blob: 3ae98660d6c6b181cc9d16fef885fe257df98651 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import os
import pathlib
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import warnings
from base64 import b64encode
from collections import OrderedDict
# Ignored Mypy on configparser because it thinks the configparser module has no _UNSET attribute
from configparser import _UNSET, ConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError # type: ignore
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
from zope.deprecation import deprecated
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowConfigException
from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin
log = LoggingMixin().log
# show Airflow's deprecation warnings
action='default', category=DeprecationWarning, module='airflow')
action='default', category=PendingDeprecationWarning, module='airflow')
def expand_env_var(env_var):
Expands (potentially nested) env vars by repeatedly applying
`expandvars` and `expanduser` until interpolation stops having
any effect.
if not env_var:
return env_var
while True:
interpolated = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(str(env_var)))
if interpolated == env_var:
return interpolated
env_var = interpolated
def run_command(command):
Runs command and returns stdout
process = subprocess.Popen(
output, stderr = [stream.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'ignore')
for stream in process.communicate()]
if process.returncode != 0:
raise AirflowConfigException(
"Cannot execute {}. Error code is: {}. Output: {}, Stderr: {}"
.format(command, process.returncode, output, stderr)
return output
def _read_default_config_file(file_name: str) -> str:
templates_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'config_templates')
file_path = os.path.join(templates_dir, file_name)
with open(file_path, encoding='utf-8') as file:
DEFAULT_CONFIG = _read_default_config_file('default_airflow.cfg')
TEST_CONFIG = _read_default_config_file('default_test.cfg')
class AirflowConfigParser(ConfigParser):
# These configuration elements can be fetched as the stdout of commands
# following the "{section}__{name}__cmd" pattern, the idea behind this
# is to not store password on boxes in text files.
as_command_stdout = {
('core', 'sql_alchemy_conn'),
('core', 'fernet_key'),
('celery', 'broker_url'),
('celery', 'result_backend'),
# Todo: remove this in Airflow 1.11
('celery', 'celery_result_backend'),
('atlas', 'password'),
('smtp', 'smtp_password'),
('ldap', 'bind_password'),
('kubernetes', 'git_password'),
# A two-level mapping of (section -> new_name -> old_name). When reading
# new_name, the old_name will be checked to see if it exists. If it does a
# DeprecationWarning will be issued and the old name will be used instead
deprecated_options = {
'celery': {
# Remove these keys in Airflow 1.11
'worker_concurrency': 'celeryd_concurrency',
'result_backend': 'celery_result_backend',
'broker_url': 'celery_broker_url',
'ssl_active': 'celery_ssl_active',
'ssl_cert': 'celery_ssl_cert',
'ssl_key': 'celery_ssl_key',
'elasticsearch_host': 'host',
'elasticsearch_log_id_template': 'log_id_template',
'elasticsearch_end_of_log_mark': 'end_of_log_mark',
'elasticsearch_frontend': 'frontend',
'elasticsearch_write_stdout': 'write_stdout',
'elasticsearch_json_format': 'json_format',
'elasticsearch_json_fields': 'json_fields'
