blob: 35a472f311a14657817ecad29c3fe3b3cd7982a7 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: airflow.contrib.hooks.azure_cosmos_hook
Module Contents
.. py:class:: AzureCosmosDBHook(azure_cosmos_conn_id='azure_cosmos_default')
Interacts with Azure CosmosDB.
login should be the endpoint uri, password should be the master key
optionally, you can use the following extras to default these values
{"database_name": "<DATABASE_NAME>", "collection_name": "COLLECTION_NAME"}.
:param azure_cosmos_conn_id: Reference to the Azure CosmosDB connection.
:type azure_cosmos_conn_id: str
.. method:: get_conn(self)
Return a cosmos db client.
.. method:: __get_database_name(self, database_name=None)
.. method:: __get_collection_name(self, collection_name=None)
.. method:: does_collection_exist(self, collection_name, database_name=None)
Checks if a collection exists in CosmosDB.
.. method:: create_collection(self, collection_name, database_name=None)
Creates a new collection in the CosmosDB database.
.. method:: does_database_exist(self, database_name)
Checks if a database exists in CosmosDB.
.. method:: create_database(self, database_name)
Creates a new database in CosmosDB.
.. method:: delete_database(self, database_name)
Deletes an existing database in CosmosDB.
.. method:: delete_collection(self, collection_name, database_name=None)
Deletes an existing collection in the CosmosDB database.
.. method:: upsert_document(self, document, database_name=None, collection_name=None, document_id=None)
Inserts a new document (or updates an existing one) into an existing
collection in the CosmosDB database.
.. method:: insert_documents(self, documents, database_name=None, collection_name=None)
Insert a list of new documents into an existing collection in the CosmosDB database.
.. method:: delete_document(self, document_id, database_name=None, collection_name=None)
Delete an existing document out of a collection in the CosmosDB database.
.. method:: get_document(self, document_id, database_name=None, collection_name=None)
Get a document from an existing collection in the CosmosDB database.
.. method:: get_documents(self, sql_string, database_name=None, collection_name=None, partition_key=None)
Get a list of documents from an existing collection in the CosmosDB database via SQL query.
.. function:: get_database_link(database_id)
.. function:: get_collection_link(database_id, collection_id)
.. function:: get_document_link(database_id, collection_id, document_id)