parameters have been renamed
``webserver.extraNetworkPolicies`` and ``flower.extraNetworkPolicies`` have been renamed to ``webserver.networkPolicy.ingress.from`` and ``flower.networkPolicy.ingress.from``, respectively. Their values and behavior are the same.
The old parameter names will continue to work, however support for them will be removed in a future release so please update your values file.
Removed ``dags.gitSync.root``, ``dags.gitSync.dest``, and ``dags.gitSync.excludeWebserver`` parameters
The ``dags.gitSync.root`` and ``dags.gitSync.dest`` parameters did not provide any useful behaviors to chart users so they have been removed.
If you have them set in your values file you can safely remove them.
The ``dags.gitSync.excludeWebserver`` parameter was mistakenly included in the charts ``values.schema.json``. If you have it set in your values file,
you can safely remove it.
``nodeSelector``, ``affinity`` and ``tolerations`` on ``migrateDatabaseJob`` and ``createUserJob`` jobs
The ``migrateDatabaseJob`` and ``createUserJob`` jobs were incorrectly using the ``webserver``'s ``nodeSelector``, ``affinity``
and ``tolerations`` (if set). Each job is now configured separately.