blob: a91626be5b95cc9465fbc8b0094863ca8252e976 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
""" for the Airflow project."""
import glob
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import unittest
from copy import deepcopy
from os.path import dirname, relpath
from textwrap import wrap
from typing import Dict, List
from setuptools import Command, Distribution, find_namespace_packages, setup
from setuptools.command.develop import develop as develop_orig
from setuptools.command.install import install as install_orig
# Setuptools patches this import to point to a vendored copy instead of the
# stdlib, which is deprecated in Python 3.10 and will be removed in 3.12.
from distutils import log # isort: skip
# Controls whether providers are installed from packages or directly from sources
# It is turned on by default in case of development environments such as Breeze
# And it is particularly useful when you add a new provider and there is no
# PyPI version to install the provider package from
PY39 = sys.version_info >= (3, 9)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
version = '2.3.0.dev0'
my_dir = dirname(__file__)
def airflow_test_suite() -> unittest.TestSuite:
"""Test suite for Airflow tests"""
test_loader = unittest.TestLoader()
test_suite =, 'tests'), pattern='test_*.py')
return test_suite
class CleanCommand(Command):
Command to tidy up the project root.
Registered as cmdclass in setup() so it can be called with ``python extra_clean``.
description = "Tidy up the project root"
user_options: List[str] = []
def initialize_options(self) -> None:
"""Set default values for options."""
def finalize_options(self) -> None:
"""Set final values for options."""
def rm_all_files(files: List[str]) -> None:
"""Remove all files from the list"""
for file in files:
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Error when removing %s: %s", file, e)
def run(self) -> None:
"""Remove temporary files and directories."""
self.rm_all_files(glob.glob('./**/__pycache__/*', recursive=True))
self.rm_all_files(glob.glob('./**/*.pyc', recursive=True))
class CompileAssets(Command):
Compile and build the frontend assets using yarn and webpack.
Registered as cmdclass in setup() so it can be called with ``python compile_assets``.
description = "Compile and build the frontend assets"
user_options: List[str] = []
def initialize_options(self) -> None:
"""Set default values for options."""
def finalize_options(self) -> None:
"""Set final values for options."""
def run(self) -> None:
"""Run a command to compile and build assets."""
class ListExtras(Command):
List all available extras
Registered as cmdclass in setup() so it can be called with ``python list_extras``.
description = "List available extras"
user_options: List[str] = []
def initialize_options(self) -> None:
"""Set default values for options."""
def finalize_options(self) -> None:
"""Set final values for options."""
def run(self) -> None:
"""List extras."""
print("\n".join(wrap(", ".join(EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS.keys()), 100)))
def git_version(version_: str) -> str:
Return a version to identify the state of the underlying git repo. The version will
indicate whether the head of the current git-backed working directory is tied to a
release tag or not : it will indicate the former with a 'release:{version}' prefix
and the latter with a '.dev0' suffix. Following the prefix will be a sha of the current
branch head. Finally, a "dirty" suffix is appended to indicate that uncommitted
changes are present.
:param str version_: Semver version
:return: Found Airflow version in Git repo
:rtype: str
import git
repo = git.Repo(os.path.join(*[my_dir, '.git']))
except git.NoSuchPathError:
logger.warning('.git directory not found: Cannot compute the git version')
return ''
except git.InvalidGitRepositoryError:
logger.warning('Invalid .git directory not found: Cannot compute the git version')
return ''
except ImportError:
logger.warning('gitpython not found: Cannot compute the git version.')
return ''
if repo:
sha = repo.head.commit.hexsha
if repo.is_dirty():
return f'.dev0+{sha}.dirty'
# commit is clean
return f'.release:{version_}+{sha}'
return 'no_git_version'
def write_version(filename: str = os.path.join(*[my_dir, "airflow", "git_version"])) -> None:
Write the Semver version + git hash to file, e.g. ".dev0+2f635dc265e78db6708f59f68e8009abb92c1e65".
