blob: bf8f53483ae5efbfc7a463419de6ba8e9adee24d [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
default_stages: [commit, push]
python: python3
node: 18.6.0
minimum_pre_commit_version: '3.2.0'
- repo: meta
- id: identity
name: Print input to the static check hooks for troubleshooting
- id: check-hooks-apply
name: Check if all hooks apply to the repository
- repo:
rev: v2.2.0
- id: doctoc
name: Add TOC for Markdown and RST files
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
- "--maxlevel"
- "2"
- repo:
rev: v1.5.4
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all SQL files
files: \.sql$
exclude: |
- --comment-style
- "/*||*/"
- --license-filepath
- scripts/ci/license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all RST files
exclude: ^\.github/.*$|^.*/.*_vendor/|newsfragments/.*\.rst$
- --comment-style
- "||"
- --license-filepath
- scripts/ci/license-templates/LICENSE.rst
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
files: \.rst$
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all CSS/JS/JSX/PUML/TS/TSX files
files: \.(css|jsx?|puml|tsx?)$
exclude: ^\.github/.*$|^.*/.*_vendor/
- --comment-style
- "/*!| *| */"
- --license-filepath
- scripts/ci/license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all JINJA template files
files: ^airflow/www/templates/.*\.html$
exclude: ^\.github/.*$|^.*/.*_vendor/
- --comment-style
- "{#||#}"
- --license-filepath
- scripts/ci/license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all Shell files
exclude: ^\.github/.*$|^.*/.*_vendor/|^dev/breeze/autocomplete/.*$
files: \.bash$|\.sh$
- --comment-style
- "|#|"
- --license-filepath
- scripts/ci/license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all Python files
exclude: ^\.github/.*$|^.*/.*_vendor/
files: \.py$|\.pyi$
- --comment-style
- "|#|"
- --license-filepath
- scripts/ci/license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all XML files
exclude: ^\.github/.*$|^.*/.*_vendor/
files: \.xml$
- --comment-style
- "<!--||-->"
- --license-filepath
- scripts/ci/license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all Helm template files
files: ^chart/templates/.*
- --comment-style
- "{{/*||*/}}"
- --license-filepath
- scripts/ci/license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all YAML files except Helm templates
exclude: ^\.github/.*$|^.*/.*_vendor/|^chart/templates/.*
types: [yaml]
files: \.ya?ml$
- --comment-style
- "|#|"
- --license-filepath
- scripts/ci/license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all Markdown files
files: \.md$
exclude: PROVIDER_CHANGES.*\.md$|^.*/.*_vendor/
- --comment-style
- "<!--|| -->"
- --license-filepath
- scripts/ci/license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all other files
exclude: ^\.github/.*$|^.*/.*_vendor/
- --comment-style
- "|#|"
- --license-filepath
- scripts/ci/license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
files: >
- repo: local
- id: update-common-sql-api-stubs
name: Check and update common.sql API stubs
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_update_common_sql_api\.py|^airflow/providers/common/sql/.*\.pyi?$
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'mypy==1.2.0', 'black==23.10.0', 'jinja2']
pass_filenames: false
require_serial: true
- id: update-black-version
name: Update black versions everywhere
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^.pre-commit-config.yaml$
additional_dependencies: ['pyyaml']
pass_filenames: false
require_serial: true
- repo:
rev: v0.1.4
# Since ruff makes use of multiple cores we _purposefully_ don't run this in docker so it can use the
# host CPU to it's fullest
- id: ruff
name: ruff-lint
args: [--fix]
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/|^tests/dags/
- id: ruff-format
name: ruff-format
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/|^tests/dags/|^airflow/contrib/
- repo:
rev: 1.16.0
- id: blacken-docs
name: Run black on Python code blocks in documentation files
- --line-length=110
- --target-version=py37
- --target-version=py38
- --target-version=py39
- --target-version=py310
alias: blacken-docs
additional_dependencies: [black==23.10.0]
- repo:
rev: v4.5.0
- id: check-merge-conflict
name: Check that merge conflicts are not being committed
- id: debug-statements
name: Detect accidentally committed debug statements
- id: check-builtin-literals
name: Require literal syntax when initializing builtin types
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
- id: detect-private-key
name: Detect if private key is added to the repository
exclude: ^docs/apache-airflow-providers-ssh/connections/ssh.rst$
- id: end-of-file-fixer
name: Make sure that there is an empty line at the end
