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.. _howto/connection/odbc:
ODBC Connection
The ``odbc`` connection type provides connection to ODBC data sources including MS SQL Server.
Enable with ``pip install apache-airflow[odbc]``.
System prerequisites
This connection type uses `pyodbc <>`_, which has some system
dependencies, as documented on the `pyodbc wiki <>`_.
You must also install a driver:
* `MS SQL ODBC drivers <>`_.
* `Exasol ODBC drivers <>`_.
Configuring the Connection
To use the hook :py:class:`~airflow.providers.odbc.hooks.odbc.OdbcHook` you must specify the
driver you want to use either in ``Connection.extra`` or as a parameter at hook initialization.
Host (required)
The host to connect to.
Schema (optional)
Specify the schema name to be used in the database.
Login (required)
Specify the user name to connect.
Password (required)
Specify the password to connect.
Extra (optional)
Any key / value parameters supplied here will be added to the ODBC connection string.
Additionally there a few special optional keywords that are handled separately.
- ``connect_kwargs``
* key-value pairs under ``connect_kwargs`` will be passed onto ``pyodbc.connect`` as kwargs
- ``sqlalchemy_scheme``
* This is only used when ``get_uri`` is invoked in
:py:meth:`~airflow.providers.common.sql.hooks.sql.DbApiHook.get_sqlalchemy_engine`. By default, the hook uses
scheme ``mssql+pyodbc``. You may pass a string value here to override.
- ``driver``
* The name of the driver to use on your system. Note that this is only considered if ``allow_driver_in_extra``
is set to True in airflow config section ``providers.odbc`` (by default it is not considered). Note: if setting
this config from env vars, use ``AIRFLOW__PROVIDERS_ODBC__ALLOW_DRIVER_IN_EXTRA=true``.
.. note::
If setting ``allow_driver_extra`` to True, this allows users to set the driver via the Airflow Connection's
``extra`` field. By default this is not allowed. If enabling this functionality, you should make sure
that you trust the users who can edit connections in the UI to not use it maliciously.
.. note::
You are responsible for installing an ODBC driver on your system.
The following examples demonstrate usage of the `Microsoft ODBC driver <>`_.
For example, consider the following value for ``extra``:
.. code-block:: json
"Driver": "ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server",
"ApplicationIntent": "ReadOnly",
"TrustedConnection": "Yes"
This would produce a connection string containing these params:
.. code-block::
DRIVER={ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server};ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly;TrustedConnection=Yes;
See `DSN and Connection String Keywords and Attributes <>`_
for more info.
Example connection URI for use with environment variables etc:
.. code-block:: bash
export AIRFLOW_CONN_MSSQL_DEFAULT='mssql-odbc://my_user:XXXXXXXXXXXX@'
If you want to pass keyword arguments to ``pyodbc.connect``, you may supply a dictionary
under ``connect_kwargs``.
For example with ``extra`` as below, ``pyodbc.connect`` will be called with ``autocommit=False`` and
.. code-block:: json
"Driver": "ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server",
"ApplicationIntent": "ReadOnly",
"TrustedConnection": "Yes",
"connect_kwargs": {
"autocommit": false,
"ansi": true
See `pyodbc documentation <>`_ for more details on what
kwargs you can pass to ``connect``