:param str filename: Destination file to write
text = f"{git_version(version)}"
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
pandas_requirement = 'pandas>=0.17.1'
# 'Start dependencies group' and 'Start dependencies group' are mark for ./scripts/ci/
# If you change this mark you should also change ./scripts/ci/
# Start dependencies group
alibaba = [
amazon = [
# watchtower 3 has been released end Jan and introduced breaking change across the board that might
# change logging behaviour:
# TODO: update to watchtower >3
apache_beam = [
arangodb = ['python-arango>=7.3.2']
asana = ['asana>=0.10']
async_packages = [
atlas = [
azure = [
# Azure integration uses old librarires and the limits below reflect that
# TODO: upgrade to newer versions of all the below libraries
# limited due to implementation released in 12.9
cassandra = [
celery = [
# The Celery is known to introduce problems when upgraded to a MAJOR version. Airflow Core
# Uses Celery for CeleryExecutor, and we also know that Kubernetes Python client follows SemVer
# (
# This is a crucial component of Airflow, so we should limit it to the next MAJOR version and only
# deliberately bump the version when we tested it, and we know it can be bumped.
# Bumping this version should also be connected with
# limiting minimum airflow version supported in cncf.kubernetes provider, due to the
# potential breaking changes in Airflow Core as well (celery is added as extra, so Airflow
# core is not hard-limited via install-requirements, only by extra).
cgroups = [
# Cgroupspy 0.2.2 added Python 3.10 compatibility
cloudant = [
dask = [
# Dask support is limited, we need Dask team to upgrade support for dask if we were to continue
# Supporting it in the future
databricks = [
'requests>=2.26.0, <3',
'databricks-sql-connector>=1.0.0, <2.0.0',
datadog = [
deprecated_api = [
doc = [
# Docutils 0.17.0 converts generated <div class="section"> into <section> and breaks our doc formatting
# By adding a lot of whitespace separation. This limit can be lifted when we update our doc to handle
# <section> tags for sections
# Without this, Sphinx goes in to a _very_ large backtrack on Python 3.7,
# even though Sphinx 4.4.0 has this but with python_version<3.10.
'importlib-metadata>=4.4; python_version < "3.8"',
docker = [
drill = ['sqlalchemy-drill>=1.1.0', 'sqlparse>=0.4.1']
druid = [
elasticsearch = [
exasol = ['pyexasol>=0.5.1', pandas_requirement]
