blob: cbb808137196cbd2674936e39d14a3acf9ee26c1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
- name: core
description: ~
- name: dags_folder
description: |
The folder where your airflow pipelines live, most likely a
subfolder in a code repository. This path must be absolute.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "{AIRFLOW_HOME}/dags"
- name: hostname_callable
description: |
Hostname by providing a path to a callable, which will resolve the hostname.
The format is "package.function".
For example, default value "" means that result from patched
version of socket.getfqdn() - see
No argument should be required in the function specified.
If using IP address as hostname is preferred, use value ````
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: default_timezone
description: |
Default timezone in case supplied date times are naive
can be utc (default), system, or any IANA timezone string (e.g. Europe/Amsterdam)
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "utc"
- name: executor
description: |
The executor class that airflow should use. Choices include
``SequentialExecutor``, ``LocalExecutor``, ``CeleryExecutor``, ``DaskExecutor``,
``KubernetesExecutor``, ``CeleryKubernetesExecutor`` or the
full import path to the class when using a custom executor.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "SequentialExecutor"
- name: parallelism
description: |
This defines the maximum number of task instances that can run concurrently per scheduler in
Airflow, regardless of the worker count. Generally this value, multiplied by the number of
schedulers in your cluster, is the maximum number of task instances with the running
state in the metadata database.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "32"
- name: max_active_tasks_per_dag
description: |
The maximum number of task instances allowed to run concurrently in each DAG. To calculate
the number of tasks that is running concurrently for a DAG, add up the number of running
tasks for all DAG runs of the DAG. This is configurable at the DAG level with ``max_active_tasks``,
which is defaulted as ``max_active_tasks_per_dag``.
An example scenario when this would be useful is when you want to stop a new dag with an early
start date from stealing all the executor slots in a cluster.
version_added: 2.2.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "16"
- name: dags_are_paused_at_creation
description: |
Are DAGs paused by default at creation
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: max_active_runs_per_dag
description: |
The maximum number of active DAG runs per DAG. The scheduler will not create more DAG runs
if it reaches the limit. This is configurable at the DAG level with ``max_active_runs``,
which is defaulted as ``max_active_runs_per_dag``.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "16"
- name: load_examples
description: |
Whether to load the DAG examples that ship with Airflow. It's good to
get started, but you probably want to set this to ``False`` in a production
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: plugins_folder
description: |
Path to the folder containing Airflow plugins
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "{AIRFLOW_HOME}/plugins"
- name: execute_tasks_new_python_interpreter
description: |
Should tasks be executed via forking of the parent process ("False",
the speedier option) or by spawning a new python process ("True" slow,
but means plugin changes picked up by tasks straight away)
default: "False"
example: ~
version_added: 2.0.0
see_also: ":ref:`plugins:loading`"
type: boolean
- name: fernet_key
description: |
Secret key to save connection passwords in the db
version_added: ~
type: string
sensitive: true
example: ~
default: "{FERNET_KEY}"
- name: donot_pickle
description: |
Whether to disable pickling dags
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: dagbag_import_timeout
description: |
How long before timing out a python file import
version_added: ~
type: float
example: ~
default: "30.0"
- name: dagbag_import_error_tracebacks
description: |
Should a traceback be shown in the UI for dagbag import errors,
instead of just the exception message
version_added: 2.0.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: dagbag_import_error_traceback_depth
description: |
If tracebacks are shown, how many entries from the traceback should be shown
version_added: 2.0.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "2"
- name: dag_file_processor_timeout
description: |
How long before timing out a DagFileProcessor, which processes a dag file
version_added: 1.10.6
type: string
example: ~
default: "50"
- name: task_runner
description: |
The class to use for running task instances in a subprocess.
Choices include StandardTaskRunner, CgroupTaskRunner or the full import path to the class
when using a custom task runner.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "StandardTaskRunner"
- name: default_impersonation
description: |
If set, tasks without a ``run_as_user`` argument will be run with this user
Can be used to de-elevate a sudo user running Airflow when executing tasks
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: security
description: |
What security module to use (for example kerberos)
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: unit_test_mode
description: |
Turn unit test mode on (overwrites many configuration options with test
values at runtime)
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: enable_xcom_pickling
description: |
Whether to enable pickling for xcom (note that this is insecure and allows for
RCE exploits).
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
see_also: ""
- name: killed_task_cleanup_time
description: |
When a task is killed forcefully, this is the amount of time in seconds that
it has to cleanup after it is sent a SIGTERM, before it is SIGKILLED
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "60"
- name: dag_run_conf_overrides_params
description: |
Whether to override params with dag_run.conf. If you pass some key-value pairs
through ``airflow dags backfill -c`` or
``airflow dags trigger -c``, the key-value pairs will override the existing ones in params.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: dag_discovery_safe_mode
description: |
When discovering DAGs, ignore any files that don't contain the strings ``DAG`` and ``airflow``.
version_added: 1.10.3
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: dag_ignore_file_syntax
description: |
The pattern syntax used in the ".airflowignore" files in the DAG directories. Valid values are
``regexp`` or ``glob``.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "regexp"
- name: default_task_retries
description: |
The number of retries each task is going to have by default. Can be overridden at dag or task level.
version_added: 1.10.6
type: string
example: ~
default: "0"
- name: default_task_retry_delay
description: |
The number of seconds each task is going to wait by default between retries. Can be overridden at
dag or task level.
version_added: 2.3.2
type: integer
example: ~
default: "300"
- name: default_task_weight_rule
description: |
The weighting method used for the effective total priority weight of the task
version_added: 2.2.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "downstream"
- name: default_task_execution_timeout
description: |
The default task execution_timeout value for the operators. Expected an integer value to
be passed into timedelta as seconds. If not specified, then the value is considered as None,
meaning that the operators are never timed out by default.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: ""
- name: min_serialized_dag_update_interval
description: |
Updating serialized DAG can not be faster than a minimum interval to reduce database write rate.
version_added: 1.10.7
type: string
example: ~
default: "30"
- name: compress_serialized_dags
description: |
If True, serialized DAGs are compressed before writing to DB.
Note: this will disable the DAG dependencies view
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: min_serialized_dag_fetch_interval
description: |
Fetching serialized DAG can not be faster than a minimum interval to reduce database
read rate. This config controls when your DAGs are updated in the Webserver
version_added: 1.10.12
type: string
example: ~
default: "10"
- name: max_num_rendered_ti_fields_per_task
description: |
Maximum number of Rendered Task Instance Fields (Template Fields) per task to store
in the Database.
All the template_fields for each of Task Instance are stored in the Database.
