blob: 899f874821e9f695c26206db488ce4886a725dac [file] [log] [blame]
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.. _write-logs-gcp:
Writing logs to Google Cloud Storage
Remote logging to Google Cloud Storage uses an existing Airflow connection to read or write logs. If you
don't have a connection properly setup, this process will fail.
Follow the steps below to enable Google Cloud Storage logging.
To enable this feature, ``airflow.cfg`` must be configured as in this
.. code-block:: ini
# Airflow can store logs remotely in AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage or Elastic Search.
# Users must supply an Airflow connection id that provides access to the storage
# location. If remote_logging is set to true, see for additional
# configuration requirements.
remote_logging = True
remote_base_log_folder = gs://my-bucket/path/to/logs
#. By default Application Default Credentials are used to obtain credentials. You can also
set ``google_key_path`` option in ``[logging]`` section, if you want to use your own service account.
#. Make sure with those credentials, you can read and write access to the Google Cloud Storage bucket defined above in ``remote_base_log_folder``.
#. Install the ``google`` package, like so: ``pip install 'apache-airflow[google]'``.
#. Restart the Airflow webserver and scheduler, and trigger (or wait for) a new task execution.
#. Verify that logs are showing up for newly executed tasks in the bucket you have defined.
#. Verify that the Google Cloud Storage viewer is working in the UI. Pull up a newly executed task, and verify that you see something like:
.. code-block:: none
*** Reading remote log from gs://<bucket where logs should be persisted>/example_bash_operator/run_this_last/2017-10-03T00:00:00/16.log.
[2017-10-03 21:57:50,056] {} INFO - Running on host chrisr-00532
[2017-10-03 21:57:50,093] {} INFO - Running: ['bash', '-c', 'airflow tasks run example_bash_operator run_this_last 2017-10-03T00:00:00 --job-id 47 --raw -S DAGS_FOLDER/example_dags/']
[2017-10-03 21:57:51,264] {} INFO - Subtask: [2017-10-03 21:57:51,263] {} INFO - Using executor SequentialExecutor
[2017-10-03 21:57:51,306] {} INFO - Subtask: [2017-10-03 21:57:51,306] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /airflow/dags/example_dags/
**Note** that the path to the remote log file is listed on the first line.
The value of field ``remote_logging`` must always be set to ``True`` for this feature to work.
Turning this option off will result in data not being sent to GCS.
The ``remote_base_log_folder`` option contains the URL that specifies the type of handler to be used.
For integration with GCS, this option should start with ``gs://``.
The path section of the URL specifies the bucket and prefix for the log objects in GCS ``gs://my-bucket/path/to/logs`` writes
logs in ``my-bucket`` with ``path/to/logs`` prefix.
You can set ``google_key_path`` option in the ``[logging]`` section to specify the path to `the service
account key file <>`__.
If omitted, authentication and authorization based on `the Application Default Credentials
<>`__ will
be used. Make sure that with those credentials, you can read and write the logs.
.. note::
The above credentials are NOT the same credentials that you configure with ``google_cloud_default`` Connection.
They should usually be different than the ``google_cloud_default`` ones, having only capability to read and write
the logs. For security reasons, limiting the access of the log reader to only allow log reading and writing is
an important security measure.