facebook = [
flask_appbuilder_authlib = [
github = [
google = [
# Google has very clear rules on what dependencies should be used. All the limits below
# follow strict guidelines of Google Libraries as quoted here:
# While this issue is open, dependents of google-api-core, google-cloud-core. and google-auth
# should preserve >1, <3 pins on these packages.
# Some of Google Packages are limited to <2.0.0 because 2.0.0 releases of the libraries
# Introduced breaking changes across the board. Those libraries should be upgraded soon
# TODO: Upgrade all Google libraries that are limited to <2.0.0
# The Google Ads 14.0.1 breaks PIP and eager upgrade as it requires
# google-api-core>=2.0.0 which cannot be used yet (see below comment)
# and
grpc = [
# Google has very clear rules on what dependencies should be used. All the limits below
# follow strict guidelines of Google Libraries as quoted here:
# While this issue is open, dependents of google-api-core, google-cloud-core. and google-auth
# should preserve >1, <3 pins on these packages.
'google-auth>=1.0.0, <3.0.0',
hashicorp = [
hdfs = [
hive = [
# in case of Python 3.9 sasl library needs to be installed with version higher or equal than
# 0.3.1 because only that version supports Python 3.9. For other Python version pyhive[hive] pulls
# the sasl library anyway (and there sasl library version is not relevant)
'sasl>=0.3.1; python_version>="3.9"',
http = [
# The 2.26.0 release of requests got rid of the chardet LGPL mandatory dependency, allowing us to
# release it as a requirement for airflow
http_provider = [
influxdb = [
jdbc = [
jenkins = [
jira = [
kerberos = [
kubernetes = [
# The Kubernetes API is known to introduce problems when upgraded to a MAJOR version. Airflow Core
# Uses Kubernetes for Kubernetes executor, and we also know that Kubernetes Python client follows SemVer
# ( This is a crucial component of Airflow
# So we should limit it to the next MAJOR version and only deliberately bump the version when we
# tested it, and we know it can be bumped. Bumping this version should also be connected with
# limiting minimum airflow version supported in cncf.kubernetes provider, due to the
# potential breaking changes in Airflow Core as well (kubernetes is added as extra, so Airflow
# core is not hard-limited via install-requirements, only by extra).
kylin = ['kylinpy>=2.6']
ldap = [
leveldb = ['plyvel; platform_machine != "aarch64"']
mongo = [
# pymongo 4.0.0 removes connection option `ssl_cert_reqs` which is used in providers-mongo/2.2.0
# TODO: Upgrade to pymongo 4.0.0+
mssql = [
'pymssql>=2.1.5; platform_machine != "aarch64"',
mysql = [
'mysql-connector-python>=8.0.11; platform_machine != "aarch64"',
'mysqlclient>=1.3.6; platform_machine != "aarch64"',
neo4j = ['neo4j>=4.2.1']
odbc = [
opsgenie = [
oracle = [
pagerduty = [
pandas = [
papermill = [
password = [
pinot = [
# pinotdb v0.1.1 may still work with older versions of Apache Pinot, but we've confirmed that it
# causes a problem with newer versions.
plexus = [
postgres = [
presto = [
# The limit to Presto 0.8 for unknown reason
# TODO: Remove the limit
psrp = [
qubole = [
rabbitmq = [
redis = [
# Redis 4 introduced a number of changes that likely need testing including mixins in redis commands
# as well as unquoting URLS with `urllib.parse.unquote`:
# TODO: upgrade to support redis package >=4
salesforce = ['simple-salesforce>=1.0.0', 'tableauserverclient', pandas_requirement]
samba = [
segment = [
sendgrid = [
sentry = [
singularity = ['spython>=0.0.56']
slack = [
snowflake = [
spark = [
ssh = [
statsd = [
tableau = [
telegram = [
trino = [
vertica = [
virtualenv = [
webhdfs = [
winrm = [
yandex = [
zendesk = [
# End dependencies group
# Mypy 0.900 and above ships only with stubs from stdlib so if we need other stubs, we need to install them
# manually as `types-*`. See
# for details. Wy want to install them explicitly because we want to eventually move to
# mypyd which does not support installing the types dynamically with --install-types
mypy_dependencies = [
# TODO: upgrade to newer versions of MyPy continuously as they are released
# Dependencies needed for development only
devel_only = [
# Github3 version 3.1.2 requires PyJWT>=2.3.0 which clashes with Flask App Builder where PyJWT is <2.0.0
# Actually GitHub3.1.0 already introduced PyJWT>=2.3.0 but so far `pip` was able to resolve it without
# getting into a long backtracking loop and figure out that github3 3.0.0 version is the right version
# similarly limiting it to 3.1.2 causes pip not to enter the backtracking loop. Apparently when there
# are 3 versions with PyJWT>=2.3.0 (3.1.0, 3.1.1 an 3.1.2) pip enters into backtrack loop and fails
# to resolve that github3 3.0.0 is the right version to use.
# This limitation could be removed if PyJWT limitation < 2.0.0 is dropped from FAB or when
# pip resolution is improved to handle the case. The issue which describes this PIP behaviour
# and hopefully allowing to improve it is tracked in
# Pytest 7 has been released in February 2022 and we should attempt to upgrade and remove the limit
# It contains a number of potential breaking changes but none of them looks breaking our use
# TODO: upgrade it and remove the limit
# We should attempt to remove the limit when we upgrade Pytest
# TODO: remove the limit when we upgrade pytest
devel = cgroups + devel_only + doc + kubernetes + mypy_dependencies + mysql + pandas + password