Keeping this number small may cause an error when you try to view ``Rendered`` tab in
TaskInstance view for older tasks.
version_added: 1.10.10
type: integer
example: ~
default: "30"
- name: check_slas
description: |
On each dagrun check against defined SLAs
version_added: 1.10.8
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: xcom_backend
description: |
Path to custom XCom class that will be used to store and resolve operators results
version_added: 1.10.12
type: string
example: ""
default: "airflow.models.xcom.BaseXCom"
- name: lazy_load_plugins
description: |
By default Airflow plugins are lazily-loaded (only loaded when required). Set it to ``False``,
if you want to load plugins whenever 'airflow' is invoked via cli or loaded from module.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: lazy_discover_providers
description: |
By default Airflow providers are lazily-discovered (discovery and imports happen only when required).
Set it to False, if you want to discover providers whenever 'airflow' is invoked via cli or
loaded from module.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: hide_sensitive_var_conn_fields
description: |
Hide sensitive Variables or Connection extra json keys from UI and task logs when set to True
(Connection passwords are always hidden in logs)
version_added: 2.1.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: sensitive_var_conn_names
description: |
A comma-separated list of extra sensitive keywords to look for in variables names or connection's
extra JSON.
version_added: 2.1.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: default_pool_task_slot_count
description: |
Task Slot counts for ``default_pool``. This setting would not have any effect in an existing
deployment where the ``default_pool`` is already created. For existing deployments, users can
change the number of slots using Webserver, API or the CLI
version_added: 2.2.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "128"
- name: max_map_length
description: |
The maximum list/dict length an XCom can push to trigger task mapping. If the pushed list/dict has a
length exceeding this value, the task pushing the XCom will be failed automatically to prevent the
mapped tasks from clogging the scheduler.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "1024"
- name: database
description: ~
- name: sql_alchemy_conn
description: |
The SqlAlchemy connection string to the metadata database.
SqlAlchemy supports many different database engines.
More information here:
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
sensitive: true
example: ~
default: "sqlite:///{AIRFLOW_HOME}/airflow.db"
- name: sql_alchemy_engine_args
description: |
Extra engine specific keyword args passed to SQLAlchemy's create_engine, as a JSON-encoded value
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
sensitive: true
example: '{"arg1": True}'
default: ~
- name: sql_engine_encoding
description: |
The encoding for the databases
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "utf-8"
- name: sql_engine_collation_for_ids
description: |
Collation for ``dag_id``, ``task_id``, ``key``, ``external_executor_id`` columns
in case they have different encoding.
By default this collation is the same as the database collation, however for ``mysql`` and ``mariadb``
the default is ``utf8mb3_bin`` so that the index sizes of our index keys will not exceed
the maximum size of allowed index when collation is set to ``utf8mb4`` variant
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ~
- name: sql_alchemy_pool_enabled
description: |
If SqlAlchemy should pool database connections.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: sql_alchemy_pool_size
description: |
The SqlAlchemy pool size is the maximum number of database connections
in the pool. 0 indicates no limit.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "5"
- name: sql_alchemy_max_overflow
description: |
The maximum overflow size of the pool.
When the number of checked-out connections reaches the size set in pool_size,
additional connections will be returned up to this limit.
When those additional connections are returned to the pool, they are disconnected and discarded.
It follows then that the total number of simultaneous connections the pool will allow
is pool_size + max_overflow,
and the total number of "sleeping" connections the pool will allow is pool_size.
max_overflow can be set to ``-1`` to indicate no overflow limit;
no limit will be placed on the total number of concurrent connections. Defaults to ``10``.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "10"
- name: sql_alchemy_pool_recycle
description: |
The SqlAlchemy pool recycle is the number of seconds a connection
can be idle in the pool before it is invalidated. This config does
not apply to sqlite. If the number of DB connections is ever exceeded,
a lower config value will allow the system to recover faster.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "1800"
- name: sql_alchemy_pool_pre_ping
description: |
Check connection at the start of each connection pool checkout.
Typically, this is a simple statement like "SELECT 1".
More information here:
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: sql_alchemy_schema
description: |
The schema to use for the metadata database.
SqlAlchemy supports databases with the concept of multiple schemas.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: sql_alchemy_connect_args
description: |
Import path for connect args in SqlAlchemy. Defaults to an empty dict.
This is useful when you want to configure db engine args that SqlAlchemy won't parse
in connection string.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ~
- name: load_default_connections
description: |
Whether to load the default connections that ship with Airflow. It's good to
get started, but you probably want to set this to ``False`` in a production
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: max_db_retries
description: |
Number of times the code should be retried in case of DB Operational Errors.
Not all transactions will be retried as it can cause undesired state.
Currently it is only used in ``DagFileProcessor.process_file`` to retry ``dagbag.sync_to_db``.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "3"
- name: logging
description: ~
- name: base_log_folder
description: |
The folder where airflow should store its log files.
This path must be absolute.
There are a few existing configurations that assume this is set to the default.
If you choose to override this you may need to update the dag_processor_manager_log_location and
dag_processor_manager_log_location settings as well.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "{AIRFLOW_HOME}/logs"
- name: remote_logging
description: |
Airflow can store logs remotely in AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage or Elastic Search.
Set this to True if you want to enable remote logging.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: remote_log_conn_id
description: |
Users must supply an Airflow connection id that provides access to the storage
location. Depending on your remote logging service, this may only be used for
reading logs, not writing them.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: google_key_path
description: |
Path to Google Credential JSON file. If omitted, authorization based on `the Application Default
<>`__ will
be used.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: remote_base_log_folder
description: |
Storage bucket URL for remote logging
S3 buckets should start with "s3://"
Cloudwatch log groups should start with "cloudwatch://"
GCS buckets should start with "gs://"
WASB buckets should start with "wasb" just to help Airflow select correct handler
Stackdriver logs should start with "stackdriver://"
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: encrypt_s3_logs
description: |
Use server-side encryption for logs stored in S3
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: logging_level
description: |
Logging level.
Supported values: ``CRITICAL``, ``ERROR``, ``WARNING``, ``INFO``, ``DEBUG``.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "INFO"
- name: celery_logging_level
description: |
Logging level for celery. If not set, it uses the value of logging_level
Supported values: ``CRITICAL``, ``ERROR``, ``WARNING``, ``INFO``, ``DEBUG``.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: fab_logging_level
description: |
Logging level for Flask-appbuilder UI.
