blob: 2711b56f752c2ca08c09a92270a581ed986c9f0d [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import datetime
import os
from typing import Optional, Union
from sqlalchemy import func
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.models import DagBag, DagModel, DagRun, TaskInstance
from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator
from airflow.sensors.base_sensor_operator import BaseSensorOperator
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults
from airflow.utils.session import provide_session
from airflow.utils.state import State
class ExternalTaskSensor(BaseSensorOperator):
Waits for a different DAG or a task in a different DAG to complete for a
specific execution_date
:param external_dag_id: The dag_id that contains the task you want to
wait for
:type external_dag_id: str
:param external_task_id: The task_id that contains the task you want to
wait for. If ``None`` (default value) the sensor waits for the DAG
:type external_task_id: str or None
:param allowed_states: list of allowed states, default is ``['success']``
:type allowed_states: list
:param execution_delta: time difference with the previous execution to
look at, the default is the same execution_date as the current task or DAG.
For yesterday, use [positive!] datetime.timedelta(days=1). Either
execution_delta or execution_date_fn can be passed to
ExternalTaskSensor, but not both.
:type execution_delta: Optional[datetime.timedelta]
:param execution_date_fn: function that receives the current execution date
and returns the desired execution dates to query. Either execution_delta
or execution_date_fn can be passed to ExternalTaskSensor, but not both.
:type execution_date_fn: Optional[Callable]
:param check_existence: Set to `True` to check if the external task exists (when
external_task_id is not None) or check if the DAG to wait for exists (when
external_task_id is None), and immediately cease waiting if the external task
or DAG does not exist (default value: False).
:type check_existence: bool
template_fields = ['external_dag_id', 'external_task_id']
ui_color = '#19647e'
def __init__(self,
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.allowed_states = allowed_states or [State.SUCCESS]
if external_task_id:
if not set(self.allowed_states) <= set(State.task_states):
raise ValueError(
'Valid values for `allowed_states` '
'when `external_task_id` is not `None`: {}'.format(State.task_states)
if not set(self.allowed_states) <= set(State.dag_states):
raise ValueError(
'Valid values for `allowed_states` '
'when `external_task_id` is `None`: {}'.format(State.dag_states)
if execution_delta is not None and execution_date_fn is not None:
raise ValueError(
'Only one of `execution_delta` or `execution_date_fn` may '
'be provided to ExternalTaskSensor; not both.')
self.execution_delta = execution_delta
self.execution_date_fn = execution_date_fn
self.external_dag_id = external_dag_id
self.external_task_id = external_task_id
self.check_existence = check_existence
# we only check the existence for the first time.
self.has_checked_existence = False
def poke(self, context, session=None):
if self.execution_delta:
dttm = context['execution_date'] - self.execution_delta
elif self.execution_date_fn:
dttm = self.execution_date_fn(context['execution_date'])
dttm = context['execution_date']
dttm_filter = dttm if isinstance(dttm, list) else [dttm]
serialized_dttm_filter = ','.join(
[datetime.isoformat() for datetime in dttm_filter])
'Poking for %s.%s on %s ... ',
self.external_dag_id, self.external_task_id, serialized_dttm_filter
DM = DagModel
TI = TaskInstance
DR = DagRun
# we only do the check for 1st time, no need for subsequent poke
if self.check_existence and not self.has_checked_existence:
dag_to_wait = session.query(DM).filter(
DM.dag_id == self.external_dag_id
if not dag_to_wait:
raise AirflowException('The external DAG '
'{} does not exist.'.format(self.external_dag_id))
if not os.path.exists(dag_to_wait.fileloc):
raise AirflowException('The external DAG '
'{} was deleted.'.format(self.external_dag_id))
if self.external_task_id:
refreshed_dag_info = DagBag(dag_to_wait.fileloc).get_dag(self.external_dag_id)
if not refreshed_dag_info.has_task(self.external_task_id):
raise AirflowException('The external task'
'{} in DAG {} does not exist.'.format(self.external_task_id,
self.has_checked_existence = True
if self.external_task_id:
# .count() is inefficient
count = session.query(func.count()).filter(
TI.dag_id == self.external_dag_id,
TI.task_id == self.external_task_id,
# .count() is inefficient
count = session.query(func.count()).filter(
DR.dag_id == self.external_dag_id,
return count == len(dttm_filter)
class ExternalTaskMarker(DummyOperator):
Use this operator to indicate that a task on a different DAG depends on this task.
When this task is cleared with "Recursive" selected, Airflow will clear the task on
the other DAG and its downstream tasks recursively. Transitive dependencies are followed
until the recursion_depth is reached.
:param external_dag_id: The dag_id that contains the dependent task that needs to be cleared.
:type external_dag_id: str
:param external_task_id: The task_id of the dependent task that needs to be cleared.
:type external_task_id: str
:param execution_date: The execution_date of the dependent task that needs to be cleared.
:type execution_date: str or datetime.datetime
:param recursion_depth: The maximum level of transitive dependencies allowed. Default is 10.
This is mostly used for preventing cyclic dependencies. It is fine to increase
this number if necessary. However, too many levels of transitive dependencies will make
it slower to clear tasks in the web UI.
template_fields = ['external_dag_id', 'external_task_id', 'execution_date']
ui_color = '#19647e'
def __init__(self,
execution_date: Optional[Union[str, datetime.datetime]] = "{{ execution_date.isoformat() }}",
recursion_depth: int = 10,
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.external_dag_id = external_dag_id
self.external_task_id = external_task_id
if isinstance(execution_date, datetime.datetime):
self.execution_date = execution_date.isoformat()
elif isinstance(execution_date, str):
self.execution_date = execution_date
raise TypeError('Expected str or datetime.datetime type for execution_date. Got {}'
if recursion_depth <= 0:
raise ValueError("recursion_depth should be a positive integer")
self.recursion_depth = recursion_depth