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/|^docs/apache-airflow/img/.*\.dot|^docs/apache-airflow/img/.*\.sha256
- id: mixed-line-ending
name: Detect if mixed line ending is used (\r vs. \r\n)
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
- id: check-executables-have-shebangs
name: Check that executables have shebang
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
- id: check-xml
name: Check XML files with xmllint
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
- id: trailing-whitespace
name: Remove trailing whitespace at end of line
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/|^docs/apache-airflow/img/.*\.dot|^images/breeze/output.*$
- id: fix-encoding-pragma
name: Remove encoding header from Python files
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
- --remove
- id: pretty-format-json
name: Format JSON files
- --autofix
- --no-sort-keys
- --indent
- "4"
files: ^chart/values\.schema\.json$|^chart/values_schema\.schema\.json$
pass_filenames: true
- repo:
rev: v1.10.0
- id: rst-backticks
name: Check if RST files use double backticks for code
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
- id: python-no-log-warn
name: Check if there are no deprecate log warn
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
- repo:
rev: v1.32.0
- id: yamllint
name: Check YAML files with yamllint
entry: yamllint -c yamllint-config.yml --strict
types: [yaml]
exclude: ^.*airflow\.template\.yaml$|^.*init_git_sync\.template\.yaml$|^.*/.*_vendor/|^chart/(?:templates|files)/.*\.yaml$|openapi/.*\.yaml$|^\.pre-commit-config\.yaml$
- repo:
rev: '1.0.1'
- id: flynt
name: Run flynt string format converter for Python
exclude: |
# If flynt detects too long text it ignores it. So we set a very large limit to make it easy
# to split the text by hand. Too long lines are detected by flake8 (below),
# so the user is informed to take action.
- --line-length
- '99999'
- repo:
rev: v2.2.6
- id: codespell
name: Run codespell to check for common misspellings in files
entry: bash -c 'echo "If you think that this failure is an error, consider adding the word(s)
to the codespell dictionary at docs/spelling_wordlist.txt.
The word(s) should be in lowercase." && exec codespell "$@"' --
language: python
types: [text]
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/|^airflow/www/static/css/material-icons\.css$|^images/.*$|^RELEASE_NOTES\.txt$|^.*package-lock\.json$|^.*/kinglear\.txt$
- --ignore-words=docs/spelling_wordlist.txt
- --skip=airflow/providers/*/*.rst,airflow/www/*.log,docs/*/commits.rst,docs/apache-airflow/tutorial/pipeline_example.csv,*.min.js,*.lock,
- --exclude-file=.codespellignorelines
- repo:
rev: v0.15
- id: validate-pyproject
name: Validate pyproject.toml
- repo: local
# Note that this is the 2nd "local" repo group in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file. This is because
# we try to minimise the number of passes that must happen in order to apply some of the changes
# done by pre-commits. Some of the pre-commits not only check for errors but also fix them. This means
# that output from an earlier pre-commit becomes input to another pre-commit. Splitting the local
# scripts of our and adding some other non-local pre-commit in-between allows us to handle such
# changes quickly - especially when we want the early modifications from the first local group
# to be applied before the non-local pre-commits are run
- id: replace-bad-characters
name: Replace bad characters
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
types: [file, text]
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/|^clients/gen/go\.sh$|^\.gitmodules$
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4']
- id: lint-openapi
name: Lint OpenAPI using spectral
language: docker_image
entry: stoplight/spectral lint -r ./scripts/ci/spectral_rules/connexion.yml
files: ^airflow/api_connexion/openapi/
- id: lint-openapi
name: Lint OpenAPI using openapi-spec-validator
entry: openapi-spec-validator --schema 3.0.0
language: python
additional_dependencies: ['openapi-spec-validator>=0.6.0']
files: ^airflow/api_connexion/openapi/
- id: lint-dockerfile
name: Lint Dockerfile
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
files: Dockerfile.*$
pass_filenames: true
require_serial: true
- id: check-setup-order
name: Check order of dependencies in setup.cfg and
language: python
files: ^setup\.cfg$|^setup\.py$
pass_filenames: false
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4']
- id: check-airflow-k8s-not-used
name: Check airflow.kubernetes imports are not used
language: python
files: ^airflow/.*\.py$
require_serial: true
exclude: ^airflow/kubernetes/
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4']
- id: check-cncf-k8s-only-for-executors