Supported values: ``CRITICAL``, ``ERROR``, ``WARNING``, ``INFO``, ``DEBUG``.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "WARNING"
- name: logging_config_class
description: |
Logging class
Specify the class that will specify the logging configuration
This class has to be on the python classpath
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: "my.path.default_local_settings.LOGGING_CONFIG"
default: ""
- name: colored_console_log
description: |
Flag to enable/disable Colored logs in Console
Colour the logs when the controlling terminal is a TTY.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: colored_log_format
description: |
Log format for when Colored logs is enabled
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: >-
[%%(blue)s%%(asctime)s%%(reset)s] {{%%(blue)s%%(filename)s:%%(reset)s%%(lineno)d}}
%%(log_color)s%%(levelname)s%%(reset)s - %%(log_color)s%%(message)s%%(reset)s
- name: colored_formatter_class
description: ~
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "airflow.utils.log.colored_log.CustomTTYColoredFormatter"
- name: log_format
description: |
Format of Log line
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "[%%(asctime)s] {{%%(filename)s:%%(lineno)d}} %%(levelname)s - %%(message)s"
- name: simple_log_format
description: ~
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "%%(asctime)s %%(levelname)s - %%(message)s"
- name: log_formatter_class
description: ~
version_added: 2.3.4
type: string
example: ~
default: "airflow.utils.log.timezone_aware.TimezoneAware"
- name: task_log_prefix_template
description: |
Specify prefix pattern like mentioned below with stream handler TaskHandlerWithCustomFormatter
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: "{{ti.dag_id}}-{{ti.task_id}}-{{execution_date}}-{{try_number}}"
default: ""
- name: log_filename_template
description: |
Formatting for how airflow generates file names/paths for each task run.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "dag_id={{{{ ti.dag_id }}}}/run_id={{{{ ti.run_id }}}}/task_id={{{{ ti.task_id }}}}/\
{{%% if ti.map_index >= 0 %%}}map_index={{{{ ti.map_index }}}}/{{%% endif %%}}\
attempt={{{{ try_number }}}}.log"
- name: log_processor_filename_template
description: |
Formatting for how airflow generates file names for log
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "{{{{ filename }}}}.log"
- name: dag_processor_manager_log_location
description: |
Full path of dag_processor_manager logfile.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "{AIRFLOW_HOME}/logs/dag_processor_manager/dag_processor_manager.log"
- name: task_log_reader
description: |
Name of handler to read task instance logs.
Defaults to use ``task`` handler.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "task"
- name: extra_logger_names
description: |
A comma\-separated list of third-party logger names that will be configured to print messages to
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: "connexion,sqlalchemy"
default: ""
- name: worker_log_server_port
description: |
When you start an airflow worker, airflow starts a tiny web server
subprocess to serve the workers local log files to the airflow main
web server, who then builds pages and sends them to users. This defines
the port on which the logs are served. It needs to be unused, and open
visible from the main web server to connect into the workers.
version_added: 2.2.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "8793"
- name: metrics
description: |
StatsD ( integration settings.
- name: statsd_on
description: |
Enables sending metrics to StatsD.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: statsd_host
description: ~
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "localhost"
- name: statsd_port
description: ~
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "8125"
- name: statsd_prefix
description: ~
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "airflow"
- name: statsd_allow_list
description: |
If you want to avoid sending all the available metrics to StatsD,
you can configure an allow list of prefixes (comma separated) to send only the metrics that
start with the elements of the list (e.g: "scheduler,executor,dagrun")
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: stat_name_handler
description: |
A function that validate the StatsD stat name, apply changes to the stat name if necessary and return
the transformed stat name.
The function should have the following signature:
def func_name(stat_name: str) -> str:
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: statsd_datadog_enabled
description: |
To enable datadog integration to send airflow metrics.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: statsd_datadog_tags
description: |
List of datadog tags attached to all metrics(e.g: key1:value1,key2:value2)
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: statsd_custom_client_path
description: |
If you want to utilise your own custom StatsD client set the relevant
module path below.
Note: The module path must exist on your PYTHONPATH for Airflow to pick it up
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ~
- name: secrets
description: ~
- name: backend
description: |
Full class name of secrets backend to enable (will precede env vars and metastore in search path)
version_added: 1.10.10
type: string
example: ""
default: ""
- name: backend_kwargs
description: |
The backend_kwargs param is loaded into a dictionary and passed to __init__ of secrets backend class.
See documentation for the secrets backend you are using. JSON is expected.
Example for AWS Systems Manager ParameterStore:
``{{"connections_prefix": "/airflow/connections", "profile_name": "default"}}``
version_added: 1.10.10
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: cli
description: ~
- name: api_client
description: |
In what way should the cli access the API. The LocalClient will use the
database directly, while the json_client will use the api running on the
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "airflow.api.client.local_client"
- name: endpoint_url
description: |
If you set web_server_url_prefix, do NOT forget to append it here, ex:
``endpoint_url = http://localhost:8080/myroot``
So api will look like: ``http://localhost:8080/myroot/api/experimental/...``
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "http://localhost:8080"
- name: debug
description: ~
- name: fail_fast
description: |
Used only with ``DebugExecutor``. If set to ``True`` DAG will fail with first
failed task. Helpful for debugging purposes.
version_added: 1.10.8
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: api
description: ~
- name: enable_experimental_api
description: |
Enables the deprecated experimental API. Please note that these APIs do not have access control.
The authenticated user has full access.
.. warning::
This `Experimental REST API <>`__ is
deprecated since version 2.0. Please consider using
`the Stable REST API <>`__.
For more information on migration, see
version_added: 2.0.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: auth_backends
description: |
Comma separated list of auth backends to authenticate users of the API. See for possible values.
("airflow.api.auth.backend.default" allows all requests for historic reasons)
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "airflow.api.auth.backend.session"
- name: maximum_page_limit
description: |
Used to set the maximum page limit for API requests
version_added: 2.0.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "100"
- name: fallback_page_limit
description: |
Used to set the default page limit when limit is zero. A default limit
of 100 is set on OpenApi spec. However, this particular default limit
only work when limit is set equal to zero(0) from API requests.
If no limit is supplied, the OpenApi spec default is used.
type: integer
example: ~
version_added: 2.0.0
default: "100"
- name: google_oauth2_audience
description: The intended audience for JWT token credentials used for authorization.
This value must match on the client and server sides.
