blob: 224e633172d2281ca5f2f293f86f5eee01c9ea99 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import inspect
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence, Union, overload
from sqlalchemy import func, or_
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException, XComNotFound
from airflow.models.abstractoperator import AbstractOperator
from airflow.models.mappedoperator import MappedOperator
from airflow.models.taskmixin import DAGNode, DependencyMixin
from airflow.utils.context import Context
from airflow.utils.edgemodifier import EdgeModifier
from airflow.utils.mixins import ResolveMixin
from airflow.utils.session import NEW_SESSION, provide_session
from airflow.utils.setup_teardown import SetupTeardownContext
from airflow.utils.state import State
from airflow.utils.types import NOTSET, ArgNotSet
from airflow.utils.xcom import XCOM_RETURN_KEY
from airflow.models.dag import DAG
from airflow.models.operator import Operator
# Callable objects contained by MapXComArg. We only accept callables from
# the user, but deserialize them into strings in a serialized XComArg for
# safety (those callables are arbitrary user code).
MapCallables = Sequence[Union[Callable[[Any], Any], str]]
class XComArg(ResolveMixin, DependencyMixin):
"""Reference to an XCom value pushed from another operator.
The implementation supports::
xcomarg >> op
xcomarg << op
op >> xcomarg # By BaseOperator code
op << xcomarg # By BaseOperator code
**Example**: The moment you get a result from any operator (decorated or regular) you can ::
any_op = AnyOperator()
xcomarg = XComArg(any_op)
# or equivalently
xcomarg = any_op.output
my_op = MyOperator()
my_op >> xcomarg
This object can be used in legacy Operators via Jinja.
**Example**: You can make this result to be part of any generated string::
any_op = AnyOperator()
xcomarg = any_op.output
op1 = MyOperator(my_text_message=f"the value is {xcomarg}")
op2 = MyOperator(my_text_message=f"the value is {xcomarg['topic']}")
:param operator: Operator instance to which the XComArg references.
:param key: Key used to pull the XCom value. Defaults to *XCOM_RETURN_KEY*,
i.e. the referenced operator's return value.
def __new__(cls: type[XComArg], operator: Operator, key: str = XCOM_RETURN_KEY) -> XComArg:
"""Called when the user writes ``XComArg(...)`` directly."""
def __new__(cls: type[XComArg]) -> XComArg:
"""Called by Python internals from subclasses."""
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> XComArg:
if cls is XComArg:
return PlainXComArg(*args, **kwargs)
return super().__new__(cls)
def iter_xcom_references(arg: Any) -> Iterator[tuple[Operator, str]]:
"""Return XCom references in an arbitrary value.
Recursively traverse ``arg`` and look for XComArg instances in any
collection objects, and instances with ``template_fields`` set.
if isinstance(arg, ResolveMixin):
yield from arg.iter_references()
elif isinstance(arg, (tuple, set, list)):
for elem in arg:
yield from XComArg.iter_xcom_references(elem)
elif isinstance(arg, dict):
for elem in arg.values():
yield from XComArg.iter_xcom_references(elem)
elif isinstance(arg, AbstractOperator):
for attr in arg.template_fields:
yield from XComArg.iter_xcom_references(getattr(arg, attr))
def apply_upstream_relationship(op: Operator, arg: Any):
"""Set dependency for XComArgs.
This looks for XComArg objects in ``arg`` "deeply" (looking inside
collections objects and classes decorated with ``template_fields``), and
sets the relationship to ``op`` on any found.
for operator, _ in XComArg.iter_xcom_references(arg):
def roots(self) -> list[DAGNode]:
"""Required by TaskMixin."""
return [op for op, _ in self.iter_references()]
def leaves(self) -> list[DAGNode]:
"""Required by TaskMixin."""
return [op for op, _ in self.iter_references()]
def set_upstream(
task_or_task_list: DependencyMixin | Sequence[DependencyMixin],
edge_modifier: EdgeModifier | None = None,
"""Proxy to underlying operator set_upstream method. Required by TaskMixin."""
for operator, _ in self.iter_references():
operator.set_upstream(task_or_task_list, edge_modifier)
def set_downstream(
task_or_task_list: DependencyMixin | Sequence[DependencyMixin],
edge_modifier: EdgeModifier | None = None,
"""Proxy to underlying operator set_downstream method. Required by TaskMixin."""
for operator, _ in self.iter_references():
operator.set_downstream(task_or_task_list, edge_modifier)
def _serialize(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Called by DAG serialization.