name: Check cncf.kubernetes imports used for executors only
language: python
files: ^airflow/.*\.py$
require_serial: true
exclude: ^airflow/kubernetes/|^airflow/providers/
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4']
- id: check-extra-packages-references
name: Checks setup extra packages
description: Checks if all the libraries in are listed in extra-packages-ref.rst file
language: python
files: ^setup\.py$|^docs/apache-airflow/extra-packages-ref\.rst$|^airflow/providers/.*/provider\.yaml$
pass_filenames: false
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4']
- id: check-airflow-provider-compatibility
name: Check compatibility of Providers with Airflow
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
pass_filenames: true
files: ^airflow/providers/.*\.py$
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4']
- id: check-google-re2-as-dependency
name: Check google-re2 is declared as dependency when needed
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
pass_filenames: true
require_serial: true
files: ^airflow/providers/.*\.py$
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4']
- id: update-local-yml-file
name: Update mounts in the local yml file
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^dev/breeze/src/airflow_breeze/utils/docker_command_utils\.py$|^scripts/ci/docker_compose/local\.yml$
pass_filenames: false
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4']
- id: check-common-sql-dependency-make-serializable
name: Check dependency of SQL Providers with '_make_serializable'
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^airflow/providers/.*/hooks/.*\.py$
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'pyyaml', 'packaging']
- id: update-providers-dependencies
name: Update cross-dependencies for providers packages
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^airflow/providers/.*\.py$|^airflow/providers/.*/provider\.yaml$|^tests/providers/.*\.py$|^tests/system/providers/.*\.py$
pass_filenames: false
additional_dependencies: ['setuptools', 'rich>=12.4.4', 'pyyaml']
- id: update-extras
name: Update extras in documentation
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^setup\.py$|^CONTRIBUTING\.rst$|^INSTALL$|^airflow/providers/.*/provider\.yaml$
pass_filenames: false
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4']
- id: check-extras-order
name: Check order of extras in Dockerfile
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^Dockerfile$
pass_filenames: false
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4']
- id: update-supported-versions
name: Updates supported versions in documentation
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^docs/apache-airflow/installation/supported-versions\.rst$|^scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_supported_versions\.py$|^README\.md$
pass_filenames: false
additional_dependencies: ['tabulate']
- id: check-revision-heads-map
name: Check that the REVISION_HEADS_MAP is up-to-date
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
pass_filenames: false
files: >
additional_dependencies: ['packaging','google-re2']
- id: update-version
name: Update version to the latest version in the documentation
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^docs
pass_filenames: false
- id: check-pydevd-left-in-code
language: pygrep
name: Check for pydevd debug statements accidentally left
entry: "pydevd.*settrace\\("
pass_filenames: true
files: \.py$
- id: check-links-to-example-dags-do-not-use-hardcoded-versions
name: Verify example dags do not use hard-coded version numbers
description: The links to example dags should use |version| as version specification
language: pygrep
entry: >
pass_filenames: true
files: ^docs/apache-airflow-providers-.*\.rst
- id: check-safe-filter-usage-in-html
language: pygrep
name: Don't use safe in templates
description: the Safe filter is error-prone, use Markup() in code instead
entry: "\\|\\s*safe"
files: \.html$
pass_filenames: true
- id: check-no-providers-in-core-examples
language: pygrep
name: No providers imports in core example DAGs
description: The core example DAGs have no dependencies other than core Airflow
entry: "^\\s*from airflow\\.providers.*"
pass_filenames: true
files: ^airflow/example_dags/.*\.py$
- id: check-no-airflow-deprecation-in-providers
language: pygrep
name: Do not use DeprecationWarning in providers
description: Use AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning in providers
entry: "^\\s*DeprecationWarning*"
pass_filenames: true
files: ^airflow/providers/.*\.py$
- id: check-no-relative-imports
language: pygrep
name: No relative imports
description: Airflow style is to use absolute imports only (except docs building)
entry: "^\\s*from\\s+\\."
