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Google Cloud Storage Transfer Operator to SFTP
Google has a service `Google Cloud Storage <>`__.
This service is used to store large data from various applications.
SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a secure file transfer protocol.
It runs over the SSH protocol. It supports the full security and authentication functionality of SSH.
Prerequisite Tasks
.. include::/operators/_partials/prerequisite_tasks.rst
.. _howto/operator:GCSToSFTPOperator:
Transfer files between SFTP and Google Storage is performed with the
:class:`` operator.
Use :ref:`Jinja templating <concepts:jinja-templating>` with
to define values dynamically.
Copying a single file
The following Operator copies a single file.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../tests/system/providers/google/cloud/transfers/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_operator_gcs_to_sftp_copy_single_file]
:end-before: [END howto_operator_gcs_to_sftp_copy_single_file]
Moving a single file
To move the file use the ``move_object`` parameter. Once the file is copied to SFTP,
the original file from the Google Storage is deleted. The ``destination_path`` parameter defines the
full path of the file on the SFTP server.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../tests/system/providers/google/cloud/transfers/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_operator_gcs_to_sftp_move_single_file_destination]
:end-before: [END howto_operator_gcs_to_sftp_move_single_file_destination]
Copying a directory
Use the ``wildcard`` in ``source_path`` parameter to copy a directory.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../tests/system/providers/google/cloud/transfers/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_operator_gcs_to_sftp_copy_directory]
:end-before: [END howto_operator_gcs_to_sftp_copy_directory]
Moving specific files
Use the ``wildcard`` in ``source_path`` parameter to move the specific files.
The ``destination_path`` defines the path that is prefixed to all copied files.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../tests/system/providers/google/cloud/transfers/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_operator_gcs_to_sftp_move_specific_files]
:end-before: [END howto_operator_gcs_to_sftp_move_specific_files]
For further information, look at:
* `Google Cloud Storage Documentation <>`__