The implementation should be the inverse function to ``deserialize``,
returning a data dict converted from this XComArg derivative. DAG
serialization does not call this directly, but ``serialize_xcom_arg``
instead, which adds additional information to dispatch deserialization
to the correct class.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _deserialize(cls, data: dict[str, Any], dag: DAG) -> XComArg:
"""Called when deserializing a DAG.
The implementation should be the inverse function to ``serialize``,
implementing given a data dict converted from this XComArg derivative,
how the original XComArg should be created. DAG serialization relies on
additional information added in ``serialize_xcom_arg`` to dispatch data
dicts to the correct ``_deserialize`` information, so this function does
not need to validate whether the incoming data contains correct keys.
raise NotImplementedError()
def map(self, f: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> MapXComArg:
return MapXComArg(self, [f])
def zip(self, *others: XComArg, fillvalue: Any = NOTSET) -> ZipXComArg:
return ZipXComArg([self, *others], fillvalue=fillvalue)
def get_task_map_length(self, run_id: str, *, session: Session) -> int | None:
"""Inspect length of pushed value for task-mapping.
This is used to determine how many task instances the scheduler should
create for a downstream using this XComArg for task-mapping.
*None* may be returned if the depended XCom has not been pushed.
raise NotImplementedError()
def resolve(self, context: Context, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> Any:
"""Pull XCom value.
This should only be called during ``op.execute()`` with an appropriate
context (e.g. generated from ``TaskInstance.get_template_context()``).
Although the ``ResolveMixin`` parent mixin also has a ``resolve``
protocol, this adds the optional ``session`` argument that some of the
subclasses need.
:meta private:
raise NotImplementedError()
def __enter__(self):
if not self.operator.is_setup and not self.operator.is_teardown:
raise AirflowException("Only setup/teardown tasks can be used as context managers.")
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
class PlainXComArg(XComArg):
"""Reference to one single XCom without any additional semantics.
This class should not be accessed directly, but only through XComArg. The
class inheritance chain and ``__new__`` is implemented in this slightly
convoluted way because we want to
a. Allow the user to continue using XComArg directly for the simple
semantics (see documentation of the base class for details).
b. Make ``isinstance(thing, XComArg)`` be able to detect all kinds of XCom
c. Not allow many properties of PlainXComArg (including ``__getitem__`` and
``__str__``) to exist on other kinds of XComArg implementations since
they don't make sense.
:meta private:
def __init__(self, operator: Operator, key: str = XCOM_RETURN_KEY):
self.operator = operator
self.key = key
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, PlainXComArg):
return NotImplemented
return self.operator == other.operator and self.key == other.key
def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> XComArg:
"""Implements xcomresult['some_result_key']."""
if not isinstance(item, str):
raise ValueError(f"XComArg only supports str lookup, received {type(item).__name__}")
return PlainXComArg(operator=self.operator, key=item)
def __iter__(self):
"""Override iterable protocol to raise error explicitly.
The default ``__iter__`` implementation in Python calls ``__getitem__``
with 0, 1, 2, etc. until it hits an ``IndexError``. This does not work
well with our custom ``__getitem__`` implementation, and results in poor
DAG-writing experience since a misplaced ``*`` expansion would create an
infinite loop consuming the entire DAG parser.
This override catches the error eagerly, so an incorrectly implemented
DAG fails fast and avoids wasting resources on nonsensical iterating.
raise TypeError("'XComArg' object is not iterable")
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.key == XCOM_RETURN_KEY:
return f"XComArg({self.operator!r})"
return f"XComArg({self.operator!r}, {self.key!r})"
def __str__(self) -> str:
Backward compatibility for old-style jinja used in Airflow Operators.
