blob: a292dba6a455d8b2ade418c3b7c889f3248afb49 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
version: "3.7"
stdin_open: true # docker run -i
tty: true # docker run -t
# We need to mount files and directories individually because some files
# such apache_airflow.egg-info should not be mounted from host
# we only mount those files, so that it makes sense to edit while developing
# or those that might be useful to see in the host as output of the
# tests (such as logs)
# START automatically generated volumes from VOLUMES_FOR_SELECTED_MOUNTS in
- type: bind
source: ../../../.bash_aliases
target: /root/.bash_aliases
- type: bind
source: ../../../.bash_history
target: /root/.bash_history
- type: bind
source: ../../../.build
target: /opt/airflow/.build
- type: bind
source: ../../../.coveragerc
target: /opt/airflow/.coveragerc
- type: bind
source: ../../../.dockerignore
target: /opt/airflow/.dockerignore
- type: bind
source: ../../../.github
target: /opt/airflow/.github
- type: bind
source: ../../../.inputrc
target: /root/.inputrc
- type: bind
source: ../../../.rat-excludes
target: /opt/airflow/.rat-excludes
- type: bind
source: ../../../BREEZE.rst
target: /opt/airflow/BREEZE.rst
- type: bind
source: ../../../LICENSE
target: /opt/airflow/LICENSE
- type: bind
source: ../../../
target: /opt/airflow/
- type: bind
source: ../../../NOTICE
target: /opt/airflow/NOTICE
- type: bind
source: ../../../RELEASE_NOTES.rst
target: /opt/airflow/RELEASE_NOTES.rst
- type: bind
source: ../../../airflow
target: /opt/airflow/airflow
- type: bind
source: ../../../constraints
target: /opt/airflow/constraints
- type: bind
source: ../../../provider_packages
target: /opt/airflow/provider_packages
- type: bind
source: ../../../dags
target: /opt/airflow/dags
- type: bind
source: ../../../dev
target: /opt/airflow/dev
- type: bind
source: ../../../docs
target: /opt/airflow/docs
- type: bind
source: ../../../generated
target: /opt/airflow/generated
- type: bind
source: ../../../hooks
target: /opt/airflow/hooks
- type: bind
source: ../../../images
target: /opt/airflow/images
- type: bind
source: ../../../logs
target: /root/airflow/logs
- type: bind
source: ../../../pyproject.toml
target: /opt/airflow/pyproject.toml
- type: bind
source: ../../../scripts
target: /opt/airflow/scripts
- type: bind
source: ../../../scripts/docker/
target: /entrypoint
- type: bind
source: ../../../setup.cfg
target: /opt/airflow/setup.cfg
- type: bind
source: ../../../
target: /opt/airflow/
- type: bind
source: ../../../tests
target: /opt/airflow/tests
- type: bind
source: ../../../kubernetes_tests
target: /opt/airflow/kubernetes_tests
- type: bind
source: ../../../docker_tests
target: /opt/airflow/docker_tests
- type: bind
source: ../../../chart
target: /opt/airflow/chart
# END automatically generated volumes from VOLUMES_FOR_SELECTED_MOUNTS in