pass_filenames: true
files: \.py$
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/|^docs/|^tests/
- id: check-urlparse-usage-in-code
language: pygrep
name: Don't use urlparse in code
description: urlparse is not recommended, use urlsplit() in code instead
entry: "^\\s*from urllib\\.parse import ((\\|, )(urlparse\\|urlunparse))+$"
pass_filenames: true
files: \.py$
- id: check-only-new-session-with-provide-session
name: Check NEW_SESSION is only used with @provide_session
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
pass_filenames: true
files: ^airflow/.+\.py$
- id: check-for-inclusive-language
language: pygrep
name: Check for language that we do not accept as community
description: Please use more appropriate words for community documentation.
entry: >
pass_filenames: true
exclude: >
- id: check-base-operator-partial-arguments
name: Check BaseOperator and partial() arguments
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
pass_filenames: false
files: ^airflow/models/(?:base|mapped)operator\.py$
- id: check-init-decorator-arguments
name: Check model __init__ and decorator arguments are in sync
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
pass_filenames: false
files: ^airflow/models/dag\.py$|^airflow/(?:decorators|utils)/task_group\.py$
- id: check-base-operator-usage
language: pygrep
name: Check BaseOperator core imports
description: Make sure BaseOperator is imported from airflow.models.baseoperator in core
entry: "from airflow\\.models import.* BaseOperator\\b"
files: \.py$
pass_filenames: true
exclude: >
- id: check-base-operator-usage
language: pygrep
name: Check BaseOperatorLink core imports
description: Make sure BaseOperatorLink is imported from airflow.models.baseoperatorlink in core
entry: "from airflow\\.models import.* BaseOperatorLink"
files: \.py$
pass_filenames: true
exclude: >
- id: check-base-operator-usage
language: pygrep
name: Check BaseOperator[Link] other imports
description: Make sure BaseOperator[Link] is imported from airflow.models outside of core
entry: "from airflow\\.models\\.baseoperator(link)? import.* BaseOperator"
pass_filenames: true
files: >
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
- id: check-decorated-operator-implements-custom-name
name: Check @task decorator implements custom_operator_name
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
pass_filenames: true
files: ^airflow/.*\.py$
- id: check-core-deprecation-classes
language: pygrep
name: Verify usage of Airflow deprecation classes in core
entry: category=DeprecationWarning|category=PendingDeprecationWarning
files: \.py$
exclude: ^airflow/configuration\.py$|^airflow/providers|^scripts/in_container/verify_providers\.py$
pass_filenames: true
- id: check-provide-create-sessions-imports
language: pygrep
name: Check provide_session and create_session imports
description: provide_session and create_session should be imported from airflow.utils.session
to avoid import cycles.
entry: "from airflow\\.utils\\.db import.* (provide_session|create_session)"
files: \.py$
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
pass_filenames: true
- id: check-incorrect-use-of-LoggingMixin
language: pygrep
name: Make sure LoggingMixin is not used alone
entry: "LoggingMixin\\(\\)"
files: \.py$
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
pass_filenames: true
- id: check-daysago-import-from-utils
language: pygrep
name: Make sure days_ago is imported from airflow.utils.dates
entry: "(airflow\\.){0,1}utils\\.dates\\.days_ago"
files: \.py$
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
pass_filenames: true
- id: check-start-date-not-used-in-defaults
language: pygrep
name: start_date not to be defined in default_args in example_dags
entry: "default_args\\s*=\\s*{\\s*(\"|')start_date(\"|')|(\"|')start_date(\"|'):"
files: \.*example_dags.*\.py$
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
pass_filenames: true
- id: check-apache-license-rat
name: Check if licenses are OK for Apache
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^.*LICENSE.*$|^.*LICENCE.*$
pass_filenames: false
- id: check-aiobotocore-optional
name: Check if aiobotocore is an optional dependency only
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^airflow/providers/.*/provider\.yaml$
