blob: ea5c7cef32fac829fd7d211d11d8255f690ef701 [file] [log] [blame]
.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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under the License.
Please, only add notes to the Changelog just below the "Changelog" header when there are some breaking changes
and you want to add an explanation to the users on how they are supposed to deal with them.
The changelog is updated and maintained semi-automatically by release manager.
* ``Use None instead of empty data structures when no ElasticSearch logs (#34793)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Prepare docs 3rd wave of Providers October 2023 - FIX (#35233)``
* ``Prepare docs 3rd wave of Providers October 2023 (#35187)``
* ``Pre-upgrade 'ruff==0.0.292' changes in providers (#35053)``
* ``D401 Support - Providers: DaskExecutor to Github (Inclusive) (#34935)``
.. note::
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.5+ as explained in the
`Apache Airflow providers support policy <>`_.
.. note::
In PR #34790 we removed the unused argument ``metadata`` from method ``es_read``. We determined that ``es_read``
is an internal method and therefore not subject to backcompat, so we did not bump major version for this provider.
In order to make clearer that this is an internal method we renamed it with an underscore prefix ``_es_read``.
* ``Bump min airflow version of providers (#34728)``
* ``Remove unused argument metadata from es_read and make clearly private (#34790)``
* ``Improve intelligibility of end_of_log determination (#34788)``
* ``Replace try/except/pass by contextlib.suppress in ElasticSearch provider (#34251)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Refactor: consolidate import time in providers (#34402)``
* ``Refactor shorter defaults in providers (#34347)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Make sure that only valid elasticsearch keys are passed to handler (#34119)``
* ``Replace sequence concatenation by unpacking in Airflow providers (#33933)``
* ``Improve modules import in Airflow providers by some of them into a type-checking block (#33754)``
* ``Use literal dict instead of calling dict() in providers (#33761)``
* ``remove unnecessary and rewrite it using list in providers (#33763)``
* ``Use f-string instead of in Airflow providers (#33752)``
.. note::
This release added support for elasticsearch 8
Bug Fixes
* ``Add backward compatibility for elasticsearch<8 (#33281)``
* ``Fix urlparse schemaless-behaviour on Python 3.9+ (#33289)``
* ``Upgrade Elasticsearch to 8 (#33135)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Replace strftime with f-strings where nicer (#33455)``
* ``D205 Support - Providers - Final Pass (#33303)``
.. note::
Upgrade to Elasticsearch 8. The ElasticsearchTaskHandler & ElasticsearchSQLHook will now use Elasticsearch 8 package.
As explained , Elasticsearch language clients are only backwards
compatible with default distributions and without guarantees made, we recommend upgrading the version of
Elasticsearch database to 8 to ensure compatibility with the language client.
Breaking changes
.. note::
Deprecate non-official elasticsearch libraries. Only the official elasticsearch library was used
* ``Deprecate the 2 non-official elasticsearch libraries (#31920)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Fix unsound type hint in ElasticsearchTaskHandler.es_read (#32509)``
* ``Fix Failing ES Remote Logging (#32438)``
.. Review and move the new changes to one of the sections above:
* ``D205 Support - Providers: Databricks to Github (inclusive) (#32243)``
* ``Improve provider documentation and README structure (#32125)``
* ``Remove spurious headers for provider changelogs (#32373)``
* ``Prepare docs for July 2023 wave of Providers (#32298)``
* ``Add deprecation info to the providers modules and classes docstring (#32536)``
* ``Prepare docs for July 2023 wave of Providers (RC2) (#32381)``
.. note::
This release dropped support for Python 3.7
* ``Remove Python 3.7 support (#30963)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Improve docstrings in providers (#31681)``
* ``Add D400 pydocstyle check - Providers (#31427)``
* ``Add note about dropping Python 3.7 for providers (#32015)``
.. note::
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.4+ as explained in the
`Apache Airflow providers support policy <>`_.
* ``Bump minimum Airflow version in providers (#30917)``
* ``Upper-bind elasticearch integration (#31255)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Use 'AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning' in providers (#30975)``
* ``Restore trigger logging (#29482)``
* ``Revert "Enable individual trigger logging (#27758)" (#29472)``
* ``Add full automation for min Airflow version for providers (#30994)``
* ``Add mechanism to suspend providers (#30422)``
* ``Use '__version__' in providers not 'version' (#31393)``
* ``Fixing circular import error in providers caused by airflow version check (#31379)``
* ``Prepare docs for May 2023 wave of Providers (#31252)``
* ``Enable individual trigger logging (#27758)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Allow nested attr in elasticsearch host_field (#28878)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Support restricted index patterns in Elasticsearch log handler (#23888)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Bump common.sql provider to 1.3.1 (#27888)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Prepare for follow-up release for November providers (#27774)``
.. note::
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.3+ as explained in the
`Apache Airflow providers support policy <>`_.
