blob: 6335311fea40dc1200b3c424be3768100ec8a142 [file] [log] [blame]
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Please, only add notes to the Changelog just below the "Changelog" header when there are some breaking changes
and you want to add an explanation to the users on how they are supposed to deal with them.
The changelog is updated and maintained semi-automatically by release manager.
.. note::
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.4+ as explained in the
`Apache Airflow providers support policy <>`_.
* ``Bump minimum Airflow version in providers (#30917)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Add full automation for min Airflow version for providers (#30994)``
* ``Update documentation for snowflake provider 4.0 breaking change (#30020)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Add mechanism to suspend providers (#30422)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Fix missing parens for files parameter (#29437)``
Bug Fixes
* ``provide missing connection to the parent class operator (#29211)``
* ``Snowflake Provider - hide host from UI (#29208)``
Breaking changes
.. note::
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.3+ as explained in the
`Apache Airflow providers support policy <>`_.
The ``SnowflakeHook`` is now conforming to the same semantics as all the other ``DBApiHook``
implementations and returns the same kind of response in its ``run`` method. Previously (pre 4.* versions
of the provider, the Hook returned Dictionary of ``{ "column": "value" ... }`` which was not compatible
with other DBApiHooks that return just sequence of sequences. After this change (and dependency
on common.sql >= 1.3.1),the ``SnowflakeHook`` returns now python DbApi-compatible "results" by default.
The ``description`` (i.e. among others names and types of columns returned) can be retrieved
via ``descriptions`` and ``last_description`` fields of the hook after ``run`` method completes.
That makes the ``DatabricksSqlHook`` suitable for generic SQL operator and detailed lineage analysis.
If you had custom hooks or used the Hook in your TaskFlow code or custom operators that relied on this
behaviour, you need to adapt your DAGs or you can switch back the ``SnowflakeHook`` to return dictionaries
by passing ``return_dictionaries=True`` to the run method of the hook.
The ``SnowflakeOperator`` is also more standard and derives from common
``SQLExecuteQueryOperator`` and uses more consistent approach to process output when SQL queries are run.
However in this case the result returned by ``execute`` method is unchanged (it still returns Dictionaries
rather than sequences and those dictionaries are pushed to XCom, so your DAGs relying on this behaviour
should continue working without any change.
UPDATE: One of the unmentioned, breaking changes in the operator in 4.0 line was to switch autocommit to
False by default. While not very friendly to the users, it was a side effect of unifying the interface
with other SQL operators and we released it to the users, so switching it back again would cause even more
confusion. You should manually add autocommit=True to your SnowflakeOperator if you want to continue using
it and expect autocommit to work, but even better, you should switch to SQLExecuteQueryOperator.
In SnowflakeHook, if both ``extra__snowflake__foo`` and ``foo`` existed in connection extra
dict, the prefixed version would be used; now, the non-prefixed version will be preferred.
The ``4.0.0`` and ``4.0.1`` versions have been broken and yanked, so the 4.0.2 is the first change from the
``4.*`` line that should be used.
* ``Fix wrapping of run() method result of exasol and snowflake DB hooks (#27997)``
* ``Make Snowflake Hook conform to semantics of DBApi (#28006)``
.. warning::
This version is yanked, as it contained problems when interacting with common.sql provider. Please install
a version released afterwards.
Bug Fixes
* ``Fix errors in Databricks SQL operator introduced when refactoring (#27854)``
* ``Bump common.sql provider to 1.3.1 (#27888)``
* ``Fixing the behaviours of SQL Hooks and Operators finally (#27912)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Prepare for follow-up release for November providers (#27774)``
.. warning::
This version is yanked, as it contained problems when interacting with common.sql provider. Please install
a version released afterwards.
* ``Update snowflake hook to not use extra prefix (#26764)``
* ``Move min airflow version to 2.3.0 for all providers (#27196)``
* ``Add SQLExecuteQueryOperator (#25717)``
Bug fixes
* ``Use unused SQLCheckOperator.parameters in SQLCheckOperator.execute. (#27599)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Enable string normalization in python formatting - providers (#27205)``
* ``Add custom handler param in SnowflakeOperator (#25983)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Fix wrong deprecation warning for 'S3ToSnowflakeOperator' (#26047)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Apply PEP-563 (Postponed Evaluation of Annotations) to non-core airflow (#26289)``
* ``copy into snowflake from external stage (#25541)``
* ``Move all "old" SQL operators to common.sql providers (#25350)``
* ``Unify method with the methods which override it (#23971)``
* ``Adding generic 'SqlToSlackOperator' (#24663)``
* ``Move all SQL classes to common-sql provider (#24836)``
* ``Pattern parameter in S3ToSnowflakeOperator (#24571)``
Bug Fixes
* ``S3ToSnowflakeOperator: escape single quote in s3_keys (#24607)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Move provider dependencies to inside provider folders (#24672)``
* ``Remove 'hook-class-names' from provider.yaml (#24702)``
Breaking changes
.. note::
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.2+ as explained in the
`Apache Airflow providers support policy <>`_.