devel_hadoop = devel + hdfs + hive + kerberos + presto + webhdfs
# Dict of all providers which are part of the Apache Airflow repository together with their requirements
PROVIDERS_REQUIREMENTS: Dict[str, List[str]] = {
'airbyte': http_provider,
'alibaba': alibaba,
'amazon': amazon,
'apache.beam': apache_beam,
'apache.cassandra': cassandra,
'apache.drill': drill,
'apache.druid': druid,
'apache.hdfs': hdfs,
'apache.hive': hive,
'apache.kylin': kylin,
'apache.livy': http_provider,
'apache.pig': [],
'apache.pinot': pinot,
'apache.spark': spark,
'apache.sqoop': [],
'arangodb': arangodb,
'asana': asana,
'celery': celery,
'cloudant': cloudant,
'cncf.kubernetes': kubernetes,
'databricks': databricks,
'datadog': datadog,
'': http_provider,
'dingding': [],
'discord': [],
'docker': docker,
'elasticsearch': elasticsearch,
'exasol': exasol,
'facebook': facebook,
'ftp': [],
'github': github,
'google': google,
'grpc': grpc,
'hashicorp': hashicorp,
'http': http,
'imap': [],
'influxdb': influxdb,
'jdbc': jdbc,
'jenkins': jenkins,
'jira': jira,
'': azure,
'microsoft.mssql': mssql,
'microsoft.psrp': psrp,
'microsoft.winrm': winrm,
'mongo': mongo,
'mysql': mysql,
'neo4j': neo4j,
'odbc': odbc,
'openfaas': [],
'opsgenie': opsgenie,
'oracle': oracle,
'pagerduty': pagerduty,
'papermill': papermill,
'plexus': plexus,
'postgres': postgres,
'presto': presto,
'qubole': qubole,
'redis': redis,
'salesforce': salesforce,
'samba': samba,
'segment': segment,
'sendgrid': sendgrid,
'sftp': ssh,
'singularity': singularity,
'slack': slack,
'snowflake': snowflake,
'sqlite': [],
'ssh': ssh,
'tableau': tableau,
'telegram': telegram,
'trino': trino,
'vertica': vertica,
'yandex': yandex,
'zendesk': zendesk,
# Those are all additional extras which do not have their own 'providers'
# The 'apache.atlas' and 'apache.webhdfs' are extras that provide additional libraries
# but they do not have separate providers (yet?), they are merely there to add extra libraries
# That can be used in custom python/bash operators.
'apache.atlas': atlas,
'apache.webhdfs': webhdfs,
# Those are extras that are extensions of the 'core' Airflow. They provide additional features
# To airflow core. They do not have separate providers because they do not have any operators/hooks etc.
CORE_EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS: Dict[str, List[str]] = {
'async': async_packages,
'celery': celery, # also has provider, but it extends the core with the CeleryExecutor
'cgroups': cgroups,
'cncf.kubernetes': kubernetes, # also has provider, but it extends the core with the KubernetesExecutor
'dask': dask,
'deprecated_api': deprecated_api,
'github_enterprise': flask_appbuilder_authlib,
'google_auth': flask_appbuilder_authlib,
'kerberos': kerberos,
'ldap': ldap,
'leveldb': leveldb,
'pandas': pandas,
'password': password,
'rabbitmq': rabbitmq,
'sentry': sentry,
'statsd': statsd,
'virtualenv': virtualenv,
def add_extras_for_all_providers() -> None:
Adds extras for all providers.
By default all providers have the same extra name as provider id, for example
'apache.hive' extra has 'apache.hive' provider requirement.
for provider_name, provider_requirement in PROVIDERS_REQUIREMENTS.items():
EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS[provider_name] = provider_requirement
def add_additional_extras() -> None:
"""Adds extras for all additional extras."""
for extra_name, extra_requirement in ADDITIONAL_EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS.items():
EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS[extra_name] = extra_requirement
# The whole section can be removed in Airflow 3.0 as those old aliases are deprecated in 2.* series
# Dictionary of aliases from 1.10 - deprecated in Airflow 2.*
'atlas': 'apache.atlas',
'aws': 'amazon',
'azure': '',
'cassandra': 'apache.cassandra',
'crypto': '', # All crypto requirements are installation requirements of core Airflow
'druid': 'apache.druid',
'gcp': 'google',
'gcp_api': 'google',
'hdfs': 'apache.hdfs',
'hive': 'apache.hive',
'kubernetes': 'cncf.kubernetes',
'mssql': 'microsoft.mssql',
'pinot': 'apache.pinot',
'qds': 'qubole',
's3': 'amazon',
'spark': 'apache.spark',
'webhdfs': 'apache.webhdfs',
'winrm': 'microsoft.winrm',
def add_extras_for_all_deprecated_aliases() -> None:
Add extras for all deprecated aliases. Requirements for those deprecated aliases are the same
as the extras they are replaced with.
The requirements are not copies - those are the same lists as for the new extras. This is intended.
Thanks to that if the original extras are later extended with providers, aliases are extended as well.
for alias, extra in EXTRAS_DEPRECATED_ALIASES.items():
requirements = EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS.get(extra) if extra != '' else []
if requirements is None:
raise Exception(f"The extra {extra} is missing for deprecated alias {alias}")
EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS[alias] = requirements
def add_all_deprecated_provider_packages() -> None:
For deprecated aliases that are providers, we will swap the providers requirements to instead
be the provider itself.
