blob: 9fbac62b9d2ad31e2374ac5ac03c21322660ae15 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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from typing import Sequence, Union
from airflow.models.taskmixin import TaskMixin
class EdgeModifier(TaskMixin):
Class that represents edge information to be added between two
tasks/operators. Has shorthand factory functions, like Label("hooray").
Current implementation supports
t1 >> Label("Success route") >> t2
t2 << Label("Success route") << t2
Note that due to the potential for use in either direction, this waits
to make the actual connection between both sides until both are declared,
and will do so progressively if multiple ups/downs are added.
This and EdgeInfo are related - an EdgeModifier is the Python object you
use to add information to (potentially multiple) edges, and EdgeInfo
is the representation of the information for one specific edge.
def __init__(self, label: str = None):
self.label = label
self._upstream = []
self._downstream = []
def roots(self):
"""Should return list of root operator List["BaseOperator"]"""
return self._downstream
def leaves(self):
"""Should return list of leaf operator List["BaseOperator"]"""
return self._upstream
def set_upstream(self, task_or_task_list: Union[TaskMixin, Sequence[TaskMixin]], chain: bool = True):
Sets the given task/list onto the upstream attribute, and then checks if
we have both sides so we can resolve the relationship.
Providing this also provides << via TaskMixin.
# Ensure we have a list, even if it's just one item
if not isinstance(task_or_task_list, list):
task_or_task_list = [task_or_task_list]
# Unfurl it into actual operators
operators = []
for task in task_or_task_list:
# For each already-declared downstream, pair off with each new upstream
# item and store the edge info.
for operator in operators:
for downstream in self._downstream:
self.add_edge_info(operator.dag, operator.task_id, downstream.task_id)
if chain:
# Add the new tasks to our list of ones we've seen
def set_downstream(self, task_or_task_list: Union[TaskMixin, Sequence[TaskMixin]], chain: bool = True):
Sets the given task/list onto the downstream attribute, and then checks if
we have both sides so we can resolve the relationship.
Providing this also provides >> via TaskMixin.
# Ensure we have a list, even if it's just one item
if not isinstance(task_or_task_list, list):
task_or_task_list = [task_or_task_list]
# Unfurl it into actual operators
operators = []
for task in task_or_task_list:
# Pair them off with existing
for operator in operators:
for upstream in self._upstream:
self.add_edge_info(upstream.dag, upstream.task_id, operator.task_id)
if chain:
# Add the new tasks to our list of ones we've seen
def update_relative(self, other: "TaskMixin", upstream: bool = True) -> None:
Called if we're not the "main" side of a relationship; we still run the
same logic, though.
if upstream:
self.set_upstream(other, chain=False)
self.set_downstream(other, chain=False)
def add_edge_info(self, dag, upstream_id: str, downstream_id: str):
Adds or updates task info on the DAG for this specific pair of tasks.
Called either from our relationship trigger methods above, or directly
by set_upstream/set_downstream in operators.
dag.set_edge_info(upstream_id, downstream_id, {"label": self.label})
# Factory functions
def Label(label: str):
"""Creates an EdgeModifier that sets a human-readable label on the edge."""
return EdgeModifier(label=label)