blob: c0608c98095b28497246691d06160d39b485c865 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python-nvd3 is a Python wrapper for NVD3 graph library.
NVD3 is an attempt to build re-usable charts and chart components
for d3.js without taking away the power that d3.js gives you.
Project location :
from optparse import OptionParser
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
from airflow._vendor.slugify import slugify
import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
import json
CONTENT_FILENAME = "./content.html"
PAGE_FILENAME = "./page.html"
pl = PackageLoader('airflow._vendor.nvd3', 'templates')
jinja2_env = Environment(lstrip_blocks=True, trim_blocks=True, loader=pl)
template_content = jinja2_env.get_template(CONTENT_FILENAME)
template_page = jinja2_env.get_template(PAGE_FILENAME)
def stab(tab=1):
create space tabulation
return ' ' * 4 * tab
class NVD3Chart(object):
NVD3Chart Base class.
#: chart count
count = 0
#: directory holding the assets (bower_components)
assets_directory = './bower_components/'
# this attribute is overriden by children of this
# class
template_environment = Environment(lstrip_blocks=True, trim_blocks=True,
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
This is the base class for all the charts. The following keywords are
:keyword: **display_container** - default: ``True``
:keyword: **jquery_on_ready** - default: ``False``
:keyword: **charttooltip_dateformat** - default: ``'%d %b %Y'``
:keyword: **name** - default: the class name
``model`` - set the model (e.g. ``pieChart``, `
``LineWithFocusChart``, ``MultiBarChart``).
:keyword: **color_category** - default - ``None``
:keyword: **color_list** - default - ``None``
used by pieChart (e.g. ``['red', 'blue', 'orange']``)
:keyword: **margin_bottom** - default - ``20``
:keyword: **margin_left** - default - ``60``
:keyword: **margin_right** - default - ``60``
:keyword: **margin_top** - default - ``30``
:keyword: **height** - default - ``''``
:keyword: **width** - default - ``''``
:keyword: **stacked** - default - ``False``
:keyword: **focus_enable** - default - ``False``
:keyword: **resize** - define - ``False``
:keyword: **show_legend** - default - ``True``
:keyword: **show_labels** - default - ``True``
:keyword: **tag_script_js** - default - ``True``
:keyword: **use_interactive_guideline** - default - ``False``
:keyword: **chart_attr** - default - ``None``
:keyword: **extras** - default - ``None``
Extra chart modifiers. Use this to modify different attributes of
the chart.
:keyword: **x_axis_date** - default - False
Signal that x axis is a date axis
:keyword: **date_format** - default - ``%x``
:keyword: **x_axis_format** - default - ``''``.
:keyword: **y_axis_format** - default - ``''``.
:keyword: **style** - default - ``''``
Style modifiers for the DIV container.
:keyword: **color_category** - default - ``category10``
Acceptable values are nvd3 categories such as
``category10``, ``category20``, ``category20c``.
# set the model
self.model = self.__class__.__name__ #: The chart model,
#: an Instance of Jinja2 template
self.template_page_nvd3 = template_page
self.template_content_nvd3 = template_content
self.series = []
self.axislist = {}
# accepted keywords
self.display_container = kwargs.get('display_container', True)
self.charttooltip_dateformat = kwargs.get('charttooltip_dateformat',
'%d %b %Y')
self._slugify_name(kwargs.get('name', self.model))
self.jquery_on_ready = kwargs.get('jquery_on_ready', False)
self.color_category = kwargs.get('color_category', None)
self.color_list = kwargs.get('color_list', None)
self.margin_bottom = kwargs.get('margin_bottom', 20)
self.margin_left = kwargs.get('margin_left', 60)
self.margin_right = kwargs.get('margin_right', 60)
self.margin_top = kwargs.get('margin_top', 30)
self.height = kwargs.get('height', '')
self.width = kwargs.get('width', '')
self.stacked = kwargs.get('stacked', False)
self.focus_enable = kwargs.get('focus_enable', False)
self.resize = kwargs.get('resize', False)
self.show_legend = kwargs.get('show_legend', True)
self.show_labels = kwargs.get('show_labels', True)
self.tag_script_js = kwargs.get('tag_script_js', True)
self.use_interactive_guideline = kwargs.get("use_interactive_guideline",
self.chart_attr = kwargs.get("chart_attr", {})
self.extras = kwargs.get('extras', None) = kwargs.get('style', '')
self.date_format = kwargs.get('date_format', '%x')
self.x_axis_date = kwargs.get('x_axis_date', False)
#: x-axis contain date format or not
# possible duplicate of x_axis_date
self.date_flag = kwargs.get('date_flag', False)
self.x_axis_format = kwargs.get('x_axis_format', '')