pass_filenames: true
additional_dependencies: ['click', 'rich>=12.4.4', 'pyyaml']
require_serial: true
- id: check-boring-cyborg-configuration
name: Checks for Boring Cyborg configuration consistency
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
pass_filenames: false
require_serial: true
additional_dependencies: ['pyyaml', 'termcolor==1.1.0', 'wcmatch==8.2']
- id: update-in-the-wild-to-be-sorted
name: Sort alphabetically
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^\.pre-commit-config\.yaml$|^INTHEWILD\.md$
pass_filenames: false
require_serial: true
- id: update-installed-providers-to-be-sorted
name: Sort alphabetically and uniquify installed_providers.txt
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^\.pre-commit-config\.yaml$|^airflow/providers/installed_providers\.txt$
pass_filenames: false
require_serial: true
- id: update-spelling-wordlist-to-be-sorted
name: Sort alphabetically and uniquify spelling_wordlist.txt
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^\.pre-commit-config\.yaml$|^docs/spelling_wordlist\.txt$
require_serial: true
pass_filenames: false
- id: lint-helm-chart
name: Lint Helm Chart
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
pass_filenames: false
files: ^chart
require_serial: true
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4','requests']
- id: shellcheck
name: Check Shell scripts syntax correctness
language: docker_image
entry: koalaman/shellcheck:v0.8.0 -x -a
files: \.(bash|sh)$|^hooks/build$|^hooks/push$
exclude: ^dev/breeze/autocomplete/.*$
- id: lint-css
name: stylelint
entry: "stylelint"
language: node
files: ^airflow/www/.*\.(css|sass|scss)$
# Keep dependency versions in sync w/ airflow/www/package.json
additional_dependencies: ['stylelint@13.3.1', 'stylelint-config-standard@20.0.0', 'stylelint-config-prettier@9.0.5']
- id: compile-www-assets
name: Compile www assets
language: node
stages: ['manual']
'types_or': [javascript, ts, tsx]
files: ^airflow/www/
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
pass_filenames: false
additional_dependencies: ['yarn@1.22.19']
- id: compile-www-assets-dev
name: Compile www assets in dev mode
language: node
stages: ['manual']
'types_or': [javascript, ts, tsx]
files: ^airflow/www/
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
pass_filenames: false
additional_dependencies: ['yarn@1.22.19']
- id: check-providers-init-file-missing
name: Provider init file is missing
pass_filenames: false
always_run: true
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
- id: check-providers-subpackages-init-file-exist
name: Provider subpackage init files are there
pass_filenames: false
always_run: true
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
require_serial: true
- id: check-pre-commit-information-consistent
name: Validate hook IDs & names and sync with docs
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
- --max-length=60
language: python
files: ^\.pre-commit-config\.yaml$|^scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_check_pre_commit_hook_names\.py$
additional_dependencies: ['pyyaml', 'jinja2', 'black==23.10.0', 'tabulate', 'rich>=12.4.4']
require_serial: true
pass_filenames: false
- id: update-breeze-readme-config-hash
name: Update Breeze with config files hash
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
files: ^dev/breeze/pyproject\.toml$|^dev/breeze/README\.md$
pass_filenames: false
require_serial: true
- id: check-breeze-top-dependencies-limited
name: Breeze should have small number of top-level dependencies
language: python
entry: ./scripts/tools/
files: ^dev/breeze/.*$
pass_filenames: false
require_serial: true
additional_dependencies: ['click', 'rich>=12.4.4', 'pyyaml']
- id: check-system-tests-present
name: Check if system tests have required segments of code
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^tests/system/.*/example_[^/]*\.py$
exclude: ^tests/system/providers/google/cloud/bigquery/example_bigquery_queries\.py$
pass_filenames: true
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4']
- id: generate-pypi-readme
name: Generate PyPI README
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^README\.md$
pass_filenames: false
- id: lint-markdown
name: Run markdownlint
description: Checks the style of Markdown files.
