blob: 3ee1011af0fd330ad0506f49e2692e6c621c7e83 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.models.skipmixin
Module Contents
.. py:class:: SkipMixin
Bases: :class:`airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin.LoggingMixin`
.. method:: skip(self, dag_run, execution_date, tasks, session=None)
Sets tasks instances to skipped from the same dag run.
:param dag_run: the DagRun for which to set the tasks to skipped
:param execution_date: execution_date
:param tasks: tasks to skip (not task_ids)
:param session: db session to use
.. method:: skip_all_except(self, ti, branch_task_ids)
This method implements the logic for a branching operator; given a single
task ID or list of task IDs to follow, this skips all other tasks
immediately downstream of this operator.