# A mapping of old default values that we want to change and warn the user
# about. Mapping of section -> setting -> { old, replace, by_version }
deprecated_values = {
'core': {
'task_runner': ('BashTaskRunner', 'StandardTaskRunner', '2.0'),
# This method transforms option names on every read, get, or set operation.
# This changes from the default behaviour of ConfigParser from lowercasing
# to instead be case-preserving
def optionxform(self, optionstr: str) -> str:
return optionstr
def __init__(self, default_config=None, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.airflow_defaults = ConfigParser(*args, **kwargs)
if default_config is not None:
self.is_validated = False
def _validate(self):
if (
self.get("core", "executor") != 'SequentialExecutor' and
"sqlite" in self.get('core', 'sql_alchemy_conn')):
raise AirflowConfigException(
"error: cannot use sqlite with the {}".format(
self.get('core', 'executor')))
for section, replacement in self.deprecated_values.items():
for name, info in replacement.items():
old, new, version = info
if self.get(section, name, fallback=None) == old:
# Make sure the env var option is removed, otherwise it
# would be read and used instead of the value we set
env_var = self._env_var_name(section, name)
os.environ.pop(env_var, None)
self.set(section, name, new)
'The {name} setting in [{section}] has the old default value '
'of {old!r}. This value has been changed to {new!r} in the '
'running config, but please update your config before Apache '
'Airflow {version}.'.format(
name=name, section=section, old=old, new=new, version=version
self.is_validated = True
def _env_var_name(section, key):
return 'AIRFLOW__{S}__{K}'.format(S=section.upper(), K=key.upper())
def _get_env_var_option(self, section, key):
# must have format AIRFLOW__{SECTION}__{KEY} (note double underscore)
env_var = self._env_var_name(section, key)
if env_var in os.environ:
return expand_env_var(os.environ[env_var])
def _get_cmd_option(self, section, key):
fallback_key = key + '_cmd'
# if this is a valid command key...
if (section, key) in self.as_command_stdout:
if super().has_option(section, fallback_key):
command = super().get(section, fallback_key)
return run_command(command)
def get(self, section, key, **kwargs):
section = str(section).lower()
key = str(key).lower()
deprecated_name = self.deprecated_options.get(section, {}).get(key, None)
# first check environment variables
option = self._get_env_var_option(section, key)
if option is not None:
return option
if deprecated_name:
option = self._get_env_var_option(section, deprecated_name)
if option is not None:
self._warn_deprecate(section, key, deprecated_name)
return option
# ...then the config file
if super().has_option(section, key):
# Use the parent's methods to get the actual config here to be able to
# separate the config from default config.
return expand_env_var(
super().get(section, key, **kwargs))
if deprecated_name:
if super().has_option(section, deprecated_name):
self._warn_deprecate(section, key, deprecated_name)
return expand_env_var(super().get(
# ...then commands
option = self._get_cmd_option(section, key)
if option:
return option
if deprecated_name:
option = self._get_cmd_option(section, deprecated_name)
if option:
self._warn_deprecate(section, key, deprecated_name)
return option
# ...then the default config
if self.airflow_defaults.has_option(section, key) or 'fallback' in kwargs:
return expand_env_var(
self.airflow_defaults.get(section, key, **kwargs))
"section/key [%s/%s] not found in config", section, key
raise AirflowConfigException(
"section/key [{section}/{key}] not found "
"in config".format(section=section, key=key))
def getboolean(self, section, key, **kwargs):
val = str(self.get(section, key, **kwargs)).lower().strip()
if '#' in val:
val = val.split('#')[0].strip()
if val in ('t', 'true', '1'):
return True
elif val in ('f', 'false', '0'):
return False
raise ValueError(
'The value for configuration option "{}:{}" is not a '
'boolean (received "{}").'.format(section, key, val))
def getint(self, section, key, **kwargs):
return int(self.get(section, key, **kwargs))
def getfloat(self, section, key, **kwargs):
return float(self.get(section, key, **kwargs))
def read(self, filenames, **kwargs):
super().read(filenames, **kwargs)
def read_dict(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().read_dict(*args, **kwargs)
def has_option(self, section, option):
# Using self.get() to avoid reimplementing the priority order
# of config variables (env, config, cmd, defaults)
# UNSET to avoid logging a warning about missing values
self.get(section, option, fallback=_UNSET)
return True
except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError):
return False
def remove_option(self, section, option, remove_default=True):
Remove an option if it exists in config from a file or
default config. If both of config have the same option, this removes
the option in both configs unless remove_default=False.
if super().has_option(section, option):
super().remove_option(section, option)
if self.airflow_defaults.has_option(section, option) and remove_default:
self.airflow_defaults.remove_option(section, option)
def getsection(self, section):
Returns the section as a dict. Values are converted to int, float, bool
as required.
:param section: section from the config
:rtype: dict
if (section not in self._sections and
section not in self.airflow_defaults._sections):
return None
_section = copy.deepcopy(self.airflow_defaults._sections[section])
if section in self._sections:
section_prefix = 'AIRFLOW__{S}__'.format(S=section.upper())
for env_var in sorted(os.environ.keys()):
if env_var.startswith(section_prefix):
key = env_var.replace(section_prefix, '').lower()
_section[key] = self._get_env_var_option(section, key)
for key, val in _section.items():
val = int(val)
except ValueError:
val = float(val)
except ValueError:
if val.lower() in ('t', 'true'):
val = True
elif val.lower() in ('f', 'false'):
val = False
_section[key] = val
return _section
def as_dict(
self, display_source=False, display_sensitive=False, raw=False,
include_env=True, include_cmds=True):
Returns the current configuration as an OrderedDict of OrderedDicts.
:param display_source: If False, the option value is returned. If True,
a tuple of (option_value, source) is returned. Source is either
'airflow.cfg', 'default', 'env var', or 'cmd'.
:type display_source: bool
:param display_sensitive: If True, the values of options set by env
vars and bash commands will be displayed. If False, those options
are shown as '< hidden >'
:type display_sensitive: bool
:param raw: Should the values be output as interpolated values, or the
"raw" form that can be fed back in to ConfigParser
:type raw: bool
:param include_env: Should the value of configuration from AIRFLOW__
environment variables be included or not
:type include_env: bool
:param include_cmds: Should the result of calling any *_cmd config be
set (True, default), or should the _cmd options be left as the
command to run (False)
:type include_cmds: bool
cfg = {}
configs = [
('default', self.airflow_defaults),
('airflow.cfg', self),
for (source_name, config) in configs:
for section in config.sections():
sect = cfg.setdefault(section, OrderedDict())
for (k, val) in config.items(section=section, raw=raw):
if display_source:
val = (val, source_name)
sect[k] = val
# add env vars and overwrite because they have priority
if include_env:
for ev in [ev for ev in os.environ if ev.startswith('AIRFLOW__')]:
_, section, key = ev.split('__', 2)
opt = self._get_env_var_option(section, key)
except ValueError:
if not display_sensitive and ev != 'AIRFLOW__CORE__UNIT_TEST_MODE':
opt = '< hidden >'
elif raw:
opt = opt.replace('%', '%%')
if display_source:
opt = (opt, 'env var')
section = section.lower()
# if we lower key for kubernetes_environment_variables section,
# then we won't be able to set any Airflow environment
# variables. Airflow only parse environment variables starts
# with AIRFLOW_. Therefore, we need to make it a special case.
if section != 'kubernetes_environment_variables':
key = key.lower()
cfg.setdefault(section, OrderedDict()).update({key: opt})
# add bash commands
if include_cmds:
for (section, key) in self.as_command_stdout:
opt = self._get_cmd_option(section, key)
if opt:
if not display_sensitive:
opt = '< hidden >'
if display_source:
opt = (opt, 'cmd')
elif raw:
opt = opt.replace('%', '%%')
cfg.setdefault(section, OrderedDict()).update({key: opt})
del cfg[section][key + '_cmd']
return cfg
def load_test_config(self):
Load the unit test configuration.
Note: this is not reversible.
# override any custom settings with defaults
# then read test config
# then read any "custom" test settings
def _warn_deprecate(self, section, key, deprecated_name):
'The {old} option in [{section}] has been renamed to {new} - the old '
'setting has been used, but please update your config.'.format(
def get_airflow_home():
return expand_env_var(os.environ.get('AIRFLOW_HOME', '~/airflow'))
def get_airflow_config(airflow_home):
if 'AIRFLOW_CONFIG' not in os.environ:
return os.path.join(airflow_home, 'airflow.cfg')
return expand_env_var(os.environ['AIRFLOW_CONFIG'])
