blob: 4feb00f165a8c23751be0d39587f95ec974ec392 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.contrib.hooks.datadog_hook
Module Contents
.. py:class:: DatadogHook(datadog_conn_id='datadog_default')
Bases::class:`airflow.hooks.base_hook.BaseHook`, :class:`airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin.LoggingMixin`
Uses datadog API to send metrics of practically anything measurable,
so it's possible to track # of db records inserted/deleted, records read
from file and many other useful metrics.
Depends on the datadog API, which has to be deployed on the same server where
Airflow runs.
:param datadog_conn_id: The connection to datadog, containing metadata for api keys.
:param datadog_conn_id: str
.. method:: validate_response(self, response)
.. method:: send_metric(self, metric_name, datapoint, tags=None, type_=None, interval=None)
Sends a single datapoint metric to DataDog
:param metric_name: The name of the metric
:type metric_name: str
:param datapoint: A single integer or float related to the metric
:type datapoint: int or float
:param tags: A list of tags associated with the metric
:type tags: list
:param type_: Type of your metric: gauge, rate, or count
:type type_: str
:param interval: If the type of the metric is rate or count, define the corresponding interval
:type interval: int
.. method:: query_metric(self, query, from_seconds_ago, to_seconds_ago)
Queries datadog for a specific metric, potentially with some
function applied to it and returns the results.
:param query: The datadog query to execute (see datadog docs)
:type query: str
:param from_seconds_ago: How many seconds ago to start querying for.
:type from_seconds_ago: int
:param to_seconds_ago: Up to how many seconds ago to query for.
:type to_seconds_ago: int
.. method:: post_event(self, title, text, aggregation_key=None, alert_type=None, date_happened=None, handle=None, priority=None, related_event_id=None, tags=None, device_name=None)
Posts an event to datadog (processing finished, potentially alerts, other issues)
Think about this as a means to maintain persistence of alerts, rather than
alerting itself.
:param title: The title of the event
:type title: str
:param text: The body of the event (more information)
:type text: str
:param aggregation_key: Key that can be used to aggregate this event in a stream
:type aggregation_key: str
:param alert_type: The alert type for the event, one of
["error", "warning", "info", "success"]
:type alert_type: str
:param date_happened: POSIX timestamp of the event; defaults to now
:type date_happened: int
:handle: User to post the event as; defaults to owner of the application key used
to submit.
:param handle: str
:param priority: Priority to post the event as. ("normal" or "low", defaults to "normal")
:type priority: str
:param related_event_id: Post event as a child of the given event
:type related_event_id: id
:param tags: List of tags to apply to the event
:type tags: list[str]
:param device_name: device_name to post the event with
:type device_name: list