entry: markdownlint
language: node
types: [markdown]
files: \.(md|mdown|markdown)$
additional_dependencies: ['markdownlint-cli']
- id: lint-json-schema
name: Lint JSON Schema files with JSON Schema
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
- --spec-url
language: python
pass_filenames: true
files: .*\.schema\.json$
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
require_serial: true
additional_dependencies: ['jsonschema>=3.2.0,<5.0', 'PyYAML==5.3.1', 'requests==2.25.0']
- id: lint-json-schema
name: Lint NodePort Service with JSON Schema
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
- --spec-url
language: python
pass_filenames: true
files: ^scripts/ci/kubernetes/nodeport\.yaml$
require_serial: true
additional_dependencies: ['jsonschema>=3.2.0,<5.0', 'PyYAML==5.3.1', 'requests==2.25.0']
- id: lint-json-schema
name: Lint Docker compose files with JSON Schema
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
- --spec-url
language: python
pass_filenames: true
files: ^scripts/ci/docker-compose/.+\.ya?ml$|docker-compose\.ya?ml$
exclude: >
require_serial: true
additional_dependencies: ['jsonschema>=3.2.0,<5.0', 'PyYAML==5.3.1', 'requests==2.25.0']
- id: lint-json-schema
name: Lint chart/values.schema.json file with JSON Schema
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
- --spec-file
- chart/values_schema.schema.json
- chart/values.schema.json
language: python
pass_filenames: false
files: ^chart/values\.schema\.json$|^chart/values_schema\.schema\.json$
require_serial: true
additional_dependencies: ['jsonschema>=3.2.0,<5.0', 'PyYAML==5.3.1', 'requests==2.25.0']
- id: update-vendored-in-k8s-json-schema
name: Vendor k8s definitions into values.schema.json
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^chart/values\.schema\.json$
additional_dependencies: ['requests==2.25.0']
- id: lint-json-schema
name: Lint chart/values.yaml file with JSON Schema
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
- --enforce-defaults
- --spec-file
- chart/values.schema.json
- chart/values.yaml
language: python
pass_filenames: false
files: ^chart/values\.yaml$|^chart/values\.schema\.json$
require_serial: true
additional_dependencies: ['jsonschema>=3.2.0,<5.0', 'PyYAML==5.3.1', 'requests==2.25.0']
- id: lint-json-schema
name: Lint config_templates/config.yml file with JSON Schema
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
- --spec-file
- airflow/config_templates/config.yml.schema.json
language: python
pass_filenames: true
files: ^airflow/config_templates/config\.yml$
require_serial: true
additional_dependencies: ['jsonschema>=3.2.0,<5.0', 'PyYAML==5.3.1', 'requests==2.25.0']
- id: check-persist-credentials-disabled-in-github-workflows
name: Check that workflow files have persist-credentials disabled
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
pass_filenames: true
files: ^\.github/workflows/.*\.yml$
additional_dependencies: ['PyYAML', 'rich>=12.4.4']
- id: check-docstring-param-types
name: Check that docstrings do not specify param types
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
pass_filenames: true
files: \.py$
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4']
- id: lint-chart-schema
name: Lint chart/values.schema.json file
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
pass_filenames: false
files: ^chart/values\.schema\.json$
require_serial: true
- id: update-inlined-dockerfile-scripts
name: Inline Dockerfile and scripts
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
pass_filenames: false
files: ^Dockerfile$|^Dockerfile\.ci$|^scripts/docker/.*$
require_serial: true
- id: check-changelog-has-no-duplicates
name: Check changelogs for duplicate entries
language: python
files: CHANGELOG\.(rst|txt)$
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
pass_filenames: true
- id: check-newsfragments-are-valid
name: Check newsfragments are valid
language: python
files: newsfragments/.*\.rst
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
pass_filenames: true
# We sometimes won't have newsfragments in the repo, so always run it so `check-hooks-apply` passes
# This is fast, so not too much downside
always_run: true
- id: update-breeze-cmd-output
name: Update output of breeze commands in BREEZE.rst
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: >
require_serial: true
pass_filenames: false
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'rich-click>=1.7.0', 'inputimeout', 'pyyaml', 'packaging', 'filelock']
- id: check-example-dags-urls
name: Check that example dags url include provider versions
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
pass_filenames: true
files: ^docs/.*example-dags\.rst$|^docs/.*index\.rst$
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'pyyaml']
always_run: true
- id: check-system-tests-tocs