**Example**: to use XComArg at BashOperator::
BashOperator(cmd=f"... { xcomarg } ...")
xcom_pull_kwargs = [
if self.key is not None:
xcom_pull_str = ", ".join(xcom_pull_kwargs)
# {{{{ are required for escape {{ in f-string
xcom_pull = f"{{{{ task_instance.xcom_pull({xcom_pull_str}) }}}}"
return xcom_pull
def _serialize(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {"task_id": self.operator.task_id, "key": self.key}
def _deserialize(cls, data: dict[str, Any], dag: DAG) -> XComArg:
return cls(dag.get_task(data["task_id"]), data["key"])
def iter_references(self) -> Iterator[tuple[Operator, str]]:
yield self.operator, self.key
def map(self, f: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> MapXComArg:
if self.key != XCOM_RETURN_KEY:
raise ValueError("cannot map against non-return XCom")
return super().map(f)
def zip(self, *others: XComArg, fillvalue: Any = NOTSET) -> ZipXComArg:
if self.key != XCOM_RETURN_KEY:
raise ValueError("cannot map against non-return XCom")
return super().zip(*others, fillvalue=fillvalue)
def get_task_map_length(self, run_id: str, *, session: Session) -> int | None:
from airflow.models.taskinstance import TaskInstance
from airflow.models.taskmap import TaskMap
from airflow.models.xcom import XCom
task = self.operator
if isinstance(task, MappedOperator):
unfinished_ti_count_query = session.query(func.count(TaskInstance.map_index)).filter(
TaskInstance.dag_id == task.dag_id,
TaskInstance.run_id == run_id,
TaskInstance.task_id == task.task_id,
# Special NULL treatment is needed because 'state' can be NULL.
# The "IN" part would produce "NULL NOT IN ..." and eventually
# "NULl = NULL", which is a big no-no in SQL.
TaskInstance.state.in_(s.value for s in State.unfinished if s is not None),
if unfinished_ti_count_query.scalar():
return None # Not all of the expanded tis are done yet.
query = session.query(func.count(XCom.map_index)).filter(
XCom.dag_id == task.dag_id,
XCom.run_id == run_id,
XCom.task_id == task.task_id,
XCom.map_index >= 0,
query = session.query(TaskMap.length).filter(
TaskMap.dag_id == task.dag_id,
TaskMap.run_id == run_id,
TaskMap.task_id == task.task_id,
TaskMap.map_index < 0,
return query.scalar()
def resolve(self, context: Context, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> Any:
from airflow.models.taskinstance import TaskInstance
ti = context["ti"]
assert isinstance(ti, TaskInstance), "Wait for AIP-44 implementation to complete"
task_id = self.operator.task_id
map_indexes = ti.get_relevant_upstream_map_indexes(
result = ti.xcom_pull(
if not isinstance(result, ArgNotSet):
return result
if self.key == XCOM_RETURN_KEY:
return None
raise XComNotFound(ti.dag_id, task_id, self.key)
def _get_callable_name(f: Callable | str) -> str:
"""Try to "describe" a callable by getting its name."""
if callable(f):
return f.__name__
# Parse the source to find whatever is behind "def". For safety, we don't
# want to evaluate the code in any meaningful way!
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
kw, name, _ = f.lstrip().split(None, 2)
if kw == "def":
return name
return "<function>"
class _MapResult(Sequence):
def __init__(self, value: Sequence | dict, callables: MapCallables) -> None:
self.value = value
self.callables = callables
def __getitem__(self, index: Any) -> Any:
value = self.value[index]
# In the worker, we can access all actual callables. Call them.
callables = [f for f in self.callables if callable(f)]
if len(callables) == len(self.callables):
for f in callables:
value = f(value)
return value
# In the scheduler, we don't have access to the actual callables, nor do
# we want to run it since it's arbitrary code. This builds a string to
# represent the call chain in the UI or logs instead.
for v in self.callables:
value = f"{_get_callable_name(v)}({value})"
return value
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.value)
class MapXComArg(XComArg):
"""An XCom reference with ``map()`` call(s) applied.
This is based on an XComArg, but also applies a series of "transforms" that
convert the pulled XCom value.
:meta private:
def __init__(self, arg: XComArg, callables: MapCallables) -> None:
for c in callables:
if getattr(c, "_airflow_is_task_decorator", False):
raise ValueError("map() argument must be a plain function, not a @task operator")
self.arg = arg
self.callables = callables
def __repr__(self) -> str:
map_calls = "".join(f".map({_get_callable_name(f)})" for f in self.callables)
return f"{self.arg!r}{map_calls}"
def _serialize(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {
"arg": serialize_xcom_arg(self.arg),
"callables": [inspect.getsource(c) if callable(c) else c for c in self.callables],
def _deserialize(cls, data: dict[str, Any], dag: DAG) -> XComArg:
# We are deliberately NOT deserializing the callables. These are shown
# in the UI, and displaying a function object is useless.
return cls(deserialize_xcom_arg(data["arg"], dag), data["callables"])
def iter_references(self) -> Iterator[tuple[Operator, str]]:
yield from self.arg.iter_references()
def map(self, f: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> MapXComArg:
# Flatten into one MapXComArg.
return MapXComArg(self.arg, [*self.callables, f])
def get_task_map_length(self, run_id: str, *, session: Session) -> int | None:
return self.arg.get_task_map_length(run_id, session=session)
def resolve(self, context: Context, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> Any:
value = self.arg.resolve(context, session=session)
if not isinstance(value, (Sequence, dict)):
raise ValueError(f"XCom map expects sequence or dict, not {type(value).__name__}")
return _MapResult(value, self.callables)
class _ZipResult(Sequence):
def __init__(self, values: Sequence[Sequence | dict], *, fillvalue: Any = NOTSET) -> None:
self.values = values
self.fillvalue = fillvalue
def _get_or_fill(container: Sequence | dict, index: Any, fillvalue: Any) -> Any:
return container[index]
except (IndexError, KeyError):
return fillvalue
def __getitem__(self, index: Any) -> Any:
if index >= len(self):
raise IndexError(index)
return tuple(self._get_or_fill(value, index, self.fillvalue) for value in self.values)
def __len__(self) -> int:
lengths = (len(v) for v in self.values)
if isinstance(self.fillvalue, ArgNotSet):
return min(lengths)
return max(lengths)
class ZipXComArg(XComArg):
"""An XCom reference with ``zip()`` applied.
This is constructed from multiple XComArg instances, and presents an
iterable that "zips" them together like the built-in ``zip()`` (and
``itertools.zip_longest()`` if ``fillvalue`` is provided).
def __init__(self, args: Sequence[XComArg], *, fillvalue: Any = NOTSET) -> None:
if not args:
raise ValueError("At least one input is required")
self.args = args
self.fillvalue = fillvalue
def __repr__(self) -> str:
args_iter = iter(self.args)
first = repr(next(args_iter))
rest = ", ".join(repr(arg) for arg in args_iter)
if isinstance(self.fillvalue, ArgNotSet):
return f"{first}.zip({rest})"
return f"{first}.zip({rest}, fillvalue={self.fillvalue!r})"
def _serialize(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
args = [serialize_xcom_arg(arg) for arg in self.args]
if isinstance(self.fillvalue, ArgNotSet):
return {"args": args}
return {"args": args, "fillvalue": self.fillvalue}
def _deserialize(cls, data: dict[str, Any], dag: DAG) -> XComArg:
return cls(
[deserialize_xcom_arg(arg, dag) for arg in data["args"]],
fillvalue=data.get("fillvalue", NOTSET),
def iter_references(self) -> Iterator[tuple[Operator, str]]:
for arg in self.args:
yield from arg.iter_references()
def get_task_map_length(self, run_id: str, *, session: Session) -> int | None:
all_lengths = (arg.get_task_map_length(run_id, session=session) for arg in self.args)
ready_lengths = [length for length in all_lengths if length is not None]
if len(ready_lengths) != len(self.args):
return None # If any of the referenced XComs is not ready, we are not ready either.
if isinstance(self.fillvalue, ArgNotSet):
return min(ready_lengths)
return max(ready_lengths)
def resolve(self, context: Context, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> Any:
values = [arg.resolve(context, session=session) for arg in self.args]
for value in values:
if not isinstance(value, (Sequence, dict)):
raise ValueError(f"XCom zip expects sequence or dict, not {type(value).__name__}")
return _ZipResult(values, fillvalue=self.fillvalue)
_XCOM_ARG_TYPES: Mapping[str, type[XComArg]] = {
"": PlainXComArg,
"map": MapXComArg,
"zip": ZipXComArg,
def serialize_xcom_arg(value: XComArg) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""DAG serialization interface."""
key = next(k for k, v in _XCOM_ARG_TYPES.items() if v == type(value))
if key:
return {"type": key, **value._serialize()}
return value._serialize()
def deserialize_xcom_arg(data: dict[str, Any], dag: DAG) -> XComArg:
"""DAG serialization interface."""
klass = _XCOM_ARG_TYPES[data.get("type", "")]
return klass._deserialize(data, dag)