blob: 2b65055f38d5b7f9275a8291b597d6881033eb1d [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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from __future__ import annotations
import datetime as dt
from typing import overload
import pendulum
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from pendulum.datetime import DateTime
# UTC time zone as a tzinfo instance.
utc ="UTC")
def is_localized(value):
"""Determine if a given datetime.datetime is aware.
The concept is defined in Python documentation. Assuming the tzinfo is
either None or a proper ``datetime.tzinfo`` instance, ``value.utcoffset()``
implements the appropriate logic.
.. seealso::
return value.utcoffset() is not None
def is_naive(value):
"""Determine if a given datetime.datetime is naive.
The concept is defined in Python documentation. Assuming the tzinfo is
either None or a proper ``datetime.tzinfo`` instance, ``value.utcoffset()``
implements the appropriate logic.
.. seealso::
return value.utcoffset() is None
def utcnow() -> dt.datetime:
"""Get the current date and time in UTC."""
# pendulum utcnow() is not used as that sets a TimezoneInfo object
# instead of a Timezone. This is not picklable and also creates issues
# when using replace()
result = dt.datetime.utcnow()
result = result.replace(tzinfo=utc)
return result
def utc_epoch() -> dt.datetime:
"""Gets the epoch in the users timezone."""
# pendulum utcnow() is not used as that sets a TimezoneInfo object
# instead of a Timezone. This is not picklable and also creates issues
# when using replace()
result = dt.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
result = result.replace(tzinfo=utc)
return result
def convert_to_utc(value: None) -> None:
def convert_to_utc(value: dt.datetime) -> DateTime:
def convert_to_utc(value: dt.datetime | None) -> DateTime | None:
"""Creates a datetime with the default timezone added if none is associated.
:param value: datetime
:return: datetime with tzinfo
if value is None:
return value
if not is_localized(value):
from airflow.settings import TIMEZONE
value = pendulum.instance(value, TIMEZONE)
return pendulum.instance(value.astimezone(utc))
def make_aware(value: None, timezone: dt.tzinfo | None = None) -> None:
def make_aware(value: DateTime, timezone: dt.tzinfo | None = None) -> DateTime:
def make_aware(value: dt.datetime, timezone: dt.tzinfo | None = None) -> dt.datetime:
def make_aware(value: dt.datetime | None, timezone: dt.tzinfo | None = None) -> dt.datetime | None:
Make a naive datetime.datetime in a given time zone aware.
:param value: datetime
:param timezone: timezone
:return: localized datetime in settings.TIMEZONE or timezone
if timezone is None:
from airflow.settings import TIMEZONE
timezone = TIMEZONE
if not value:
return None
# Check that we won't overwrite the timezone of an aware datetime.
if is_localized(value):
raise ValueError(f"make_aware expects a naive datetime, got {value}")
if hasattr(value, "fold"):
# In case of python 3.6 we want to do the same that pendulum does for python3.5
# i.e in case we move clock back we want to schedule the run at the time of the second
# instance of the same clock time rather than the first one.
# Fold parameter has no impact in other cases so we can safely set it to 1 here
value = value.replace(fold=1)
localized = getattr(timezone, "localize", None)
if localized is not None:
# This method is available for pytz time zones
return localized(value)
convert = getattr(timezone, "convert", None)
if convert is not None:
# For pendulum
return convert(value)
# This may be wrong around DST changes!
return value.replace(tzinfo=timezone)
def make_naive(value, timezone=None):
Make an aware datetime.datetime naive in a given time zone.
:param value: datetime
:param timezone: timezone
:return: naive datetime
if timezone is None:
from airflow.settings import TIMEZONE
timezone = TIMEZONE
# Emulate the behavior of astimezone() on Python < 3.6.
if is_naive(value):
raise ValueError("make_naive() cannot be applied to a naive datetime")
date = value.astimezone(timezone)
# cross library compatibility
naive = dt.datetime(
date.year, date.month,, date.hour, date.minute, date.second, date.microsecond
return naive
def datetime(*args, **kwargs):
Wrapper around datetime.datetime that adds settings.TIMEZONE if tzinfo not specified.
:return: datetime.datetime
if "tzinfo" not in kwargs:
from airflow.settings import TIMEZONE
kwargs["tzinfo"] = TIMEZONE
return dt.datetime(*args, **kwargs)
def parse(string: str, timezone=None) -> DateTime:
Parse a time string and return an aware datetime.
:param string: time string
:param timezone: the timezone
from airflow.settings import TIMEZONE
return pendulum.parse(string, tz=timezone or TIMEZONE, strict=False) # type: ignore
def coerce_datetime(v: None, tz: dt.tzinfo | None = None) -> None:
def coerce_datetime(v: DateTime, tz: dt.tzinfo | None = None) -> DateTime:
def coerce_datetime(v: dt.datetime, tz: dt.tzinfo | None = None) -> DateTime:
def coerce_datetime(v: dt.datetime | None, tz: dt.tzinfo | None = None) -> DateTime | None:
"""Convert ``v`` into a timezone-aware ``pendulum.DateTime``.
* If ``v`` is *None*, *None* is returned.
* If ``v`` is a naive datetime, it is converted to an aware Pendulum DateTime.
* If ``v`` is an aware datetime, it is converted to a Pendulum DateTime.
Note that ``tz`` is **not** taken into account in this case; the datetime
will maintain its original tzinfo!
if v is None:
return None
if isinstance(v, DateTime):
return v if v.tzinfo else make_aware(v, tz)
# Only dt.datetime is left here.
return pendulum.instance(v if v.tzinfo else make_aware(v, tz))
def td_format(td_object: None | dt.timedelta | float | int) -> str | None:
Format a timedelta object or float/int into a readable string for time duration.
For example timedelta(seconds=3752) would become `1h:2M:32s`.
If the time is less than a second, the return will be `<1s`.
if not td_object:
return None
if isinstance(td_object, dt.timedelta):
delta = relativedelta() + td_object
delta = relativedelta(seconds=int(td_object))
# relativedelta for timedelta cannot convert days to months
# so calculate months by assuming 30 day months and normalize
months, delta.days = divmod(delta.days, 30)
delta = delta.normalized() + relativedelta(months=months)
def _format_part(key: str) -> str:
value = int(getattr(delta, key))
if value < 1:
return ""
# distinguish between month/minute following strftime format
# and take first char of each unit, i.e. years='y', days='d'
if key == "minutes":
key = key.upper()
key = key[0]
return f"{value}{key}"
parts = map(_format_part, ("years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"))
joined = ":".join(part for part in parts if part)
if not joined:
return "<1s"
return joined