name: Check that system tests is properly added
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
pass_filenames: true
files: ^docs/apache-airflow-providers-[^/]*/index\.rst$
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'pyyaml']
- id: check-lazy-logging
name: Check that all logging methods are lazy
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
pass_filenames: true
files: \.py$
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'astor']
- id: create-missing-init-py-files-tests
name: Create missing files in tests
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4']
pass_filenames: false
files: ^tests/.*\.py$
- id: ts-compile-format-lint-www
name: TS types generation / ESLint / Prettier against UI files
language: node
'types_or': [javascript, ts, tsx, yaml, css, json]
files: ^airflow/www/static/js/|^airflow/api_connexion/openapi/v1\.yaml$
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
additional_dependencies: ['yarn@1.22.19']
pass_filenames: false
- id: check-tests-unittest-testcase
name: Check that unit tests do not inherit from unittest.TestCase
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
pass_filenames: true
files: ^tests/.*\.py$
- id: check-usage-of-re2-over-re
language: pygrep
name: Use re2 module instead of re
description: Use re2 module instead of re
entry: "^\\s*from re\\s|^\\s*import re\\s"
pass_filenames: true
files: \.py$
exclude: ^airflow/providers|^dev/.*\.py$|^scripts/.*\.py$|^tests/|^\w+_tests/|^docs/.*\.py$|^airflow/utils/$
- id: check-deferrable-default-value
name: Check default value of deferrable attribute
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
pass_filenames: false
files: ^airflow/.*/sensors/.*\.py$|^airflow/.*/operators/.*\.py$
- id: check-provider-docs-valid
name: Validate provider doc files
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^airflow/providers/.*/provider\.yaml|^docs/.*
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'pyyaml', 'jinja2']
require_serial: true
- id: bandit
name: bandit
description: "Bandit is a tool for finding common security issues in Python code"
entry: bandit
language: python
language_version: python3
types: [ python ]
additional_dependencies: ['bandit>=1.7.5']
require_serial: true
files: ^airflow/.*
- "--skip"
- "B301,B324,B403,B404,B603"
- "--severity-level"
- "high" # TODO: remove this line when we fix all the issues
# The below pre-commits are those requiring CI image to be built
- id: mypy-dev
name: Run mypy for dev
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
files: ^dev/.*\.py$
require_serial: true
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'inputimeout', 'pyyaml', 'jsonschema', 'filelock', 'markdown-it-py']
- id: mypy-core
name: Run mypy for core
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/ --namespace-packages
files: \.py$
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/|^airflow/migrations|^airflow/providers|^dev|^docs|^provider_packages|^tests/providers|^tests/system/providers|^tests/dags/
require_serial: true
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'inputimeout', 'pyyaml', 'jsonschema', 'filelock', 'markdown-it-py']
- id: mypy-providers
name: Run mypy for providers
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/ --namespace-packages
files: ^airflow/providers/.*\.py$|^tests/providers/.*\.py$|^tests/system/providers/.*\.py$
exclude: ^.*/.*_vendor/
require_serial: true
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'inputimeout', 'pyyaml', 'jsonschema', 'filelock', 'markdown-it-py']
- id: mypy-docs
name: Run mypy for /docs/ folder
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
files: ^docs/.*\.py$
exclude: ^docs/rtd-deprecation
require_serial: true
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'inputimeout', 'pyyaml', 'jsonschema', 'filelock', 'markdown-it-py']
- id: check-provider-yaml-valid
name: Validate provider.yaml files
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
language: python
files: ^airflow/providers/.*/provider\.yaml$
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'inputimeout', 'pyyaml', 'jsonschema', 'filelock', 'markdown-it-py']
require_serial: true
- id: update-migration-references
name: Update migration ref doc
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
pass_filenames: false
files: ^airflow/migrations/versions/.*\.py$|^docs/apache-airflow/migrations-ref\.rst$
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'inputimeout', 'pyyaml', 'jsonschema', 'filelock', 'markdown-it-py']
- id: update-er-diagram
name: Update ER diagram
language: python
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/
pass_filenames: false
files: ^airflow/migrations/versions/.*\.py$|^docs/apache-airflow/migrations-ref\.rst$
additional_dependencies: ['rich>=12.4.4', 'inputimeout', 'pyyaml', 'jsonschema', 'filelock', 'markdown-it-py']