blob: 7e644736784ee637860d8d17ece5a65e7eafb4ca [file] [log] [blame]
name: Airflow Providers Bug report
description: Problems and issues with code in Apache Airflow Providers
labels: ["kind:bug", "area:providers", "needs-triage"]
- type: markdown
# yamllint disable rule:line-length
value: "
<img src='' align='left' width='80' height='80'>
Thank you for finding the time to report a problem!
We really appreciate the community's efforts to improve Airflow.
Note, you do not need to create an issue if you have a change ready to submit!
You can open a [pull request]( immediately instead.
<br clear='left'/>"
# yamllint enable rule:line-length
- type: dropdown
label: Apache Airflow Provider(s)
description: Provider(s) that the issue report is about (you can choose more than one)
multiple: true
- airbyte
- alibaba
- amazon
- apache-beam
- apache-cassandra
- apache-drill
- apache-druid
- apache-flink
- apache-hdfs
- apache-hive
- apache-impala
- apache-kafka
- apache-kylin
- apache-livy
- apache-pig
- apache-pinot
- apache-spark
- apache-sqoop
- arangodb
- asana
- atlassian-jira
- celery
- cloudant
- cncf-kubernetes
- common-sql
- databricks
- datadog
- dbt-cloud
- dingding
- discord
- docker
- elasticsearch
- exasol
- facebook
- ftp
- github
- google
- grpc
- hashicorp
- http
- imap
- influxdb
- jdbc
- jenkins
- apache-kafka
- microsoft-azure
- microsoft-mssql
- microsoft-psrp
- microsoft-winrm
- mongo
- mysql
- neo4j
- odbc
- openfaas
- openlineage
- opsgenie
- oracle
- pagerduty
- papermill
- plexus
- postgres
- presto
- qubole
- redis
- salesforce
- samba
- segment
- sendgrid
- sftp
- singularity
- slack
- smtp
- snowflake
- sqlite
- ssh
- tableau
- tabular
- telegram
- trino
- vertica
- yandex
- zendesk
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Versions of Apache Airflow Providers
description: What Apache Airflow Providers versions are you using?
placeholder: You can use `pip freeze | grep apache-airflow-providers` (you can leave only relevant ones)
- type: input
label: Apache Airflow version
description: >
What Apache Airflow version are you using?
[Only Airflow 2 is supported]( for bugs.
required: true
- type: input
label: Operating System
description: What Operating System are you using?
placeholder: "You can get it via `cat /etc/os-release` for example"
required: true
- type: dropdown
label: Deployment
description: >
What kind of deployment do you have? If you use a Managed Service, consider first using regular
channels of reporting issues for the service.
multiple: false
- "Official Apache Airflow Helm Chart"
- "Other 3rd-party Helm chart"
- "Docker-Compose"
- "Other Docker-based deployment"
- "Virtualenv installation"
- "Astronomer"
- "Google Cloud Composer"
- "Amazon (AWS) MWAA"
- "Microsoft ADF Managed Airflow"
- "Other"
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Deployment details
description: Additional description of your deployment.
placeholder: >
Enter any relevant details of your deployment. Especially version of your tools,
software (docker-compose, helm, k8s, etc.), any customisation and configuration you added.
- type: textarea
label: What happened
description: Describe what happened.
placeholder: >
Please provide the context in which the problem occurred and explain what happened
- type: textarea
label: What you think should happen instead
description: What do you think went wrong?
placeholder: >
Please explain why you think the behaviour is erroneous. It is extremely helpful if you copy&paste
the fragment of logs showing the exact error messages or wrong behaviour and screenshots for
UI problems or YouTube link to a video of you demonstrating the problem. You can include files by
dragging and dropping them here.
- type: textarea
label: How to reproduce
description: >
What should we do to reproduce the problem? If you are not able to provide a reproducible case,
please open a [Discussion]( instead.
placeholder: >
Please make sure you provide a reproducible step-by-step case of how to reproduce the problem
as minimally and precisely as possible. Keep in mind we do not have access to your cluster or
DAGs. Remember that non-reproducible issues will be closed! Opening a discussion is
recommended as a first step.
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Anything else
description: Anything else we need to know?
placeholder: >
How often does this problem occur? (Once? Every time? Only when certain conditions are met?)
Any relevant logs to include? Put them here inside fenced
``` ``` blocks or inside a foldable details tag if it's long:
<details><summary>x.log</summary> lots of stuff </details>
- type: checkboxes
label: Are you willing to submit PR?
description: >
This is absolutely not required, but we are happy to guide you in the contribution process
especially if you already have a good understanding of how to implement the fix.
Airflow is a community-managed project and we love to bring new contributors in.
Find us in #development-first-pr-support on Slack!
- label: Yes I am willing to submit a PR!
- type: checkboxes
label: Code of Conduct
description: >
The Code of Conduct helps create a safe space for everyone. We require
that everyone agrees to it.
- label: >
I agree to follow this project's
[Code of Conduct](
required: true
- type: markdown
value: "Thanks for completing our form!"