blob: 3d8c696487915a82b6741e6dd5ebf38dd27cbc69 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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"""Provides lineage support functions"""
import json
import logging
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, TypeVar, cast
import attr
import jinja2
from cattr import structure, unstructure
from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.lineage.backend import LineageBackend
from airflow.utils.module_loading import import_string
ENV = jinja2.Environment()
PIPELINE_OUTLETS = "pipeline_outlets"
PIPELINE_INLETS = "pipeline_inlets"
AUTO = "auto"
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Metadata:
"""Class for serialized entities."""
type_name: str = attr.ib()
source: str = attr.ib()
data: Dict = attr.ib()
def get_backend() -> Optional[LineageBackend]:
"""Gets the lineage backend if defined in the configs"""
clazz = conf.getimport("lineage", "backend", fallback=None)
if clazz:
if not issubclass(clazz, LineageBackend):
raise TypeError(
f"Your custom Lineage class `{clazz.__name__}` "
f"is not a subclass of `{LineageBackend.__name__}`."
return clazz()
return None
def _get_instance(meta: Metadata):
"""Instantiate an object from Metadata"""
cls = import_string(meta.type_name)
return structure(, cls)
def _render_object(obj: Any, context) -> Any:
"""Renders a attr annotated object. Will set non serializable attributes to none"""
return structure(
ENV.from_string(json.dumps(unstructure(obj), default=lambda o: None))
def _to_dataset(obj: Any, source: str) -> Optional[Metadata]:
"""Create Metadata from attr annotated object"""
if not attr.has(obj):
return None
type_name = obj.__module__ + '.' + obj.__class__.__name__
data = unstructure(obj)
return Metadata(type_name, source, data)
T = TypeVar("T", bound=Callable)
def apply_lineage(func: T) -> T:
Saves the lineage to XCom and if configured to do so sends it
to the backend.
_backend = get_backend()
def wrapper(self, context, *args, **kwargs):
self.log.debug("Lineage called with inlets: %s, outlets: %s", self.inlets, self.outlets)
ret_val = func(self, context, *args, **kwargs)
outlets = [unstructure(_to_dataset(x, f"{self.dag_id}.{self.task_id}")) for x in self.outlets]
inlets = [unstructure(_to_dataset(x, None)) for x in self.inlets]
if self.outlets:
context, key=PIPELINE_OUTLETS, value=outlets, execution_date=context['ti'].execution_date
if self.inlets:
context, key=PIPELINE_INLETS, value=inlets, execution_date=context['ti'].execution_date
if _backend:
_backend.send_lineage(operator=self, inlets=self.inlets, outlets=self.outlets, context=context)
return ret_val
return cast(T, wrapper)
def prepare_lineage(func: T) -> T:
Prepares the lineage inlets and outlets. Inlets can be:
* "auto" -> picks up any outlets from direct upstream tasks that have outlets defined, as such that
if A -> B -> C and B does not have outlets but A does, these are provided as inlets.
* "list of task_ids" -> picks up outlets from the upstream task_ids
* "list of datasets" -> manually defined list of data
def wrapper(self, context, *args, **kwargs):
from airflow.models.abstractoperator import AbstractOperator
self.log.debug("Preparing lineage inlets and outlets")
if isinstance(self._inlets, (str, AbstractOperator)) or attr.has(self._inlets):
self._inlets = [
if self._inlets and isinstance(self._inlets, list):
# get task_ids that are specified as parameter and make sure they are upstream
task_ids = (
{o for o in self._inlets if isinstance(o, str)}
.union(op.task_id for op in self._inlets if isinstance(op, AbstractOperator))
# pick up unique direct upstream task_ids if AUTO is specified
if AUTO.upper() in self._inlets or AUTO.lower() in self._inlets:
task_ids = task_ids.union(task_ids.symmetric_difference(self.upstream_task_ids))
_inlets = self.xcom_pull(context, task_ids=task_ids, dag_id=self.dag_id, key=PIPELINE_OUTLETS)
# re-instantiate the obtained inlets
_inlets = [
_get_instance(structure(item, Metadata)) for sublist in _inlets if sublist for item in sublist
elif self._inlets:
raise AttributeError("inlets is not a list, operator, string or attr annotated object")
if not isinstance(self._outlets, list):
self._outlets = [
# render inlets and outlets
self.inlets = [_render_object(i, context) for i in self.inlets if attr.has(i)]
self.outlets = [_render_object(i, context) for i in self.outlets if attr.has(i)]
self.log.debug("inlets: %s, outlets: %s", self.inlets, self.outlets)
return func(self, context, *args, **kwargs)
return cast(T, wrapper)