blob: 2fd41bf3f9cece77278b8f1d643f0eb6f853d603 [file] [log] [blame]
Airflow Helm Chart 1.1.0, 2021-07-26
New Features
- Chart: Allow using ``krb5.conf`` with ``CeleryExecutor`` (#16822)
- Chart: Refactor webserver and flower networkpolicy (#16619)
- Chart: Apply worker's node assigning settings to Pod Template File (#16663)
- Chart: Support for overriding webserver and flower service ports (#16572)
- Chart: Support ``extraContainers`` and ``extraVolumes`` in flower (#16515)
- Chart: Allow configuration of pod resources in helm chart (#16425)
- Chart: Support job level annotations; fix jobs scheduling config (#16331)
- feat: Helm chart adding ``minReplicaCount`` to the Keda ``worker-kedaautoscaler.yaml`` (#16262)
- Chart: Adds support for custom command and args (#16153)
- Chart: Add extra ini config to ``pgbouncer`` (#16120)
- Chart: Add ``extraInitContainers`` to scheduler/webserver/workers (#16098)
- Configurable resources for git-sync sidecar (#16080)
- Chart: Template ``airflowLocalSettings`` and ``webserver.webserverConfig`` (#16074)
- Support ``strategy``/``updateStrategy`` on scheduler (#16069)
- Chart: Add both airflow and extra annotations to jobs (#16058)
- ``loadBalancerIP`` and ``annotations`` for both Flower and Webserver (#15972)
- Chart: Update Postgres subchart to 10.5.3 (#17041)
- Chart: Update the default Airflow version to ``2.1.2`` (#17013)
- Update default image as ``2.1.1`` for Helm Chart (#16785)
- Chart: warn when using default logging with ``KubernetesExecutor`` (#16784)
- Drop support for Helm 2 (#16575)
- Chart: ``podAntiAffinity`` for scheduler, webserver, and workers (#16315)
- Chart: Update the default Airflow Version to ``2.1.0`` (#16273)
- Chart: Only mount DAGs in webserver when required (#16229)
- Chart: Remove ``git-sync``: ``root`` and ``dest`` params (#15955)
- Chart: Add warning about missing ``knownHosts`` (#15950)
Bug Fixes
- Chart: Create a random secret for Webserver's flask secret key (#17142)
- Chart: fix labels on cleanup serviceaccount (#16722)
- Chart: Fix overriding node assigning settings on Worker Deployment (#16670)
- Chart: Always deploy a ``gitsync`` init container (#16339)
- Chart: Fix updating from ``KubernetesExecutor`` to ``CeleryExecutor`` (#16242)
- Chart: Adds labels to Kubernetes worker pods (#16203)
- Chart: Allow ``webserver.base_url`` to be templated (#16126)
- Chart: Fix ``PgBouncer`` exporter sidecar (#16099)
- Remove ``dags.gitSync.excludeWebserver`` from chart ``values.schema.json`` (#16070)
- Chart: Fix Elasticsearch secret created without Elasticsearch enabled (#16015)
- Handle special characters in password sfor Helm Chart (#16004)
- Fix flower serviceAccount created without flower enable (#16011)
- Chart: ``gitsync`` Clean Up for ``KubernetesExecutor`` (#15925)
- Mount DAGs read only when using ``gitsync`` (#15953)
Doc only changes
- Chart docs: note uid write permissions for existing pvc (#17170)
- Chart Docs: Add single-line description for ``multiNamespaceMode`` (#17147)
- Chart: Update description for Helm chart to include 'official' (#17040)
- Chart: Better comment and example for ``podTemplate`` (#16859)
- Chart: Add more clear docs for setting `pod_template_file.yaml` (#16632)
- Fix description on ``scheduler.livenessprobe.periodSeconds`` (#16486)
- Chart docs: Fix ``extrasecrets`` example (#16305)
- Small improvements for ```` files (#16244)
- Removes pylint from our toolchain (#16682)
- Update link to match what is in pre-commit (#16408)
- Chart: Update the ``appVersion`` to 2.1.0 in ``Chart.yaml`` (#16337)
- Rename the main branch of the Airflow repo to be `main` (#16149)
- Update Chart version to ``1.1.0-rc1`` (#16124)