If empty, audience will not be tested.
type: string
version_added: 2.0.0
default: ""
- name: google_key_path
description: |
Path to Google Cloud Service Account key file (JSON). If omitted, authorization based on
`the Application Default Credentials
<>`__ will
be used.
type: string
version_added: 2.0.0
example: /files/service-account-json
default: ""
- name: access_control_allow_headers
description: |
Used in response to a preflight request to indicate which HTTP
headers can be used when making the actual request. This header is
the server side response to the browser's
Access-Control-Request-Headers header.
type: string
version_added: 2.1.0
example: ~
default: ""
- name: access_control_allow_methods
description: |
Specifies the method or methods allowed when accessing the resource.
type: string
version_added: 2.1.0
example: ~
default: ""
- name: access_control_allow_origins
description: |
Indicates whether the response can be shared with requesting code from the given origins.
Separate URLs with space.
type: string
version_added: 2.2.0
example: ~
default: ""
- name: lineage
description: ~
- name: backend
description: |
what lineage backend to use
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: atlas
description: ~
- name: sasl_enabled
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: host
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: port
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "21000"
- name: username
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: password
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
sensitive: true
example: ~
default: ""
- name: operators
description: ~
- name: default_owner
description: |
The default owner assigned to each new operator, unless
provided explicitly or passed via ``default_args``
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "airflow"
- name: default_cpus
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "1"
- name: default_ram
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "512"
- name: default_disk
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "512"
- name: default_gpus
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "0"
- name: default_queue
description: |
Default queue that tasks get assigned to and that worker listen on.
version_added: 2.1.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "default"
- name: allow_illegal_arguments
description: |
Is allowed to pass additional/unused arguments (args, kwargs) to the BaseOperator operator.
If set to False, an exception will be thrown, otherwise only the console message will be displayed.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: hive
description: ~
- name: default_hive_mapred_queue
description: |
Default mapreduce queue for HiveOperator tasks
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: mapred_job_name_template
description: |
Template for mapred_job_name in HiveOperator, supports the following named parameters
hostname, dag_id, task_id, execution_date
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ~
- name: webserver
description: ~
- name: base_url
description: |
The base url of your website as airflow cannot guess what domain or
cname you are using. This is used in automated emails that
airflow sends to point links to the right web server
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "http://localhost:8080"
- name: default_ui_timezone
description: |
Default timezone to display all dates in the UI, can be UTC, system, or
any IANA timezone string (e.g. Europe/Amsterdam). If left empty the
default value of core/default_timezone will be used
version_added: 1.10.10
type: string
example: "America/New_York"
# Default is left as UTC for now so the date's don't "suddenly" change on upgrade
default: "UTC"
- name: web_server_host
description: |
The ip specified when starting the web server
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: web_server_port
description: |
The port on which to run the web server
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "8080"
- name: web_server_ssl_cert
description: |
Paths to the SSL certificate and key for the web server. When both are
provided SSL will be enabled. This does not change the web server port.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: web_server_ssl_key
description: |
Paths to the SSL certificate and key for the web server. When both are
provided SSL will be enabled. This does not change the web server port.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: session_backend
description: |
The type of backend used to store web session data, can be 'database' or 'securecookie'
version_added: 2.2.4
type: string
example: securecookie
default: database
- name: web_server_master_timeout
description: |
Number of seconds the webserver waits before killing gunicorn master that doesn't respond
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "120"
- name: web_server_worker_timeout
description: |
Number of seconds the gunicorn webserver waits before timing out on a worker
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "120"
- name: worker_refresh_batch_size
description: |
Number of workers to refresh at a time. When set to 0, worker refresh is
disabled. When nonzero, airflow periodically refreshes webserver workers by
bringing up new ones and killing old ones.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "1"
- name: worker_refresh_interval
description: |
Number of seconds to wait before refreshing a batch of workers.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "6000"
- name: reload_on_plugin_change
description: |
If set to True, Airflow will track files in plugins_folder directory. When it detects changes,
then reload the gunicorn.
version_added: 1.10.11
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: secret_key
description: |
Secret key used to run your flask app. It should be as random as possible. However, when running
more than 1 instances of webserver, make sure all of them use the same ``secret_key`` otherwise
one of them will error with "CSRF session token is missing".
The webserver key is also used to authorize requests to Celery workers when logs are retrieved.
The token generated using the secret key has a short expiry time though - make sure that time on
ALL the machines that you run airflow components on is synchronized (for example using ntpd)
otherwise you might get "forbidden" errors when the logs are accessed.
version_added: ~
type: string
sensitive: true
example: ~
default: "{SECRET_KEY}"
- name: workers
description: |
Number of workers to run the Gunicorn web server
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "4"
- name: worker_class
description: |
The worker class gunicorn should use. Choices include
sync (default), eventlet, gevent
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "sync"
- name: access_logfile
description: |
Log files for the gunicorn webserver. '-' means log to stderr.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "-"
- name: error_logfile
description: |
Log files for the gunicorn webserver. '-' means log to stderr.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "-"
- name: access_logformat
description: |
Access log format for gunicorn webserver.
default format is %%(h)s %%(l)s %%(u)s %%(t)s "%%(r)s" %%(s)s %%(b)s "%%(f)s" "%%(a)s"
documentation -
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: expose_config
description: |
Expose the configuration file in the web server
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: expose_hostname
description: |
Expose hostname in the web server
version_added: 1.10.8
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: expose_stacktrace
description: |
Expose stacktrace in the web server
version_added: 1.10.8
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: dag_default_view
description: |
Default DAG view. Valid values are: ``grid``, ``graph``, ``duration``, ``gantt``, ``landing_times``
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "grid"
- name: dag_orientation
description: |
Default DAG orientation. Valid values are:
``LR`` (Left->Right), ``TB`` (Top->Bottom), ``RL`` (Right->Left), ``BT`` (Bottom->Top)
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "LR"
- name: log_fetch_timeout_sec
description: |
The amount of time (in secs) webserver will wait for initial handshake
while fetching logs from other worker machine
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "5"
- name: log_fetch_delay_sec
description: |
Time interval (in secs) to wait before next log fetching.
version_added: 1.10.8
type: integer
example: ~
default: "2"
- name: log_auto_tailing_offset
description: |
Distance away from page bottom to enable auto tailing.
version_added: 1.10.8
type: integer
example: ~
default: "30"
- name: log_animation_speed
description: |
Animation speed for auto tailing log display.
version_added: 1.10.8
type: integer
example: ~
default: "1000"
- name: hide_paused_dags_by_default
description: |
By default, the webserver shows paused DAGs. Flip this to hide paused
DAGs by default
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: page_size
description: |
Consistent page size across all listing views in the UI
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "100"
- name: navbar_color
description: |
Define the color of navigation bar
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "#fff"
- name: default_dag_run_display_number
description: |
Default dagrun to show in UI
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "25"
- name: enable_proxy_fix
description: |
Enable werkzeug ``ProxyFix`` middleware for reverse proxy
version_added: 1.10.1
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: proxy_fix_x_for
description: |
Number of values to trust for ``X-Forwarded-For``.