Bug Fixes
* ``Fix error when SnowflakeHook take empty list in 'sql' param (#23767)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Migrate Snowflake system tests to new design #22434 (#24151)``
* ``Add explanatory note for contributors about updating Changelog (#24229)``
* ``Prepare docs for May 2022 provider's release (#24231)``
* ``Update package description to remove double min-airflow specification (#24292)``
* ``Allow multiline text in private key field for Snowflake (#23066)``
* ``Add support for private key in connection for Snowflake (#22266)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Fix mistakenly added install_requires for all providers (#22382)``
* ``Remove Snowflake limits (#22181)``
* ``Support for Python 3.10``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Add more SQL template fields renderers (#21237)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Fix #21096: Support boolean in extra__snowflake__insecure_mode (#21155)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Add optional features in providers. (#21074)``
* ``Remove ':type' lines now sphinx-autoapi supports typehints (#20951)``
* ``Snowflake Provider: Improve tests for Snowflake Hook (#20745)``
* ``Add documentation for January 2021 providers release (#21257)``
* ``Support insecure mode in SnowflakeHook (#20106)``
* ``Remove unused code in SnowflakeHook (#20107)``
* ``Improvements for 'SnowflakeHook.get_sqlalchemy_engine' (#20509)``
* ``Exclude snowflake-sqlalchemy v1.2.5 (#20245)``
* ``Limit Snowflake connector to <2.7.2 (#20395)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Fix MyPy Errors for Snowflake provider. (#20212)``
* ``Use typed Context EVERYWHERE (#20565)``
* ``Fix template_fields type to have MyPy friendly Sequence type (#20571)``
* ``Even more typing in operators (template_fields/ext) (#20608)``
* ``Update documentation for provider December 2021 release (#20523)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Remove duplicate get_connection in SnowflakeHook (#19543)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Add test_connection method for Snowflake Hook (#19041)``
* ``Add region to Snowflake URI. (#18650)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Moving the example tag a little bit up to include the part where you specify the snowflake_conn_id (#19180)``
* ``Add Snowflake operators based on SQL Checks (#17741)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Static start_date and default arg cleanup for misc. provider example DAGs (#18597)``
* ``Optimise connection importing for Airflow 2.2.0``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Update description about the new ''connection-types'' provider meta-data (#17767)``
* ``Fix messed-up changelog in 3 providers (#17380)``
* ``Import Hooks lazily individually in providers manager (#17682)``
* ``Adding: Snowflake Role in snowflake provider hook (#16735)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Logging and returning info about query execution SnowflakeHook (#15736)``
* ``Removes pylint from our toolchain (#16682)``
* ``Prepare documentation for July release of providers. (#17015)``
* ``Fixed wrongly escaped characters in amazon's changelog (#17020)``
* ``Remove/refactor default_args pattern for miscellaneous providers (#16872)``
Breaking changes
* ``Auto-apply apply_default decorator (#15667)``
.. warning:: Due to apply_default decorator removal, this version of the provider requires Airflow 2.1.0+.
If your Airflow version is < 2.1.0, and you want to install this provider version, first upgrade
Airflow to at least version 2.1.0. Otherwise your Airflow package version will be upgraded
automatically and you will have to manually run ``airflow upgrade db`` to complete the migration.
* ``Add 'template_fields' to 'S3ToSnowflake' operator (#15926)``
* ``Allow S3ToSnowflakeOperator to omit schema (#15817)``
* ``Added ability for Snowflake to attribute usage to Airflow by adding an application parameter (#16420)``
Bug Fixes
* ``fix: restore parameters support when sql passed to SnowflakeHook as str (#16102)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Updated documentation for June 2021 provider release (#16294)``
* ``Fix formatting and missing import (#16455)``
* ``More documentation update for June providers release (#16405)``
* ``Synchronizes updated changelog after buggfix release (#16464)``
* ``Expose snowflake query_id in snowflake hook and operator (#15533)``
* ``Add dynamic fields to snowflake connection (#14724)``
Bug fixes
* ``Corrections in docs and tools after releasing provider RCs (#14082)``
* ``Prepare to release the next wave of providers: (#14487)``
Updated documentation and readme files.
* ``Fix S3ToSnowflakeOperator to support uploading all files in the specified stage (#12505)``
* ``Add connection arguments in S3ToSnowflakeOperator (#12564)``
Initial version of the provider.