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Setting Configuration Options
The first time you run Airflow, it will create a file called ``airflow.cfg`` in
your ``$AIRFLOW_HOME`` directory (``~/airflow`` by default). This is in order to make it easy to
"play" with airflow configuration.
However, for production case you are advised to generate the configuration using command line:
.. code-block:: bash
airflow config list --defaults
This command will produce the output that you can copy to your configuration file and edit.
It will contain all the default configuration options, with examples, nicely commented out
so you need only un-comment and modify those that you want to change.
This way you can easily keep track of all the configuration options that you changed from default
and you can also easily upgrade your installation to new versions of Airflow when they come out and
automatically use the defaults for existing options if they changed there.
You can redirect it to your configuration file and edit it:
.. code-block:: bash
airflow config list --defaults > "${AIRFLOW_HOME}/airflow.cfg"
You can also set options with environment variables by using this format:
:envvar:`AIRFLOW__{SECTION}__{KEY}` (note the double underscores).
For example, the metadata database connection string can either be set in ``airflow.cfg`` like this:
.. code-block:: ini
sql_alchemy_conn = my_conn_string
or by creating a corresponding environment variable:
.. code-block:: bash
Note that when the section name has a dot in it, you must replace it with an underscore when setting the env var.
For example consider the pretend section ``providers.some_provider``:
.. code-block:: ini
this_param = true
.. code-block:: bash
You can also derive the connection string at run time by appending ``_cmd`` to
the key like this:
.. code-block:: ini
sql_alchemy_conn_cmd = bash_command_to_run
You can also derive the connection string at run time by appending ``_secret`` to
the key like this:
.. code-block:: ini
sql_alchemy_conn_secret = sql_alchemy_conn
# You can also add a nested path
# example:
# sql_alchemy_conn_secret = database/sql_alchemy_conn
This will retrieve config option from Secret Backends e.g Hashicorp Vault. See
:ref:`Secrets Backends<secrets_backend_configuration>` for more details.
The following config options support this ``_cmd`` and ``_secret`` version:
* ``sql_alchemy_conn`` in ``[database]`` section
* ``fernet_key`` in ``[core]`` section
* ``broker_url`` in ``[celery]`` section
* ``flower_basic_auth`` in ``[celery]`` section
* ``result_backend`` in ``[celery]`` section
* ``password`` in ``[atlas]`` section
* ``smtp_password`` in ``[smtp]`` section
* ``secret_key`` in ``[webserver]`` section
The ``_cmd`` config options can also be set using a corresponding environment variable
the same way the usual config options can. For example:
.. code-block:: bash
export AIRFLOW__DATABASE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN_CMD=bash_command_to_run
Similarly, ``_secret`` config options can also be set using a corresponding environment variable.
For example:
.. code-block:: bash
.. note::
The config options must follow the config prefix naming convention defined within the secrets backend. This means that ``sql_alchemy_conn`` is not defined with a connection prefix, but with config prefix. For example it should be named as ``airflow/config/sql_alchemy_conn``
The idea behind this is to not store passwords on boxes in plain text files.
The universal order of precedence for all configuration options is as follows:
#. set as an environment variable (``AIRFLOW__DATABASE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN``)
#. set as a command environment variable (``AIRFLOW__DATABASE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN_CMD``)
#. set as a secret environment variable (``AIRFLOW__DATABASE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN_SECRET``)
#. set in ``airflow.cfg``
#. command in ``airflow.cfg``
#. secret key in ``airflow.cfg``
#. Airflow's built in defaults
.. note::
For Airflow versions >= 2.2.1, < 2.3.0 Airflow's built in defaults took precedence
over command and secret key in ``airflow.cfg`` in some circumstances.
You can check the current configuration with the ``airflow config list`` command.
If you only want to see the value for one option, you can use ``airflow config get-value`` command as in
the example below.
.. code-block:: bash
$ airflow config get-value core executor
.. note::
For more information on configuration options, see :doc:`../configurations-ref`
.. note::
See :doc:`/administration-and-deployment/modules_management` for details on how Python and Airflow manage modules.
.. note::
Use the same configuration across all the Airflow components. While each component
does not require all, some configurations need to be same otherwise they would not
work as expected. A good example for that is :ref:`secret_key<config:webserver__secret_key>` which
should be same on the Webserver and Worker to allow Webserver to fetch logs from Worker.
The webserver key is also used to authorize requests to Celery workers when logs are retrieved. The token
generated using the secret key has a short expiry time though - make sure that time on ALL the machines
that you run airflow components on is synchronized (for example using ntpd) otherwise you might get
"forbidden" errors when the logs are accessed.
Configuring Flask Application for Airflow Webserver
Airflow uses Flask to render the web UI. When you initialize the Airflow webserver, predefined configuration
is used, based on the ``webserver`` section of the ``airflow.cfg`` file. You can override these settings
and add any extra settings however by adding flask configuration to ```` file in your
``$AIRFLOW_HOME`` directory. This file is automatically loaded by the webserver.
For example if you would like to change rate limit strategy to "moving window", you can set the
``RATELIMIT_STRATEGY`` to ``moving-window``.
You could also enhance / modify the underlying flask app directly,
as the `app context <>`_ is pushed to ````:
.. code-block:: python
from flask import current_app as app
def print_custom_message() -> None:
print("Executing before every request")