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.. _howto/connection:gcp:
Google Cloud Connection
The Google Cloud connection type enables the Google Cloud Integrations.
Authenticating to Google Cloud
There are two ways to connect to Google Cloud using Airflow.
1. Using a `Application Default Credentials
2. Using a `service account
<>`_ by specifying a key file in JSON format.
Key can be specified as a path to the key file (``Keyfile Path``), as a key payload (``Keyfile JSON``)
or as secret in Secret Manager (``Keyfile secret name``). Only one way of defining the key can be used at a time.
If you need to manage multiple keys then you should configure multiple connections.
.. warning:: Additional permissions might be needed
Connection which uses key from the Secret Manager requires that `Application Default Credentials
<>`_ (ADC)
have permission to access payloads of secrets.
.. note:: Alternative way of storing connections
Besides storing only key in Secret Manager there is an option for storing entire connection.
For more details take a look at :ref:`Google Secret Manager Backend <google_cloud_secret_manager_backend>`.
Default Connection IDs
All hooks and operators related to Google Cloud use ``google_cloud_default`` by default.
Note On Application Default Credentials
Application Default Credentials are inferred by the GCE metadata server when running
Airflow on Google Compute Engine or the GKE metadata server
when running on GKE which allows mapping Kubernetes Service Accounts to GCP service accounts
`Workload Identity
This can be useful when managing minimum permissions for multiple Airflow instances on a single GKE cluster which
each have a different IAM footprint. Simply assign KSAs for your worker / webserver deployments and workload identity
will map them to separate GCP Service Accounts (rather than sharing a cluster-level GCE service account).
From a security perspective it has the benefit of not storing Google Service Account
keys on disk nor in the Airflow database, making it impossible
to leak the sensitive long lived credential key material.
From an Airflow perspective Application Default Credentials can be used for
a connection by specifying an empty URI.
For example:
.. code-block:: bash
export AIRFLOW_CONN_GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT='google-cloud-platform://'
Configuring the Connection
Project Id (optional)
The Google Cloud project ID to connect to. It is used as default project id by operators using it and
can usually be overridden at the operator level.
Keyfile Path
Path to a `service account
<>`_ key
file (JSON format) on disk.
Not required if using application default credentials.
Keyfile JSON
Contents of a `service account
<>`_ key
file (JSON format) on disk.
Not required if using application default credentials.
Secret name which holds Keyfile JSON
Name of the secret in Secret Manager which contains a `service account
<>`_ key.
Not required if using application default credentials.
Scopes (comma separated)
A list of comma-separated `Google Cloud scopes
<>`_ to
authenticate with.
Number of Retries
Integer, number of times to retry with randomized
exponential backoff. If all retries fail, the :class:`googleapiclient.errors.HttpError`
represents the last request. If zero (default), we attempt the
request only once.
When specifying the connection in environment variable you should specify
it using URI syntax, with the following requirements:
* scheme part should be equals ``google-cloud-platform`` (Note: look for a
hyphen character)
* authority (username, password, host, port), path is ignored
* query parameters contains information specific to this type of
connection. The following keys are accepted:
* ``project`` - Project Id
* ``key_path`` - Keyfile Path
* ``keyfile_dict`` - Keyfile JSON
* ``key_secret_name`` - Secret name which holds Keyfile JSON
* ``key_secret_project_id`` - Project Id which holds Keyfile JSON
* ``scope`` - Scopes
* ``num_retries`` - Number of Retries
Note that all components of the URI should be URL-encoded.
For example, with URI format:
.. code-block:: bash
export AIRFLOW_CONN_GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT='google-cloud-platform://?key_path=%2Fkeys%2Fkey.json&'
And using JSON format:
.. code-block:: bash
export AIRFLOW_CONN_GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT='{"conn_type": "google-cloud-platform", "key_path": "/keys/key.json", "scope": "", "project": "airflow", "num_retries": 5}'
.. _howto/connection:gcp:impersonation:
Direct impersonation of a service account
Google operators support `direct impersonation of a service account
via ``impersonation_chain`` argument (``google_impersonation_chain`` in case of operators
that also communicate with services of other cloud providers).
For example:
.. code-block:: python
import os
from import (
create_dataset = BigQueryCreateEmptyDatasetOperator(
In order for this example to work, the account ``impersonated_account`` must grant the
``Service Account Token Creator`` IAM role to the service account specified in the
``google_cloud_default`` Connection. This will allow to generate ``impersonated_account``'s
access token, which will allow to act on its behalf using its permissions. ``impersonated_account``
does not even need to have a generated key.
.. warning::
:class:`` and
do not support direct impersonation as of now.
In case of operators that connect to multiple Google services, all hooks use the same value of
``impersonation_chain`` (if applicable). You can also impersonate accounts from projects
other than the project of the originating account. In that case, the project id of the impersonated
account will be used as the default project id in operator's logic, unless you have explicitly
specified the Project Id in Connection's configuration or in operator's arguments.
Impersonation can also be used in chain: if the service account specified in Connection has
``Service Account Token Creator`` role granted on account A, and account A has this role on account
B, then we are able to impersonate account B.
For example, with the following ``terraform`` setup...
.. code-block:: terraform
terraform {
required_version = "> 0.11.14"
provider "google" {
variable "project_id" {
type = "string"
resource "google_service_account" "sa_1" {
account_id = "impersonation-chain-1"
project = "${var.project_id}"
resource "google_service_account" "sa_2" {
account_id = "impersonation-chain-2"
project = "${var.project_id}"
resource "google_service_account" "sa_3" {
account_id = "impersonation-chain-3"
project = "${var.project_id}"
resource "google_service_account" "sa_4" {
account_id = "impersonation-chain-4"
project = "${var.project_id}"
resource "google_service_account_iam_member" "sa_4_member" {
service_account_id = "${}"
role = "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator"
member = "serviceAccount:${}"
resource "google_service_account_iam_member" "sa_3_member" {
service_account_id = "${}"
role = "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator"
member = "serviceAccount:${}"
resource "google_service_account_iam_member" "sa_2_member" {
service_account_id = "${}"
role = "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator"
member = "serviceAccount:${}"
...we should configure Airflow Connection to use ``impersonation-chain-1`` account's key and provide
following value for ``impersonation_chain`` argument...
.. code-block:: python
PROJECT_ID = os.environ.get("TF_VAR_project_id", "your_project_id")
...then requests will be executed using ``impersonation-chain-4`` account's privileges.
Domain-wide delegation
Some Google operators, hooks and sensors support `domain-wide delegation <>`_, in addition to direct impersonation of a service account.
Delegation allows a user or service account to grant another service account the ability to act on their behalf.
This means that the user or service account that is delegating their permissions can continue to access and manage their own resources, while the delegated service account can also access and manage those resources.
For example:
.. code-block:: python
PROJECT_ID = os.environ.get("TF_VAR_project_id", "your_project_id")
"properties": {"title": "Test1"},
"sheets": [{"properties": {"title": "Sheet1"}}],
from import (
create_spreadsheet_operator = GoogleSheetsCreateSpreadsheetOperator(
Note that as domain-wide delegation is currently supported by most of the Google operators and hooks, its usage should be limited only to Google Workspace (gsuite) and marketing platform operators and hooks. It is deprecated in the following usages:
* All of Google Cloud operators and hooks.
* Firebase hooks.
* All transfer operators that involve Google cloud in different providers, for example: :class:``.