# Load remote JS assets or use the local bower assets?
self.remote_js_assets = kwargs.get('remote_js_assets', True)
# None keywords attribute that should be modified by methods
# We should change all these to _attr
self.htmlcontent = '' #: written by buildhtml
self.htmlheader = ''
#: Place holder for the graph (the HTML div)
#: Written by ``buildcontainer``
self.container = ''
#: Header for javascript code
self.containerheader = ''
# CDN needs to make sure it's up to
# date
self.header_css = [
'<link href="%s" rel="stylesheet" />' % h for h in
'' if self.remote_js_assets else self.assets_directory + 'nvd3/src/nv.d3.css',
self.header_js = [
'<script src="%s"></script>' % h for h in
'' if self.remote_js_assets else self.assets_directory + 'd3/d3.min.js',
'' if self.remote_js_assets else self.assets_directory + 'nvd3/nv.d3.min.js'
#: Javascript code as string
self.jschart = None
self.custom_tooltip_flag = False
self.tooltip_condition_string = ''
self.charttooltip = ''
self.serie_no = 1
def _slugify_name(self, name):
"""Slufigy name with underscore""" = slugify(name, separator='_')
def add_serie(self, y, x, name=None, extra=None, **kwargs):
add serie - Series are list of data that will be plotted
y {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} / x {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
* ``name`` - set Serie name
* ``x`` - x-axis data
* ``y`` - y-axis data
* ``shape`` - for scatterChart, you can set different shapes
(circle, triangle etc...)
* ``size`` - for scatterChart, you can set size of different shapes
* ``type`` - for multiChart, type should be bar
* ``bar`` - to display bars in Chart
* ``color_list`` - define list of colors which will be
used by pieChart
* ``color`` - set axis color
* ``disabled`` -
* ``tooltip`` - set tooltip flag
* ``date_format`` - set date_format for tooltip if x-axis is in
date format
if not name:
name = "Serie %d" % (self.serie_no)
# For scatterChart shape & size fields are added in serie
if 'shape' in kwargs or 'size' in kwargs:
csize = kwargs.get('size', 1)
cshape = kwargs.get('shape', 'circle')
serie = [{
'x': x[i],
'y': j,
'shape': cshape,
'size': csize[i] if isinstance(csize, list) else csize
} for i, j in enumerate(y)]
if self.model == 'pieChart':
serie = [{'label': x[i], 'value': y} for i, y in enumerate(y)]
serie = [{'x': x[i], 'y': y} for i, y in enumerate(y)]
data_keyvalue = {'values': serie, 'key': name}
# multiChart
# Histogram type='bar' for the series
if 'type' in kwargs and kwargs['type']:
data_keyvalue['type'] = kwargs['type']
# Define on which Y axis the serie is related
# a chart can have 2 Y axis, left and right, by default only one Y Axis is used
if 'yaxis' in kwargs and kwargs['yaxis']:
data_keyvalue['yAxis'] = kwargs['yaxis']
if self.model != 'pieChart':
data_keyvalue['yAxis'] = '1'
if 'bar' in kwargs and kwargs['bar']:
data_keyvalue['bar'] = 'true'
if 'disabled' in kwargs and kwargs['disabled']:
data_keyvalue['disabled'] = 'true'
if 'color' in kwargs and kwargs['color']:
data_keyvalue['color'] = kwargs['color']
if extra:
if self.model == 'pieChart':
if 'color_list' in extra and extra['color_list']:
self.color_list = extra['color_list']
if extra.get('date_format'):
self.charttooltip_dateformat = extra['date_format']
if extra.get('tooltip'):
self.custom_tooltip_flag = True
if self.model != 'pieChart':
_start = extra['tooltip']['y_start']
_end = extra['tooltip']['y_end']
_start = ("'" + str(_start) + "' + ") if _start else ''
_end = (" + '" + str(_end) + "'") if _end else ''
if self.model == 'linePlusBarChart':
if self.tooltip_condition_string:
self.tooltip_condition_string += stab(5)
self.tooltip_condition_string += stab(0) + "if(key.indexOf('" + name + "') > -1 ){\n" +\
stab(6) + "var y = " + _start + " String(graph.point.y) " + _end + ";\n" +\
stab(5) + "}\n"
elif self.model == 'cumulativeLineChart':
self.tooltip_condition_string += stab(0) + "if(key == '" + name + "'){\n" +\
stab(6) + "var y = " + _start + " String(e) " + _end + ";\n" +\
stab(5) + "}\n"
self.tooltip_condition_string += stab(5) + "if(key == '" + name + "'){\n" +\
stab(6) + "var y = " + _start + " String(graph.point.y) " + _end + ";\n" +\
stab(5) + "}\n"
if self.model == 'pieChart':
_start = extra['tooltip']['y_start']
_end = extra['tooltip']['y_end']
_start = ("'" + str(_start) + "' + ") if _start else ''
_end = (" + '" + str(_end) + "'") if _end else ''
self.tooltip_condition_string += "var y = " + _start + " String(y) " + _end + ";\n"
# Increment series counter & append
self.serie_no += 1
def add_chart_extras(self, extras):
Use this method to add extra d3 properties to your chart.
