blob: 13489fedc611f376a8a06d82a1cd483ee7b51ebf [file] [log] [blame]
"$schema": "",
"$id": "",
"definitions": {
"datetime": {
"description": "A date time, stored as fractional seconds since the epoch",
"type": "number"
"timedelta": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": 0
"typed_timedelta": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"__type": {
"type": "string",
"const": "timedelta"
"__var": { "$ref": "#/definitions/timedelta" }
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"typed_relativedelta": {
"type": "object",
"description": "A dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta object",
"properties": {
"__type": {
"type": "string",
"const": "relativedelta"
"__var": {
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"properties": {
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"items": { "type": "integer" },
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"maxItems": 2
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"timezone": {
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{ "type": "string" },
{ "type": "integer" }
"dataset": {
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"properties": {
"uri": { "type": "string" },
"extra": {
"anyOf": [
{"type": "null"},
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/dict" }
"required": [ "uri", "extra" ]
"typed_dataset": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"__type": {
"type": "string",
"constant": "dataset"
"__var": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dataset" }
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"dict": {
"description": "A python dictionary containing values of any type",
"type": "object"
"color": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^#[a-fA-F0-9]{3,6}$"
"extra_links": {
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"items": {
"type": "object",
"minProperties": 1,
"maxProperties": 1
"dag_dependencies": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object"
"dag": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"params": { "$ref": "#/definitions/params_dict" },
"_dag_id": { "type": "string" },
"tasks": { "$ref": "#/definitions/tasks" },
"timezone": { "$ref": "#/definitions/timezone" },
"schedule_interval": {
"anyOf": [
{ "type": "null" },
{ "type": "string" },
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/typed_timedelta" },
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/typed_relativedelta" }
"dataset_triggers": {
"type": "array",
"items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/typed_dataset" }
"owner_links": { "type": "object" },
"timetable": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": { "type": "string" },
"value": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dict" }
"catchup": { "type": "boolean" },
"is_subdag": { "type": "boolean" },
"fileloc": { "type" : "string"},
"_processor_dags_folder": {
"anyOf": [
{ "type": "null" },
{"type": "string"}
"orientation": { "type" : "string"},
"_description": { "type" : "string"},
"_concurrency": { "type" : "number"},
"_max_active_tasks": { "type" : "number"},
"max_active_runs": { "type" : "number"},
"default_args": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dict" },
"start_date": { "$ref": "#/definitions/datetime" },
"end_date": { "$ref": "#/definitions/datetime" },
"dagrun_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/timedelta" },
"doc_md": { "type" : "string"},
"_default_view": { "type" : "string"},
"_access_control": {"$ref": "#/definitions/dict" },
"is_paused_upon_creation": { "type": "boolean" },
"has_on_success_callback": { "type": "boolean" },
"has_on_failure_callback": { "type": "boolean" },
"render_template_as_native_obj": { "type": "boolean" },
"tags": { "type": "array" },
"_task_group": {"anyOf": [
{ "type": "null" },
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/task_group" }
"edge_info": { "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_info" },
"dag_dependencies": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dag_dependencies" }
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"tasks": {
"type": "array",
"additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/operator" }
"params_dict": {
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {"$ref": "#/definitions/param" }
"param": {
"$comment": "A param for a dag / operator",
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"__class": { "type": "string" },
"default": {},
"description": {"anyOf": [{"type":"string"}, {"type":"null"}]},
"schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dict" }
"operator": {
"$comment": "A task/operator in a DAG",
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"_task_type": { "type": "string" },
"_task_module": { "type": "string" },
"_operator_extra_links": { "$ref": "#/definitions/extra_links" },
"task_id": { "type": "string" },
"label": { "type": "string" },
"owner": { "type": "string" },
"start_date": { "$ref": "#/definitions/datetime" },
"end_date": { "$ref": "#/definitions/datetime" },
"trigger_rule": { "type": "string" },
"depends_on_past": { "type": "boolean" },
"ignore_first_depends_on_past": { "type": "boolean" },
"wait_for_past_depends_before_skipping": { "type": "boolean" },
"wait_for_downstream": { "type": "boolean" },
"retries": { "type": "number" },
"queue": { "type": "string" },
"pool": { "type": "string" },
"pool_slots": { "type": "number" },
"execution_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/timedelta" },
"retry_delay": { "$ref": "#/definitions/timedelta" },
"retry_exponential_backoff": { "type": "boolean" },
"max_retry_delay": { "$ref": "#/definitions/timedelta" },
"params": { "$ref": "#/definitions/params_dict" },
"priority_weight": { "type": "number" },
"weight_rule": { "type": "string" },
"executor_config": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dict" },
"do_xcom_push": { "type": "boolean" },
"ui_color": { "$ref": "#/definitions/color" },
"ui_fgcolor": { "$ref": "#/definitions/color" },
"template_fields": {
"type": "array",
"items": { "type": "string" }
"subdag": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dag" },
"downstream_task_ids": {
"type": "array",
"items": { "type": "string" }
"_is_dummy": { "type": "boolean" },
"deps": {
"description": "list of dep classes -- if non-standard",
"type": "array",
"items": { "type": "string" },
"uniqueItems": true
"doc": { "type": "string" },
"doc_md": { "type": "string" },
"doc_json": { "type": "string" },
"doc_yaml": { "type": "string" },
"doc_rst": { "type": "string" },
"_is_mapped": { "const": true, "$comment": "only present when True" },
"expand_input": { "type": "object" },
"partial_kwargs": { "type": "object" }
"dependencies": {
"expand_input": ["partial_kwargs", "_is_mapped"],
"partial_kwargs": ["expand_input", "_is_mapped"],
"_is_mapped": ["expand_input", "partial_kwargs"]
"additionalProperties": true
"task_group": {
"$comment": "A TaskGroup containing tasks",
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"_group_id": {"anyOf": [{"type": "null"}, { "type": "string" }]},
"is_mapped": { "type": "boolean" },
"prefix_group_id": { "type": "boolean" },
"children": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dict" },
"tooltip": { "type": "string" },
"ui_color": { "type": "string" },
"ui_fgcolor": { "type": "string" },
"upstream_group_ids": {
"type": "array",
"items": { "type": "string" }
"downstream_group_ids": {
"type": "array",
"items": { "type": "string" }
"upstream_task_ids": {
"type": "array",
"items": { "type": "string" }
"downstream_task_ids": {
"type": "array",
"items": { "type": "string" }
"additionalProperties": false
"edge_info": {
"$comment": "Metadata about DAG edges",
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"label": { "type": "string" }
"required": ["label"],
"additionalProperties": false
"type": "object",
"allOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"__version": {
"type": "integer",
"exclusiveMinimum": 0
"dag": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dag" }
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [ "__version", "dag" ]