# Setting AIRFLOW_HOME and AIRFLOW_CONFIG from environment variables, using
# "~/airflow" and "$AIRFLOW_HOME/airflow.cfg" respectively as defaults.
AIRFLOW_HOME = get_airflow_home()
AIRFLOW_CONFIG = get_airflow_config(AIRFLOW_HOME)
pathlib.Path(AIRFLOW_HOME).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Set up dags folder for unit tests
# this directory won't exist if users install via pip
_TEST_DAGS_FOLDER = os.path.join(
if os.path.exists(_TEST_DAGS_FOLDER):
TEST_DAGS_FOLDER = os.path.join(AIRFLOW_HOME, 'dags')
# Set up plugins folder for unit tests
_TEST_PLUGINS_FOLDER = os.path.join(
if os.path.exists(_TEST_PLUGINS_FOLDER):
TEST_PLUGINS_FOLDER = os.path.join(AIRFLOW_HOME, 'plugins')
def parameterized_config(template):
Generates a configuration from the provided template + variables defined in
current scope
:param template: a config content templated with {{variables}}
all_vars = {k: v for d in [globals(), locals()] for k, v in d.items()}
return template.format(**all_vars)
def get_airflow_test_config(airflow_home):
if 'AIRFLOW_TEST_CONFIG' not in os.environ:
return os.path.join(airflow_home, 'unittests.cfg')
return expand_env_var(os.environ['AIRFLOW_TEST_CONFIG'])
TEST_CONFIG_FILE = get_airflow_test_config(AIRFLOW_HOME)
# only generate a Fernet key if we need to create a new config file
if not os.path.isfile(TEST_CONFIG_FILE) or not os.path.isfile(AIRFLOW_CONFIG):
FERNET_KEY = Fernet.generate_key().decode()
SECRET_KEY = b64encode(os.urandom(16)).decode('utf-8')
'# ----------------------- TEMPLATE BEGINS HERE -----------------------')
if not os.path.isfile(TEST_CONFIG_FILE):
'Creating new Airflow config file for unit tests in: %s', TEST_CONFIG_FILE
with open(TEST_CONFIG_FILE, 'w') as file:
cfg = parameterized_config(TEST_CONFIG)
if not os.path.isfile(AIRFLOW_CONFIG):
'Creating new Airflow config file in: %s',
with open(AIRFLOW_CONFIG, 'w') as file:
cfg = parameterized_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG)
cfg = cfg.split(TEMPLATE_START)[-1].strip()
file.write(cfg)"Reading the config from %s", AIRFLOW_CONFIG)
conf = AirflowConfigParser(default_config=parameterized_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG))
if conf.has_option('core', 'AIRFLOW_HOME'):
msg = (
'Specifying both AIRFLOW_HOME environment variable and airflow_home '
'in the config file is deprecated. Please use only the AIRFLOW_HOME '
'environment variable and remove the config file entry.'
if 'AIRFLOW_HOME' in os.environ:
warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning)
elif conf.get('core', 'airflow_home') == AIRFLOW_HOME:
'Specifying airflow_home in the config file is deprecated. As you '
'have left it at the default value you should remove the setting '
'from your airflow.cfg and suffer no change in behaviour.',
AIRFLOW_HOME = conf.get('core', 'airflow_home')
warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning)
if not os.path.isfile(WEBSERVER_CONFIG):'Creating new FAB webserver config file in: %s', WEBSERVER_CONFIG)
DEFAULT_WEBSERVER_CONFIG = _read_default_config_file('')
with open(WEBSERVER_CONFIG, 'w') as file:
if conf.getboolean('core', 'unit_test_mode'):
# Historical convenience functions to access config entries
load_test_config = conf.load_test_config
get = conf.get
getboolean = conf.getboolean
getfloat = conf.getfloat
getint = conf.getint
getsection = conf.getsection
has_option = conf.has_option
remove_option = conf.remove_option
as_dict = conf.as_dict
set = conf.set # noqa
for func in [load_test_config, get, getboolean, getfloat, getint, has_option,
remove_option, as_dict, set]:
"Accessing configuration method '{f.__name__}' directly from "
"the configuration module is deprecated. Please access the "
"configuration from the 'configuration.conf' object via "