* ``Move min airflow version to 2.3.0 for all providers (#27196)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Update old style typing (#26872)``
* ``Enable string normalization in python formatting - providers (#27205)``
* ``Add common-sql lower bound for common-sql (#25789)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Apply PEP-563 (Postponed Evaluation of Annotations) to non-core airflow (#26289)``
* ``Improve ElasticsearchTaskHandler (#21942)``
* ``Adding ElasticserachPythonHook - ES Hook With The Python Client (#24895)``
* ``Move all SQL classes to common-sql provider (#24836)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Move fallible ti.task.dag assignment back inside try/except block (#24533) (#24592)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Only assert stuff for mypy when type checking (#24937)``
* ``Move provider dependencies to inside provider folders (#24672)``
* ``Remove 'hook-class-names' from provider.yaml (#24702)``
Breaking changes
.. note::
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.2+ as explained in the
`Apache Airflow providers support policy <>`_.
* ``Apply per-run log templates to log handlers (#24153)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Fix new MyPy errors in main (#22884)``
* ``Add explanatory note for contributors about updating Changelog (#24229)``
* ``removed old files (#24172)``
* ``Prepare provider documentation 2022.05.11 (#23631)``
* ``Use new Breese for building, pulling and verifying the images. (#23104)``
* ``Prepare docs for May 2022 provider's release (#24231)``
* ``Update package description to remove double min-airflow specification (#24292)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Make ElasticSearch Provider compatible for Airflow<2.3 (#22814)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Update black precommit (#22521)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Fix mistakenly added install_requires for all providers (#22382)``
* ``Fix "run_id" k8s and elasticsearch compatibility with Airflow 2.1 (#22385)``
* ``Add Trove classifiers in PyPI (Framework :: Apache Airflow :: Provider)``
Breaking changes
* ``Change default log filename template to include map_index (#21495)``
* ``Support for Python 3.10``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Type TaskInstance.task to Operator and call unmap() when needed (#21563)``
* ``Emit "logs not found" message when ES logs appear to be missing (#21261)``
* ``Use compat data interval shim in log handlers (#21289)``
* ``Clarify ElasticsearchTaskHandler docstring (#21255)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Fixed changelog for January 2022 (delayed) provider's release (#21439)``
* ``Fix K8S changelog to be PyPI-compatible (#20614)``
* ``Fix mypy for providers: elasticsearch, oracle, yandex (#20344)``
* ``Fix duplicate changelog entries (#19759)``
* ``Add pre-commit check for docstring param types (#21398)``
* ``Add documentation for January 2021 providers release (#21257)``
* ``Remove ':type' lines now sphinx-autoapi supports typehints (#20951)``
* ``Update documentation for provider December 2021 release (#20523)``
* ``Update documentation for November 2021 provider's release (#19882)``
* ``Add docs for AIP 39: Timetables (#17552)``
* ``Adds example showing the ES_hook (#17944)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Update documentation for September providers release (#18613)``
* ``Updating the Elasticsearch example DAG to use the TaskFlow API (#18565)``
Bug Fixes
* ``Fix Invalid log order in ElasticsearchTaskHandler (#17551)``
* ``Optimise connection importing for Airflow 2.2.0``
* ``Adds secrets backend/logging/auth information to provider yaml (#17625)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Update description about the new ''connection-types'' provider meta-data (#17767)``
* ``Import Hooks lazily individually in providers manager (#17682)``
Bug Fixes
* Updated dependencies to allow Python 3.9 support
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
Breaking changes
* ``Auto-apply apply_default decorator (#15667)``
* ``Remove support Jinja templated log_id in Elasticsearch (#16465)``
While undocumented, previously ``[elasticsearch] log_id`` supported a Jinja templated string.
Support for Jinja templates has now been removed. ``log_id`` should be a template string instead,
for example: ``{dag_id}-{task_id}-{execution_date}-{try_number}``.
If you used a Jinja template previously, the ``execution_date`` on your Elasticsearch documents will need
to be updated to the new format.
.. warning:: Due to apply_default decorator removal, this version of the provider requires Airflow 2.1.0+.
If your Airflow version is < 2.1.0, and you want to install this provider version, first upgrade
Airflow to at least version 2.1.0. Otherwise your Airflow package version will be upgraded
automatically and you will have to manually run ``airflow upgrade db`` to complete the migration.
* ``Support remote logging in elasticsearch with filebeat 7 (#14625)``
* ``Support non-https elasticsearch external links (#16489)``
Bug fixes
* ``Fix external elasticsearch logs link (#16357)``
* ``Fix Elasticsearch external log link with ''json_format'' (#16467)``
.. Below changes are excluded from the changelog. Move them to
appropriate section above if needed. Do not delete the lines(!):
* ``Bump pyupgrade v2.13.0 to v2.18.1 (#15991)``
* ``Updated documentation for June 2021 provider release (#16294)``
* ``Docs: Fix url for ''Elasticsearch'' (#16275)``
* ``Add ElasticSearch Connection Doc (#16436)``
* ``More documentation update for June providers release (#16405)``
* ``Synchronizes updated changelog after buggfix release (#16464)``
Bug fixes
* ``Fix 'logging.exception' redundancy (#14823)``
* ``Fix exception caused by missing keys in the ElasticSearch Record (#15163)``
Bug fixes
* ``Elasticsearch Provider: Fix logs downloading for tasks (#14686)``
Bug fixes
* ``Corrections in docs and tools after releasing provider RCs (#14082)``
Updated documentation and readme files.
Bug fixes
* ``Respect LogFormat when using ES logging with Json Format (#13310)``
Initial version of the provider.