For example, you want to change the text color of the graph::
chart = pieChart(name='pieChart', color_category='category20c', height=400, width=400)
xdata = ["Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Kiwi", "Apple", "Strawberry", "Pineapple"]
ydata = [3, 4, 0, 1, 5, 7, 3]
extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " cal"}}
chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie)
The above code will create graph with a black text, the following will change it::
text_white="d3.selectAll('#pieChart text').style('fill', 'white');"
The above extras will be appended to the java script generated.
Alternatively, you can use the following initialization::
chart = pieChart(name='pieChart',
height=400, width=400,
self.extras = extras
def set_graph_height(self, height):
"""Set Graph height"""
self.height = str(height)
def set_graph_width(self, width):
"""Set Graph width"""
self.width = str(width)
def set_containerheader(self, containerheader):
"""Set containerheader"""
self.containerheader = containerheader
def set_date_flag(self, date_flag=False):
"""Set date flag"""
self.date_flag = date_flag
def set_custom_tooltip_flag(self, custom_tooltip_flag):
"""Set custom_tooltip_flag & date_flag"""
self.custom_tooltip_flag = custom_tooltip_flag
def __str__(self):
"""return htmlcontent"""
return self.htmlcontent
def buildcontent(self):
"""Build HTML content only, no header or body tags. To be useful this
will usually require the attribute `juqery_on_ready` to be set which
will wrap the js in $(function(){<regular_js>};)
# if the subclass has a method buildjs this method will be
# called instead of the method defined here
# when this subclass method is entered it does call
# the method buildjschart defined here
self.htmlcontent = self.template_content_nvd3.render(chart=self)
def buildhtml(self):
"""Build the HTML page
Create the htmlheader with css / js
Create html page
Add Js code for nvd3
self.content = self.htmlcontent
self.htmlcontent = self.template_page_nvd3.render(chart=self)
# this is used by django-nvd3
def buildhtmlheader(self):
"""generate HTML header content"""
self.htmlheader = ''
# If the JavaScript assets have already been injected, don't bother re-sourcing them.
global _js_initialized
if '_js_initialized' not in globals() or not _js_initialized:
for css in self.header_css:
self.htmlheader += css
for js in self.header_js:
self.htmlheader += js
def buildcontainer(self):
"""generate HTML div"""
if self.container:
# Create SVG div with style
if self.width:
if self.width[-1] != '%': += 'width:%spx;' % self.width
else: += 'width:%s;' % self.width
if self.height:
if self.height[-1] != '%': += 'height:%spx;' % self.height
else: += 'height:%s;' % self.height
if = 'style="%s"' %
self.container = self.containerheader + \
'<div id="%s"><svg %s></svg></div>\n' % (,
def buildjschart(self):
"""generate javascript code for the chart"""
self.jschart = ''
# add custom tooltip string in jschart
# default condition (if build_custom_tooltip is not called explicitly with date_flag=True)
if self.tooltip_condition_string == '':
self.tooltip_condition_string = 'var y = String(graph.point.y);\n'
# Include data
self.series_js = json.dumps(self.series)
def create_x_axis(self, name, label=None, format=None, date=False, custom_format=False):
"""Create X-axis"""
axis = {}
if custom_format and format:
axis['tickFormat'] = format
elif format:
if format == 'AM_PM':
axis['tickFormat'] = "function(d) { return get_am_pm(parseInt(d)); }"
axis['tickFormat'] = "d3.format(',%s')" % format
if label:
axis['axisLabel'] = "'" + label + "'"
# date format : see
if date:
self.dateformat = format
axis['tickFormat'] = ("function(d) { return d3.time.format('%s')"
"(new Date(parseInt(d))) }\n"
"" % self.dateformat)
# flag is the x Axis is a date
if name[0] == 'x':
self.x_axis_date = True
# Add new axis to list of axis
self.axislist[name] = axis
# Create x2Axis if focus_enable
if name == "xAxis" and self.focus_enable:
self.axislist['x2Axis'] = axis
def create_y_axis(self, name, label=None, format=None, custom_format=False):
Create Y-axis
axis = {}
if custom_format and format:
axis['tickFormat'] = format
elif format:
axis['tickFormat'] = "d3.format(',%s')" % format
if label:
axis['axisLabel'] = "'" + label + "'"
# Add new axis to list of axis
self.axislist[name] = axis
class TemplateMixin(object):
A mixin that override buildcontent. Instead of building the complex
content template we exploit Jinja2 inheritance. Thus each chart class
renders it's own chart template which inherits from content.html
def buildcontent(self):
"""Build HTML content only, no header or body tags. To be useful this
will usually require the attribute `juqery_on_ready` to be set which
will wrap the js in $(function(){<regular_js>};)
# if the subclass has a method buildjs this method will be
# called instead of the method defined here
# when this subclass method is entered it does call
# the method buildjschart defined here
self.htmlcontent = self.template_chart_nvd3.render(chart=self)
def _main():
Parse options and process commands
# Parse arguments
usage = "usage: [options]"
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage,
version=("python-nvd3 - Charts generator with "
"nvd3.js and d3.js"))
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True,
help="don't print messages to stdout")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':