e.g. {"kubernetes": ["kubernetes>=3.0.0, <12.0.0", ...]} becomes
{"kubernetes": ["apache-airflow-provider-cncf-kubernetes"]}
for alias, provider in EXTRAS_DEPRECATED_ALIASES.items():
replace_extra_requirement_with_provider_packages(alias, [provider])
# End of deprecated section
# This is list of all providers. It's a shortcut for anyone who would like to easily get list of
# All providers. It is used by pre-commits.
# Special requirements for all database-related providers. They are de-duplicated.
all_dbs = list({req for db_provider in ALL_DB_PROVIDERS for req in PROVIDERS_REQUIREMENTS[db_provider]})
# Requirements for all "user" extras (no devel). They are de-duplicated. Note that we do not need
# to separately add providers requirements - they have been already added as 'providers' extras above
_all_requirements = list({req for extras_reqs in EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS.values() for req in extras_reqs})
# All user extras here
EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS["all"] = _all_requirements
# All db user extras here
EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS["all_dbs"] = all_dbs + pandas
# This can be simplified to devel_hadoop + _all_requirements due to inclusions
# but we keep it for explicit sake. We are de-duplicating it anyway.
devel_all = list(set(_all_requirements + doc + devel + devel_hadoop))
# Those are packages excluded for "all" dependencies
def is_package_excluded(package: str, exclusion_list: List[str]) -> bool:
Checks if package should be excluded.
:param package: package name (beginning of it)
:param exclusion_list: list of excluded packages
:return: true if package should be excluded
return any(package.startswith(excluded_package) for excluded_package in exclusion_list)
devel_all = [
for package in devel_all
if not is_package_excluded(package=package, exclusion_list=PACKAGES_EXCLUDED_FOR_ALL)
devel_ci = devel_all
# Those are extras that we have to add for development purposes
# They can be use to install some predefined set of dependencies.
EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS["devel"] = devel # devel already includes doc
EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS["devel_hadoop"] = devel_hadoop # devel_hadoop already includes devel
EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS["devel_all"] = devel_all
EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS["devel_ci"] = devel_ci
def sort_extras_requirements() -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
The dictionary order remains when keys() are retrieved.
Sort both: extras and list of dependencies to make it easier to analyse problems
external packages will be first, then if providers are added they are added at the end of the lists.
sorted_requirements = dict(sorted(EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS.items()))
for extra_list in sorted_requirements.values():
return sorted_requirements
EXTRAS_REQUIREMENTS = sort_extras_requirements()
# Those providers are pre-installed always when airflow is installed.
# Those providers do not have dependency on airflow2.0 because that would lead to circular dependencies.
# This is not a problem for PIP but some tools (pipdeptree) show those as a warning.
def get_provider_package_from_package_id(package_id: str) -> str:
Builds the name of provider package out of the package id provided/
:param package_id: id of the package (like amazon or
:return: full name of package in PyPI
package_suffix = package_id.replace(".", "-")
return f"apache-airflow-providers-{package_suffix}"
def get_excluded_providers() -> List[str]:
"""Returns packages excluded for the current python version."""
return []
def get_all_provider_packages() -> str:
"""Returns all provider packages configured in"""
excluded_providers = get_excluded_providers()
return " ".join(
if package not in excluded_providers
class AirflowDistribution(Distribution):
"""The setuptools.Distribution subclass with Airflow specific behaviour"""
def __init__(self, attrs=None):
self.install_requires = None
def parse_config_files(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
Ensure that when we have been asked to install providers from sources
that we don't *also* try to install those providers from PyPI.
Also we should make sure that in this case we copy provider.yaml files so that
Providers manager can find package information.
super().parse_config_files(*args, **kwargs)
if os.getenv(INSTALL_PROVIDERS_FROM_SOURCES) == 'true':
self.install_requires = [
req for req in self.install_requires if not req.startswith('apache-airflow-providers-')
provider_yaml_files = glob.glob("airflow/providers/**/provider.yaml", recursive=True)
for provider_yaml_file in provider_yaml_files:
provider_relative_path = relpath(provider_yaml_file, os.path.join(my_dir, "airflow"))
[get_provider_package_from_package_id(package_id) for package_id in PREINSTALLED_PROVIDERS]
def replace_extra_requirement_with_provider_packages(extra: str, providers: List[str]) -> None:
Replaces extra requirement with provider package. The intention here is that when
the provider is added as dependency of extra, there is no need to add the dependencies
separately. This is not needed and even harmful, because in case of future versions of
the provider, the requirements might change, so hard-coding requirements from the version
that was available at the release time might cause dependency conflicts in the future.
Say for example that you have salesforce provider with those deps:
{ 'salesforce': ['simple-salesforce>=1.0.0', 'tableauserverclient'] }
Initially ['salesforce'] extra has those requirements and it works like that when you install
it when INSTALL_PROVIDERS_FROM_SOURCES is set to `true` (during the development). However, when
the production installation is used, The dependencies are changed:
{ 'salesforce': ['apache-airflow-providers-salesforce'] }
And then, 'apache-airflow-providers-salesforce' package has those 'install_requires' dependencies:
['simple-salesforce>=1.0.0', 'tableauserverclient']
So transitively 'salesforce' extra has all the requirements it needs and in case the provider
changes its dependencies, they will transitively change as well.