More info:
version_added: 1.10.7
type: integer
example: ~
default: "1"
- name: proxy_fix_x_proto
description: |
Number of values to trust for ``X-Forwarded-Proto``
version_added: 1.10.7
type: integer
example: ~
default: "1"
- name: proxy_fix_x_host
description: |
Number of values to trust for ``X-Forwarded-Host``
version_added: 1.10.7
type: integer
example: ~
default: "1"
- name: proxy_fix_x_port
description: |
Number of values to trust for ``X-Forwarded-Port``
version_added: 1.10.7
type: integer
example: ~
default: "1"
- name: proxy_fix_x_prefix
description: |
Number of values to trust for ``X-Forwarded-Prefix``
version_added: 1.10.7
type: integer
example: ~
default: "1"
- name: cookie_secure
description: |
Set secure flag on session cookie
version_added: 1.10.3
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: cookie_samesite
description: |
Set samesite policy on session cookie
version_added: 1.10.3
type: string
example: ~
default: "Lax"
- name: default_wrap
description: |
Default setting for wrap toggle on DAG code and TI log views.
version_added: 1.10.4
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: x_frame_enabled
description: |
Allow the UI to be rendered in a frame
version_added: 1.10.8
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: analytics_tool
description: |
Send anonymous user activity to your analytics tool
choose from google_analytics, segment, or metarouter
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ~
- name: analytics_id
description: |
Unique ID of your account in the analytics tool
version_added: 1.10.5
type: string
example: ~
default: ~
- name: show_recent_stats_for_completed_runs
description: |
'Recent Tasks' stats will show for old DagRuns if set
version_added: 2.0.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: update_fab_perms
description: |
Update FAB permissions and sync security manager roles
on webserver startup
version_added: 1.10.7
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: session_lifetime_minutes
description: |
The UI cookie lifetime in minutes. User will be logged out from UI after
``session_lifetime_minutes`` of non-activity
version_added: 1.10.13
type: integer
example: ~
default: "43200"
- name: instance_name
description: |
Sets a custom page title for the DAGs overview page and site title for all pages
version_added: 2.1.0
type: string
example: ~
- name: instance_name_has_markup
description: |
Whether the custom page title for the DAGs overview page contains any Markup language
version_added: 2.3.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: auto_refresh_interval
description: |
How frequently, in seconds, the DAG data will auto-refresh in graph or grid view
when auto-refresh is turned on
version_added: 2.2.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "3"
- name: warn_deployment_exposure
description: |
Boolean for displaying warning for publicly viewable deployment
version_added: 2.3.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: audit_view_excluded_events
description: |
Comma separated string of view events to exclude from dag audit view.
All other events will be added minus the ones passed here.
The audit logs in the db will not be affected by this parameter.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "gantt,landing_times,tries,duration,calendar,graph,grid,tree,tree_data"
- name: audit_view_included_events
description: |
Comma separated string of view events to include in dag audit view.
If passed, only these events will populate the dag audit view.
The audit logs in the db will not be affected by this parameter.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: "dagrun_cleared,failed"
default: ~
- name: email
description: |
Configuration email backend and whether to
send email alerts on retry or failure
- name: email_backend
description: Email backend to use
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: email_conn_id
description: Email connection to use
version_added: 2.1.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "smtp_default"
- name: default_email_on_retry
description: |
Whether email alerts should be sent when a task is retried
version_added: 2.0.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: default_email_on_failure
description: |
Whether email alerts should be sent when a task failed
version_added: 2.0.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: subject_template
description: |
File that will be used as the template for Email subject (which will be rendered using Jinja2).
If not set, Airflow uses a base template.
version_added: 2.0.1
type: string
example: "/path/to/my_subject_template_file"
default: ~
see_also: ":doc:`Email Configuration </howto/email-config>`"
- name: html_content_template
description: |
File that will be used as the template for Email content (which will be rendered using Jinja2).
If not set, Airflow uses a base template.
version_added: 2.0.1
type: string
example: "/path/to/my_html_content_template_file"
default: ~
see_also: ":doc:`Email Configuration </howto/email-config>`"
- name: from_email
description: |
Email address that will be used as sender address.
It can either be raw email or the complete address in a format ``Sender Name <>``
version_added: 2.2.4
type: string
example: "Airflow <>"
default: ~
- name: smtp
description: |
If you want airflow to send emails on retries, failure, and you want to use
the function, you have to configure an
smtp server here
- name: smtp_host
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "localhost"
- name: smtp_starttls
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: smtp_ssl
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: smtp_user
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: "airflow"
default: ~
- name: smtp_password
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
sensitive: true
example: "airflow"
default: ~
- name: smtp_port
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "25"
- name: smtp_mail_from
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: smtp_timeout
description: ~
version_added: 2.0.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "30"
- name: smtp_retry_limit
description: ~
version_added: 2.0.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "5"
- name: sentry
description: |
Sentry ( integration. Here you can supply
additional configuration options based on the Python platform. See:
Unsupported options: ``integrations``, ``in_app_include``, ``in_app_exclude``,
``ignore_errors``, ``before_breadcrumb``, ``transport``.
- name: sentry_on
description: Enable error reporting to Sentry
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "false"
- name: sentry_dsn
description: ~
version_added: 1.10.6
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: before_send
description: Dotted path to a before_send function that the sentry SDK should be configured to use.
version_added: 2.2.0
type: string
example: ~
default: ~
- name: local_kubernetes_executor
description: |
This section only applies if you are using the ``LocalKubernetesExecutor`` in
``[core]`` section above
- name: kubernetes_queue
description: |
Define when to send a task to ``KubernetesExecutor`` when using ``LocalKubernetesExecutor``.
When the queue of a task is the value of ``kubernetes_queue`` (default ``kubernetes``),
the task is executed via ``KubernetesExecutor``,
otherwise via ``LocalExecutor``
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "kubernetes"
- name: celery_kubernetes_executor
description: |
This section only applies if you are using the ``CeleryKubernetesExecutor`` in
``[core]`` section above
- name: kubernetes_queue
description: |
Define when to send a task to ``KubernetesExecutor`` when using ``CeleryKubernetesExecutor``.
