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Apache Trino Connection
The Apache Trino connection type enables connection to Trino which is a distributed SQL query engine designed to query large data sets distributed over one or more heterogeneous data sources.
Default Connection IDs
Trino Hook uses the parameter ``trino_conn_id`` for Connection IDs and the value of the parameter as ``trino_default`` by default.
Trino Hook supports multiple authentication types to ensure all users of the system are authenticated, the parameter ``auth`` can be set to enable authentication. The value of the parameter is ``None`` by default.
Configuring the Connection
The host to connect to, it can be ``local``, ``yarn`` or an URL.
Specify the port in case of host is an URL.
Effective user for connection.
This can be to pass to enable Basic Authentication. This is an optional parameter and is not required if a different authentication mechanism is used.
Extra (optional, connection parameters)
Specify the extra parameters (as json dictionary) that can be used in Trino connection. The following parameters out of the standard python parameters are supported:
* ``auth`` - Specifies which type of authentication needs to be enabled. The value can be ``certs``, ``kerberos``, or ``jwt``
* ``impersonate_as_owner`` - Boolean that allows to set ``AIRFLOW_CTX_DAG_OWNER`` as a user of the connection.
The following extra parameters can be used to configure authentication:
* ``jwt__token`` - If jwt authentication should be used, the value of token is given via this parameter.
* ``certs__client_cert_path``, ``certs__client_key_path``- If certificate authentication should be used, the path to the client certificate and key is given via these parameters.
* ``kerberos__service_name``, ``kerberos__config``, ``kerberos__mutual_authentication``, ``kerberos__force_preemptive``, ``kerberos__hostname_override``, ``kerberos__sanitize_mutual_error_response``, ``kerberos__principal``,``kerberos__delegate``, ``kerberos__ca_bundle`` - These parameters can be set when enabling ``kerberos`` authentication.
* ``session_properties`` - JSON dictionary which allows to set session_properties. Example: ``{'session_properties':{'scale_writers':true,'task_writer_count:1'}}``
* ``client_tags`` - List of comma separated tags. Example ``{'client_tags':['sales','cluster1']}```