In the constraint mechanism we save both - provider versions and it's dependencies
version, which means that installation using constraints is repeatable.
For K8s and Celery which are both "Core executors" and "Providers" we have to
add the base dependencies to core as well, in order to mitigate problems where
newer version of provider will have less strict limits. This should be done for both
extras and their deprecated aliases. This is not a full protection however, the way
extras work, this will not add "hard" limits for Airflow and the user who does not use
:param extra: Name of the extra to add providers to
:param providers: list of provider ids
if extra in ['cncf.kubernetes', 'kubernetes', 'celery']:
[get_provider_package_from_package_id(package_name) for package_name in providers]
get_provider_package_from_package_id(package_name) for package_name in providers
def add_provider_packages_to_extra_requirements(extra: str, providers: List[str]) -> None:
Adds provider packages as requirements to extra. This is used to add provider packages as requirements
to the "bulk" kind of extras. Those bulk extras do not have the detailed 'extra' requirements as
initial values, so instead of replacing them (see previous function) we can extend them.
:param extra: Name of the extra to add providers to
:param providers: list of provider ids
[get_provider_package_from_package_id(package_name) for package_name in providers]
def add_all_provider_packages() -> None:
In case of regular installation (providers installed from packages), we should add extra dependencies to
Airflow - to get the providers automatically installed when those extras are installed.
For providers installed from sources we skip that step. That helps to test and install airflow with
all packages in CI - for example when new providers are added, otherwise the installation would fail
as the new provider is not yet in PyPI.
for provider in ALL_PROVIDERS:
replace_extra_requirement_with_provider_packages(provider, [provider])
add_provider_packages_to_extra_requirements("all", ALL_PROVIDERS)
add_provider_packages_to_extra_requirements("devel_ci", ALL_PROVIDERS)
add_provider_packages_to_extra_requirements("devel_all", ALL_PROVIDERS)
add_provider_packages_to_extra_requirements("all_dbs", ALL_DB_PROVIDERS)
"devel_hadoop", ["apache.hdfs", "apache.hive", "presto", "trino"]
class Develop(develop_orig):
"""Forces removal of providers in editable mode."""
def run(self) -> None: # type: ignore
self.announce('Installing in editable mode. Uninstalling provider packages!', level=log.INFO)
# We need to run "python3 -m pip" because it might be that older PIP binary is in the path
# And it results with an error when running pip directly (cannot import pip module)
# also PIP does not have a stable API so we have to run subprocesses ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
installed_packages = (
subprocess.check_output(["python3", "-m", "pip", "freeze"]).decode().splitlines()
airflow_provider_packages = [
for package_line in installed_packages
if package_line.startswith("apache-airflow-providers")
self.announce(f'Uninstalling ${airflow_provider_packages}!', level=log.INFO)
subprocess.check_call(["python3", "-m", "pip", "uninstall", "--yes", *airflow_provider_packages])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
self.announce(f'Error when uninstalling airflow provider packages: {e}!', level=log.WARN)
class Install(install_orig):
"""Forces installation of providers from sources in editable mode."""
def run(self) -> None:
self.announce('Standard installation. Providers are installed from packages', level=log.INFO)
def do_setup() -> None:
Perform the Airflow package setup.
Most values come from setup.cfg, only the dynamically calculated ones are passed to setup
function call. See
setup_kwargs = {}
def include_provider_namespace_packages_when_installing_from_sources() -> None:
When installing providers from sources we install all namespace packages found below airflow,
including airflow and provider packages, otherwise defaults from setup.cfg control this.
The kwargs in setup() call override those that are specified in setup.cfg.
if os.getenv(INSTALL_PROVIDERS_FROM_SOURCES) == 'true':
setup_kwargs['packages'] = find_namespace_packages(include=['airflow*'])
if os.getenv(INSTALL_PROVIDERS_FROM_SOURCES) == 'true':
print("Installing providers from sources. Skip adding providers as dependencies")
download_url=('' + version),
'extra_clean': CleanCommand,
'compile_assets': CompileAssets,
'list_extras': ListExtras,
'install': Install, # type: ignore
'develop': Develop,
**setup_kwargs, # type: ignore
if __name__ == "__main__":
do_setup() # comment