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under the License.
.. _templates-ref:
Templates reference
Variables, macros and filters can be used in templates (see the :ref:`concepts:jinja-templating` section)
The following come for free out of the box with Airflow.
Additional custom macros can be added globally through :doc:`/plugins`, or at a DAG level through the
``DAG.user_defined_macros`` argument.
.. _templates:variables:
The Airflow engine passes a few variables by default that are accessible
in all templates
========================================== ====================================
Variable Description
========================================== ====================================
``{{ data_interval_start }}`` Start of the data interval (`pendulum.DateTime`_).
``{{ data_interval_end }}`` End of the data interval (`pendulum.DateTime`_).
``{{ ds }}`` The DAG run's logical date as ``YYYY-MM-DD``.
Same as ``{{ dag_run.logical_date | ds }}``.
``{{ ds_nodash }}`` Same as ``{{ dag_run.logical_date | ds_nodash }}``.
``{{ ts }}`` Same as ``{{ dag_run.logical_date | ts }}``.
Example: ``2018-01-01T00:00:00+00:00``.
``{{ ts_nodash_with_tz }}`` Same as ``{{ dag_run.logical_date | ts_nodash_with_tz }}``.
Example: ``20180101T000000+0000``.
``{{ ts_nodash }}`` Same as ``{{ dag_run.logical_date | ts_nodash }}``.
Example: ``20180101T000000``.
``{{ prev_data_interval_start_success }}`` Start of the data interval from prior successful DAG run
(`pendulum.DateTime`_ or ``None``).
``{{ prev_data_interval_end_success }}`` End of the data interval from prior successful DAG run
(`pendulum.DateTime`_ or ``None``).
``{{ prev_start_date_success }}`` Start date from prior successful dag run (if available)
(`pendulum.DateTime`_ or ``None``).
``{{ dag }}`` The DAG object.
``{{ task }}`` The Task object.
``{{ macros }}`` A reference to the macros package, described below.
``{{ task_instance }}`` The task_instance object.
``{{ ti }}`` Same as ``{{ task_instance }}``.
``{{ params }}`` A reference to the user-defined params dictionary which can be
overridden by the dictionary passed through ``trigger_dag -c`` if
you enabled ``dag_run_conf_overrides_params`` in ``airflow.cfg``.
``{{ var.value.my_var }}`` Global defined variables represented as a dictionary.
``{{ var.json.my_var.path }}`` Global defined variables represented as a dictionary.
With deserialized JSON object, append the path to the key within
the JSON object.
``{{ conn.my_conn_id }}`` Connection represented as a dictionary.
``{{ task_instance_key_str }}`` A unique, human-readable key to the task instance formatted
``{{ conf }}`` The full configuration object located at
``airflow.configuration.conf`` which represents the content of
your ``airflow.cfg``.
``{{ run_id }}`` The ``run_id`` of the current DAG run.
``{{ dag_run }}`` A reference to the DagRun object.
``{{ test_mode }}`` Whether the task instance was called using the CLI's test
========================================== ====================================
.. note::
The DAG run's logical date, and values derived from it, such as ``ds`` and
``ts``, **should not** be considered unique in a DAG. Use ``run_id`` instead.
The following variables are deprecated. They are kept for backward compatibility, but you should convert
existing code to use other variables instead.
