blob: dab7c0144eba158b6596c3d7a4573f1304386372 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.contrib.operators.sagemaker_base_operator
Module Contents
.. py:class:: SageMakerBaseOperator(config, aws_conn_id='aws_default', *args, **kwargs)
This is the base operator for all SageMaker operators.
:param config: The configuration necessary to start a training job (templated)
:type config: dict
:param aws_conn_id: The AWS connection ID to use.
:type aws_conn_id: str
.. attribute:: template_fields
:annotation: = ['config']
.. attribute:: template_ext
:annotation: = []
.. attribute:: ui_color
:annotation: = #ededed
.. attribute:: integer_fields
:annotation: = []
.. method:: parse_integer(self, config, field)
.. method:: parse_config_integers(self)
.. method:: expand_role(self)
.. method:: preprocess_config(self)
.. method:: execute(self, context)