When the queue of a task is the value of ``kubernetes_queue`` (default ``kubernetes``),
the task is executed via ``KubernetesExecutor``,
otherwise via ``CeleryExecutor``
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "kubernetes"
- name: celery
description: |
This section only applies if you are using the CeleryExecutor in
``[core]`` section above
- name: celery_app_name
description: |
The app name that will be used by celery
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "airflow.executors.celery_executor"
- name: worker_concurrency
description: |
The concurrency that will be used when starting workers with the
``airflow celery worker`` command. This defines the number of task instances that
a worker will take, so size up your workers based on the resources on
your worker box and the nature of your tasks
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "16"
- name: worker_autoscale
description: |
The maximum and minimum concurrency that will be used when starting workers with the
``airflow celery worker`` command (always keep minimum processes, but grow
to maximum if necessary). Note the value should be max_concurrency,min_concurrency
Pick these numbers based on resources on worker box and the nature of the task.
If autoscale option is available, worker_concurrency will be ignored.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: 16,12
default: ~
- name: worker_prefetch_multiplier
description: |
Used to increase the number of tasks that a worker prefetches which can improve performance.
The number of processes multiplied by worker_prefetch_multiplier is the number of tasks
that are prefetched by a worker. A value greater than 1 can result in tasks being unnecessarily
blocked if there are multiple workers and one worker prefetches tasks that sit behind long
running tasks while another worker has unutilized processes that are unable to process the already
claimed blocked tasks.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "1"
- name: worker_enable_remote_control
description: |
Specify if remote control of the workers is enabled.
When using Amazon SQS as the broker, Celery creates lots of ``.*reply-celery-pidbox`` queues. You can
prevent this by setting this to false. However, with this disabled Flower won't work.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "true"
- name: worker_umask
description: |
Umask that will be used when starting workers with the ``airflow celery worker``
in daemon mode. This control the file-creation mode mask which determines the initial
value of file permission bits for newly created files.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "0o077"
- name: broker_url
description: |
The Celery broker URL. Celery supports RabbitMQ, Redis and experimentally
a sqlalchemy database. Refer to the Celery documentation for more information.
version_added: ~
type: string
sensitive: true
example: ~
default: "redis://redis:6379/0"
- name: result_backend
description: |
The Celery result_backend. When a job finishes, it needs to update the
metadata of the job. Therefore it will post a message on a message bus,
or insert it into a database (depending of the backend)
This status is used by the scheduler to update the state of the task
The use of a database is highly recommended
When not specified, sql_alchemy_conn with a db+ scheme prefix will be used
version_added: ~
type: string
sensitive: true
example: "db+postgresql://postgres:airflow@postgres/airflow"
default: ~
- name: flower_host
description: |
Celery Flower is a sweet UI for Celery. Airflow has a shortcut to start
it ``airflow celery flower``. This defines the IP that Celery Flower runs on
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: flower_url_prefix
description: |
The root URL for Flower
version_added: ~
type: string
example: "/flower"
default: ""
- name: flower_port
description: |
This defines the port that Celery Flower runs on
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "5555"
- name: flower_basic_auth
description: |
Securing Flower with Basic Authentication
Accepts user:password pairs separated by a comma
version_added: 1.10.2
type: string
sensitive: true
example: "user1:password1,user2:password2"
default: ""
- name: sync_parallelism
description: |
How many processes CeleryExecutor uses to sync task state.
0 means to use max(1, number of cores - 1) processes.
version_added: 1.10.3
type: string
example: ~
default: "0"
- name: celery_config_options
description: |
Import path for celery configuration options
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "airflow.config_templates.default_celery.DEFAULT_CELERY_CONFIG"
- name: ssl_active
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: ssl_key
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: ssl_cert
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: ssl_cacert
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: pool
description: |
Celery Pool implementation.
Choices include: ``prefork`` (default), ``eventlet``, ``gevent`` or ``solo``.
version_added: 1.10.4
type: string
example: ~
default: "prefork"
- name: operation_timeout
description: |
The number of seconds to wait before timing out ``send_task_to_executor`` or
``fetch_celery_task_state`` operations.
version_added: 1.10.8
type: float
example: ~
default: "1.0"
- name: task_track_started
description: |
Celery task will report its status as 'started' when the task is executed by a worker.
This is used in Airflow to keep track of the running tasks and if a Scheduler is restarted
or run in HA mode, it can adopt the orphan tasks launched by previous SchedulerJob.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: task_adoption_timeout
description: |
Time in seconds after which adopted tasks which are queued in celery are assumed to be stalled,
and are automatically rescheduled. This setting does the same thing as ``stalled_task_timeout`` but
applies specifically to adopted tasks only. When set to 0, the ``stalled_task_timeout`` setting
also applies to adopted tasks.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "600"
- name: stalled_task_timeout
description: |
Time in seconds after which tasks queued in celery are assumed to be stalled, and are automatically
rescheduled. Adopted tasks will instead use the ``task_adoption_timeout`` setting if specified.
When set to 0, automatic clearing of stalled tasks is disabled.
version_added: 2.3.1
type: integer
example: ~
default: "0"
- name: task_publish_max_retries
description: |
The Maximum number of retries for publishing task messages to the broker when failing
due to ``AirflowTaskTimeout`` error before giving up and marking Task as failed.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "3"
- name: worker_precheck
description: |
Worker initialisation check to validate Metadata Database connection
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: celery_broker_transport_options
description: |
This section is for specifying options which can be passed to the
underlying celery broker transport. See:
- name: visibility_timeout
description: |
The visibility timeout defines the number of seconds to wait for the worker
to acknowledge the task before the message is redelivered to another worker.
Make sure to increase the visibility timeout to match the time of the longest
ETA you're planning to use.
visibility_timeout is only supported for Redis and SQS celery brokers.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: "21600"
default: ~
- name: dask
description: |
This section only applies if you are using the DaskExecutor in
[core] section above
- name: cluster_address
description: |
The IP address and port of the Dask cluster's scheduler.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: tls_ca
description: |
TLS/ SSL settings to access a secured Dask scheduler.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: tls_cert
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: tls_key
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: scheduler
description: ~
- name: job_heartbeat_sec
description: |
Task instances listen for external kill signal (when you clear tasks
from the CLI or the UI), this defines the frequency at which they should
listen (in seconds).
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "5"
- name: scheduler_heartbeat_sec
description: |
The scheduler constantly tries to trigger new tasks (look at the
scheduler section in the docs for more information). This defines
how often the scheduler should run (in seconds).
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "5"
- name: num_runs
description: |
The number of times to try to schedule each DAG file
-1 indicates unlimited number
version_added: 1.10.6
type: string
example: ~
default: "-1"
- name: scheduler_idle_sleep_time
description: |
Controls how long the scheduler will sleep between loops, but if there was nothing to do
in the loop. i.e. if it scheduled something then it will start the next loop
iteration straight away.
version_added: 2.2.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "1"
- name: min_file_process_interval
description: |
Number of seconds after which a DAG file is parsed. The DAG file is parsed every
``min_file_process_interval`` number of seconds. Updates to DAGs are reflected after
this interval. Keeping this number low will increase CPU usage.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "30"
- name: deactivate_stale_dags_interval
description: |
How often (in seconds) to check for stale DAGs (DAGs which are no longer present in
the expected files) which should be deactivated.
version_added: 2.2.5
type: integer
example: ~
default: "60"
- name: dag_dir_list_interval
description: |
How often (in seconds) to scan the DAGs directory for new files. Default to 5 minutes.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "300"
- name: print_stats_interval
description: |
How often should stats be printed to the logs. Setting to 0 will disable printing stats
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "30"
- name: pool_metrics_interval
description: |
How often (in seconds) should pool usage stats be sent to StatsD (if statsd_on is enabled)
version_added: 2.0.0
type: float
example: ~
default: "5.0"
- name: scheduler_health_check_threshold
description: |
If the last scheduler heartbeat happened more than scheduler_health_check_threshold
ago (in seconds), scheduler is considered unhealthy.
This is used by the health check in the "/health" endpoint
version_added: 1.10.2
type: string
example: ~
default: "30"
- name: enable_health_check
description: |
When you start a scheduler, airflow starts a tiny web server
subprocess to serve a health check if this is set to True
version_added: 2.4.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: scheduler_health_check_server_port
description: |
When you start a scheduler, airflow starts a tiny web server
subprocess to serve a health check on this port
version_added: 2.4.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "8974"
- name: orphaned_tasks_check_interval
description: |
How often (in seconds) should the scheduler check for orphaned tasks and SchedulerJobs
version_added: 2.0.0
type: float
example: ~
default: "300.0"
- name: child_process_log_directory
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "{AIRFLOW_HOME}/logs/scheduler"
- name: scheduler_zombie_task_threshold
description: |
Local task jobs periodically heartbeat to the DB. If the job has
not heartbeat in this many seconds, the scheduler will mark the
associated task instance as failed and will re-schedule the task.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "300"
- name: zombie_detection_interval
description: |
How often (in seconds) should the scheduler check for zombie tasks.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: float
example: ~
default: "10.0"
- name: catchup_by_default
description: |
Turn off scheduler catchup by setting this to ``False``.
Default behavior is unchanged and
Command Line Backfills still work, but the scheduler
will not do scheduler catchup if this is ``False``,
however it can be set on a per DAG basis in the
DAG definition (catchup)
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: ignore_first_depends_on_past_by_default
description: |
Setting this to True will make first task instance of a task
ignore depends_on_past setting. A task instance will be considered
as the first task instance of a task when there is no task instance
in the DB with an execution_date earlier than it., i.e. no manual marking
success will be needed for a newly added task to be scheduled.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: max_tis_per_query
description: |
This changes the batch size of queries in the scheduling main loop.
If this is too high, SQL query performance may be impacted by
complexity of query predicate, and/or excessive locking.
Additionally, you may hit the maximum allowable query length for your db.
Set this to 0 for no limit (not advised)
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "512"
- name: use_row_level_locking
description: |
Should the scheduler issue ``SELECT ... FOR UPDATE`` in relevant queries.
If this is set to False then you should not run more than a single
scheduler at once
version_added: 2.0.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: max_dagruns_to_create_per_loop
description: |
Max number of DAGs to create DagRuns for per scheduler loop.
example: ~
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
default: "10"
see_also: ":ref:`scheduler:ha:tunables`"
- name: max_dagruns_per_loop_to_schedule
description: |
How many DagRuns should a scheduler examine (and lock) when scheduling
and queuing tasks.
example: ~
version_added: 2.0.0
type: string
default: "20"
see_also: ":ref:`scheduler:ha:tunables`"
- name: schedule_after_task_execution
description: |
Should the Task supervisor process perform a "mini scheduler" to attempt to schedule more tasks of the
same DAG. Leaving this on will mean tasks in the same DAG execute quicker, but might starve out other
dags in some circumstances
example: ~
version_added: 2.0.0
type: boolean
default: "True"
- name: parsing_processes
description: |
The scheduler can run multiple processes in parallel to parse dags.
This defines how many processes will run.
version_added: 1.10.14
type: string
example: ~
default: "2"
- name: file_parsing_sort_mode
description: |
One of ``modified_time``, ``random_seeded_by_host`` and ``alphabetical``.
The scheduler will list and sort the dag files to decide the parsing order.
* ``modified_time``: Sort by modified time of the files. This is useful on large scale to parse the
recently modified DAGs first.
* ``random_seeded_by_host``: Sort randomly across multiple Schedulers but with same order on the
same host. This is useful when running with Scheduler in HA mode where each scheduler can
parse different DAG files.
* ``alphabetical``: Sort by filename
version_added: 2.1.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "modified_time"
- name: standalone_dag_processor
description: |
Whether the dag processor is running as a standalone process or it is a subprocess of a scheduler
version_added: 2.3.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: max_callbacks_per_loop
description: |
Only applicable if `[scheduler]standalone_dag_processor` is true and callbacks are stored
in database. Contains maximum number of callbacks that are fetched during a single loop.
version_added: 2.3.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "20"
- name: use_job_schedule
description: |
Turn off scheduler use of cron intervals by setting this to False.
DAGs submitted manually in the web UI or with trigger_dag will still run.
version_added: 1.10.2
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: allow_trigger_in_future
description: |
Allow externally triggered DagRuns for Execution Dates in the future
Only has effect if schedule_interval is set to None in DAG
version_added: 1.10.8
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: trigger_timeout_check_interval
description: |
How often to check for expired trigger requests that have not run yet.
version_added: 2.2.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "15"
- name: triggerer
description: ~
- name: default_capacity
description: |
How many triggers a single Triggerer will run at once, by default.
version_added: 2.2.0
type: string
example: ~
default: "1000"
- name: kerberos
description: ~
- name: ccache
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "/tmp/airflow_krb5_ccache"
- name: principal
description: |
gets augmented with fqdn
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "airflow"
- name: reinit_frequency
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "3600"
- name: kinit_path
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "kinit"
- name: keytab
description: ~
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "airflow.keytab"
- name: forwardable
description: |
Allow to disable ticket forwardability.
version_added: 2.2.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: include_ip
description: |
Allow to remove source IP from token, useful when using token behind NATted Docker host.
version_added: 2.2.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: elasticsearch
description: ~
- name: host
description: |
Elasticsearch host
version_added: 1.10.4
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: log_id_template
description: |
Format of the log_id, which is used to query for a given tasks logs
version_added: 1.10.4
type: string
example: ~
default: "{{dag_id}}-{{task_id}}-{{run_id}}-{{map_index}}-{{try_number}}"
- name: end_of_log_mark
description: |
Used to mark the end of a log stream for a task
version_added: 1.10.4
type: string
example: ~
default: "end_of_log"
- name: frontend
description: |
Qualified URL for an elasticsearch frontend (like Kibana) with a template argument for log_id
Code will construct log_id using the log_id template from the argument above.
NOTE: scheme will default to https if one is not provided
version_added: 1.10.4
type: string
example: "http://localhost:5601/app/kibana#/discover\
?_a=(columns:!(message),query:(language:kuery,query:'log_id: \"{log_id}\"'),sort:!(log.offset,asc))"
default: ""
- name: write_stdout
description: |
Write the task logs to the stdout of the worker, rather than the default files
version_added: 1.10.4
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: json_format
description: |
Instead of the default log formatter, write the log lines as JSON
version_added: 1.10.4
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: json_fields
description: |
Log fields to also attach to the json output, if enabled
version_added: 1.10.4
type: string
example: ~
default: "asctime, filename, lineno, levelname, message"
- name: host_field
description: |
The field where host name is stored (normally either `host` or ``)
version_added: 2.1.1
type: string
example: ~
default: "host"
- name: offset_field
description: |
The field where offset is stored (normally either `offset` or `log.offset`)
version_added: 2.1.1
type: string
example: ~
default: "offset"
- name: elasticsearch_configs
description: ~
- name: use_ssl
description: ~
version_added: 1.10.5
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: verify_certs
description: ~
version_added: 1.10.5
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: kubernetes
description: ~
- name: pod_template_file
description: |
Path to the YAML pod file that forms the basis for KubernetesExecutor workers.
version_added: 1.10.11
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
see_also: ":ref:`concepts:pod_template_file`"
- name: worker_container_repository
description: |
The repository of the Kubernetes Image for the Worker to Run
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: worker_container_tag
description: |
The tag of the Kubernetes Image for the Worker to Run
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: namespace
description: |
The Kubernetes namespace where airflow workers should be created. Defaults to ``default``
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "default"
- name: delete_worker_pods
description: |
If True, all worker pods will be deleted upon termination
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: delete_worker_pods_on_failure
description: |
If False (and delete_worker_pods is True),
failed worker pods will not be deleted so users can investigate them.
This only prevents removal of worker pods where the worker itself failed,
not when the task it ran failed.
version_added: 1.10.11
type: string
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: worker_pods_creation_batch_size
description: |
Number of Kubernetes Worker Pod creation calls per scheduler loop.
Note that the current default of "1" will only launch a single pod
per-heartbeat. It is HIGHLY recommended that users increase this
number to match the tolerance of their kubernetes cluster for
better performance.
version_added: 1.10.3
type: string
example: ~
default: "1"
- name: multi_namespace_mode
description: |
Allows users to launch pods in multiple namespaces.
Will require creating a cluster-role for the scheduler
version_added: 1.10.12
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "False"
- name: in_cluster
description: |
Use the service account kubernetes gives to pods to connect to kubernetes cluster.
It's intended for clients that expect to be running inside a pod running on kubernetes.
It will raise an exception if called from a process not running in a kubernetes environment.
version_added: ~
type: string
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: cluster_context
description: |
When running with in_cluster=False change the default cluster_context or config_file
options to Kubernetes client. Leave blank these to use default behaviour like ``kubectl`` has.
version_added: 1.10.3
type: string
example: ~
default: ~
- name: config_file
description: |
Path to the kubernetes configfile to be used when ``in_cluster`` is set to False
version_added: 1.10.3
type: string
example: ~
default: ~
- name: kube_client_request_args
description: |
Keyword parameters to pass while calling a kubernetes client core_v1_api methods
from Kubernetes Executor provided as a single line formatted JSON dictionary string.
List of supported params are similar for all core_v1_apis, hence a single config
variable for all apis. See:
version_added: 1.10.4
type: string
example: ~
default: ""
- name: delete_option_kwargs
description: |
Optional keyword arguments to pass to the ``delete_namespaced_pod`` kubernetes client
``core_v1_api`` method when using the Kubernetes Executor.
This should be an object and can contain any of the options listed in the ``v1DeleteOptions``
class defined here:
version_added: 1.10.12
type: string
example: '{"grace_period_seconds": 10}'
default: ""
- name: enable_tcp_keepalive
description: |
Enables TCP keepalive mechanism. This prevents Kubernetes API requests to hang indefinitely
when idle connection is time-outed on services like cloud load balancers or firewalls.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: tcp_keep_idle
description: |
When the `enable_tcp_keepalive` option is enabled, TCP probes a connection that has
been idle for `tcp_keep_idle` seconds.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "120"
- name: tcp_keep_intvl
description: |
When the `enable_tcp_keepalive` option is enabled, if Kubernetes API does not respond
to a keepalive probe, TCP retransmits the probe after `tcp_keep_intvl` seconds.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "30"
- name: tcp_keep_cnt
description: |
When the `enable_tcp_keepalive` option is enabled, if Kubernetes API does not respond
to a keepalive probe, TCP retransmits the probe `tcp_keep_cnt number` of times before
a connection is considered to be broken.
version_added: 2.0.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "6"
- name: verify_ssl
description: |
Set this to false to skip verifying SSL certificate of Kubernetes python client.
version_added: 2.1.0
type: boolean
example: ~
default: "True"
- name: worker_pods_pending_timeout
description: |
How long in seconds a worker can be in Pending before it is considered a failure
version_added: 2.1.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "300"
- name: worker_pods_pending_timeout_check_interval
description: |
How often in seconds to check if Pending workers have exceeded their timeouts
version_added: 2.1.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "120"
- name: worker_pods_queued_check_interval
description: |
How often in seconds to check for task instances stuck in "queued" status without a pod
version_added: 2.2.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "60"
- name: worker_pods_pending_timeout_batch_size
description: |
How many pending pods to check for timeout violations in each check interval.
You may want this higher if you have a very large cluster and/or use ``multi_namespace_mode``.
version_added: 2.1.0
type: integer
example: ~
default: "100"
- name: sensors
description: ~
- name: default_timeout
description: |
Sensor default timeout, 7 days by default (7 * 24 * 60 * 60).
version_added: 2.3.0
type: float
example: ~
default: "604800"