===================================== ====================================
Deprecated Variable Description
===================================== ====================================
``{{ execution_date }}`` the execution date (logical date), same as ``dag_run.logical_date``
``{{ next_execution_date }}`` the next execution date (if available) (`pendulum.DateTime`_)
if ``{{ execution_date }}`` is ``2018-01-01 00:00:00`` and
``schedule_interval`` is ``@weekly``, ``{{ next_execution_date }}``
will be ``2018-01-08 00:00:00``
``{{ next_ds }}`` the next execution date as ``YYYY-MM-DD`` if exists, else ``None``
``{{ next_ds_nodash }}`` the next execution date as ``YYYYMMDD`` if exists, else ``None``
``{{ prev_execution_date }}`` the previous execution date (if available) (`pendulum.DateTime`_)
if ``{{ execution_date }}`` is ``2018-01-08 00:00:00`` and
``schedule_interval`` is ``@weekly``, ``{{ prev_execution_date }}``
will be ``2018-01-01 00:00:00``
``{{ prev_ds }}`` the previous execution date as ``YYYY-MM-DD`` if exists, else ``None``
``{{ prev_ds_nodash }}`` the previous execution date as ``YYYYMMDD`` if exists, else ``None``
``{{ yesterday_ds }}`` the day before the execution date as ``YYYY-MM-DD``
``{{ yesterday_ds_nodash }}`` the day before the execution date as ``YYYYMMDD``
``{{ tomorrow_ds }}`` the day after the execution date as ``YYYY-MM-DD``
``{{ tomorrow_ds_nodash }}`` the day after the execution date as ``YYYYMMDD``
``{{ prev_execution_date_success }}`` execution date from prior successful dag run
===================================== ====================================
Note that you can access the object's attributes and methods with simple
dot notation. Here are some examples of what is possible:
``{{ task.owner }}``, ``{{ task.task_id }}``, ``{{ ti.hostname }}``, ...
Refer to the models documentation for more information on the objects'
attributes and methods.
Airflow Variables in Templates
The ``var`` template variable allows you to access Airflow Variables.
You can access them as either plain-text or JSON. If you use JSON, you are
also able to walk nested structures, such as dictionaries like:
``{{ var.json.my_dict_var.key1 }}``.
It is also possible to fetch a variable by string if needed with
``{{ var.value.get('my.var', 'fallback') }}`` or
``{{ var.json.get('my.dict.var', {'key1': 'val1'}) }}``. Defaults can be
supplied in case the variable does not exist.
Airflow Connections in Templates
Similarly, Airflow Connections data can be accessed via the ``conn`` template variable. For example, you could use expressions in your templates like ``{{ conn.my_conn_id.login }}``,
``{{ conn.my_conn_id.password }}``, etc.
Just like with ``var`` it's possible to fetch a connection by string (e.g. ``{{ conn.get('my_conn_id_'+index).host }}``
) or provide defaults (e.g ``{{ conn.get('my_conn_id', {"host": "host1", "login": "user1"}).host }}``).
Additionally, the ``extras`` field of a connection can be fetched as a Python Dictionary with the ``extra_dejson`` field, e.g.
``conn.my_aws_conn_id.extra_dejson.region_name`` would fetch ``region_name`` out of ``extras``.
Airflow defines some Jinja filters that can be used to format values.
For example, using ``{{ execution_date | ds }}`` will output the execution_date in the ``YYYY-MM-DD`` format.
===================== ============ ==================================================================
Filter Operates on Description
===================== ============ ==================================================================
``ds`` datetime Format the datetime as ``YYYY-MM-DD``
``ds_nodash`` datetime Format the datetime as ``YYYYMMDD``
``ts`` datetime Same as ``.isoformat()``, Example: ``2018-01-01T00:00:00+00:00``
``ts_nodash`` datetime Same as ``ts`` filter without ``-``, ``:`` or TimeZone info.
Example: ``20180101T000000``
``ts_nodash_with_tz`` datetime As ``ts`` filter without ``-`` or ``:``. Example
===================== ============ ==================================================================
.. _templates:macros:
Macros are a way to expose objects to your templates and live under the
``macros`` namespace in your templates.
A few commonly used libraries and methods are made available.
================================= ==============================================
Variable Description
================================= ==============================================
``macros.datetime`` The standard lib's :class:`datetime.datetime`
``macros.timedelta`` The standard lib's :class:`datetime.timedelta`
``macros.dateutil`` A reference to the ``dateutil`` package
``macros.time`` The standard lib's :mod:`time`
``macros.uuid`` The standard lib's :mod:`uuid`
``macros.random`` The standard lib's :class:`random.random`
================================= ==============================================
Some airflow specific macros are also defined:
.. automodule:: airflow.macros
.. automodule:: airflow.macros.hive
.. _pendulum.DateTime: